Tuesday, July 07, 2009

My new apothecary jar!

You may remember this beautiful apothecary jar from my previous posts about my favorite little shop, Vintage & Vogue in downtown Campbell, California. I stopped in there last weekend and was I ever shocked when they told me they had something for me and then walked out with this!!! OHHHH MY GOSH...I LOVE IT!!!! I brought it home and filled it with lemon drops! It's so beautiful!
And guess what else I found out on my visit there? They will be opening an online shop soon!!! Now you will be able to shop at Vintage & Vogue too! I'll be sure to let you know as soon they are open for business!


  1. Did they just give it to you??? How come you all have such nice stores out in the west? I envy you all.. nothing much out here in the east.

  2. Yes, it was a gift! I told them I couldn't possibly accept it but they insisted!

  3. That is gorgeous! I'm not surprised they gave it to you as a gift ~ they are so nice. I accidentally broke a beautiful glass tray and offered to pay for it but they didn't want me, too. When I signed their guestbook, they jokingly said to write "Butterfinger" next to my name : )

  4. It's really lovely, Cindy :o)

  5. Hi Cindy,
    What a lovely surprise for such a lovely person. I love lemon drops too, and haven't had any in ages.
    think I might have to get some.
    The candy jar is really gorgeous,
    so was your old one. The book was really neat too, saw the post where you showed the pics in the book, how neat is that!!
    Looking forward to checking out their online store.
    Hope you have a great day hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  6. Lucky girl....love the apothecary jar!!! I want one sooo badly! Cannot wait until the online store, be sure to give us the link to the store!

  7. Hi Ms. Cindy,
    What a wonderful and thoughtful gift. Can't wait to see their online store...Please keep us posted. Have a wonderful day.


  8. I'm so excited that Vintage & Vogue are opening an online store, Cindy! I've loved the pics you have posted of prior shopping trips there! Congrats on the gift.

  9. Lucky you. There are still lovely treasures to be found in the U.S. Over here in the U.K. it's getting harder and harder to find those gorgeous little pieces.Enjoy your lovely jar and enjoy it all the more as you didnlt have to pay for it.

  10. That is fabulous! And looks great with the lemon drops in it. Can't wait to visit the online store--though my wallet and hubby probably can!

  11. This is BEAUTIFUL! You girls all have the best stores out west! I am in the East and we just don't have the stores that you all do out there...just lovely!

  12. It's gorgeous Cindy & how sweet of them! Yay - an online store! ☺ diane

  13. It is beautiful Cindy, and perfect for your home. That was so sweet of them to give it to you.

  14. What a wonderful gift, Cindy! It looks very pretty right there where you placed it!

  15. Lovely gift!Online shopping soon even in Canada-sweet!


  16. Cindy: This is unbelievably beautiful! I LOVE the top! Exquisite! And the lemon drops just set it off!!!

    Lucky you!! But you SO deserve it!

    Can't wait til' the on-line shop is up and going!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  17. What a beautiful piece, just right for your sweet Romantic Home!
    :) xo and hugs, Lidy

  18. What a gorgeous piece with all the details. What a treat!

  19. can't wait to see what they have

    that jar is gorgeous
    how nice of them

    be sure to let us know... i definitely want to shop with them

  20. It's because they love you. And, it is gorgeous. I even love lemon drops, too. They are my favorite color.

  21. You couldn't have put the lemon drops into anything prettier!

  22. Wow! You are so lucky, it's beautiful!

  23. You lucky girl!!!!!

    Perfect for your house!!!!!

    ENJOY IT!!!!!!

  24. Now you have me craving lemon drops. That jar is fab, Cindy!!

  25. Cindy,

    They are both yummy!!!! It's so nice of them! Gotta make it there some day.

  26. Oh my! That is one lovely jar!! Lucky you!
    Hugs, Lisa

  27. OH don't you just love it!!! I called and ordered one and told the gal I wanted one that you had on your blog and she said to me "I think we are going to give her one as she has been looking at this one forawhile!" I could't tell you" I can't wait for the online shop!! Have a great night:)

  28. Great jar. Looking forward to their online shop. It's quite a hike from Boston to California.

  29. Hi Miss Cindy,

    Absolutely beautiful apothecary jar. Is it lead crystal... it looks like it with all the fancy cuttings in the shape of the glass as well as the cuttings into the glass itself. I'll bet it's gorgeous with light shining through it. Great fortune just finds you wherever you go, huh? Good for you. Hugs, Penny Sue

  30. I love your new jar. Apothecary jars are one of my obsessions.
    Thank you again for featuring my Blog. I will be featuring your soon...
    Take care,

  31. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

    m ^..^

  32. Gosh that is a beauty...... the curves.... the lid.... is to die for .... how very nice...... I am sure having you say such nice things about their lovely store...... it is their way of thanking you...... I love it when you get free gifts...... your blog brings such beauty to blogland .....

  33. Oh Cindy that is awesome! Congrats to you. I LOVVVVVVVE that bottle! I just gotta copy you on that idea with the lemon drops! I have ALWAYS loved those things and that is such a NEAT IDEA! Of course my bottle probably wont be as pretty as yours. :)
    So happy for you!

  34. You lucky girl! That jar is really gorgeous! The lemon drops are the perfect thing to compliment it!

  35. That apothecary jar is drop dead GORGEOUS! Love the finial on the top.

  36. Oh wow, what a gift, I am glad you got it, I know that you loved it! It is pretty and fab!
    No, they can't have an online store, to dangerous for us elsewhere, LOL!

  37. OMGosh!! What a fabulous gift, Cindy! They truly value your efforts on their behalf. That is by far the prettiest apothecary jar I've seen.

    I'm so thrilled for you!


  38. Love it!! lucky you!!
    have a nice summerday!!

  39. It is truly the best apothecary jar I've ever seen! Those ladies are just wonderful!!


  40. Very beautiful and how nice of them to present you with this gift. And looks so very pretty with your lemon drops. Can't wait to see when the store goes on line.

  41. Beautiful is right! The finial on the lid is TDF! What sweet friends you have :o)

  42. hi
    I discovered your blog today and so glad that i did!!!
    you are so much like me who takes pleasure in all the small things in life , It shows in your photos , i am going to read your site well .
    keep up the good work...

  43. I know how much you loved it and I am so glad they gifted it to you!
    The lemon drops look so refreshing displayed in your new Apoth. Jar.

    Have a great day!


  44. Gorgeous, I love that the top of the jar is like a chandlier crystal. They obviously love you as much as we do!!
    Hugs, Nerina :)

  45. Hi Cindy
    How nice of them to give you a new jar. It really is beautiful. Nice spot for it also and filled with yummy lemon drops too.

    Now...is THAT place close to SanFrancisco..probably not now that I write that because you are a bit away from SanFrancisco. Do you know any cute shops I could visit while I'm there in a couple of weeks?

    have a lovely evening

  46. Love your new JAR! That top is to die for!!! Can't wait for the online shop to open. Thanks for the news. Enjoy the lemmon drops.

  47. Cindy, I love your romantic shabby chic home. You have done a spectacular job in decorating. I check on your blog every day as it brightens my day. I absolutely love the angel....it would be perfect on my huge covered front porch. Thank you for sharing your home and all your blogs.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy