Friday, June 05, 2009

Reminder: Monthly Giveaway on Monday!

It's already time for my second monthly giveaway!   I'll have Mr. Linky up on Sunday evening if you want to join in and host a giveaway on your blog!  I'm often asked by other bloggers how they can get more people to visit their blogs...well, this is a great way! I'll send my visitors over to your blogs if you sign up to host a giveaway here!  It doesn't have to be anything extravagant at all.  My giveaway this month is something I picked up at a thrift store that I know some of you may like!  Here's a little hint of what's to come on Monday...
Have a good weekend and I hope to meet some of you at Vintage and Vogue in Campbell on Saturday!  I'll be there 1:00-4:00pm!  


  1. Hi Cindy! I'll bet the place will be flooded with people trying to spot you and meet you!!! Better bring a paddle to keep them at a distance!!!lol Have a great time! -Sincerely, Jeannette

  2. Hi Cindy. Congratulations on the success of your first monthly giveaway party. Oh, and I think I recognize the motif in the photo hinting your giveaway on Monday. What fun! Have a great weekend. ~Arleen

  3. Looks interesting!! Have a good time this week end! Pretty soon you'll be giving autographs!!!

  4. Looks like ME to me!! :)

  5. Cindy your fruit tart below is beyond beautiful! And what a cute photo of you. What a fun idea to hold a monthly giveaway. I'll definitely join in some of them. ♥

  6. Yes, it looks like ME to me too!! lol LindaSonia (

  7. Cindy, how many days are you running your giveaways before you select a winner? Do you want participating bloggers to draw their winners on the same day you do, or are you leaving it up to the bloggers to decide how many days they want to accept comments before drawing a winner?

  8. Hi Cindy,
    I need to find a little something for the giveaway, you can count me in. Once again I miss Cali's markets. Have fun treasure hunting!

  9. Mary Engelbrit!!! That's my guess... Have a great weekend, Cindy!

  10. What a great idea. Very clever! :-)

  11. Hi Cindy...

    I've been following your giveaways! hehe!!! Okay, I'm intriqued...I love black and white and polka dots! Can't wait for the're such a tease! Hehe!!!

    Have a great weekend, my friend!

  12. Oh fun! Can't wait to see the giveaway. I won't be ready for Monday but count me in for July.

  13. cool Idea! I'll have to remember next month!
    Hugs, Lisa

  14. Hi Cindy....I just love reading here...and have sent lots of my friends your "address"....several of them because of your post card holders. Which I want to thank you for posting where we could find some....I ordered...and I love mine. I painted them white and chipped the paint.

    I'm always ready for a give away..It will help shorten my Christmas list...well...unless I just can't bare to part with

    patti...who is not yet brave enough to here is my address


  15. Cindy~ You have a lovely Blog and I am so glad I found you while Blog hopping this morning!

    I am actually having a Giveaway on my Blog right now and will be drawing a name on June 12 so I will join in on Sunday when you have Mr. Linky up.

    Kind Regards,
    LuLu Kellogg

  16. Looks like Mary Englebreit to me!!

    Sign me up and I will join in this giveawy on my blog as well! I already added you to my blog to announce this one! Thanks!

    Warm Hugs,

  17. Please sign me up! Looks adorable whatever it is.

  18. Cindy, I want to participate in the giveaway also. Could you please email me and tell me how to do the Mr.Linky thing? It looks to me like your giveaway item is something from ME. I love her things! I'm planning on having a ME tea party outside this summer. I have a dress that I bought really cheap that is black with cherries all over it. I hope that I will be able to squeeze into it by then. I'm doing the 'diet' thing right now.

    Lee Laurie

  19. Love your blog & love surprises too...LOL

  20. Oh I think I might know what that is........and its right up my alley. hehehe. Love your blog tho, whenever I come online its the first one I go to.

  21. Becky from TennesseeJune 06, 2009 11:48 AM

    Cindy, I don't have a blog but I
    would like to be included in the
    giveaway. I wish I were closer
    to San Francisco.....middle TN
    is a little too far for me to
    come by and see you. You are
    going to have to write a book or
    (as you showed in one of your
    earlier blogs) your very own
    magazine!!!! Hope you are
    having a great weekend!

  22. it's so fun giving stuff away isn't it?

  23. Hi Cindy,

    you are so motivational, the time you give to readers and all your great ideas inspire me to do better!

    Best wishes,

    Tracey C.

  24. I just love these giveaways.

  25. I love your blog. That tart looks so yummy. I want to make it but hubby and I are always on diets except when we have company. Your dining room set so pretty.Thanks for sharing how to. Sally

  26. Hi Cindy. I'm new to blogging and just came across your site. Beautifully done.


  27. I would love to participate in your giveaway. I'm having a giveaway as well but very few people come by. I'm not sure I get how to get more people, as you suggest. If you have time to enlighten me I would be so grateful. Many thanks, Jan

  28. I love your blog, particularily because I could never really have anything white with 8 kids and 4 dogs... it's a way to remininsce. Sincerely, Rebecca

  29. Hi Cindy. I love your website. thank you for having a beautiful giveaway.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy