Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I painted my Living Room!

I've been wanting to paint my living room/dining room area for awhile now. My taste has evolved a lot since I painted it yellow almost 5 years ago and the bright yellow just wasn't doing it for me any longer. I wanted a more subdued, softer look.
I LOVE it now! It's still got a little "golden" color to it but it's much calmer. It makes the room feel so tranquil. It was hard to get a good photo of the color, it's actually a little more golden than it looks in these photos.

The inspiration for the color was from the beach. I wanted the walls the color of sand and shells and I got lucky and hit it right with my first choice, which is Behr Paint in "Cozy Cottage". The color and the name could not have been more perfect! It's just the look I was going for!

I ended up taking down my vertical blinds on my sliding glass door and raising the drapery rod higher. My next project is to make some drapery panels. I had planned to do this while I was off work for a few days but I ended up catching a cold and Lauren had the stomach flu so that slowed me down quite a bit. Hopefully I'll be able to get to that project soon. My draperies now are hanging about a foot off the floor and it's driving me crazy!!!
Updated: Here's the before picture. As you can tell, it's not a drastic change...


  1. Cindy,
    It looks lovely. What a lot of work! Just taking everything down and putting it all back is quite a task much less the painting itself.
    Good Job! Great basic color that goes with so many colors!!

  2. I love your blog,shabby and gustavien style, I like it!So many beautifuls thinks in your house!
    Bye anita from FRANCE.

  3. Love the new paint color. I also fell in love with the half bird cage hanging on the wall. Where ever did you find it?

  4. Cozy cottage! My living room is this color and I LOVE it too!!! I teamed it with an earthy orange color that's on one accent wall and it works very well. I break for contemporary-county style, but I love your blog! It takes me to a different world of design in a dreamy, girly way!!!
    Enjoying your blog from MD,

  5. That color is perfect for that room! Nice job.

  6. That looks just wonderful! So warm!

    My living room is yellow, too...I still like it, but I think I may, too, be changing it in the next couple of years.

  7. Carousel222: My mom and dad bought that birdcage years ago. I'm not sure where they got it.

  8. Oh, this is so beautiful!!! The color is gorgeous and so calming! You have been a busy little bee, haha!!!

  9. Oh my must have unlimited energy! Love the Room!

  10. Looks great! I need to get some painting done. I just commented on someone's blog that until my daughter's wedding is over, and I get some of my half finished projects completed, I am not going to start anything else.

  11. Hey Cindy,(aka Wonderwoman)Where
    do find the energy? I think when we
    focus on a big project like this,and we hope the end results are beautiful...this is what drives
    us and we can't wait to finish. I
    do love the color. Hope you and
    Lauren are feeling better. Mimi

  12. Perfect color choice-very calm and lovely!!! Love Tiina....

  13. Cindy, it looks beautiful! I was thinking maybe you would go with all white... but this is so soft and lovely. :)

    I'm going to attempt to paint my old dresser, and I'll be thinking of you when I do it. lol

  14. I love your earth colour so much

  15. Your living room looks lovely with the new paint job. What a lot of owrk! :)

  16. Cindy your new living room is gorgeous! I love it much better. I know color looks different on a computer monitor, but the paint throughout my apartment is very similar to your new paint. I wanted white, but when I began to put my white things against this paint, they popped. I love it now, and wouldn't change it for anything. ♥

  17. Hi, Cindy!
    I just painted my dining room yellow and my living room is also yellow, but I'm thinking of painting my family room something soft. Can you tell me the name of the paint color you used? I loved your yellow living room, but that color looks very soft and gorgeous too! Thank you, Cindy!

  18. Wow ~ I didn't think it could get any prettier ~ but you just proved me wrong:) I love it ~ it really does have a calming, relaxing effect and looks elegant with the white sofa, etc. I don't think your yellow was too bright, though. Sometimes we forget: change is GOOD!

    Great job! Hope you're feeling better!!


  19. Love the color! Great job! hugs from Conroe, TX!

  20. Hi Cindy,
    Your room looks lovely-very soothing! Great to get such a big project done.hope you and Lauren are feeling better.
    Take care,

  21. I love the color! Getting it right on the first try is amazing! It looks like the color in my bedroom.

  22. wonderful choice, we recently made the right choice too it makes such a difference. i dream of the day when i can change the flooring in our home eeeeekkk half shag pile is not my thing!
    hope you are both feeling better.
    %*_*% rosey

  23. You are tireless! Always something fabulous and creative. When are you starting your advisory service?? They'l be queueing at your door :)Irene

  24. What a difference, it really ties everything together.

  25. it is lovely. so inviting.

  26. Love it. Would like to see a before picture with it though. Beautiful room!

  27. It is a gorgeous color. Everything looks so lovely in your home with it :) We have about the same color in our living room and it goes with just about everything :) Everything in your home is just so pretty though, you could paint the walls hot pink and still make it work somehow :) Gorgeous !!! :)

  28. hi cindy

    phew I bet that was hard work, i like it now the colour is perfect and seems it was named just for you!

    it looks a very calming place to sit and I love your new sofa of course

    now you need to sit and put your feet up


  29. You have a very welcoming living room. I love it!

  30. Very pretty (I know what you mean about colours not showing up well in photos) and the name is perfect for your 'cozy cottage'. We are changing out our soft yellow main floor this year too. I love an excuse to make new curtains, I just hate paying for the fabric :( You may want all new draperies for a change, but have you seen some of the changes folks have made to lengthen drapes just by adding a piece of fabric to the bottom, maybe a tone on tone in a different pattern, maybe some trim etc. Just an idea. Your room looks lovely.

  31. I love yellow (my living room is similar to the before) but I've been searching for something like your new color to match the tile in my kitchen backsplash. I'll have to look and see if that color will work. Very pretty! Thanks for sharing it!

  32. Cindy,
    The color in the pictures is lovely, lovely, lovely. I could see you were working towards that kind of color. I have had something similar and it is calming, not jarring, no stress to the eyes after a busy day at a computer and allows for other colors to pop. You like so many things that I love that we surely are sisters in God's arms. Bless you for sharing. Love, Karen

  33. Cyndi - I love it. The yellow was pretty but the new color seems more updated. Its so very tranquil. I do not even want to think about what you had to go thru taking down all that stuff. I have some painting to do of my own and I dread the mere thought. But seeing your beautiful room gives me the inspiration.

    I wanted to invite you to my May
    5th "Porch and Patio Party!" I know your patio is lovely right now. I hope to see you there.:-)
    Hugs, Barb

  34. Hi Cindy,
    This turned out fabulous !! I can't believe all the work involved.. How much time this must have taken .. WOW !! Very soothing and relaxing..Your living room looks beautiful !! Have a restful evening..
    hugs ~tea~

  35. Beautiful. I know what you mean about taste evolving, I recently went neutral in different shades throughout my first floor. I love it. Plus anytime I want to change accessory colors I'm not locked in. It is much more soothing. You have a wonderful sense of style.

  36. Cindy, you have the coziest home I know of. Where on earth did you get that gorgeous mirror above your couch?

  37. Cindy, you picked a lovely color. Gorgeous! It reminds me of the seashells I've been picking up from the beach. Such a calm, soothing color. You did good.

  38. First visit to your blog and I love how you decorated your living room. I have a similar color and love it. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

    Have a great evening!

  39. I do believe that color and you were destined to meet. :o)

  40. I love the color. It does make it cozy! Anymore rooms you're planning on painting?


  41. So thats what you do on vacation? Hehehe.. Yes I love the new paint... and it looks wonderful with y our new sofa! Lots of work huh? But the weather has been perfect to paint. I am attempting a wall paper mural sometime soon... It just arrived in the mail!

    ~Really Rainey~

  42. Cindy,
    I love the new look! Everything you do is simply lovely...~Cathy~

  43. Hey Cindy.. I love it.. very calming. Thanks for sharing..

  44. You are so lucky. Picking a color for me has been tough and I have had to paint over and over again in the Shabby Old House. I just did the family room there and I think I finally got it right. After 3 tries. That's pretty bad huh?
    Anyway your room looks wonderful. Definatley a Cozy Cottage.

  45. You can't go wrong with Behr paint. It all looks beautiful. Hope you have a good day tomorrow.

  46. Love it!!! Great job, Cindy.
    I'm gonna go buy that color and do a room or two in my home.
    Thanks for the inspiration, once again!

  47. I hope you and Lauren are both feeling better!

  48. I love it, Cindy! Wonderful choice to go with a sand color. The yellow was good, but this is REALLY good! I am just amazed by all you have done to make your home so absolutely beautiful and welcoming. I am loving all of you birdcages, too. You have great style and great energy. Hope you and your daughter are feeling better.

  49. You don't have any pictures on the wall :(

    Art you showcase on your walls say a lot about your personality, you know?

  50. It turned out really pretty. I have a similar color on my living room walls that I color matched to my sofa years ago. It seems to be the perfect color and I never tire of it.

    I really love your new sofa-just perfect with the toile pillows.

    I do think you should paint that pine hutch on the wall...I remember the history on that and you talking about it but with all of the painted things in there, it just seems like it too, should be painted.

    Take care.

  51. You didn't already have enough to do? That's a big job! It looks great...very the color and the name.

  52. Change is good. I have had a swatch on my wall of a similar color for months now trying to decide when to do it. You beat me to it.

    Hope your feeling up to this Move It Elsewhere and other adventures.


  53. Cindy, your living room looks even better now. love it.
    and it's horrible to be down with stomach flu, get well soon Lauren and Cindy.

  54. So that is what you have been up to, big project but Oh it looks good! Love the color!

  55. Beautiful - would you like to do mine now?

  56. Beautiful - would you like to do mine now?

  57. How odd!! My blog post today is about the color YELLOW! Don't you just love it! Like HGTV's Vern says, paint is the cheapest but most effective design element that we have...Just that subtle change really made all the difference in the look and feel of your room..KUDOS

  58. Any color would look great with your furniture and accessories!
    I liked the yellow but your new shade looks pretty too!

  59. Beautiful, can I come live there?!!! I love the way you arranged everything! I love white dishes,so I am in love with your china cabinet!!! The blue cabinet looks so good, I love how it is soft and yet such a pop of color!! Fabulous decorating!
    Margaret B

  60. It looks wonderful. Very calm and soothing. Great job!

  61. I was just thinking to myself wondering if you got the wood floors:) Love the new look, that must have been alot of work!! Well done!! Looks great:) I also LOVE that half bird cage on the wall. I need one:)

  62. So pretty! You are one determined lady to still get a room painted even when you are sick. We did some painting over our spring break too. My boys' room is nicely updated from dark blue to Ralph Lauren's Oatmeal. My sitting room went from blue to green, but the green is too bright. I'll have to live with it for a while, but I hope to repaint soon! Choosing paint colors from a little swatch can be so tricky! You seem to always strike the right note, though!

  63. Cindy
    Just sew on a piece of material, contrasting, to what your panels are now. I see that on HGTV . Candance Olson does it with silk drapes a lot. Whatever you do it will be perfect.You sure can get things done quick.

    Janice In Missouri

  64. Hope you are both feeling better! Your walls look wonderful! I soooooooooo need to paint mine but, just can not come up with a color choice. So no choice remains the choice. But, these walls with 10 years of the builders watered down, flat paint is in NEED! That is the chore for the summer. :0 I know you will love the new colors & feel better when the drape panels are completed. That kind of thing just needles girls like us doesnt it? Have a wonderful Thursday! Glad you us in Blogland. You give such a breath of fresh air to it!!!! Hugs.

  65. Cindy,

    I'm so impressed with not only the color, but getting it right the first time. That NEVER happens to me!

    It looks lovely.

    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  66. Looks great Cindy! I too have been thinking of painting, but I look at so many blogs that I can't decide what I want to do, then I look at my green and think it is so easy to live with and honestly this paint color has lasted longer than any other color, I usually change the color about once a yr! Your living rm looks so pretty, does that mean you painted in the dining rm too?

  67. Cindy,
    You are the most energetic woman I know. It looks great. I found your blog a few weeks ago and share so many of the same deligts as you do especially the blue and white color scheme in my home. I am new to blogging and the make over "junk" business. Thanks for all your blogging inspiration. Lori

  68. Love the new color, it looks so peaceful and pretty!! And you're right, that paint name couldn't be more perfect :)! Hope you and your "baby" are feeling all better!

  69. The new paint looks very calm & serene. Glad you're enjoying it! (How do you have that big jar full of candy and not be tempted to eat it every time you walk by! It looks so pretty, but I'd be stuffing my face with chocolate all day! I need more self control. ;))

    P.S. We have an air date for our TLC show! Check out my blog for more details!

  70. Loved the color!!!!

    Looks so good with the white and blue everywhere.Good job!

  71. Wonderful! Doesn't a fresh coat of paint make everything feel fresh?!

  72. Becky from TennesseeApril 16, 2009 9:01 PM

    Cindy, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me what
    vitamins you take! You are truly
    amazing....painting and sick at the
    same time. I wish I had your
    energy and creativity. The color
    looks perfect! I love it and will
    be going to Home Depot tomorrow to
    get a sample to try out. Are you
    enjoying your new couch? It looks
    really pretty.
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  73. Becky, no special vitamins! I think painting with a cold was a bad idea. I've been really exhausted from that!

  74. Hi Cindy, The color looks great. I still need to paint my bedroom, but I've been putting it off. I'm waiting to get in the mood. I hope your feeling better-

  75. The new color really makes your furnishings pop! I can't wait to someday buy my own home so I can paint the walls anything but boring white! Great job!

  76. I painted my living/dining room/kitchen that color about a year ago!! I love it, love it, love it! I picked it for the same reasons you did, but it literally took years of searching for me to get it right! I love how it goes with my blues and creams in my house. It makes me so happy to know that someone with taste as great as yours picked a color same as I did. I'm a novice decorator, but I try. I googled Behr Cozy Cottage and your blog post came up. I had come across your site a couple of months ago when I was searching on rate my space. I think I favorited one of your rooms now that I think about it!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy