Sunday, May 31, 2009

End of May

Can you believe it's the last day of May already?  Time just flies by!  I can't believe Lauren only has a couple more weeks of school left and she will be 17 in just 6 short months!  My mom always told me that time goes by faster the older you get and she was right!!!  
Last night Lauren and I had some friends over for a BBQ and we had a blast.  After dinner we played cards and then we played Scrabble.  I haven't laughed that hard in awhile!  I forgot how much fun Scrabble is!  

As you can see these photos have nothing to do with this post but I had fun making them with some of my photos!  

Have a great last day of May! 


  1. You are so right that time flies! My father in law also said that time goes faster when you are older. And I remember thinking... "silly old man what does he know. Time is time"

    NOT! It does go faster now. How can we explain that to the younger ones? To treasure time & spend it wisely? Makes my brain hurt. Think I will just go enjoy my time. Tomorrow is my birthday & talk about where did time go. OUCH! Thanks for sharing. I love the photo collage you did

  2. Your pics are lovely! I know you had fun! My grandfather told me when I was about 9 or 10 and it was summer and I wanted Christmas to come that when you are old time goes by very quickly, I've been mad every year that it gets faster and faster!!! Oh what time we had when we were young!!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  3. I always love your mosaics Cindy! I can't believe its the end of May! Where did May go? Anyway, June looks promising, after all, Summer is here!
    ~Really Rainey~

  4. I agree - The older I get the faster time goes by. Your photos are very pretty.

  5. Hi Cindy. As always, your mosaics are absolutely beautiful. You certainly have captured the merry month of May. Thank you! ~Arleen

  6. I love seeing all your pictures.
    Time really goes fast when you have all your kids raised and they start having their own kids. It's scary when you get to my age and you realize there aren't very many more years left.
    Bring on Summer!!!

  7. You are so right! We are having my grandson's 1st birthday party today! I can't believe it has been a year already! I love your photos!

  8. You are so right, the older I get the faster time seems to fly by!

    Your mosaics are so beautiful! ♥ Diane

  9. Beautiful pictures :)

    I love your blog and I`ll soon be back :)

    Hugs from Kari in Norway

  10. I so enjoy visiting your beautiful blog, it is so lovely. I totally agree with you, time does fly the older you get and I found it even more so once I'd had children of my own. Mandy x

  11. Unfortunately time is flying by too quickly. Summer will be over before it even gets started & Christmas will be here before we know it. That is why it is always nice to take a day or two & just relax and enjoy. Your photos are always a nice way to relax & enjoy.

  12. Those are beautiful photos! Scrabble can be a lot of fun sometimes! :)

  13. Totally lovely!

    And, the photos aren't bad either!!

  14. You are so right Cindy. Time flies, way too fast sometimes. My baby will be graduating from Kindergarten this coming week, and my oldest will turn 11 the following week. Where did the years go?!

    Your pics are lovely!

    See you soon,

  15. Becky from TennesseeMay 31, 2009 5:16 PM

    I have to agree with Charlene...
    when we are young it does seem
    as though time drags but, as we
    age, we wonder where DID the
    time go???
    Your photo collage is so pretty!
    I've written this before but
    have to say it again, "Your home
    is beautiful!" I could look at
    your pictures over and over (and
    do!!) :)
    I love the pink tassel....the
    ribbons are so pretty. Do you
    plan on making any for your Etsy
    site? I'm going to include my
    email address so, if you will,
    write me and let me know.
    Have a great week!

  16. Your photo mosaics are GORGEOUS! Thank you for sharing them with us.

  17. Cindy, I love your pictures! so beautiful!

    happy Monday!

  18. Hi Cindy, time is flying by too fast. Love those roses, and china plates you showed. Wowee Kazowee!I love how you put things together!

  19. Our babies grow up way to fast!

    Love your beautiful photos, as always...

  20. Love your photos and yes your mother is right, I've been saying the same thing about time going by faster the older I get;)

  21. Sounds like you had d fun weekend. We love to bbq too. I agree that time really does go faster the older you get. In a few short weeks my youngest girl will be graduating high school...when did she get old enough for that? lol!
    Love the mosaic and hope your "June" is fab!
    P.S. have you played scrabble on POGO? It's pretty fun and I admit, I play every night.

  22. Your photos are so pretty they should be framed art! And yes, time flies! For me, this school year was over in a blink. Hope time slows down this summer.

  23. And your photos are great, as usual.

  24. Oh my goodness, all of a sudden time seems to be moving at warp speed here! This time next year, both my kids will be graduating. Yikes!

    Cindy, I'd love it if you would do one of your mosaics for my next Mosaic Monday. I usually put Mr. Linky up on Sunday night by 8:30pm. I hope you will join us. :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy