Thursday, May 07, 2009

Meet Linda!

I'm sure many of you already know Linda from Linda's Blue Gate Blog. She makes these gorgeous yard conservatories from old windows! They are perfect for inside and out! Someday I'm going to drive to Texas just to buy one!
She even made one with a fairy garden inside. I really want to make a little fairy garden someday!!! She is also the creator of these beautiful fork chandeliers. You may remember mine in my big birdcage. I'm so happy to announce that she has started her own etsy shop to sell these!!! I also wanted to share this window in her guest room with you! I LOVE THIS!!!
Linda has some really exciting news....her yard conservatories are featured in the June issue of Romantic Homes Magazine!!! I can hardly wait to get my copy! Congratulations Linda! I'm soooo happy for you!!!


  1. Yes...have seen Linda's beautiful work here in Blogville. Congrat's Linda!!

  2. Wow. I was first! See, told you yesterday, according to my math - I will the millionth!

  3. Those are so cute. I just emailed your link to my sister...she has some old windows in her garage that she doesn't know what to do with. This looks like her style.
    **there is an award for you over at my blog

  4. Oh my Cindy....... what a lovely post you did about my work. Thank you from the bottom of my heart...... I have had my FIRST esty order today.......
    Thank you so much
    Really it brings tears to my eyes to see it on your lovely blog

  5. I thought they looked familiar! I was just reading Romantic Homes last night. Very cool!

  6. Linda lives not far from me. We're planning a trip to my favorite garden nursery with some blogging gals. Appropriately named: Blue Moon Nursery! Yes, Linda is quite the artist!

  7. I love her thingies! Just gorgeous and unique.

  8. WOW!!! Such gorgeous, wonderful, fabulous work. Thanks so much for sharing.

  9. Absolutely stunning! I can't wait to visit her Etsy shop. Too bad I don't live near Texas.

  10. Well make room in the car Cindy...cause I'm coming with you....I have always loved Linda's work....
    Mo :-)

  11. I want one of those conservatories so bad! They are gorgeous! Love that window with all the plates!

  12. Cindy, I love Linda too. She is a very talented lady and very nice too!

  13. Some time ago I saw her blog and showed my sister the conservatories, we have been picking up old windows, old china and even an old door. We hope to get started this summer on a small greenhouse.
    I'm so exctied you posted this because of course I didn't save the link. Now, I have my source of inspiration! Thanks, Mary

  14. Love the fork chandeliers!!!!

    What a clever idea!!!!


  15. Wow! How wonderful they are! I am going to have to make one, now that I've seen them, I'm inspired! I'll bet Linda would make one for you and ship it to you, although, maybe a few days in Linda's lovely surroundings would be great, huh? Blessings, Celene

  16. I am so excited about meeting blogging friends who have articles in some of my favourite magazines.

    Somehow it makes the articles even more special, because it makes me feel like I 'know' people a little (from their blogs).

    We'll be on the look out for that June issue!

  17. Not only is she a fabulously talented woman, but she's also the nicest person!

    I LOVE those conservatories! Isn't she just brillant. The fairy garden is so darling (I want to make one too).

    I'm thrilled she has an etsy store and I bet those fork chandy's won't last long!


  18. There is a fairy garden at Linderhof -- they're quite fun.

  19. I just love Linda's work and am so happy to know her as a friend ~
    She is a precious lady ~
    Congratulations Linda on your Romantic Homes article, it is beautiful !!

  20. I always visit Linda at Canton Trade Days and she is amazingly talented lady. I am lucky enough to have some of her work..I was so proud to see her in Romantic Homes magazine..she deserved the recognition. Also her husband is right there with her and is also very creative...Cindy...thanks for recognizing her in your great blog.. Vera

  21. Hi Cindy! I was just telling someone today about Linda's Creation...I'd seen it in my Romantic Homes edition. I'm a HUGE FAN of RH! Thanks for showcasing her on your blog...what a worthy post, she is very creative and deserves to be talked about positively! LOVE IT! ;)~CC Catherine

  22. You do weave some beautiful posts full of whimsy and creative crafiness but really that fork ! it is the cutest thing i have seen in ages. Thanks for sharing with us all.

  23. How sweet of you to feature Linda's work! I wish her great good luck on Etsy! She makes lovely and creative items. Thanks for sharing!

  24. Hi Cindy, Thanks for posting about Linda,...she does good work. I am going to tell my daughter Lynnette about the little greenhouses made out of old windows. She replaced her windows in her 100 year old farm house and maybe she could make one of these!

    Love your blog!
    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  25. I have met Linda in person at wonderful Canton trade days and her work is beautiful. She is always very gracious and friendly.

  26. I just got that issue and so her work there, really cool!
    Love repurposed things made into beautiful things like that!
    Linda Q

  27. I love it all and i have sen her work.lovely...ann...and i adore your window.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy