Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Meet my Camera

I got quite a few emails yesterday asking what camera I use so let me introduce you to my new love! Well, it's not that new, I've had it over a year now. It's a Canon Rebel Xsi. It really is a wonderful camera and I don't even use it to it's full potential.

I bought mine through QVC on their easy-pay option which spread the payments out over 4 months. Although now it looks like they are only offering 3-month easy pay. I got it about the same time I put the BlogHer advertising on my blog so I used my advertising revenue towards it. It was one of the best purchases I've made! I had been borrowing a Canon Xt from my work because I had to learn how to use it once our Graphic Designer left and they weren't going to replace him. I loved that camera so much that I knew I couldn't go back to using a cheaper camera. I was spoiled at that point!

Another trick I use is to boost the color using software. I have Photoshop but that is really expensive but there are free online places you can do this. Picnik is a great free site to enhance your photos. If you have another photo editing site that you like just leave a comment below so others can check it out.

Another trick I've learned is to not use my flash even indoors. Photos look so much better without a flash. If your photo turns out too orange without the flash just use the photo editing software to cool down the color.

It's amazing the difference a good camera makes. If you want to see how bad one of my old cameras was just click here and be taken back to December 2006 when I had the worst camera ever!


  1. Thanks for the info! Your beautiful subjects are made all the more breathtaking with that camera and your artistic eye. The right camera really does make all the difference. I think I'm going to squirrel away some $$$ and buy myself a b-day present this year!

  2. I'm asking Santa for a camera this year. Your pictures are one of the things that drew me to come back over and again to your blog. Can you change lenses on the camera? And use a telephoto or wide angle?

  3. Beautiful! I have a Rebel XTi, it! I got Photoshop Elements when it was on sale at Costco a few months ago, but definitely need to learn to use it better than I do! How do you boost the color?

  4. Oh you lucky girl! The rebel is my dream camera and I'm saving like mad for one. It takes spectacular photos and your eye for beautiful things is doesn't hurt either:>)

  5. The Canon Xsi is also available through and you have 12 months to pay for it! That's how I recently bought my camera and it's worked out well.

    I can't say enough about Google's Picasa. It's an excellent photo program and easy to use. Even someone I know who has outstanding photos uses it on a regular basis. Download it and give it a shot!

    As always Cindy, your photos are lovely.


  6. Happy for you. Very nice pics especially compared to the older ones...ick.

  7. Hi Cindy, I have a great camera I got for my birthday in february, it is around my neck most of the time! I use Photoscape to edit photos, it is so easy, and has plenty to play with.

  8. Your photography is always outstanding. I know you have a great camera, but it's only as good as the person behind it!

    Canon Rebel Xsi + Cindy = Wonderful Photography :-)

    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  9. I believe it is your photography combined with your eye for beauty that makes your blog outstanding. Cannon is a great camera. Three questions: do you "blur" the background when you take the photo or after in photoshop? Is your camera a digital SLR? What is the zoom capability? Unrelated question. Have your thought of a career in photography? Thank you for always making me go "ahhhh" with your photos.

  10. Hi Lynn, I use the camera on the auto mode and if you get close to your subject it does blur the background automatically. I love that!

    Yes, it is a digital SLR

    I'm not sure what the zoom capability is. You can buy different lenses for it though.

  11. I always love all your photos!
    I have a Rebel XT and love it! There are times that I wish I had a smaller camera but I must not want it that bad cause I haven't bought one. lol

  12. Cindy, I have enjoyed reading your blog for some time now. Your home and your blog are both beautiful. Thank you for sharing with us about your camera. I am very new to blogging. I started my blog, Bunny Cottage, a few days ago. I am hoping to get a camera so I can post photos. If you have the time and opportunity I would love for you to visit my blog. I, too, am a romantic at heart and love having a romantic home.

  13. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh am I jealous! She's gorgeous! It might be time for me to invest in something beyond my Coolpix! ;)

    m ^..^

  14. Cindy thank you so much for this information. Some/most of my pictures are LESS THAN how I want them. I will check this out. I am a bit unsure about an SLR so this looks like it might be a good compromise. Have a great rest of the week.

  15. Thank you Cindy. Blurring the background automatically, wow! I am going to have to check this camera out, even if it is out of my budget range at the moment. Enjoy yours and keep posting those beautiful shots.

  16. I get by with a point and shoot but would love a digital SLR camera. I know it would make a huge difference in my photography.

    QVC just had a special value on one but it was still $699. A little bit steep for me at the moment.

    Glad to hear you got a good deal and you're enjoying your camera.

  17. Cindy, Thanks for the info, I am going to look into that camera and for sure the website you use for your pictures.

    Thanks again, have a great weekend.


  18. Hi Cindy,
    I've got to get me one of those. Your pictures are perfect. Love them. Thanks for the information.

    Have a wonderful day.


  19. Lovely blog, and GORGEOUS photos!!! Now I know what camera to look for!

  20. genial tu cámara, se nota en la calida de tus fotografías, me gustó el post anterior, acá en chile existen las llamadas "Ferias Libres", que son asi con todo tipo de verduras y frutas frescas y bueno tambien una parte en donde se instalan con flores y todo tipo de accesorios e incluso al final hay una parte que se le llama "coleros", en donde encuentras cosas usadas tanto como ropa, muebles, etc.... yo he pillado cosas interesantes para adornar mi casa, botones, artesanias, etc.
    cariños mil.

  21. What a difference in your cameras. I would like to get a new one but mine is only a couple of years old. I like a good zoom lense because I am a Dolly Parton fan and I need the zoom to get closer shots.

  22. Gorgeous photos you took with your camera! I'll have to remember which one you have as I may be needing a new one soon :)

  23. Hi Cindy
    I am wanting a better camera at some point and I am definitrly goiong to take a look at the Canon. I use Picassa to edit my photos and I think it works very well.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  24. Cindy...thank you for sharing all this. I'm saving for the Canon right now. Carol

  25. Those flowers are just amazing. Especially the hydrangea which I just keep staring at.

  26. Love your blog, quit the job and decorate full time. Do you ever alter and print your photos at home? I'm having a hard time finding a "at home" program. I like the immediate results.

    Southern Mama

  27. Ah, I shoot with a Rebel XT... it's almost time to replace it, as I've taken over 18000 photos with it! The Xsi is one I've been eyeing as a replacement.

    If we ever manage to get together, I can let you try my 24-105 L lens. It is amazing.

  28. Cindy...
    Thanks for the info on the ceases to amaze me how much we have in common in our tastes. But when I read that you shop qvc too I really thought she's a gal after my own heart.

    I just ordered that camera a couple of days ago and can't wait to get it. I read your blog everyday at's my daily therapy from my desk until I get my dose of treasure hunting after work or on the weekends! Thanks for taking time to share.
    Warm Hugs
    El Monte, So.CA.

  29. I am adoring mine too! Also, editing software makes a huge difference,doesn't it? I use Picassa, its free too.

  30. I love my Rebel,too! It's just the best ever! Okay, I bought it for my husband for his birthday. Probably one of the best birthday presents I've ever gotten him! LOL! Anyhow, the other hint I'd tell folks is that you simply MUST use a tripod. You may not think your hands shake, but when you see the difference between with and without, it is huge. Especially if you want to get those yummy up close and personal shots that we bloggers are so fond of. I just this week discovered the difference changing the white balance makes as well.

    Have a great week,

  31. I just got that same camera about a month ago......I love it too! I purchased mine from a camera store in town and it comes with a photography class. I can't wait to go to it. I love Picnick, it is worth the $24.00 a year. They make photo editing so easy! Denise@cottagesisters

  32. Hi Cindy,

    This is Monica, Steve's wife. I love your new camera and the Farmer's Market stuff was that taken with it too? The colors are amazing on the flowers and the vegetables!!
    Your Blog is cool! I have some techie questions about blogging since I just published my first few pages. Can I email you privately for that?
    Thanks and keep doing what you're doing!! You inspired me to do mine.

  33. Have you heard that Tracey, over at Notes from a Cottage Industry, had her Rebel stolen from her car in her driveway?

  34. Betsi, yes I did hear and I already sent her some money via paypal! That was so sad. I sure hope she gets enough to buy a new one.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy