Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Vintage & Vogue Christmas-Part II

Are you ready to see more of the beautiful things at Vintage & Vogue?

Every time I look at these photos I see something else I want to go back and get!!!
I did buy some things when I was there and I'll share those this Friday for Show and Tell.

How cute is this...
and this...
I'm really in the mood to decorate for Christmas now! My company is having a shutdown the week of Thanksgiving so I'll be home all next week! I can hardly wait! I going to start decorating early this year!

Vintage & Vogue
241 East Campbell Ave. Ste A
Campbell, CA

I'm off work today! My landlord is having new windows put in. I'll be saying farewell to the 1969 ugly aluminum windows and hello to brand new double pane energy efficient windows today! They are putting them in right now. I didn't realize they have to break the stucco off around the back sliding door. The cabinet I have hanging on the wall with all my chintz is on that same wall...Oh my gosh...panic! All the china started rattleing around. I had to quickly move it all at the same time I was holding Beau because he wants to attack these guys! I don't speak Spanish but I did make out that he was telling his guys about antiques. Hopefully he was telling them to be careful! haha


  1. OMG I want to live there. That white tree is to die for.

  2. Cindy~ ~
    I so want that cupcake ornament, in fact I'd love 12 of them! The shop is stunning.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  3. I love it all, and I want it all!! Unfortunately I don't have the money!! Love the white tree with the pink, aqua and green decor; love the ornaments that look like they are hand-painted w/the pink and green floral design. Plus, love the white paper stars strung across the fireplace mantle!! Love the snowmen!! All of it is beautiful!! Can't wait to see your Show and Tell Friday!! Can't wait to see how you will decorate your home for Christmas!! (I found a pink mercury hurricane candle holder that was about 5 inches high, a few weeks ago at my favorite store - Home Goods/Marshalls, plus they had a pink mercury ornament ball with "diamonds" around the center. I love a pink or pink and blue theme so I will be decorating with pink for Christmas!! (Your plates with the pink roses with a touch of aqua from the flea market the other day were gorgous!!) Take care!

  4. All I can say is that I love this store. OMG, the christmas tree is so beautiful! I wish I lived near by to visit this store but I know my husband is glad we don't!

    Have a great day and thanks for sharing.


  5. Cindy....I love all your pics...love that gorgeous tree, mercury ornaments, cupcake ornament.....could go on and on....Beautiful! I'm decorating early this year too!!!!!

  6. This shop is to fun. Good thing I don't live closer!!lol I have enough places simular around here that make in dangerous to shop, ha.
    Have fun decorating, can't wait to see your photos. I have been starting my decorating too, slowly.

  7. goodness, that store is gorgeous!!!!

  8. Oh I loved this. I decorated in pink and love the cottages.... Lovely....

  9. Gorgeous pink victorian flocked tree. I would love to take a stroll through that store, and drool.

  10. All that white!!! Gorgeous!!! They seriously need an online shop.....Seriously.....

    Can't wait to see your Christmas!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  11. Simply gorgeous...believe me when I say I want it all and especially a dozen of those cupcake ornaments!


  12. Hi Cindy, I love the pictures from this shop.. I could spend all day in there drooling over everything.. so many pretty items...

    I hope your windows are finished being installed ... new windows will be great and save you money with your heating bills..
    Have a good day.... Baba

  13. Love the shop. Can't wait to see what you do with what you bought.
    Stop by my blog if you have a chance...my husband is the guest blogger and i'm hoping everyone will show him some love


  14. Dear Santa,
    I want to go to Vintage & Vogue...
    pleeeeeaseeeee!! Maybe you could
    give me a lift in your sleigh...
    Oh Yeah back to reality,I'm way to
    far away..BooHoo!! I love that shop. It is fabulous..I want a cup
    cake to go on my tree.
    We had a roof put on a few years
    ago and the roofers hit the roof
    so hard they shook and broke a lot
    of my collectible dishes. I was so
    mad at them. They didn't have to
    hammer so hard,they could have used a softer method..LOL...:O)

  15. You sure have your hands full today. I hope you didn't have any damage to all those pretties. The new windows are going to make such a big difference in your utility bills. Then you'll have more money for Vintage and Vogue! Sure wish we had one here. I would just go to drool for a couple of hours.

  16. Life is an adventure, isn't it! I hope your new windows are in now without in problems! Love these photos of Christmas decor. What beauty!

  17. You diverted a near disaster!

    I love that cupcake ornament and the Breakfast at Tiffany's window... my daughter would love that but can you imagine the shipping costs to Missouri? I think I will just admire it in your photo!

  18. Love the pink and seablue color theme! The cupcake ornament caught my eye too!

  19. Ooooo! I want that Christmas tree! Thanks so much for sharing...wish I lived a tad closer!

  20. Hi Cindy,
    Such a great shop with lovely eye candy. I wouldn't know what to look at first, everything is so pretty!
    Your photos are really clear and crisp very pretty to look at.
    Take care and enjoy your day,

  21. What a great place to shop, they have some really gorgeous stuff, don't they! I really love that cute little snowman that you commented on. How wonderful for you that you are getting new windows, you will notice a difference. Hugs, Cindy S.

  22. Oh, my Cindy!! I'd have to check my credit card at the door!!


  23. So, who won the drawing for the Pfaltzgraff on your reviews page? I've been looking, but haven't seen a winner.


  24. Just gorgeous! I'd love to visit.

  25. Love that shop....

    Excited about your windows - do they have the white plastic type frames? I loved it when we got rid of our old windows! I got some of mine with the grids, and I love the bit of a cottage look they had to my house!

  26. Absolutely exquisite photos,Cindy. You did a fabulous job! Sincerely, Susan from writingstraightfromtheheart.blogspot.com

  27. Hi Cindy, I also panic when men come in and make a mess, I understand you!!!
    I wasn´t that friendly with glitter but after seeing these images I relly think they are very cute... and shiny!!
    Well, hope the window work gets done soon.
    María Cecilia

  28. Thank you for posting the beautiful
    photos from Vintage and Vogue.
    You captured the magic of Christmas
    in your photos!
    I can't wait to start decorating
    for Christms too!


  29. OMG, now I really have to pay a visit to Vintage & Vogue!

    Congrats on the new windows! You should see lower PG&E rates this window! Poor Beau... ☺

  30. Oooh, I just love this store! Can't wait to see your purchases!

    Thanks for sharing this bit of heaven!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  31. WOW that was a feast for the eyes.

  32. Cindy....What a beautiful store with beautiful decor! Someone is very talented with their styling! I would love to flock my tree but I don't know if anyone sells anything that wouldn't crumble and fall off? I love their Christmas tree!~Patti

  33. Your website is gorgeous. All the wonderful eye candy. I HAVE to follow a site so pretty.


  34. Cindy,

    The tree is perfect for my Barbie Room, WOW! what a great store I am keeping it on the list of things I need to visit before I die. It's a dream land there.


  35. Cindy,

    The tree is perfect for my Barbie Room, I am keeping this post to add to my list of places I must visit before I die. LOl


  36. Ok, Cindy, how adorable is that cupcake ornament!! I love it.

    I visited Vintage & Vogue right after they put up the Halloween decor. It sure was adorable! I saw many things I would LOVE, but budget does allow. It was fun to see the shop though!

    Your new windows will help keep it warmer during chilly times! So gald you are finally getting them! I sure hope they don't break anything! I hope your landlord is around to be sure they don't go wandering about your lovely home!


  37. This really is a beautiful array of Christmas spirit! Thank you for sharing it with us Cindy :)
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  38. Oh my what pretty droll candy! I just love it! Thank you for sharing.


  39. Oh man!!!!!! I can't stand it! I told hubby that I wanted him to take down the boxes from the attic the end of this week. I WANT THEM DOWN NOW!!!!! I can't wait to go wild decorating for Christmas!!!!


  40. how fantastic is this shop.. it's like a chistmasy winter wonderland

  41. how fantastic is this shop.. it's like a chistmasy winter wonderland

  42. I so badly want to come down and visit that store, I am trying to come down to see my mom before Christmas as they will be spending the holidays with me up here, she would love that store and it would be a fun outing for us......thanks for sharing all the fabulous vintage love!


  43. So beautiful and wintery! I love the photos with a silver and blue theme because those are the colors I decorate in for Christmas! P.S. The new windows will make SUCH a huge difference! In looks and in your heating and cooling bill! We had aluminum windows in our old house and I hated them. Love the double pane windows in our new house.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy