Friday, June 26, 2009

Shrimp Louie on the Patio

Tuesday night I made Lauren and I Shrimp Louie Salads for dinner. It's a quick and easy weeknight dinner.
We ate out on the patio and I set the table with a seaside theme. I found these pretty napkins at Marshalls a couple weeks ago. I spread two of them out to use as placemats.
I also used my glass fish plates I bought at a thrift store awhile ago. Oops...I didn't even notice I had the plate upside down until I uploaded the photos! It was a week night and I was rushing to get the dinner on the table and photograph it before Lauren came home hungry and ready to eat.
For my "Louie" dressing I just use a jar of good Thousand Island dressing and I add a little horseradish and a couple shakes of Tabasco Sauce to spice it up a bit.
A glass of wine for me and water for Lauren. It sort of feels like a mini vacation when you dress up the table during the week! Trust me...I don't go to this much trouble every night of the week! I cook dinner almost every night but I don't decorate the table like this. I don't want to give the wrong impression here! haha.

Now you can go on over to Gollum's blog and see who else is joining in on Foodie Friday!


  1. It looks like a wonderful evening. Everything is picture perfect. Thank you for sharing it all with us. Blessings...Mary

  2. Cindy,
    It looks lovely, and the food looks scrumptious! Very relaxing !
    I love seashells and candlelight! Have a good week end. Hopefully my deck will be finished today so maybe my daughter and I can eat al fresco this week end, too!

  3. Everything looks just beautiful. I know your daughter loves it when Mama does special....and she will do the same for her little girl someday. Great bonding memories..
    xo bj

  4. Wow! That looks fabulous. I think if you can dress up table every now and then you can feel like your on vacation. I'm going to do this next week....Now, I must think of a theme and menu! Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. Your table is lovely and the shrimp louie salad looks divine. Thanks for sharing.


  6. Hi Cindy, I have been coming to your blog for sometime now.Thank you so much for all your wonderful inspiration!! I have learned so much from your blog.You may have seen my rooms on RMS.(dec07940)This is the first comment I have left.I thought I should finally leave a comment.Thanks for sharing your beautiful home......Kathy

  7. Looks so inviting Cindy. I love t he seashells. Hope it is a wonderful time with your daughter.

  8. That is sooo much better than going out to eat. To enjoy a beautiful dinner at home in such a lovely setting with someone you love is my idea of a perfect evening. Cheers to you, Cindy!


  9. Great for a hot summer night. Thanks for sharing and love your presentation.

  10. What a lucky girl Lauren is to have a mom who does so many extra things to make life beautiful! Lovely salad & gorgeous table setting. Have a great weekend! ~Sue~

  11. How beautiful is that salad? Wow! Gorgeous table with that color pallette. So hungry now...

  12. That looks like the perfect summertime salad...yummy...and the table is beautiful...

  13. Yummmm, this looks so scrumptious! ☺ Diane

  14. Yummmm! Dont you just love this time of the year...not to hot... not to cold. Everything looks just perfect.
    -Mrs Peeks Farmhouse

  15. It's so nice to set a pretty table once in a while. And the Shrimp Louie Salad looks so good. Now you're making me hungry.

  16. Yummy food and great pretty setting, I like it!
    Love Shrimp Louies and salads in the warm time of year!

  17. I've got those very same fish plates but mine are in a green glass!! Your supper looked yummy!! and the table setting even better!

  18. What a nice way to make Lauren feel special!
    It looks lovely as usual.


  19. Oh Wow Cindy,
    I am ready to eat!! That salad looks unbelievably good, so you arent't just a good decorator but a good cook too!! You go girl!!
    It is wonderful to dress up the table for company and for ourselves once in awhile. Makes us
    feel special, and we need to feel special sometimes. Beautiful table too, loved it. I like so many of the same sort of things you amazes me. I love anything white but I love white dinnerware cause you can do anything with it.
    Well done,
    blessings, Nellie

  20. Sigh~
    Lovely tablesetting...especially the candle.
    I barely noticed the food but it looks fivestar!
    How do you keep the bugs away???
    You know you are raising your daughter with some loving habits. God bless you, Cindy. Your home is so lovely and peaceful.

  21. This has my mouth watering, and it looks so simple. Just what I need, yummy,cool and easy!

  22. O.K. now I am hungry. I have been wanting shrimp and avacado lately. I know what I am having this weekend!
    Take care, Susan

  23. Ooooo! Makes my mouth water!

  24. Oh what a delightful candlelight dinner! Such a pretty setting! I am excited to see how you used your clear glass fish plates! I have several to, so thank you for the inspiration Cathy!


  25. That looks divine! I think I will try something like that next week. I love the seashells. I keep mine in a jar but you have convinced me to get them out and use them!

  26. Lucky Lauren! The starfish and fish plates really transform your home into a waterside cottage retreat.

  27. Such a pretty table Cindy. You are providing a wonderful example for you daughter. Hope you have a good weekend.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  28. Looks delicious and your photos are perfect. I'm going to try your method of spicing up 1000 island!

  29. Another affirmation that we are kindred spirits Cindy! I have those same exact fish plates! I love layering them on other plates! I used mine on Mother's day with tuna sandwiches on croissants! Have a wonderful weekend!

  30. Yuuuummmy!!!! what a great healthy salad Love it!!

  31. What a beautiful setting for such a yummy looking salad!
    Well now I know whats for dinner tomorrow!!
    Great glass fish plates too!!

    Have a nice weekend!

  32. That salad looks amazing...I'll have to try that one. And your table is sooo pretty. What a special treat for you and Lauren.

  33. Everything looks delicious! And so beautifully put together.. Seafood is my favorite food..other than chocolate, of course.
    Sometimes I am just overwhelmed at the talent in homemaking I see in the blogs. Your's is one of them!
    Just wonderful. :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  34. That salad looks luscious and the setting is superb! You always make things so nice - no matter what you do. Thanks for sharing, Cindy!

  35. Your tablescape is very inviting and look at that mound of shrimp!

  36. What a beautiful table setting! And I love your meal - I haven't made that in a long, long time. Guess what I'll be making soon?! Gorgeous blog!

  37. Cindy, This is so pretty and I know Lauren will hold these special nights in her heart. My mother used to do this for the two of us sometimes when I was growing up. This brought back all of those sweet memories from years ago. Your dinner looks wonderful!
    hugs to you and applause for being such a good Mama ~ Carol

  38. Eeeek!! I love the glass fish plate. The table setting and the yummy salad plate is to die for. You just have this way of making everything look so warm and welcoming!! I'm sure your daughter will not be leaving anytime soon with tha wonderful type of al fresco dining!!
    Have a fanatastic day!!
    Nerina :)

  39. Cindy,
    I think it is so sweet that you do these things for your daughter. Everything is just so beautiful and looks delicious! I love those fish plates!
    Lee Laurie

  40. That looks so good! Thank you for sharing your beautiful home with us!

  41. So beautiful! I love the beauty that you bring to every aspect of your life!


  42. Oh, my word, Cindy...even your supper is pretty!! You amaze me, sister! I hope your daughter knows how lucky she is to be living with you! LOL!!

  43. How lovely! Both the food and the table. A treat for the eyes and the tummy.

  44. What a restful and delicious setting for dinner! It is truly a "feast for the eyes"!

  45. Wow! The food looks great and the table is stunning. How do you do it? Everything is always so together at your house. You are amazing. Thanks for sharing, I think? Martha

  46. I *love* those glass fish plates! Wait - actually I *covet* them. What a lovely dinner and a beautiful table. Invite me over some time - I'll bring the wine :)

  47. OOh thanks for the dinner idea. It was wonderful! 'Specially now that it was 103 today. By the way, those fish plates were available from Williams Sonoma in about 1977-1980. They came in sets of 6. I've had mine that long. Thanks for the great ideas.

  48. I never heard of Shrimp Louie salad.Seems like a shrimp coktail, only it has egg, tomato and avovado on the plate. Only by looking at it I am digging the avocado and the fish plates! LOL

  49. de superbes tables!!!! j'adoro ton blog que je mis dans mes links préférés!!! bon dimanche
    Marcela de France

  50. Cindy it all looks wonderful. I would love to see pictures of your daughters bedroom. I have a teenage daughter also.

  51. How fun to have dinner in your beautiful patio, even if it was just eating a sandwich.
    I love the way you have your table decorated.

  52. Wow ... fabulous! The meal looks delicious, and your tablescape is beautiful!


  53. That looks amazing! I can even feel the cool breeze...aahhhh!

  54. Oh I saw this picture on French Charming's sidebar and just had to come over. That looks so good, you have a really super blog too.xx

  55. Oh my gosh that looks incredible! Especially here in AZ. lately when its been so hot you could fry an egg on your patio! That's one of my favorite salads!
    I'm celebrating my 100th post Monday, stop by if you have time and check out my giveaway! They would look lovely on your patio!
    Thanks for everything Cindy! You inspire me!
    Have a great week!
    ~Really Rainey~

  56. WOW!!! What a beautiful table setting and that salad looks scrumdillisious! You always do such an awesome job! Thanks for sharing your photos with us! Can't wait to try the salad and jazzed up dressing!

  57. That looks wonderful !!

    So beautiful, and what a treat to experience such a lovely mid-week meal with your daughter!

    xo Debbie

  58. Your posting of this inspired my dinner the other nite when it got so hot. I had some shrimp here and haven't made this in ages. It was yummy and just the thing for such a hot evening.

  59. Cindy...this looks sooo good and healthy! Love your's beautiful! susan

  60. Cindy, this salad is beautiful and looks divinely delicious! I love the tablescape!!!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy