Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Just playing around

click on photo to enlarge
I was playing around on Big Huge Labs Mosaic Maker today and made this with some of my photos.  I just can't seem to get enough flowers lately...must be Spring Fever!  

Two posts in one day...I don't remember the last time I did that!  


  1. These flowers look so beautiful. It always amazes me how flowers can romance a room instantly.

  2. Your fabric is lovely and so are your photos! I would have been so tempted to keep the old birdcage and put it out in the garden..You are a good girl to sell it even without a grumpy hubby complaining about all your "Junk" like mine! I quit telling him about all my new acquisitions LONG ago. Let us know how it goes moving the birdies!
    Blessings- LillySue

  3. And your posting at 2 in the morning...get some rest!

  4. I love flikr toys, have you been there? I probably shouldn't tell you or you will never sleep. I love the mosaic. I think spring tends to do this to us!

  5. Cindy,
    Thank you for your unwavering dedication to your blog and decorating. It's my "magazine" I read each night to relax. I love that you've done things on a budget, as so many of us try to do.
    Susan @ Katy Cottage

  6. Hi Cindy,
    I love your big bouquet of lilacs and the mosaic is pretty too.

  7. Everything looks so pretty! Thanks for sharing.

    I still can't get over that gorgeous bird cage you did. That was amazing!

  8. I think that you have Spring fever!
    Your flowers are gorgeous!

  9. Cindy: I could just sit and study your gorgeous blog for hours! Such eye candy! You have given me such great ideas and taught me to look at "things" in a whole new light! Thank you so much for sharing.

    Lou Cinda :)

  10. The flowers are so beautiful. I love them too. Especially roses, my bush will be blooming soon, and I can't wait. They are pink and smell soooooooo good.
    Have a blessed day!

  11. Pretty, pretty mosaic Cindy!

    I'm ready for the roses and lilacs to bloom, too. *sigh* A few weeks off yet for my area.

    I adore your blog! xo~m.

  12. Who needs magazines when we have your beautiful home to stare at.

  13. Wishing for Spring flowers here in Toronto. At least we can enjoy beautiful pictures.
    Thanks for yours.
    Please come by, I'm having a little giveaway.
    Have a wonderful day!

  14. What a gorgeous collage of photos. I think each one is so lovely. I am really ready for flowers also, it must be a spring thing. Hugs, Marty

  15. Pretty! Pretty! Everything looks so beautiful! Have a wonderful day!
    Sincerely, Sandra

  16. Your mosaics never disappoint :)

  17. Lucky us - two postings to view!

    Teacup Lady (Sandy)

  18. lovely pink roses...the picture you have are my favorite time of a rose...just slightly past their perfect look where they get that antique look.....are they from your garden?

    how delightful!!

  19. Beautiful mosaic! I love your photos, so evocative and dreamy looking.

  20. Ya know...those photos (and all the others) would make one fabulous coffee table book. I'd buy it. Maybe that's something to think about, along with the stall at an antique market.

  21. oh yes the flowers are beautifly cindy, I love that mosaic maker thing, I think I could play around with that all day, actually I think flickr should come with a warning - I waste like soooo much time on there, haha!


  22. Cindy , I'll have to try the mosaic maker....been too busy designing graphics....I think you have given me an idea what I can do with it..will let you know when I do. Thanks!

    Hugs Annabelle


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy