Monday, April 06, 2009

Antiques by the Bay

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My friend Nelson and I left at 6:30 am yesterday morning to drive an hour to Antiques by the Bay, which is held the first Sunday of every month. It's basically a big flea market but everything sold here has to be at least 20 years old.

It is HUGE...over 800 vendors. We must have walked at least 10 miles going up and down each isle. I lost 2 lbs in one day with all that walking!!!
It was a gorgeous day with temps in the low 70s. I even got sunburned! About 10:00 am Glenda from Many Fond Memories came and she walked around with us.
Lots of beautiful things (you can click on the photos to see more detail)...

This is Marilyn's booth (below) and I bought something from her again...
There's Nelson down below looking at old photographs (his passion). I was actually taking a picture of that huge Easter bunny chocolate mold in the center of the photo...

I didn't get a good picture of Tracie's booth because it was packed with people but you can see photos on her blog here We got to the show at 7:30 am and I didn't get to Tracey's booth until around 11:30. Did I mention we did a lot of walking? I told Tracey I would be back to take photos but I lost Nelson and it took over an hour to find him so I never made it back.
Here is the beautiful San Francisco skyline and the Bay Bridge in the distance.

I bought a few things but I haven't had a chance to take any photos yet. As soon as I got home I had to take Lauren to the mall to buy a prom dress...more walking!!!


Arleen ~ The Tea Room said...

Hi Cindy. Thanks for sharing so many great photographs. Wow, there were a lot of mirrors, cherubs, and birdcages there. Now I can't wait to see which treasures you chose to add to your collection! ~Arleen

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing. It is probabley a good thing I don't live close to that place - i woulde be broke all of the time.:) Wish we had a flea market like that here. We have a flea market, but it is sad in comparison to what you have access to.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures. Just made me want to be there. I hope to make one this summer. Anxious to see your finds too. Thanks for sharing. You have more enery than I do. Can't imagine going to a mall after walking all day. What a good Mom you are.
Loved your giant cupcake. Plan to go to make one for Easter if Michaels still have the pan. Thanks for the inspiration.

The Blogland Diaries said...

California has the most wonderful Antique shows. This one looked amazing. Your photographs are brilliant.

Linda/Raspberry Cottage said... you know how fortunate you are to live where the flea markets and shops are plentiful?? I wish we had places like that in South Carolina.....I am soooo JEALOUS!!!!!!Take care..Linda ;)

McMullen Party Of 4 said...

Love all the pictures. I would have loved a whole weekend just to roam.

Pink Slippers said...

I love the outdoor furniture you posted pictures of. How could you not save money to buy lots of thingies. Great place.

philben5 said...

Mercy me how I would have loved to have been there. Can't wait to see your purchases and hope prom dress shopping went well.
Roxanne @ Beverly Sandhills

Anonymous said...

So much temptation!

Erin said...

thanks for sharing it all looks amazing! Pop on over for my 100th post give-away!

Jade Creative said...

Wow, would have liked to have been there.
Ther weather here is not yet warm enough for out door markets.
Have a great day!

Donna @ Party Wishes said...

WOW! What a great flea market. Looks very similar to the Rose Bowl Swap Meet.

Can't wait to see your new goodies!

Debra said...

Cindy, Everyone calls this show the Alameda flea market, even though it is far removed from a flea market. It is considered one of the best if not the best outdoor markets in the country. Just the view of San Francisco alone is worth the admission fee. It is a wonderful show to sell and buy at and you have to love cold weather, because it is usually freezing(for spoiled natives like me at least) and walking. All in all it is a wonderful way to spend a Sunday.

Pien said...

Hello Cindy,
What a great pictues!
I like it very mucht.

Greetz from Pien, Holland

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

What great pictures of a fantastic Flea Market! Did you buy anything?

artis1111 said...

This is my kind of stuff!! I woulod have a ball!!Wish I lived near enough to go there. Kathy

Glenda said...

Well I wish I had gotten there earlier.

It was a lot of fun. There were way to many things I wanted, but would have left broke.

Say hello to Nelson.


Sandra said...

Hello. Wow! Thanks for sharing with us! I would have been in flea market heaven there! I see lots of things i'd like!
Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy - I was there yesterday too. What a beautiful day ~ weather and antiques! I loved Marilyn's booth and the Traceys booth. Lots of special treasures.


~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ said...

Oh Girl! You're making me lightheaded with all those great pieces in your area. Sounds like you had a wonderful time.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

Tra La La Boom De Ay said...

Oh I so much want to go back to the Bay Area where I grew up. I hope that you will post more pictures so that I might live through your posts. :) Thank you so much for sharing this, it was much needed in cold Colorado Springs, Colorado!

Sue said...

Oh, I love those chandeliers in the first picture and that rosey wingback chair a bit further down. The cherubs on the pedestals are so beautiful and remind me of you sweet Cindy. Did you get them ;)?

Pink Roses and Teacups said...

Oh Cindy,

that looks like a great place! The skyline looks beautiful! We have been prom shopping too these past 2 Sundays. Finally got one yesterday! Yipee!! Dress, purse, shoes, and jewelry all in one great store! Hope you were successful too.

Debbie from NJ

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

What fun! I see so many great things! I loved all of the old architectural pieces best I think!

Chris said...

So many wonderful things. I wouldn't know where to begin.

Annabelle said...

I would luv to visit your area....looks so warm and inviting, full of romance!Thanks for sharing your Antique hunt with us...wish I was there;although at the moment I am bed stricken with a probable meniscus injury....time will tell!
Hugs Annabelle .... looking forward to seeing your purchases.

Mary said...

Oooo, that looks like such a fun flea market!

Kathi said...

WOW. What a great place to spend a day! I saw tons of things I would like to have! Can't wait to see what you brought home!

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

How fun! I wish I had been there. Looks like there was lots of great stuff. Hope you have a great week!

joyh82 said...

Wow, what incredible things they had there. Thanks for sharing!

Anne Marie said...

You really shouldn't tease a girl like that!!

shame shame!!

Kim @ Forever Wherever said...

Wow! I would love to go there! Your photos were awesome and I can't wait to see what you found. Well, I hope you didn't buy any of those doll heads in the box. That was a little strange! :-)


Elaine said...

Looks like a wonderful day of flea marketing. Did you say temps in the 70's? Oh, you are killing me!

elma said...

Wow what wonderful pictures. Love the cherubs. Can't wait to see what you bought. I wish we had flea markets here like that:)

Kimberly said...

Your pictures made me homesick, I grew up in the bay area, but have lived in rural oklahoma the last 14 years, thanks for sharing

KarenB said...

Boy, I could've done some SERIOUS damage there! Whew! I LOVE the beautiful silver cake platters with domes. OH MY GOODNESS!

Glimpse of My World said...

oh my gosh... someone get me a paper bag!! I am hyperventalating!! I must have that huge black clock in the 3rd picture! do you know who those folks are? web address? What a beautiful day you must have had!! Green with envy in Texas!

Cottage Rose said...

Hi Cindy; What fun, walking and looking at all of the amazing booths. In your photos I saw lots of pretties that I would love to have... oh well.... sigh.. Oh and your large cupcake.. wow wow, it is so amazing, your shells look so real..


Tanya said...

This flea market looks AMAZING! Well worth the walking I would think. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Amber said...

SO many beautiful things to look at! Thanks for taking us on a photo tour! Can't wait to see what you took home with you.

Anita said...

Wow- pimch me. I must be dreaming. LOVING those huge clocks and daybeds and the pillows....WHY must Iowa be so far away?

Linda Q said...

Cindy, thanks for taking us shopping with you. What a fun day, even with all the walking, I would have loved it! But since I was not there, I see several things I like, can you just ship them up to me, tee hee lol!!
Now that is my kind of flea market!
Look forward to seeing what goodies you got and what you do with them.

Susie Q said...

I wish we had a flea market here. I THINK there is one in Denver, but we never get down there....there are some indoor ones, but all the same vendors every week, there is one that I rather like, but ALL the tags are huge hanging ones that get in your way.....

Lisa @ On Cloud Pink said...

Cindy, I love this flea market a lot! However, I hate seeing people walking away with all the goodies I want. Sniff Sniff.

I haven't been there awhile because my work schedule does not allow it. Another sniff sniff.

When I'm there with my boys, I do wish that I could borrow my youngest son's stroller for myself. It's like walking a marathon. But it's all worth it.

Maybe when my work schedule allows it, I'll see you there?


Bumble Bee Cottage said...

Hi Cindy, I am so jealous. You have access to such wonderful antique fairs in the US. I can’t wait to see the photos of all the lovely things you’ve bought and what you are going to do with them.

Alicia ~ Time Worn Style said...

OH MY GIDDY AUNT, how fantastic is that MARKET!!!!!!!!! Off now to clean up the pile of drool i have left in front of my computer monitor after looking at all the photos on your post. Heaven aaaahh. wish i could have gone with you!

abeachcottage said...

g'day cindy

oh my goodness

purrrrleeeeaaase I wanna come with you...can you imagine what I would be like there with all those vendors

I so so so want to find somewhere like that here, I don't think I'm gonna find it in Australia

great post, I really enjoyed it, I'm sure you had a wonderful time


Daisy Cottage said...

Gorgeous things and day! How fun... I wish I could have been there with you!

Pam @ Frippery said...

All I can say is Wow! What great stuff.

Carousel222 said...

Thanks for sharing. Loved looking at all the photos to see what all I could find that I would like to have been there to buy. :>) I did get an idea for my garden. The gazing ball in the flower pot. What a cute look. I will be putting one in my garden this year.

D'Rimba said...

Everyone here, you are invited to my blog pleaseeeeeeeeee....Thanks my friends.

A Southern Rose said...

That looks like a lot of fun! I saw so many things in the pictures that I would have loved! I bet you were tired from all of that walking! And then having to go to the mall with your daughter to get a prom dress! WOW I would've passed out when I got home! I just got invited to a 450 mile yard sale coming up in August. I think it will be in Mississippi and Alabama. I'm so excited! I'm starting a yard sale fund right now to be ready!

Joyce's Journey said...

I already told Glenda that you guys have the best sales in California. I have seen nothing like that here in Florida. I can't get over the items you have photographed! I'd have to have a nice little chunk of change to browse around there. I can't wait to see what you got. It's so cool that you and Glenda met up. What fun!!

Linda's Blue Gate said...

That looks very much like our First Monday here in Texas..... with no building .... Do you ever see any one making little glass houses out of old windows like mine? I can't believe someone hasn't done that out there..... Hope Lauren found the dress of her dreams..
Since you birdhouse post I have had a run on Fork Chandeliers...... Thanks so much..... it is great to have your encouragement.... ; - )

Cass @ That Old House said...

Loved my vicarious day at the Bay! Great post, great pictures... thanks.
(So, what DID you buy?)


Rita's Recipes said...

What a great flea market! We don't have anything that nice in South Florida. You have so many wonderful places to find things in your area. Lucky you!
Cheers! Rita

Becky from Tennessee said...

First of all, Cindy, the picture of
the San Francisco skyline is just
beautiful....I've always wanted to
visit the area but haven't made it
yet. I can't believe how wonderful
that flea market is. Wish I had a
flea market like the ones you have.
I can't wait to see what goodies
you got!

Shaam said...

Oh I really want to go to that! I don't think there is anything like that in socal. Thanks for sharing the photos :)

All the best,

seanymph said...

I mentioned going to this to my bf and we both forgot! Looks like I missed out on a lot. :(

Charlene said...

Thank you for sharing ALL these photos! Can you hear me whine from here? I just got back from California Friday & I am ready to come back. The problem.... $$$$$ & American Airlines is so picky about the weight in the suitcases. I think next time I will not worry about what/weight of what I buy & just SHIP it home (within reason because freight is $$$$$ too) Maybe my next trip out I can plan ahead & hook up with you. Possible???? I would love it.

basiclabelSweden said...

Hej, beautiful pictures, I just want to be there!!!! so many choices. greeting from Sweden.

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Hi cindy ~~ I love Alameda!!! You are right..lots of walking for sure! And then there are the wafts of tempting treats that make you hungry but you don't want to stop shopping.

Hey, I recognized the seller in the 21 and 22nd pictures. I was looking at that farm table with shabby green top. The legs were a bit chunky for me, but it is cute!!


Anonymous said...

oh what a lovely time i had.thank you for taking us with you.i saw so many things.i spent alot--of virtual money and now my house is bursting with treasures...ann

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I would definitely go broke there! Just looking at all the photos gets my heart racing...I especially loved the old iron daybed!

Brook said...

Thank You for the flea market pics. Would like to live near one, what a fun day. I am sending your blog to my daughter, she will love your cupcake.Please visit me and I would like to be on your side bar, Thanks again for the trip. Blessings Brook

Anonymous said...

Awesome pics, i've only got to go one time but i found so many cool treasures. did you try Harvey's Donuts? first time i've seen them there but you can get hot mini donuts made right on the spot, it was a nice warm snack while we walked around.

Anonymous said...
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