Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I am thankful for...

Yesterday, my friend Kim came by my desk at work and said she had something for me! She slipped a small green drawstring bag in my hand. I opened the bag and found this "Thought Rock". If you've read "The Secret" you may remember the part about carrying a small rock in your pocket to remind you throughout the day to be thankful for everything you have. Well, this is so much prettier than carrying a rock around! She told me her cousin and her husband just started a business making these. I loved it so much I just had to share it with all of you! I think this would make such a great gift for the person that has everything! You can learn more about these and how your purchase benefits a wonderful organization that helps families. Click here to visit their website!

Even through difficult times, we have so much to be thankful for!


  1. Hi Cindy. You are so right that, even in difficult times, we have so much to be thankful for! I love this "thought rock." And I love that it was a gift to you. Thank you for sharing this story and inspiration with us. ~Arleen

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a beautiful idea! YES . . . we do have so much to be thankful for in good times and in bad times.Thank you for sharing this with all of us Cindy!
    With Thankful Thoughts~

  4. What a beautiful gesture, and I also love the sentiment and couldn't agree more. Despite my entire life falling down around me 9 years ago and living with pain everyday since, I STILL always find things to be thankful for. I honestly believe that's what has kept me going despite all the bad stuff that happened. Thanks for the link to her site, too.

    Thanks so much!!
    Michele R.(CA)
    Butterfly Whispers

  5. It's wonderful I must have one.


  6. Very elegant! I like those, Cindy!

  7. Cindy,

    I think we all need a gentle nudge now and then to really appreciate all that we have.

    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  8. Oh cindy I love your new treasure! I will stop by & check out the site for sure! Thank you for sharing the information with us. And you are right about being thankful. We so often forget that part & it is good to keep that in the forefront of our minds. Hope you will pop over & sign up for my 100th Post Give Away! Have a wonderful week.

  9. What a thoughtful friend you have! The gift is beautiful.

  10. we likely do need a nudge now and then but I doubt anyone NEEDS this piece of plastic to remind us to be thankful. what a waste to advertise something like this.

  11. Anonymous: I didn't say it was a "need"...come to think of it, there isn't anything on this blog that is a "need". Obviously...have you seen all my stuff? Most of it's not needed! I choose to live my life not just with needs but with beauty! I happen to think that this was really beautiful and wanted to share!

  12. BellaBlushCottageMay 19, 2009 3:55 PM

    Hi Cindy....I'm thinking of painting a large hutch....how long do you think it would take? Thank you.....Linda ;)

  13. BellaBlushCottageMay 19, 2009 3:58 PM

    Hi Cindy.....Anonymous should stay anonymous!!!!! People can be sooo NASTY for no reason!!!! Linda ;)

  14. Bella, I think you could probably get it done in a couple days. I think I did mine over a weekend.

    I agree with you about anonymous! Really, how much of anything we have is a "need"! Who wants to live their life with only "needs"? Not me! It's the reason I work hard and not just live on welfare!

  15. Cindy,
    I really liked the little rock. I remember when I went into surgery for my mastectomy I had a small rock similar to this in my hand. I woke up with it taped to my wrist and it meant the world to me. A friend gave it to me to have courage. I doubt that they would have let me keep a rock. Some times we NEED these type of things to sustain us in hard times. I agree people who have negative comments should just move on and not leave bad vibes for others.

  16. SewSweetStudioMay 19, 2009 6:00 PM

    I ordered one for my husband who after the fall of the housing market(he was a contractor) decided to start a Home Based Internet Business. The training uses "The Secret" movie. He carries a rock with the work "Risk" on it, but I wanted him to have this for his desk.
    How sweet of your friend.
    Thanks for sharing and yes we have much to be thankful for.

  17. Cindy - the last time I checked, almost 99% of what we have in our lives is not technically "needed." It doesn't mean it does not bring us comfort and joy. I love this rock, and I am going right now to visit the site. So Anon - na-na-na. I am going to buy something I don't NEED. :-)

    Thanks for sharing Cindy. Hugs, Barb

  18. Very pretty.
    I didn't read the anonymous comment but I guess it had to do with need?
    I don't need kids BUT I sure do love everything about mine and sure thankful for them.

  19. How pretty! I didn't read The Secret; but there are people all throughout the bible who set up stones as reminders in places where something happened which changed them for the better. I have lots of those little reminders around my house.

    And you know? In spite of the fact that I live in a fantastic country, & I have a job, & I have people who love me, & a warm home & good food; life can still be tough and our world is full of crap! And I can forget all these great things and be self-centered and egotistical and selfish. So, YES -- I do need reminders that I have SO MUCH to be thankful for.

    Perhaps Anonymous doesn't need these reminders; perhaps he or she has attained something that I haven't yet; perhaps he/she lives in a constant state of thankfulness. I don't - but I have made a choice to remind myself of how fortunate I am. And if an inexpensive little plastic stone is what it takes, I'm thankful for that too!

  20. Anonymous doesn't sound like the kind of person that is thankful for much of anything, actually. Criticism and hatefulness comes from within. I think it's beautiful and a great idea. Thanks for sharing.

  21. Anonymous sounds like a very negative person. I feel like it is a need if it makes you feel good and happy and positive. I think Anonymous "needs" a Thought Rock or two.

  22. Cindy...I have one just like that...it says PEACE. When we moved from Colorado to WA....we only had a certain amount of time to drive all our possessions through 5 states and it was stressful. My DH and I seemed to take turns losing our tempers with each other...at our hotel in Utah he bought the PEACE stone from the gift shop and gave it to me. Needless to say it got passed back and forth a few times and no extra words were needed. It's now on the windowsill near my sink and I'm happy to say neither one of us has had to give it to the other in quite a while. :)

  23. I like your little plastic rock and may want one for myself...
    Beautiful photo too! Being thankful has brought me peace so many times in my life. Right now I'm thankful for your blog and others I've found along the way!

  24. Hi Cindy

    What a lovely gift to receive.

    Being thankful sure does help with gaining perspective.

    I am off to explore the link you provided as I think these rocks would make special gifts.


  25. Beautiful gift. I love it. It is about more than what we own.

    We learned so many years ago,after the birth of one of our children, the secret of life is to be grateful. The days spent in the hospital, gave us insight into others lives of suffering. As bad as it was for us, there was always someone who suffered more. Others faced a reality we could not even imagine facing or have the strength to deal with.

    It is not just being thankful for things or posessions. The reminder is meaningful in many instances of life. When you can not "see straight" due to loss, grief, catastrophy, having something tangible to remind us of our wealth
    (I am not talking monetary)
    can be wonderful thing.

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful gift!

  26. What a beautiful gift! You are right,we have to thank God every day.

  27. Cindy
    Those are so pretty !! Thank you for sharing with us !

  28. I love the beautiful photo and the great reminder as well.

  29. Oh I love your rock! I think it is a great idea!
    When I was going thru a really tough time healthwise..I used to carry a handkerchief that has a prayer on it. And you know what....it was a reminder for me. It was my point of contact, so to speak, to keep praying.

    Thanks for this great post, Cindy.

  30. Oh the Santa Cruz, California!
    beach is wonderfull.

    Yesterday I received an invitaion form Vintage & Vogue in Campberll to vist the shop and visit with Cindy from Mt Romantic HOme.
    How fun for you.

    Janice In Missouri

  31. Hi Cindy:
    I think that was a sweet gesture for your friend, Kim to give you that gift. I know that in this time of uncertainties, I need some reminders of how lucky I am.
    It just amazes me how much you get "attacked" on your blog for buying too much, advertising too much, or needing too much. I think I can speak for most of us and say that is why we come to your blog, to see the treasures you have found, or how you used them to decorate, and sometimes to copy something you've done. (I copied the glass decanters you found at Target for your kitchen counter with the tea cup inside).
    Keep up the good work.

  32. Debbie from NJMay 20, 2009 8:11 AM


    I read the book, and thought it was fabulous. The rock is a thoughtful gift. A friend of mine told me about also being thankful for all of the little "chicklets" in our lives. "Chicklets" are, getting a great parking spot, making all the green lights when we are in a hurry, a smile from a stranger, just little things we take for granted. I carry a pkg of chicklets in my purse to remind me to be thankful for the little things in life. I'm going to pick up a couple of these rocks for gifts. Thanks for sharing with us!
    PS I am thankful for people like you, who make our days sunnier!

    Debbie xo

  33. Thank you so much for posting these...I bought 3! One for myself, one for my neice who is graduating high school and one for my mom who had her last chemo.

  34. Hi Cindy,
    I think it is a lovely reminder besides that it IS functional, I would put my ring in it while I'm painting. Thanks for sharing.

  35. Hi Cindy...I am just stopping by to say hello and to tell you that I have given you a much deserved award on my blog.

  36. So very true... we have so much to be thankful, even on our worst day.

  37. i'm just lurking and i LOVE you. i love this blog, btw.

  38. Jeannie & I would like to thank you from the depths of our hearts for your support and kind words. No matter what phase of life we are in a little reminder is helpful just to remember those things we are thankful for! Thank You All!

    Scott & Jeannie Amaral


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy