Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to my wonderful dad and all the other great dad's out there!!!


  1. Happy Father's Day to your special dad!

  2. Hope you and your family have a wonderful celebration!

  3. Hope your Dad has a great Father's Day! (Beautiful flower!) Patti

  4. If you still havehim... LOVE HIM TO PIECES! I miss mine more everyday! What we be without our heros?

  5. Happy Father's Day to yours!
    Hugs, Lisa

  6. Dear Miss Cindy,

    I hope you enjoyed some time with your father on Father's Day... but I don't know how close you live to your parents. My Father's Day was a little bitter sweet. I had dinner planned for my husband and my own father, but it didn't happen the way I had planned. As they say, Everything happens for a reason. Anyhow, my Dad didn't come for dinner because of water problems at his home. My husband's son was not able to come this weekend either. So... it just ended up being me and the hubby. Which in and of itself is not a bad thing, but felt like it was such a let down kind of day for the very precious men in my life.... Dad, my husband and my son.

    Anyhow, I believe this is the first Father's Day in my 46 years of life that I've not spent with my Dad. As I said, a bit of a bitter sweet kind of day.

    Hugs to you... and have a blessed week!
    Penny Sue

  7. Dear Miss Cindy,

    Thank you for taking the time to respond to me. Sometimes I feel like I'm writing to no one out there in blog land... especially when it comes to you. You're so busy, popular and require the attention of so many other people more important than my little life. But I must share with you that you brought much joy to my heart with your response to my post to you. You are such a generous, courageous, beatiful and inspirational woman of courage. God bless your little heart honey.
    Time for bed, Hugs, Penny Sue

  8. Hi Cindy I hope your Dad had a great Fathers Day
    Here in Australia we celebrate Fathers Day on the 1st Sunday in September

  9. I have had so many friends lose their dads in these last few years. It makes me even more grateful that I can still celebrate this special day with him. I do see the tendency we humans have to take our blessings for granted.

    I do hope that you had a wonderful Father's Day. I always love stopping by!

    Hugs, KJ

  10. Hi Cindy, I know you hear this all the time, but I wanted to be sure you knew I feel the same as many thousand other do. You have a beautiful home, your decorating talents shine through over and over. And you are quite the photographer.
    Please keep posting more pictures and stories. It makes some days go by so pleasantly.
    Thank you.

  11. Hi Cindy,
    I raised my children alone. Their father ran away when they were little. I forgive him and wish him well, but my kids always wish me a happy Father's day. This year I even got treated to lunch and a funny card from my daughter! So I get Mothers Day and Fathers Day! LOL How funny is that!
    Lucky my kids have such a great sense of humor!
    Love Lilly


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy