Thursday, June 18, 2009

My Son, The College Graduate!

Where does the time go? It seems like just yesterday Vince was a little boy so interested in learning everything he could. When most kids were playing with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Super Hero figures, he never once asked me for one of those toys. He was much more into bugs, rocks and plants. At 10 years old he had his own herb garden and knew all about their medicinal values. He was the most amazing kid! I guess it makes sense that a boy like that would turn into an amazing young man. I don't think any mother could be any prouder than I am of him! He's handsome, smart, artistic, funny, kind, considerate, loving and has the greatest laugh ever!!! I love to hear him laugh!!!
As I mentioned on Monday, Vince graduated from UC Davis with highest honors and is a Phi Beta Kappa member. He didn't go through the graduation ceremony because he didn't get enough tickets for everyone in his extended family to attend so instead his dad and step mom had a party for him at their home in San Francisco last Saturday.
This is Vince and his beautiful, sweet girlfriend Margot. They met in college and have been together a couple years.
Here's Lauren, me and Vince. Oops, I forgot to take my sunglasses off for a lot of the photos! Oh and no lipstick...I can't believe I'm putting these up here!

This is Vince's dad. We got divorced when Vince was only two years old but we've always had a good relationship and I think that is one of the most wonderful gifts you can give a child of divorced parents. Some people may think this is odd but I wanted a picture of me and Vince with his two step moms. Lisa, who is standing behind Vince was married to Ray after me. They later got divorced and now he is married to Anne. (have I lost you yet?). I must say that I could not have picked better step moms if I had to. The thought of sharing my son with another "mom" was something that was so difficult for me right after our divorce but you can't hate someone that is good to your son! It was one of those "light bulb moments" for me. The three of us have been there for Vince's 8th grade graduation, high school graduation and now his college graduation. I think it's great that we can all get along so well.
This is Vince with his three sisters. His dad and Anne have two little girls and then of course you know my daughter, Lauren. His two little sisters made the graduation cap for him. They did such a great job on it! It wasn't planned that they all were wearing blue by the way!
See the plane pulling the banner? That was in honor of Vince's graduation. Haha...just kidding. His dad pointed out the plane and told Vince it said "Congratulations Vince" but they had the banner going the wrong way. We all had a good laugh about that!
Here's Lauren all happy because Ray gave her a little champagne for the toast! "Only on special occasions Lauren!!!"
This is the view from their backyard balcony! It's the church from the movie "Sister Act" with Whoopi Goldberg.
As we were walking back to my car after the party I snapped a photo of typical San Francisco house. This one was for sale. I would love to see the inside, although I could never live in San Francisco. I'm a suburb type of person. We live about 50 minutes South of San Francisco.

I hope I didn't bore you with all this personal stuff but I'm just a proud mom!


  1. Cindy,
    It is indeed a reason to celebrate such a great accommplishment. To graduate with such high honors is not an easy task. Your family pictures are great and I must admit you look great. I can see that you have lost weight (I know you've been trying) and I love the color of your hair. One Foxy Mama!!
    Thanks for sharing! Those of us who read you on a regular basis could never be boring sharing such a wonderful moment in your life!

  2. The pictures are all so wonderful. And what a great reason for all the family to celebrate. Congratulations to Vince, and may he have a happy future with his new diploma in hand. Thank you for sharing this proud moment with your loyal blog readers. Way to go Vince, and way to go Mom!

  3. Thank-you for sharing your personal side, Cindy! You have such a great family! Vince is a remarkable kid, er I mean young man. He obviously has his priorities in order and that is awesome ~ he has had many positive influences in his life and it's great that everyone gets along so well. Lauren is such a sweetie. I just want to give you all a big hug:) Congratulations!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. He is a handsome young man. And smart and nice, too! Lucky Mom. Great pictures -- sounds like the typical American family if you ask me! Thanks for sharing. I read your blog daily, but don't usually comment -- you have so many others. You inspired me to do one of my guest rooms as a "shabby chic/girly-girl" room. My favorite room in the house!

  5. I think this is one of my all time favorite posts of yours! I love seeing your picture AND your kids AND your absolutely wonderful (extended) family. The house you like in SF looks like Mrs. Doubtfire's house!

  6. Wonderful looking family and yes I do agree. They grow up too fast. My Daughter just turn 32 last week. Only yesterday I remember cleaning her up after she was making mud pies.


    We would never get bored with such things. It's all about home and family and love.

  8. How lovely to share the accomplishments of your son. Mom's have a big job in shaping the lives and futures of their children. You did a great job! Congratulations to Vince.

  9. What a lovely day and a beautiful family. Your son is so lucky to have a mom that has so much room in her heart. You are a true gift to the world.

  10. You should be proud, and we're glad you showed your son off to us.

    I have a wonderful son, too. And, I know how you feel.

    so much love!

  11. Cindy ... congratulations!
    Thanks for sharing this special moment. You are such a gem with how you handle life with beauty and grace. You have much to be proud of.
    Betty :)

  12. Cindy,...Congratulations on the College Graduation of your fine looking son! I know you are very proud of him. His girlfriend is a cutie too.

    I enjoyed all of these pictures. And I think it is nice that you have remained friends with your ex-husband for your son's sake.

    It is also nice that his other wives are nice to you too. Much better than being enemies. ((smile))

    You look like such a nice person, and I love your blog and all of your talents in decorating.

    Blessings to you!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  13. What a beautiful post Cindy! That beats anything we can ever do, the raising of children to fine young adults is the best form of art I know :) You must be so proud! I love and admire how open you are with his step moms too, that shows true unconditional love. You are one lucky lady! The world is full of all different kinds of families and yours sounds like you've made your children one very happy bunch! They are lucky too to have such a talented and wonderful Mom.

    Congratulations to your Son, what a fine young Man he has turned into!

    Hugs, Cynthia

  14. Totally loved reading your family story. Congratulations to Vince! What an amazing young man!

    You have such a beautiful family, and the way you wrote your post, it was like I was invited into your garden and partake of your joy.

    How awesome that you mothers get along so well. I agree with you, this is a gift.

    All the way from London, England to you in the far far West (from here) a very warm hello and God bless!

  15. Great post. Nice that everyone shows their love for your son. Sounds like a keeper. Can we trade son's ? mine needs to move forward.

    Anyway, congratulations !


  16. Hi Cindy,

    Thanks for sharing, Vince is very handsome!!! And he sounds like a wonderful human being...I think he got it from you!

    The pictures are wonderful and the part about his "step moms", really touched me. It shows your character and that you set your feelings aside because it was the right thing to do for your child.

    I already thought you were I know you are!


  17. Hi Cindy
    Congratulations to your son! What a feat! And the look of love and admiration shows on all of your faces! Thanks for sharing this day with us and thanks for the pictures of San Francisco - how I miss visiting that city. My girlfriends and I would always make special weekend trips there when we were in our 20's....(a long time ago). We loved going to the Gunne Sax factory and seeing what great dresses they had there - I got my wedding dress there for $75!! So many memories...
    Much success to your son and his future!
    XOXO Rochelle

  18. Congratulations!! And what a blessing to "all get along" despite your divorce. What a beautiful family you have!

  19. You should be proud. You've raised a wonderful son and managed to have a relationship with his dad and his spouses. That's quite an accomplishment. Congratulations to your son. Hugs, Marty

  20. Congratulations Cindy! You have good reason to be proud. I'm so happy for you.
    Cheers! Rita

  21. For some reason I bawled my eyes out when I read this post!!! Go figure! I was just as happy for Vince and as pleased for you as if I actually knew you in person. I also have had that aha experience of not being able to dislike someone who was good to my son... One was his step-mother, another a long time girlfriend of his dads... and amazingly, one was a former mother-in-law of mine... It's a different time with different obstacles than my mother's world... Families are built from "steps" and "halfs" and those who love each other enough to appreciate each other!!! Thank you for a glimpse of yours... Hugs... ps, I did give you a tag on my blog, but you sound too busy to play, and I understand. Of course, it goes without saying I love Romantic Home... and its author!

  22. hola... felicidades por tu hermosa familia, lamentablemente no se inglés, pero suspiro y deliro mirando una y otra vez tu blog, es maravilloso, inspirador, agradable para los ojos y el alma, simplemente encantador, mostrando en cada detalle un toque de ternura único, me lo he visto completo más de una vez pues es una inspiración constante para mi, cariños... Karina.

  23. Congratulations to Vince & thanks for sharing his party. Great pictures! ☺ Diane

  24. Congrats to YOUR Vince! And you! What wonderful pictures and what beautiful snipets you shared! Love it!
    You know...everytime I see that pix of YOUR Vince in the tux--it reminds me soooo much of MY Vince when he was about that age in a tux (for his uncle's wedding).
    So, what's your Vince up to now? Off to grad school I'll bet. My Vince is in PhDland right now---doing what he always wanted to do.
    You look fabulous! With sunglasses, without sunglasses, with lipstick, without lipstick.....!

  25. You should be proud! Your kids are great & I love the fact that you have maintained a working relationship with the extended family because that is SO IMPORTANT! It really shows the kids that it may not have worked out between you all but, you have to still work things out. And the reward was worth it!

  26. Cindy, I LOVED this post!!! What a beautiful family you have! I absolutely love that you and Vince's stepmoms get along so well... I laughed at the comment about the plane pulling the banner. It was clear you all had a fantastic time! Congratulations, Vince!!!!!... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

  27. And when I see the pictures of your beautiful children, you can really proud of them!

    best greetings,

  28. Not boring at all-congratulations on your son's graduation.
    The Jolly Dog House

  29. He looks just like his dad. I completely understand about the step mom thing. I've never been jealous about such things. Seems silly. You can't have too many people loving you I don't think.

  30. Thanks for sharing. The pictures were all wonderful. You absolutely should be proud of your smart, handsome son. I think Vince looks JUST like you. You can definitely tell you're momma and son, especially in the picture of you, him, and the stepmoms. Handsome son and pretty momma!!

    Have a blessed day!

  31. Oh Cindy! Congratulations!! Woohoo!! It sure looks like all those "Moms" have done a great job! I have to agree that it is best to have a good relationship after the divorce. Good job!!

    Take care,

  32. Congratulations Cindy! I know how proud you must be!! This is one of many milestones, and what a wonderful milestone it is.

    I am so impressed that you have such a great relationship with your ex-husband and his wives! That is yet another testimony to the kind of person you are.

    Sit back and just revel in this wonderful accomplishment!

    Well deserved.....

    Lou Cinda :)

  33. Congrats to you both! My oldest son just got married and had his 2 moms there with him - like you, I believe if your child ends up with someone who loves them they are so much better off.

    He's a lucky young man to have a great mom and good step-moms!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Congratulations from Spain. I also have two daughters (they are nine and five years old) that I love with all my heart. You have some beautiful words and thoughts to your family. Forgive my English.

  36. It's not boring at all! Vince is indeed a handsome young man, and it sounds like a wonderful one too. I know that feeling of pride seeing your child graduate from college. It was overwhelming for me when Ashley graduated, and now I've seen her turn into such a special young lady that I can be so proud of!

    Congratulations on Vince's graduation! ~Lori

  37. Congratulations! Seeing your child graduate from college and with such wonderful honors says a lot about the parent too! Your son is so handsome and sounds like he turned out to be that great sensitive guy because of all the wonderful women in his life! Children really do learn what they live. Thanks for sharing, so happy for your family's obvious love and pride!

  38. Congrats! You have raised a wonderful young man. You have so much to be proud of.

  39. You have every right to be proud! What an accomplisment to graduate with such honors and he's such a handsome young man! I think it's wonderful that you all have such a great relationship. Thanks for sharing this special moment.


  40. Not bored or boring at all. It was fun. I also think it is FABULOUS that you and the step moms all get along. How great.


  41. You didn't "bore" us at all. What a lovely family - you all must be so proud of Vince! What a handsome young man.

    Teacup Lady (Sandy)

  42. oh I'm so pleased for him, what a lovely family, good for him to get it right, I am trying to teach my kids that early on

    oh and Lauren, errr, she looks like she stepped right outta a movie!


  43. Congratulations. This wonderful accomplishment is not only a positve testament of him as a person but also to the parents who guided him to get there. Wishing him and YOU only the best...YOU PROUD MAMA!

  44. I second what Cynthia said, LOL, she sure knows how to say the right thing doesn't she, I couldn't have put it better myself(; but seriously you should be sooooo proud of him and I'm so glad you shared it with us, I feel like long distant family and actually I talk to you more than some of my family, hahaha! Congrats to your smart and handsome son.

  45. Congratulations on your son's achievments and yours too for raising such a fine adult. I was divorced when my 2 girls were only 1 & 3 and they also had a step mum from an early age & step brothers & sisters of the same age.
    I taught my girls at a very young age that they were soooo lucky to have a such a big family and 'the more the merrier'.
    I taught them to take all the good from both worlds, live, laugh and share it around. I'm glad to see you & your family can all share the same values.

  46. Congratulations to Vince! You have every right to be proud of him.
    I think it's so wonderful that you can have a good relationship with your ex and the two step-moms...that makes you a super mom in my book!

  47. If anyone was bored, Cindy, then they are welcome to visit another blog. I'm sure all of your regular readers are just as excited and happy for you as I'm am! It was an awesome post to read, and your son is definitely one smart hottie (ooops! I meant one smart cookie, LOL!! JK)!! Congrats to Vince for graduating with high honors!! That's quite an achievement!!

    You look beautiful in the pics you were in, Cindy! I love your hair color, too!! Very pretty!!

    Thanks for sharing!
    Michele R.(CA)
    Butterfly Whispers

  48. What a wonderful time y'all had! Congratulations!!

  49. Congrats to your boy! Your family is lovely thanks for sharing!
    Hugs, Lisa

  50. Congratulations to Vince. Your whole family should be really proud of his wonderful accomplishment. My daughter will be graduating from University next year and we will all be there to share in that special moment.
    Thanks so much for sharing your extended family with us.
    Nerina :)

  51. Oh my God, Cindy!!! I loved this post!! I loved seeing all of the pictures! I love the two step-moms being together and that you all get along! That is so special and so rare. Everyone looks so happy in each of these pictures. I would be so proud also. Your son was so adorable in that first picture when he was a cute little boy all dressed up. And he has such a beautiful smile and happy eyes. This was great! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  52. Cindy, congratulations to you and your wonderful son. It says a great deal of good I think about a person who can get along with the ex's! But you have the loveliest family....bravo for you.

  53. Ohhhhh....Must tell your, I looove your blogg!!!

    Agneta from Sweden

  54. You have every right to be proud, that is quite an accomplishment for Vince. The party looked like a lot of fun, and I think it's great that all of you get along so well.
    From the picture, your hair almost looks blonde, did you change it?

  55. I enjoyed this post so much. What a joyful celebration for all of you. Vince is certainly a young man to be proud of and, btw, he looks exactly like YOU! I'm going to visit my son in SFO in Aug. & I might just drive down to Campbell to visit your favorite store! ~Sue in FL~

  56. WOW! Congratulations to all! What amazing accomplishment- high honors form UC DAvis and an extended family that gets along so well. You are truly blessed!

  57. I'm also a bragging mom of a graduate today (high school) Enjoy it, I'm sure am!

  58. What a wonderful blog. I loved the pictures.
    I love your attitude about the other Moms. I too believe it is the best gift for our children to have a neutral territory for them to grow. I applaud you Cindy.

  59. I like your lighter hair! Looks good on you! I think Vince must have his dad's eyes. Handsome! You have the right attitude - I don't understand steps- who don't get along - they will HAVE to see each other! My sister is the same way - she and her ex-husband's first wife are the best of friends!

  60. What a great job you did raising your son. Congratulations to both of you. You should be very proud of his achievements.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  61. -Congratulations to Vince, to you and the entire family. You must be very proud of him. I hope you enjoyed the party.

    And such a handsome young man too!

  62. Congrats to you and your family! I think it's great you are all close. It's just really nice because usually you only hear all the bad stuff! Have a great weekend!

  63. were one block from my home when you were on Sanchez Street photographing that beautiful home! I am also a St. Paul's parisioner, as well as a third generation bride. Both of my boys went to grammer school at St. Pauls, as well as my husband and his family!
    Congrats to Vince on his graduation! You have beautiful children, Cindy. You should be very proud!
    Have a great weekend!


  64. What wonderful photos. I know how proud you must be of your son. What a great attitude you have about your family.

  65. Would it be rude of me to gush first about what a cutie pie Vince is, and then congratulate him on his accomplishments second? LOL. Oh gracious, Cindy, you sure have beautiful kids!

    From my perspective, this was a wonderful post and not the least bit boring or braggy. As a proud mother myself, I totally understand the enormous pride and love you have for your children. Gosh, I love my daughter so much sometimes I think my heart is going to burst.

    IMHO, I think maybe some of the flack you have received in the past from some readers about being "too materialistic" is perhaps because you haven't done too many personal posts like this one. For anyone who might have mistakingly gotten the impression you only shop and decorate, this post was confirmation that you've spent years being a great mother.

    And the fact that you have maintained a good relationship with Vince's father and 2 step-mothers is more evidence of what an incredibly classy lady you are. :)

    Congratulations to all!

  66. Wow, Cindy, you are right to be so proud, and how wonderful that you could lay aside your personal feelings and maintain good relationships with your ex and his wives for your son's sake. I also cannot get over how slender you look lately! You are really pretty!
    Susan @ Katy Cottage

  67. Oh what a beautiful family you have Cindy AND how beautiful are YOU?!!

    I loved these photos and big congratulations to your handsome some Vince! What an accomplishment ... of course you are proud! Thank you for sharing this special moment with us. You have a very special family too.


  68. Congrats to your son, I can identify with you as well. My daughter Lauren (another one) graduated in May from Illinois State and I was sooo proud of her. I attended the graduation and then we went to Disney in Orlando. You are also an amazing person to have such a great relationship with your ex and his wives. You are one in a million. Take care and please stop by my blog when you can for a visit.

  69. what a wonderful pics...congrats cindy...all my family look at the pics and we commented that your boy is really handsome..and laurent is really cute...i have a son who is 8 years old..and believe me i dream of see him as big as your...say congratulations to your son from a family in el salvador a place where everybody talk in spanish...ja ja ja...we love you

  70. Hi Cindy,
    Congratulations on your sons graduation. It is a proud moment indeed. We felt the same way about our son and daughter when they graduated. It takes a lot of
    tenacity to get thru college but to
    do it with such good grades is really amazing!
    Your blog was not one bit boring,
    really enjoyed it, Vince was an
    adorable young boy and a very handsome young man. Some of your
    descriptions of him remind me of my own son. He too, liked the woods, nature, and plants. In fact, he has an agriculture degree,
    and we were laughing today as we were looking @ the pics he downloaded from his hiking trip
    how he was explaining what some of the pics of flowers and plants were that he had taken.
    You are a wonderful sport, and a
    amazing woman to want to have pics
    with his step-Moms. That is truly wonderful that he had such good ones, cause that is certainly not the norm. I know I had 3 myself.
    Well, you enjoy basking in the glory of his accomplishments and give yourself a pat on the back
    and a hug for being a great mom
    to that wonderful young man.
    Blessings hon, Nellie

  71. Congratulations to Vince and your entire family! The pictures are gorgeous. I wish more people would have your attitude when it comes to their ex-spouses new wife/husband. You are so classy!

  72. Congratulations to your son!! It looks like he has a great family and I think it's wonderful that you all get along so well.


  73. Cindy,

    Congratulations to your son on such a terrific accomplishment.

    I love your outlook on his stepmom's.

    Blessings to you all.

  74. Congratulations to Vince AND you and his other forgot to mention how handsome he is ;D

  75. What a great life story. Thank you for sharing. I (not proudly to say) have been married three times. At all holiday and birthdays..all three husbands are there to celebrate. My present husband has three sons and together we have 14 grandchildren. It is such a fun time to get together and a lot of pictures are taken..the funny part is when my son got married and it was time for family pictures..there I was with all three son told the photographer..'don't even ask' and we all laughed.

  76. Ginny, thanks so much for leaving that comment! I love it!! I guess "the 3rd times the charm" for you! I'm hope it will be for me too someday!

  77. congrats to Vince and to all of you. What a lovely party. And how wonderful that you all get along so well. As you stated, it truly is a gift you give to your children. You are a very pretty lady, Cindy!

  78. Congratulations Cindy,
    What a smart and handsome young man you have there. I had to laugh at your intro's to your son's "other moms". My son Scott has a step mom and I LOVE HER to pieces! We have a great relationship, so I can relate. It's such a blessing isn't it.

  79. Hi Cindy~
    Of course you didn't bore us! And of course you are proud of your son! :) Congratulations to your son, and to you too, for being such a great mom! :) All of the pictures are great! :)

    I hope you are having a fantastic summer so far, and a wonderful weekend, too! :) Take care!

  80. Beautiful family.....Congratulations to your son !!!!
    Mo :-)

  81. Hi Cindy!

    What a wonderful mother! I know exactly what you're saying about sharing your children. My daughter had a fabulous step-mom too...gosh I was grateful....she's no longer around.....that's so sad. I agree....what a wonderful gift to your kids. Can there really be too many people that love them?

    Your kids are awfully good looking...I'd say beautiful, but I don't think your son would appreciate it.

    Congratulations to the graduate!


  82. Give yourself a pat on the back - it sounds like you've done a great job of raising your children as a divorced woman. I'm always so proud of people who have managed to be friendly with ex-husbands and their wives, much less their ex-wives! I love the photo of Vince and all his "moms."

  83. Congratulations, Cindy. I don't think this post is too personal at all. We've all come to know you and love the way you create a beautiful home. Photographs of your family provide to us another dimension, the people who you love. Thank you for sharing with us this special day. I know how proud you are of both your son and your daughter. ~Arleen

  84. Thanks for sharing with us. Nice photos of all and you all are doing well if you can be friends and get along for the kids, that is great!
    Congrats to Vince, way to go!
    I am trying to get my son to finish too, he is almost there, just got slowed up because so many wanting in up here and budget cuts at the colleges etc.
    But he is working on it, 75 credits to go and he will have his Bachelors.
    Enjoy, that is a great achievement for all of you, especially your son!

  85. Hi Cindy, Congratulations to Vince and to you for raising such beautiful children. It's nice that everybody is able to get along.... you don't see that often. The pictures of everyone looks great and so do you.

  86. What a sweet family and his girlfriend has the perfect name.
    Thanks for sharing

  87. I hope your son's time at UCD was as wonderful as ours.

    Congratulations on a stellar achievement and thanks for sharing your family with us!

    --Meadowsweet Cottage

  88. You should be so proud...not just of your son, but of yourself.

    Sounds like you two were the original "Bruce & Demi"! I think when parents are able to keep the family "together" after a divorce, it is a beautiful thing.

    My parents were not too friendly after their divorce, but after the grandkids started showing up, they finally put their differences aside and now they and their new partners can all hang out and have a great time.

    Good for you! (I have multiple ex and current stepparents, so you didn't lose!)

  89. What a specell person you must be writing so lovely things about yor sons stephmothers, a relaisjon difficult than any others, have a nice day!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy