Thursday, July 09, 2009

Flea Market Finds

Lauren and I decided to go to the DeAnza Flea Market last Saturday. We got a late start and didn't arrive there until about 11:00 am. Because it was the 4th of July there was about 1/2 the amount of vendors there usually are. I walked around 3/4 of the flea market and hadn't bought a thing!
Luckily as I got close to the end I found some great deals. I got 11 of those cute little juice glasses for $8.00/set. They have such cute little detail around the bottom. I just love glasses that have a little pedestal!
I also found a vendor with lots of tables filled with brand new jewelry from Macy's! Lauren and I had so much fun walking up and down the tables looking at it all! The prices were amazing. The most expensive piece I bought was $4 and that was for the necklace with the bright orange bead. The rest were all either $2 or $3. He said he'll be there next month so I'm going to get there early to find some more!
For those of you living in the San Francisco Bay Area: Please be on the look out for Ross Abinanti who disappeared over a week ago from Campbell, California. He's 63 and has dementia and may be confused.
His wife went to get gelato in downtown Campbell and left him and her brother-in-law, who is disabled and in a wheelchair in the car while she ran in the gelato shop. When she came out her brother-in-law said Ross had gone to find her. He hasn't been seen since! I can't even imagine what his family must be going through right now! You can read more about it here.


  1. Those are pretty juice glasses. I would be afraid they would get broke around my house though.

  2. Those are pretty glasses, Cindy!
    I literally said "oh my gosh that poor man" I read your bulletin on the missing man. I'll say a prayer for him. Ugh, I hope he is found! My father in law has Alzheimer's and I know we'd be really worried if he was to go somewhere.

  3. We hang out that gelato place often and have seen all the signs posted for this man. Praying he gets found asap. What a horror for him and his family. My grandfather had Alzheimers' and he would have been lost without my grandmother. He became so dependent on her.

  4. Cindy, the plate sitting under the orange juice is gorgeous, and would look great in MY house! I found the same goblets. Funny story - found them on ebay when I was a novice, and didn't pay attention to the size. I thought I was getting water goblets, so when they arrived, I was shocked at how short they were! I love them, though, for juice, or for desserts - all of your flea markets finds are wonderful! We will be praying for the missing man - I can imagine what his family is going through. Please post if you hear that he's been found. Since we live in the bay area, Concord, I'll print his picture and keep an eye out for him. May God be with him.

  5. Cute juice glasses. My church's family night in a couple of weeks will be a 'Parfait Party' and we are meant to carry our own glasses. Only trouble is I have no such thing so will have to go out and get something. Might be fun, lol :o)

  6. I have those very same glasses. They are soooooooo cute. Love them. But, they sure don't hold much do they. :)

  7. Hi,
    I think those glasses are called boopies or something similar to that. I used to have a set of them and they are lovely.they were produced by one of the glass companies maybe anchor hocking.I just love your home and your decorating. Please keep us posted on the missing gentleman.

  8. I have the same glasses. They were my mothers. I think they were either gotten, from a grocery story thing or a cereal box thing. Not sure. But she also, had similar ones with the dark green. I have them all now, and treasure them.

    I heard about this man. Makes me want to jump in my car and go looking.


  9. Such wonderful finds. Each are lovely.
    I sure hope they find the missing gentleman. How awful for the family.
    Take care,

  10. Hi Cindy,

    I bought these same glasses a few months ago. This place has stuff stewn all over the place, and it's indoors. I don't use them everyday though. I'm afraid of them getting broken.
    Poor man, I hope they find him.

  11. Hi Cindy~
    I have the same juice glasses!! Love them so much.. Found mine at a little place called Cranberry Cottage in Bothell, WA last summer. Also have matching salt/pepper shakers I bought on Ebay.

    Love your seashell wreath too!

  12. Those were some great finds, I love glasses with pedistals too their so elegant. Your site is very pleasant.

  13. Great find on the juice glasses! Love the detail.
    I hope the gentleman is found, what a worry for his family.

  14. Oh, those glasses! My mom had those exact glasses, she called them dessert glasses. I can remember her serving me chocolate pudding in those glasses, with a dollop of whipped cream sprayed from a can on top. Ah, the memories!

    Hope the lost gentleman is found soon.

  15. How sad. Years ago I worked in a hospital and one of our patients with dementia left in the night but was found some hours later by a helicopter and she was healthy.

    I will pray for him and his family.

    best greetings, rosenresli

  16. Carolee FairbanksJuly 09, 2009 2:11 PM

    Those are indeed Boopie glasses, sometimes mistaken for Candlewick, although they go perfectly together. I bought many of the different sizes of these and need to get rid of some if you would be interested. I have 11 water glasses and 9 iced tea glasses. If you would like, I can send you the measurements. My email address is

  17. I love the new glasses! I'm a little behind on your posts, these kids are running me ragged, LOL, I'm the summer taxi! Your shell wreath looks so pretty and that apothacary jar is beautiful especially the topper(;

  18. Hi Cindy,
    Love the glasses, I have 5 just like them but they are christmas green, with a clear pedestal like yours. I got them years ago from a garage sale of a lil ole lady we knew. She had told me that she had gotten them from a restaurant when she was a young woman (she was in her 80's)and that was over 30 years ago, so guess that would definitely make them antiques or vintage for sure. I use them every christmas. Glad you found some neat things at the flea market, that is always fun!!
    Blessings, Nellie

  19. What a wonderful find those little glasses were - a real July 4th firecracker! Love them!
    Your blog is lovely!!
    Jayne at mysongwithin

  20. Those are indeed lovely glasses. They look like they would be the perfect size for individual desserts. I like the necklaces - from L to R, I especially like the 2nd and the 5th ones.

    My prayers go out to Mr. Abinanti and his family.

  21. I love your glasses, Cindy. Of all the blogs I follow, yours was the first one I came across and it's still one of my favorite ones. You find the BEST treasures for such great prices! I'm so envious!

  22. Those juice glasses are so sweet, and what a wonderful find and $$ on that jewelry.
    I pray they will find the missing gentleman safe.

  23. Hi Cindy, I feel so bad for the family. He must be very scared. I will keep my eyes open for him in case he's wandered north.

    Those glasses are so lovely! You are right girl, those would be so mine if I got there first! lol!


  24. Love the glasses! Can I ask you a question about your couch? Did you get it at IKEA's? Are you happy with white? I'm trying to redecorate my family room but just haven't been able to find a cottage looking couch. I'm replacing a tiny blue check one I love but it is looking worn. Thanks for your input!
    Kay :)

  25. OMG!! the juice glasses are amazing!!

  26. I have that EXACT set of juice glasses!!! I love to use one in the guest bathroom with a few cuttings from the yard when guests are in town.

    My parents always had them for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately my mom passed away 18 years ago and my dad can't remember where they came from. I love the detail around the bottom, too.

  27. Oh what a find indeed. Those are pretty little glasses. And yes, the details at the bottom makes them even more special. Just look at that picture with the orange juice in it. Who wouldn't wanna drink that? :-)

  28. I love your new juice glasses! Right now I have a few of this and a few of that and need some that match! My kids always liked the Welch's jelly jars and we still have a few of those,too!
    So sad about the poor gentleman. I hope you'll hear some good news and I'll keep him in my prayers.

  29. Kay, yes it is an Ikea couch! Pottery Barn also makes one but it's more expensive. I've been happy with mine. It's a lot firmer than my last couch so it took a little while to get used to it! Maybe I'll do a post about this tomorrow since I get a lot of questions about it!

  30. I love your glasses. They are very pretty and I love the detail at the bottom.

    I hope that they find that man. That is so sad. He looks like a very nice person. Makes me want to come over there and help find him.

  31. I have a set of dessert dishes in the same pattern and I love them! Don't you just love those wonderful unexpected finds at flea markets?

  32. I have to agree with the others, I just love those juice glasses.


  33. Please keep us posted about Ross Abinanti. I hope he's ok!

  34. We had a set of cocktail glasses like those. I remember at age 12 (with Mom watching) I would make a Manhattan for my dad when he got home from work and serve it in a boopie glass. Doctor's orders that he have a cocktail every day -- those were the days! It worked - Dad is 80 now and going strong! (Think they still have those glasses somewhere.)

  35. Hi Cindy,
    Don't you love those last minute finds! Just when you think you'll come home empty handed, boom! You find the best deals of the day.
    The story about the lost man is so sad. He seems so young to suffer from dementia. Keep us posted and let us know if they find him. Have a great day!

  36. I love the glasses and necklace. My favorite thing of all is the beautiful little plate that must've been yours already. Who makes it and what is the pattern? It's GORGEOUS! How scary for the wife. I can't even imagine.

  37. Beverly in OdessaJuly 10, 2009 8:38 AM

    I have those same glasses too, inherited from my mom. I have the water, tea and juice all in service for 8. I treasure them, but alas, don't use them much for fear of breakage. Would love to know where they originated from, they were always our "special dinner" glassware.
    Thanks for sharing your finds~

  38. Very pretty juice glasses...score!!
    The necklace that you chose was gorgeous and for the price...awesome! I see why you are going back!!
    You are so caring to post about this poor gentlemen, please keep us in the loop!!
    Thanks and big hugs, Nerina :)

  39. I prayed that they would find the man safe and sound!
    Your juice glasses are so pretty. I saw some glass chargers, that plates sit on, with that same design and they were so beautiful and very expensive!! I wanted to buy some but they were just too much. One day I will find some.
    I looked for yard sales here on the 4th and I guess everyone was at the beach because there were none! Looks like you had a couple of good finds!!
    Have a great weekend
    Love Lilly

  40. Don't you love those glasses? I have a set of water and sherbets in that pattern. One of my favorite parts is one of the names for them is Boopie! Doesn't that fit? I am on the lookout for the juice so good for you. kath

  41. Those are great glasses but I am a china junkie. WHERE did you get the rose plate that they were sitting on? I must have them.

  42. Fun finds Cindy. These tumblers will be very useful for many a dinner!
    Prayers for this gentleman that they find him safe and unharmed!!
    These stories make my heart sink.

  43. Those are "candlewick" glasses. I have some of those that I found at the thrift store, but they are maybe desert dishes. They have a bowl like a champaigne glass. I, also, found three sets of candlewick toast/tea sets that are very sweet.

    It is so sad that the man could just disappear. I pray they find him.


  44. Oh, I read the comments and now I'm not sure that mine aren't the "Boopie" glasses. I'm not sure what digtinguishes the Boopie from the Candlewick glasses.


  45. The glasses that you bought are called "boopie glasses". Very popular in the '50s.

  46. Hi Cindy,
    I've been reading your blog for a long time, but have never commented. When I read this post the other day, I fell madly in love with your juice unique, and I just love the pedestals, too. Well, yesterday morning I went to an estate sale here in my little town on a complete whim. Lo and behold, there were 6 juice glasses for sale, just like the ones you pictured here. $2.00!! You'd better believe I snatched them up, and I couldn't be happier! I love your blog and have gotten so much inspiration from it!

  47. Hi Cindy, I have a set of these glasses as well. They belonged to my Grandmother. I recently saw one single glass at an antiques mall for $9.00 so you definately got an excellent deal on them! Thanks for sharing :0)

  48. Thse are Boopies...I have them in all sizes & I just love them! Now I know I'm in good company since you own them too. ;o) Love your style!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy