Monday, June 15, 2009

Mosaic Monday

I'm joining in on Mary's Mosaic Monday today. I apologize for using photos you've already seen here on my blog to make these mosaics but it was a busy weekend...
My son, Vince, graduated from college! He graduated with highest honors, Phi Beta Kappa with a double major in Political Science and Economics and a minor in Statistics! I couldn't be any prouder!!! His dad hosted a graduation party at their home in San Francisco and we really had a great time. I'll share some photos later this week.

Stop by Mary's~Little Red House to see more mosaics on Mosaic Monday!

Update: I'll announce the winner of the giveaway tomorrow.


  1. I never get tired of seeing pictures of your gorgeous decorating!

  2. Hi Cindy
    I never tire of your beautiful photos either! Congratulations to your son. That is awesome and I know you are vry proud of him.
    ((hugs)) Rhondi

  3. Hi Cindy,
    What a wonderful weekend you had, celebrating in your sons accomplishments. It goes to show he had a great role model (you). I'm sure you are so proud of Vince you could pop a button.
    Enjoy your day,

  4. It's so good to hear of young people who do well...that is quite an accomplishment!
    Love your mosaic.

  5. Congratulations to Vince! I would be very proud too! I'm excited for you.

    I love your mosaics - old or new photos - they are always inspirational! So keep them coming.

    Enjoy & take care.


  6. There's absolutely no need to apologize ~ family comes first, and your photos are gorgeous. Congratulations to Vince ~ that is a huge achievement and his hard work will be rewarded.

  7. Oh Cindy, I know I've probably said this before, but I would give anything just to stroll through your house and look at all the beautiful things there!!! Thanks so much for sharing your lovely images at Mosaic Monday, and congratulations to Vince -- what a terrific achievement! :)

  8. Congratulations to your son! It sounds like he has a bright future ahead of him. And all of your pictures, of course -- gorgeous!

  9. Hello Cindy, many congratulations to your son, you must all be so very proud of him. Your mosaic is exquisite, in fact, your whole blog is. happy MM, Kathy.

  10. Hi Cindy. A beautiful mosaic, as always, and congratulations on your son's graduation!

  11. Love your mosaic but love the news about your son even more! Congrats! It sounds like he has a lot of career paths he can choose!

  12. What a lovely mosaic, and it doesn't matter if you used "already" pictures -- you put them together so nicely, they are all fresh again!

    Congratulation, MOM, on your son's graduation, and on his outstanding academic achievements! You are deservedly proud. :-)

    Best wishes to Vince on whatever he chooses to do now!

  13. Beautiful mosaic, Cindy. But more importantly, congratulations to your son! What an achievement! How proud you must be!

  14. Beautiful Mosaic! Congratulations Vince and his proud Mama also.

  15. That is some one gorgeous photo mosaic!

  16. And proud you should be Cindy. All those years you nurtured and loved, helped with homework, encouraged him to go to school even on days maybe he didn't want to, helped with special projects and all the bedtime stories you read him, have now all paid off. Something a mother should be very proud of indeed.

  17. Congratulations to you and especially Vince, he did all the hard work. You must have been beaming.....


  18. A lovely mosaic of your beautiful home.
    Big congratulations upon your son's graduation with honors! What an accomplishment for him, and a proud moment for you all.

  19. Congrats to your son. I know you are very proud of him.
    I love all of your pictures. They always inspire me...old or new.

  20. Congrats. It feels so good to graduate a child from college. Congrats to him on such a high achievement. You deserve to be one proud mama. Enjoy. Lori

  21. Congratulations to Vince on his graduation. I know you are so proud of him. I always enjoy reading your blog, and seeing your beautiful home and creations.

  22. The mosaic is beautiful. Wow! that was huge accomplishment for Vince... Congratulations!
    So is he off to Law School now?
    -Mrs Peeks Farmhouse

  23. Those photos can never get old! Absolutely gorgeous, especially when put into a mosaic! The colors are beautiful!

  24. Congratulations, What a wonderful achievement!!

  25. WOW! Every parent's dream come true! You must be extremely proud! Congratulations!

  26. Congratulations to Vince on a stellar achievement. That is so wonderful and you have every reason to be very proud. And your photos are beautiful. I never get tired of looking at them.

  27. Gorgeous photo's! Gorgeous mosaic!

  28. Congrats to your son!!! How wonderful!!!

    Your mosaic is sooo lovely!!! I love all of your photos!!! Wonderful job!!!

    Happy MM!!!

  29. Congratulations to you and your son on his graduation with honors!! He sounds like he is on his way to a successful career.

  30. done with college yahoo ! you should be proud ~your mosaic looks beautiful all the special images in white!

  31. Hello Cindy;;; I so love the photos of your beautiful home that I would never get tired of seeing them. In fact I can't get enough of
    How proud you must be of your Son. Congratulations on his Graduation.... I hope he finds the Job of his dreams....


  32. I was trying to enjoy your mosiac when I was distracted by your incredible news! Congratulations to you all!!!! I know you are so proud and you should be!!!

  33. I love how you do that. WAY TO GO to the SMART SON!!!! BIG WHOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!

  34. Wow! Phi Beta Kappa and double majors...very impressive! Congratulations to you all on this momentous occasion. Don't you feel just so blessed to have great kids? I know I do.

  35. Congrats to you and your son. You both have every right to be very proud.

    Thank you for droping by my blog and leaving a comment, hope you'll come again.

    Love the mosaic, your home is such a wonderful place to visit. How do you make the mosaic? Is there a website?

  36. Congrats to your Son. You must be so proud.


  37. One can never get too much "pretty"!!

    m ^..^

  38. Dear Cindy,
    Best Wishes for a wonderful new journey for Vince. What an honor...double majors and Phi Betta must be sooooo very proud...does he plan to run for senator one day....
    once again your photos are beautiful and I love the tea light lamp you purchased at Marshall's.

  39. Cindy, I never get tired of looking at your home and wow, many congrats to your son. How proud I know you are and rightly so. I feel good when I hear about young people today doing great things and moving ahead in their life.


  40. Congratulations to Vince! Much success to him!

  41. looks so fresh and pretty..if you are ever my way....Clovis/Fresno....I could use some decorating advice.

    You do know Clovis has wonderful antique stores and Fresno has a lot of thrift stores too :)

    Did you sell your beautiful birdcage that you revamped?


  42. Congrats to your son...(forgot to say that too)!!!

  43. Dear Miss Cindy,

    I'm so sorry to be going back so far from your current posts... I will try harder in the future to post one comment on your latest post. However, I've been gone longer than 1 week... and I can't help myself from commenting on your beautiful blog pages. Please forgive me. If you get a chance, please stop by my blog to see a little series of my newest puppy in my life.

    Anyhow, my first comment in regards to this post is congratulations to the proud Mama Peacock! That is great news about your son and I'm glad that you were able to enjoy a great time between graduation and the party. It is so gratifying to have that sense of comfort/accomplishment/and pride in our children.

    Penny Sue


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy