Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Flowers Everywhere!

I had enough flowers in my garden to cut some more bouquets for inside! Roses and hydrangeas...that's the ultimate bouquet for me! I even planted ferns so I could put them in my bouquets. I love ferns!

I picked some gardenias for a small bouquet! They smell so good, unless, you are like my daughter Lauren...she can't stand the smell of them!

Isn't this hand-painted plate above gorgeous? Lorrie, one of my readers, who you may remember sent me really lovely things in the past saw this in an antique store and bought it for me!!! I realized when I uploaded this photo that I have it upside down in the plate holder...oops! I think the artist's signature should be on the bottom! It doesn't even matter because any way you put it, it's drop-dead gorgeous! The colors are amazing!
Lorrie sent me a lot of plates. This isn't even all of them...

I had so much fun opening the box full of these and unwrapping each one! It felt like Christmas! Thank you again Lorrie!


  1. So very nice of Lorrie. The plates are beautiful. I particularly like the 4th one. Hmmm... hey Lorrie do you have anymore? :>)

    Also, love your bouquets. Having fresh flowers in the house is so nice.

  2. What a very lucky girl you are !! Those plates are gorgeous ! Love your roses too .

  3. Hi Cindy,

    Your flowers are absolutely gorgeous! You have such a talent for creating beautiful things! Have a wonderful day!

    Laura from SugarRoseCottage

  4. I am so envious! I love those plates! The one with the roses and lily of the valley is my favorite. Lily of the valley is my flower.
    Hugs, Susan

  5. Hi Cindy
    How generous of Lorie to senbd you all those plates. You must have been blown away when you opened the package. I have lots of ferns and I never thought of putting them in my flower arrangements. Thanks for the tip!
    ((hugs)) Rhondi

  6. I never cease to be amazed at all you do in your little apartment and patio area! The flowers are gorgeous.

  7. I never cease to be amazed at all you do in your little apartment and patio area! The flowers are gorgeous.

  8. Your flowers are amazing .... you have a green thumb. Do you give your plants fertilzer to bloom more? If so what kind? The plates are very beautiful. You are such an inspiration I can see why Lorrie would want to share the plates with you.
    -Mrs Peeks Farmhouse

  9. Your flowers are amazing .... you have a green thumb. Do you give your plants fertilzer to bloom more? If so what kind? The plates are very beautiful. You are such an inspiration I can see why Lorrie would want to share the plates with you.
    -Mrs Peeks Farmhouse

  10. Beautiful! and how thoughtful of Lorrie. Cangrats on Vince graduating Phi Beta Kappa! I know you must be REALLY proud of him. That is quite an accomplishment!!
    Your flowers are beautiful. I got a delphinium that I planted in a big pot and cut off the spent bloom, it is now blooming again. I had told you I never had luck with delphinium but this one seems to be a winner and I don't know what I did different! Who knows???? But I'm happy!!

  11. Those are beautiful plates. I love the flowers, too. The best part of summer is the flowers!

  12. Those gardenias are lovely...but they are the only flowers that make me sneeze!!!!

  13. Hi Cindy,

    Your flowers are fabulous and what a generous friend you have. Thank you so much for entering my are such an inspiration to me and I LOVE everything you do!

  14. Cindy,
    Your flowers are gorgeous! I like the way you put the fern leaves in there too. That was so sweet of Lorrie to send you those plates! They are all so beautiful!
    Lee Laurie

  15. I absolutely LOVE flowers! How very special that you picked these from your garden too. Your flower plates are also very pretty.

  16. I think you can't have too many flowers. Love the roses and hydrangeas together and I can't imagine anyone not loving the smell of gardenias. They may be my favorite flowers. Although, it might be roses, although. . . there are so many wonderful flowers out there.
    Have a great Wednesday.

  17. Cindy, your flowers are absolutely wonderful! Love your plates too. So glad you share these things with us all. Have a lovely day.


  18. Hi Cindy! Looks like you are just rollin in flowers!
    I can already smell your gardenias! I usually float mine in a cut crystal bowl. I love that silver vase you grouped them in! Stunning and I can imagine the scent!
    Have a great rest of the week!
    ~Really Rainey~

  19. Hi Cindy,
    I love your flowers. I don't have hydrangeas growing in my garden so I bought some cut ones at the store. They only lasted two days before they wilted. I trimmed the ends when I brought them home. This is the second time that has happened. Do you have a secret to keep your hydrangeas from wilting?

  20. *****sigh***** your roses are so beautiful, Cindy! Oh how I would love to have a cutting garden... free of the deer that seem to think that my garden is a free lunch. Love those plates, too. What a generous gift!

  21. Aren't you the lucky one receiving those plates in the mail! So pretty and your roses and hydrangeas are beautiful together!

  22. Lorrie is so thoughtful to select such a beautiful gift for you! The plates are gorgeous! Love all the flowers! ♥ diane

  23. Lorrie is obviously a very generous and warm-hearted person! I completely agree with you about how gorgeous the first pictured plate is! The others are lovely also, but that one is just absolutely fabulous. Your flowers are also very lovely. I too love gardenias and planted some outside my kitchen bay window. When I am sitting there in my reading chair their fragrance wafts through the windows and is so pleasant.

  24. Cindy: Your flower arrangements are so beautiful! Hydrangeas and roses are my favorite too, I carried them when I got married. And I love gardenias!!

    And that Lorrie ~ what a special person she is!!! Those plates are beautiful! I especially love the first one.

    Have a great day!

    Lou Cinda :)

  25. Stunning flowers & what a sweetheart Lorrie is! WOW those plates are gorgeous. You deserve them for all the joy you give to all of us. Have a great week.

  26. I'm glad your friend thought enough of you to gift you with those gorgeous plates! So many of us LOVE your blog and get inspiration from you daily. The fresh flowers and plates are a beautiful touch to your already gorgeous home.

  27. Fabulous plates. You are a lucky girl. And the real flowers are gorgeous as well.

  28. What a beautiful post!! The floral arrangement in your first photo is gorgeous. I just planted a couple of gardenias and look forward to being able to cut some. All of the plates are so pretty. What a kind person Lorrie is to send them to you.

  29. What beautiful plates, my favorite is the first one. That is so nice of Lorrie and what great taste she has!
    The flowers are stunning!

  30. Hi Cindy,
    The plates are beautiful. I love your garden flowers too. I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy visiting your blog each day. Today on my blog I posted an award for you.

  31. Oh my, I am so jealous! I absolutely love the 4th one from the top with all the roses around it. I'd love to know if there is anything on the back. I CAN'T TYPE LARGE ENOUGH TO EXPRESS HOW PRETTY THEY ARE! Congratulations, how sweet of her.
    Karen B

  32. The plates are gorgeous!

  33. They are gorgeous - the real flowers and the painted ones. How do I meet Lorrie? What a great friend she must be. Sally

  34. Cindy~ ~ ~
    OMG, Those plate are amazing. Lucky You! Lorrie Send me plates!
    Think that will fly? Never hurts to try~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  35. Oh Cindy,

    the plates are real treasures! I would be glad if I could find such wonderful plates in germany.

    I love flowers and hydrangeas too and have planted white hydrangeas in front of my house. Now they are a little bit small but next year I think they will be really pretty.

    best greetings from germany,

  36. Lovely Just Lovely!
    Hugs, Lisa

  37. Wow...what a friend you have in Lorrie! Gorgeous plates! Please come see me...I have something for you today! ~Lori

  38. love the plates and the beautiful vase of flowers

    so calming over here, gorgeous as ever


  39. Wow! Lorrie is a very generous and giving person. She rocks!


  40. Hello Cindy; How sweet of Lorrie to send you all those gorgeous floral plates. I love each of them. I collect vintage plates too, can't seem to get enough of love your flowers so very pretty, all of mine are just now starting to bloom.. thanks for sharing them with us..


  41. I love your plates! And the bouquets are heady! We rent too and I bought some Rose bushes last week and potted a gardenia a friend gave me a while back. I want to cry b/c it is not looking well AT ALL. It is very droopy looking and I could cry b/c I would rather have lost the new rose bushes than the gardenia given to me by a friend ): I love the smell too. izazbz at yahoo dot com.

  42. Amazing how flowers can add so much life to a home. I love those plates! How very lucky:)

  43. OMG!!! I love these photos. You did a great job Cindy. Okay. I have to ask. I've seen the Blogher add on a couple of blogs now. What's the deal with that?

    Inquiring Minds! ;-)

  44. Flowers and candles. By far one of the nicest combinations. The plates are truly beautiful!

  45. Hi Cindy! Your flower arrangements are beautiful and your plates are GORGEOUS!! I think I need to put your friend on retainer : ) Thanks for the spot of beauty today ~ xoxo Joy

  46. OOOhhh my fav combination too, I love the roses & hydrangas, they look so pretty! I can't believe she sent you all the beautiful plates, how sweet (;

  47. What a wonderful friend! Your plates are so lovely and you did a fantastic job of photographing them. Thanks for the beauty today.


  48. It was fun to see you and your family! Your son looks like you from the nose up and has dad's mouth!
    Love the plates...Lorrie was very nice to you!

  49. I have to agree with Lauren...I'm not a big fan of gardenia scent...goes back to HS and we'd just moved to Texas the year before. A friend and I used to walk around the block at night and talk and talk...neighbors has two gardenia bushes...roughly 6 feet tall (or thereabouts), full of blooms. If it hadn't been so humid, I imagine it was nice, but the heavy scent on the oh-so-humid air...just was cloying and I've not cared for it since...could have something to do with being pretty unhappy also...

  50. Hola Amiga.

    Me gusta pasar por tu blog, tienes cosas muy lindas, a mi me gusta tambien lo cottage, pero aqui en mi pais (Costa Rica) es dificil encontrar cositas tan lindas como las de tu blog.

    Te felicito, y espero que me puedas leer, porque no se escribir en ingles.

    Pura Vida


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy