Thursday, April 16, 2009

Gifts from afar...

Monica from the gorgeous blog ~The White Bench sent me a package filled with wonderful things...all the way from her home in Italy to my home in California! Look at this beautiful sign she painted for me!!! I got teary eyed as I opened it...I was just so touched when I read the card that said she painted this just for me!
It captures so much of what I love...Martha's Vineyard, the cottage lifestyle, hydrangeas and of course my favorite color, blue! It's just so me! It's so Monica too...she's also a "blue" person!

Look at the other beautiful things she sent...
some vintage postcards from Europe that I put in this jar with the nest and eggs. The blue on the girl's dress matches the eggs perfectly!
She also sent me this bottle with a gorgeous blue rose on top. I saw this on her blog and had commented on how beautiful it was!
She makes these wonderful fabric dolls and sent me one.

Thank you so much Monica!!! I'm so touched by your generosity!!!

I know I've said this before but I'm just amazed at all the wonderful women I've met all over the world through my blog. It's so nice to know there are so many kindred spirits out there!
For those of you in Northern California: This weekend (Friday-Sunday) is the "Move it Elsewhere" sale. You can see the post I did on it last month or visit their website. I'm meeting Glenda~Many Fond Memories there on Saturday. I can't wait to see the new things they have this month!!!


  1. Cindy,
    What wonderful gifts, so thoughtful and especially for you. That means a lot. Monica is a talented artist as well as a generous person. You are blessed.
    But, you give a lot of yourself to others so you deserve all the wonderful things you get from your friends!!

  2. Oh, Cindy...these treasures are just PERFECT for your Romantic Home. Such a sweet and thoughtful gift from a sweet a sweet lady..
    Enjoy your gifts..they are all lovely.
    xo bj

  3. You get so many wonderful gifts from everyone. I love how you are displaying the card in the jar with the nest and eggs. The sign is perfect.

  4. Whooo hoooo Cindy! I bet you were just beside yourself! I love Monica's blog. She's amazing! ♥ Diane

  5. that is an amazing package to receive:) i'm so happy for you - when you give, you always receive in return, no?!

  6. Oh Cindy! YOU brought tears to my eyes with this post!!! Thank you, thank you a lot!
    I am sooo glad you liked everything, and your displays... absolutely terrific!!
    Have a beautiful afternoon/evening, and enjoy your gifts!

  7. Such wonderful treasures. They go so lovely in your home. I love the new paint color. It is so very serene.

  8. Beautiful things! That is so nice and thoughtful. Love your living room. You have done such a great job with your home.

  9. What a lucky Bird you are. I would have shed a tear as well getting that. Beautiful sign, that's a lot of talent there that came out of that box.

    See you on Saturday....


  10. Wonderful gifts! Monica is so very talented - I love her blog.

  11. Nice gifts, Cindy! Goes with your home perfectly!

  12. How beautiful! Everything goes so perfect with your home. I love her blog too.
    Lee Laurie

  13. That is really sweet! Very touching! :)

  14. Beautiful gifts, Cindy! Monica's blog is lovely, as well. The first thing I noticed is that her background is very similar to yours ~ you truly are kindred spirits.
    I really like your painted birdbath with the seashells displayed in it. The cottage sign is gorgeous!

    Take Care,

  15. Such wonderful gifts. Isn't it fun when people "get" your style. Thank you for your wonderful blog. I always visit. I don't always comment, but I'm here soaking up your talent!

  16. Lucky you! I was lucky to get a package from Monica too. We did a Easter/Spring Swap & she sent wonderful things. SHE IS SOOOOOOO SWEET! Enjoy!

  17. Yes, your new sign is PERFECT for your home. Such lovely gifts...Isn't it such a joy to share kindness! Have a great day!

  18. ooooh, lucky you! what a great package and from italy, mmmm

    i'd love one of those signs, isn't she talented


  19. what a wonderful feeling to be loved and admired.

  20. Cindy, such lovely gifts. Monica is a very thoughtful and generous person, and quite the artist to create something so pretty and so perfectly you! I'm sure you will smile and think of her each time you see one of those lovely gifts.

  21. Oh Cindy! I wish I wasn't out of town I would so meet up with you at the 'Move it elsewhere' sale! I am going to try to catch the may sale! Have fun! Love the gifts, they all come from the heart!
    By the way come and join in my birthday give-away! Spread the word!

  22. What fun gifts to receive from afar!
    They will be so lovely in your place!

  23. Very nice! It is amazing the bond that is formed via our blogs! hugs from Conroe, TX!

  24. Hi Cindy.

    The gifts are wonderful.
    Monica really paints so wonderful, what a beautiful sign.
    And the bottle and the doll and the card, it's all so beautiful.

    You room turned out nice with the beach color feeling.
    Great job!

    Take care!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Here in Vermont we are enjoying the wondeful spring weather.
    Hugs Bodil.

  25. What a very thoughtful thing to get from a fellow blogger. Congrats on that!

  26. You are very lucky to receive Monica's gifts, she is one talented lady!! I have received her wonderful gifts myself, and I am so blessed to be a friend with her. She is really a treasure!!! I think your are so right, there are many wonderful people out there in blog land!!!!
    Margaret B

  27. Monica is very creative and has a good heart! Enjoy your lovelies!

    Hugs Annabelle

  28. Wonderful gifts and a memorable gifts .
    your blogs have good posts and would love to visit again and again


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy