Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Half Moon Bay Part II (and giveaway winner)

Here are some more photos from our little staycation day-trip to Half Moon Bay. As you can see it was a gorgeous day. You may have heard on the news about the big fire near Santa Cruz, luckily the smoke was blowing in the opposite direction so we didn't have to deal with that. It's been smoky in Silicon Valley for the last couple of days though.
This cute little house was just off Main St. in Half Moon Bay. I could move right in there and have a cute little shop on Main St....I'm such a dreamer!
And this church was just down the street.
Some surfers...

The restaurant above is Sam's Chowder House and that's were Lauren and I and her friend had lunch. I want to go back and have a lobster roll there. It was voted one of the best 5 sandwiches in America by NBC's The Today Show.
This antique store on Main St. had a lot to look at both inside and out...

This mural is painted on the side of the building. A tribute to the huge surf competition that is held in Half Moon Bay each year called Mavericks.
While in the antique store I came upon a snack set just like the one I'm giving away. This one had 4 plates and 4 cups and was priced at $48/set. Mine is 8 plates and 6 cups and the lucky winner is: Allison of The Bower Nest! Thanks to all that entered!


  1. Oh, goodness, Cindy! When I was 15I worked at that restraurant (within very close walking distance to my childhood home)! I was hostess, and the it was called "Ida's" back in the 80's. I was a hostess and I had to wear a SHORT blue one piece sailor suit! (Yikes!) There was a gift store next to it with a window looking in. My parents used to bring visiting family members down to peek through that window to show off their daughter's first job! Geeez. My brother and I hopped along the rocks all the ends of both sides of the breakwater when we were kids (would break an arm trying that now). And Half of Have It? Used to be a lumber store when I was a kid. Piles of lumber all outside in that yard. Much nicer now! Glad you have such a sunny day there! Aww, home sweet home!!!!

  2. Opps, my above post says 151! I meant 15!! :)

  3. I love Half Moon Bay! Wishing I was there right now...such a beautiful and fun coastal town. Can't wait to have a little "vacation" there again.
    xo Lidy

  4. What beautiful pictures. I could get lost in the moment just looking at them. I may even have to put that on my list of places to visit!!

  5. Cindy, I have enjoyed part II very much! Gorgeous pics! You are surrounded by such beautiful places! & That lobster roll sounds really yummy! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog & welcoming me! That was so thoughtful of you! Thanks for sharing with us! Hope you have a great week! ~ Teresa

  6. Congrats to Allison! I love your pictures. The kitchen stuff is to die for! I'm still not breathing right!!!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  7. Oh how I miss the north west coast! Thank you so much for posting your pictures! It is like coming home! :o)
    Next month I am will be in Marin country for a few days and can hardly wait to take in a day at the beach (Stinson) and a Giants game!! :o)
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

  8. Hi, CIndy!
    I don't think I have commented here for a while, but drop by for a visit when I can. Half Moon Bay looks like it was an EXCELLENT staycation! Know what bowled me away? The mural. I love seeing murals used to promote a city. We often go through Silverton, Oregon where they have a ton of murals. The small ones had fun looking at all the buildings trying to find as many as they could!
    Have a super week and hope the smoke is not a problem --
    Betty :)

  9. The antiques and iron and shops and food, but WOW that mural is amazing!

  10. Your pictures really capture the beauty of Half Moon Bay. We haven't been there since a huge car and airplane show a few years ago, but would love to go back, especially when it's really hot here. Love the mural...really depicts the beauty of the ocean. Glad you had a great staycation!

  11. What a fun trip you took. I love that photo of the church! And the antique shops look like it would be so fun to spend time there.

  12. Hey Cindy!
    I enjoyed the trip...it is beautiful there! I felt like I got to tag right along with you.... the pictures are so clear, vivid, and pretty. By the way...I think you could definately own a shop in that little house too! I could see that happening. Congrats to the lucky winner of your giveaway!
    Big Hugs,

  13. Love the antique stores in Half Moon Bay! They had some really neat stuff! Congrats to the winner in your giveaway!~Patti

  14. Hello Cindy; What beautiful photos of Half Moon Bay. Love the shop so many great and beautiful things to see.. Love the mural on the wall. thanks for sharing your trip with us, I had a great time.. Have a great week.
    and Congrats to the lucky winner...


  15. Cindy, Lovely photos of your day out and the shopping...you are so lucky to live where you do. And, about being a dreamer and having a shop on "main street"....where would the world be with dreamers? You just keep on dreaming and one day your dream just might come true! take care, pat

  16. I enjoyed your pics, it lookes like a wonderful sancation. Sorry I didn't win, but I'll still come by.


  17. Hi Cindy,
    I am so glad you gals having a fun time, neat that your daughter enjoys going with you at her age.
    Love seeing your photos but then I wish I were there!!!
    Now I have to go see part I if I dare, tee hee.
    Blessings, Linda

  18. I love Half Moon Bay.
    Haven't been there since last summer. I think I need to visit again soon!

  19. Love your pics of Half Moon Bay, especially the first one! It's gorgeous!! Glad you guys had a fun time and that the smoke didn't get to you. My apartment was so smokey the other night from the Santa Cruz fire that I woke up with my hair smelling like smoke!!!

    Michele R.(CA)
    Luvkittysmeowmail at Gmail dot com
    Butterfly Whispers

  20. Wow! I saw lots of goodies that I'd love to bring home with me from Half Moon Bay. Fortunately we got to staycation in Truckee today instead!

  21. What beautiful pictures. For a moment I forgot everything around me, thanks for sharing the nice picture with us.


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  22. What a wonderful place! Nice photos you have there. Thank you for sharing!

  23. I could move into that house too. What a neat town.
    Glad the smoke was going the opposite way. I've been hearing about all the fires in Calif.
    Congrats to the winner!!

  24. Thanks for posting your trip. I remember Half Moon Bay from a trip, it was all foggy and pretty spectacular.

  25. Hi Cindy! I'm brasilian. I'm enjoying your blog a lot. Come to my blog to visit me. I'd love! I've go to your country for three times. bye.

  26. Love the vintage kitchen stuff, and the stove!

  27. You have given be a great idea. I have been wanting to go somewhere around the ocean and this looks like a great place....


  28. Becky from TennesseeAugust 19, 2009 12:07 PM

    Oh Cindy, every time I visit
    your blog, I want to move to
    CA!! Of course, that will
    never happen but a visit sure
    would be nice....have a guest
    room?? LOL
    I've never had a lobster roll
    (living in middle TN, we don't
    see much FRESH lobster...we
    have catfish sandwiches...
    somehow, I don't think that is
    quite the same!!)

    I love visiting your blog. It
    always makes me smile.


  29. It looks lovely and relaxing. I want to go with my hubby. Aren't there just beautiful places right in out backyard to go for vacation? I really liked the antique shop pics. Thanks for sharing. Inge

  30. I love that stove!!! And the church reminds me of the one we all went to long ago and far away to see Sharon and Dan get married. Remember?

  31. I love this small cute house and the church too.Very nice. Thanks to share.

  32. Boy does that bring back memories! My sister lived in Half Moon Bay during my high school years. Once I graduated I moved in with her to take care of her little boy. She was going through a divorce and was going back to school. Her house was walking distance from the beach. Walked on the beach every night. Just gorgeous!!
    I'm sure the town has changed alot over the years.
    It was a great time...for me..not so much for her. ;)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy