Monday, July 27, 2009

Let's go to the Farmer's Market

Sunday morning I went to the Farmer's Market in downtown Campbell, CA. It's a great outdoor market that is open year round. They close down the main street to cars and the vendors set up their booths on each side of the street. There are a lot of Farmer's Markets every weekend in Silicon Valley but I think the one in my city of Campbell is the best! If you don't go early then it's shoulder to shoulder people. If you don't believe me, just click on that underlined text above to see the photos! It gets crazy-crowded!

My first stop is Starbucks to get a cup of coffee and then I stroll all the way up the street before I buy anything. I like to scope it out first...I should have bought some of those red bell peppers. I love to roast them and put them in salads!
Most of the produce is organic but the prices are a lot less than what they charge for organic in the grocery store. There is even live entertainment for your shopping pleasure...

Berries galore...

And friendly faces...

Look at the color of these cauliflower...

Fresh cut herbs...
even herb plants...
There's not just produce but meat and fish also. I didn't want to be tempted so I walked past all the beautiful pastries as fast as I could so I didn't get any photos of those! Lots of flowers...

Here's what I came home with...
Two types of very fresh lettuce (romaine & red leaf), beautiful fragrant peaches, lots of summer squash, and some tomatoes, all for about $13.00

As I was asking a vendor if I could take photos of their produce for my blog, one young 20-something girl said in a very condescending voice "how have a blog!" The she went on and said "Ahhh...what do you do, take pictures and tell your friends...look this is what I did today!" and then she laughed! So I felt the need to put her in her place and told her "yes and I have over 3,000 friends from all over the world that come to see what I do every day!" I walked away before she could say anything else. I know...I know...that was not very mature of me, was it?
Also, just a reminder, if you make one of the picture frame trays send me a photo so I can feature all of them together in an upcoming post! I'll probably do it in early August. You can send it to Thanks!


  1. Cindy,
    Simply beautiful! What great pictures and a person could go wild shopping there!
    I think you did that young girl a favor, learning not to put her foot in her mouth! Little did she know she was talking to one of the Queens of Blogging!! She needs to broaden her horizons and realize what a good thing she was mocking!
    Enjoyed your post enormously!!

  2. WOW! Now that's what I call a Farmer's Market!! All that beautiful, healthy produce is breathtaking ~ how wonderful to reap the bounty of a nice, long growing season. It takes about 2 minutes to walk through our tiny smalltown "Farmer's Market" ;-)

    Cindy, it sounds to me like the girl definitely needed to be put in her place ~ Good for you ~ I love the way you handled it! I don't think I would've been able to think that quickly and come up with a great response like yours.

  3. Good for you, putting that gal in her place. Some of these young folks think they are so clever!

    I loved your photos. All of the vegetables looked so fresh and delicious. The sunflowers were my favorite.

  4. Love all the pictures of the fresh veggies, fruit, and flowers. As for the young girl, not a very good way to win customers. And she missed out on a chance for free advertisement on someone's blog. Sometimes a person deserves to be put in their place. We all enjoy your blog. And even patronize the businesses of people you write about on your blog. I know I have.

  5. All those fruits and veggies are making me hungry just looking at the pictures. The colors of Mother
    Nature always amaze me with their

    I love the way you handled the situation with the young lady.....
    if she only knew !!!!! Mimi

  6. All those fruits and veggies are making me hungry just looking at the pictures. The colors of Mother
    Nature always amaze me with their

    I love the way you handled the situation with the young lady.....
    if she only knew !!!!! Mimi

  7. I don't know what happened.......
    sorry for the double post !!!

  8. haha!that's a funny story bout the girl, glad you set her straight...
    the pictures are beautiful, the colors of everything is so amazing, i'm making a tray also, i can't wait to finish it and send in my pic. that's definetly one of those addicting projects, i plan on buying monogramed hankys and making one for my sister and mom for christmas!

  9. Way to go Cindy. I'm glad that you spoke up to that young girl rather than ignoring her comment. She knows nothing about you and was being extremely rude - wonder how she treats other strangers she happens to see on the street...

    Judy (your former MIL)

  10. We have one here too on Saturdays, but it isn't all year long. I love fresh peaches that I can get there better than the grocery store. Wonderful pictures of the vegges.


  11. Cindy, wow, what a great market. Thank you for all that you do and for sharing your life. I have learned so much from your wonderfully, beautiful blog, from you! Christine

  12. I love the Campbell Farmers Market! I know that when I mention to younger folks that I have a blog they giggle too, until I show them mine and others. Its always an eye openner.....I guess its not what they were thinking it was.
    Mrs Peeks Farmhouse

  13. GORGEOUS photos Cindy!
    Oh you are such an awesome photographer!
    Loved going to the farmer's market with you!!!


  14. lol Well like they say in my town. You good Girl! And yes we are all interstead in what you do everyday. Glad you told her. Great pics!

  15. Here I am, one of the 3000 that hasn't been around in awhile for a visit! Your photos are just gorgeous. Isn't natures bounty the most beautiful art?

  16. We have a farmers market across the street from my work each Saturday. My favorite part is all the ethnic food that is served there. Everything smells (and tastes) so yummy. I love having lunch there.

    Some people are so rude. And sadly that girl probably still hasn't learned to keep her big mouth shut.

  17. WOW!! Farmer's Market's are the best!! Your photos of the produce are gorgeous!! We have one every Wednesday across the street from my work at City Hall and it is fabulous as well. Nothing beats locally grown fresh produce!!

  18. Not only do 3,000 friends tune in to see what you're up to every day, but we sit anxiously waiting for 9AM Pacific Time to catch your blog the moment it's posted! Your blog is like an addiction!!!

    Loved the pix of the market. I can almost taste all the fresh veggies, yum!

    Have a fab day!


  19. Oh my goodness! What beautiful produce.. It reminds me of the story about Kruschev's wife. When she came to America, she made her driver stop so she could go into a huge market in California. The story goes that she stood and cried with vegetables in her hands... That always kind of broke my heart... As for those un-bloggers in the world, go figure.. They are missing out on so much! Mom was arguing with a 85 year old friend of hers about the same thing. Mom is sooo PRO blog! It's so cute!!! Hugs... You have it going on!

  20. Great pictures Cindy! The flowers are calling out to me! Thanks for sharing. Sometimes, we just have to ignore the ignorant and hope that young girl's mother did a better job with her other children.

  21. Cindy,
    Your pictures are beautiful! I never thought that veggies and fruit could look so beautiful. Makes me want to go and buy some and start eating healthier! The flowers are gorgeous too! Please come by my blog...I'm having my first giveaway! I'm excited!

    I wish that you would've had a business card with your blog name on it and given it to that girl!!!

    Lee Laurie

  22. How lovely! Before I started working 7 days a week, I used to go to our local farmer's market every Saturday morning and buy my fresh produce for the week. I would also treat myself to a fresh bouquet of flowers and lunch. It is quite large and has many vendors and live entertainment. As with your market, I am able to purchase locally grown organic produce for much less than it costs at the store. The woman who runs the organic produce stand where I get most of my produce labels each particular item with the name of the farm where it was grown. I love being able to support our local farmers.

    As for the young miss, I think you handled it quite well!

  23. Way 2 go Cindy! That little twit didn't know who she was talking to!
    Lovely pics!

  24. Hola Amiga.

    Que super, nunca habia visto coliflores de color naranja.

    Aqui en Costa Rica, tambien tenemos un mercado parecido, se realiza todos los sabados en la mañana desde las 4:00 a.m. hasta la 2:00 p.m., son agricultores de todas partes del pais.

    Un dia de estos voy a poner en mi blog para que lo conozcas,

    Perdona que te escriba en español, es que puedo en Ingles, solo lo entiendo jijiji.

    Saludos desde Costa Rica.


  25. Such a beautiful Farmer's Market, Cindy. How nice that it is right in Campbell. There is one (daily) in Burlingame, but no where as nice as the one near you. Their prices are so high too.

    Your story about the little snotty thing reminded me of a scene in Fried Green Tomatoes; if you saw it you know what I mean...if you didn't see the film, then this is pointless! ha! Either way, as my daughter would say..."Good on ya!"


  26. Mouth watering pictures. I love fresh produce. 38 years ago I was in San Francisco area and what I remember most was open markets and the HUGE strawberries. I could reach out and eat those straberries! Thank you for taking me to the Farmer's market as it's way too hot here in Florida to do much of anything, lol outside for very long, lol.

  27. I wish our Framer's Market was so great. And we're right in the middle of the growing area. Our market has become too commercial, not very many farmer's tables. The flowers in Campbell are gorgeous.

  28. I've never been to a true farmer's market. It looks like it would be a lot of fun!

  29. The produce looks wonderful. I enjoy going to the one here (just did a post on one). Trying to remember if I have every seen purple & yellow califlower.

  30. Great pictures, I love it when you take pictures and show your friends what you did. And I am proud to be considered one of your 3000 friends! Wow! that is alot of friends! You are one well loved lady! Hugs ~cindy s~

  31. Great photos Cindy; everything looks so delicious. The prices seem great except for the meat, but I am sure it is organic and super delicious. Whenever I go to a Farmers Market I want to go home and cook!

  32. Beautiful. I wish we had that kind of Farmer's Market here.

  33. Everything looks so good! I passed our Farmer's Market when I was taking my son to San Pedro for Boy Scout Camp. I think I will go this Sunday.

    I'm so glad you told off the girl. Were we ever that nieve and rude?

  34. Now THAT'S what I call a Farmers Market!

    Such wonderful fresh produce, flowers etc., and your glorious pics to showcase them.

    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  35. Wow; that looks like a great farmer's market. I love the photos of the fruits, vegetables and flowers. Everything looked so inviting! I want to taste those yummy strawberries.

    That girl needed to put in her place. I love to follow your blog.

  36. I love farmer's markets but I tend to spend too much money when I go.
    So I can't go every week.

    You took some wonderful photos. You captured the "flavor" (no pun intended) of the market.

    As for the 20 something's comments,
    she so doesn't get it!

  37. Stop! Stop! I can't take it anymore!

    Everything looks so good!

  38. You are so lucky to live in CA they have the best places to visit there, I wish I could have gone with you what a fun day!! By the way somehow I missed your previous post, it sounds like one of my baking days with all the trips to the grocery store(;They sure loook yummy though, I have only had the red velvet cake once and it was just recently.

  39. I think you handled that perfectly! I'm always amazed at how rude the younger generation can be!! I'm working so hard on my kids to make sure they are always polite and respectful. My son- NO PROBLEM- he gets it even at age 11 such a nice young man! Now my daughter- the 8 year old- she's going to take a little more effort and patience! ;) By the way i'm sooo jealous!! Your farmers market makes mine look very sad!!!

  40. That produce is almost as pretty as the flowers! We love our fresh fruits and veggies from the vegetable stand in the Summer time -- but it doesn't look this beautiful!

  41. Love the farmer's market. Don't think we have any that big here in Connecticut. Glad I can visit through your photos. I am so excited that a friend and I are going to a big farmer's market on Sept 14th in Union Square NYC. I can't wait. I will definitely be posting lots of pics.
    Thanks for sharing "what you did today" with all of us...we love it.

  42. This was a beautiful tour that you took us on. I would love to be there personally and see all that you saw.

    Thanks. Amy

  43. Beautiful, beautiful photos!

  44. You have a great farmer's market. How neat that it has meat and fish too. Although I commend you for your will power, I wish I could've seen some of the yummy pastries.:) I'm also glad you said something to that young lady. If she only knew who she was speaking to, she would have gladly posed for your camera!

  45. Gorgeous organic veggies ... how wonderful! We have to do a local co-op to get those, even in a big city like Dallas. Sounds like a lovely place to visit! I may be coming some day...

  46. Maybe it wasn´t mature - but the right thing to do!!!!!!
    I am one of your readers and I am coming all the way from Austria, Europe ;-) to enjoy your blog. It´s the day to day life in California that´s so interesting for me. I found your blog by googling romantic cottage style, your decorator skills (right word?) are just amazing. Thanks for being such a inspiration!!!


  47. Fresh fruits, veggies, and flowers - what could be more perfect? :-) The colors are so vibrant!

    I think it's funny, you story at the end :-) There really was no need to laugh about it though. Blogging has come a long way. Oh if she only sees your blog, maybe she'll bite her tongue then LOL


  48. Your rock, Cindy ~ Great come back! Surely she did not realize she was dealing with a global force. I have a story for her and others in her age group that might poo pooh what we do. My younger daughter's first exposure to the blog world was through me--imagine that a parent having any sort of techie type interest beyond their children--anyway she started following blogs in her own areas of interest and this summer after completing her junior year, she secured a job {paid internship}with an elite global advertising agency IN PARIS and there is a blog connection. One of the first things she was asked to do was create an internal blog for the agency to keep them abreast of trends in fashion, beauty, music-you name it. The blog is also shared with their clients (major movers and shakers) and now she is being asked to create and maintain blogs for some of the clients as well. My daughter in only 21 and they have already offered her a position after graduation. She is obviously very talented, but she may not have gotten the job without her complete familiarity with the blogging world. There is also the story of 17 year old Jane @ Sea of Shoes who started taking pics of her new shoes to share with friends and now has been featured in Vogue and is going to have her own line of shoes with Urban Outfitters. The farmer's market girl is already late to the party ~ and you have been throwing a great one for years now!

  49. I would love to go to that market! The pictures were beautiful and ahhh, everything looked so wonderful to eat!!
    Yes - I am one of those friends that stop by every day to check on you! Love your blog!
    Have a great day,
    (from the heart of Texas)

  50. o cindy, you make me long for markets and food!! I love the way you've put it all together, it looks like you are enjoying life to the fullest and I love it!!

  51. Cindy, You have found a great Farmer's Market! Wonderful photos, I just love nature's colors.

  52. Beautiful post Cindy! You really are an amazing photographer! I'd be interested in knowing more about what kind of camera you use for all your wonderful photographs. Thanks, as always, for your daily dose of inspiration.

  53. Love your pictures.....felt like I was walking the market with you.

  54. I love the colors of summer. Thanks for sharing it with THIS friend. BTW...I think you were very mature I would have probably added "so pfffffffffffffft" to the end of your sentence. LOL

  55. Cindy, I'm so glad you take pics and share with a mere 3,000 of us around the globe!!

    I mentioned you in my 3 or more posts yesterday dreamin' of a paint project for my entry console this fall. Maybe I'll use your rub and buff trick to highlight the beautiful raised fretwork on her. xox-DeniseMarie-Bloomin'

  56. Oh Cindy how neat! I just love how they left the blooms on the ends of the zuchinni squash! They sure do have some very pretty produce!! Some folks are just plain out ignorant Cindy. Sad to say but it's soooo true! She was probably jealous that you know so much to be able to share with everybody else.
    I to enjoy your post much more than I could possibly say! So don't worry about what she or anyone else says! It's their loss! :)

  57. Cindy,
    I love all these photos, but the herb one is my favorite. Nice comment about your 3000 friends - you go girl!

  58. Yum!!!! I am craving a salad now!!!

  59. Beautiful, beautiful photos! That is some gorgeous farmers market.Inspiring in many ways.
    ♥, Susan

  60. the bounty and beauty of California. I would just have to try those cauliflower veggies.

  61. What a wonderful market you have! I wish we had one that was as large where I live. I am so curious as to what that yellow and purple cauliflower tastes like? Does it taste like white cauliflower? Does it have more nutrients?


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy