Friday, March 27, 2009

It's Lilac Time!

My lilacs are blooming! Since my lilac bush is in a corner of my very small patio area that I can't see unless I'm out there, I picked them all to bring inside!
It looks like Spring-time now in my living room!

I wish you could smell these!!! The scent is amazing!

Here...just lean into the monitor and take a big whiff...

Doesn't that just smell like Spring?

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Its funny, I went shopping yesterday and just HAD TO have a lilac candle. I used to have 10 bushes in my back yard when I lived back east. I miss them so much. But its almost like I can tell when its lilac time. Thanks for posting this. It comfirms what Im feeling and gosh I can almost smell them from here. :)

  2. Oh my gosh, I'm drooling... Will spring ever come to New England? I'm still half expecting one more late season snowstorm... seems to be the norm here! Those are just gorgeous! Your pitcher is perfect for them!... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

  3. Your lilacs are stunning! One of the advantages of having an all white palette in home decor is that every color looks great with it. With all your white and blue, these lilacs are look beautiful inside your home! Thank you for sharing these wonderful photographs. ~Arleen

  4. I just bought my first lilac bush this morning. I'm so excited! It's been raining here so maybe next week we can plant it (or sooner if there is a break in the weather).

  5. I am jealous. My lilacs are still juvenile and aren't doing anything. I have fertilized them and hope they take off soon. Yours are gorgeous !


  6. What a great post - I CAN smell those lilacs. I'm quite jealous of Californa already having them in bloom. I am in Maryland and we're still weeks away. But I'm already hopeful for them. Great photos!

  7. What gorgeous Lilacs........I live way up in The Great White North. All I see of my lilacs are teeny tiny buds and no leaves.

    They look absolutely stunning in your pitcher.... love all your things. That lilac colour just says "spring".

  8. We had 6" of snow last night and my lilac bushes are covered with that instead of blooms. They will bloom soon and I can't wait, so thank you for giving me a preview of what is to come. They are lovely!!!

    Donna from New Mexico

  9. Beautiful lilacs......the perfect Spring touch :0)

  10. I'm so jealous...they just beautiful...our Texas weather gets way to hot for them..I have trouble just getting my peony alive during this weather..I honestly love your blog...I have to check everyday to see what is new at Cindy's place...keep up the great blogs....Vera

  11. Thanks Cindy for the lilac photos. My favorite flower and they don't grow in FL! I agree with you, there is nothing that comes close to the aroma of lilacs. I had them when I lived 'up north' & also would put them in every room so that the whole house smelled like spring! We DO have gardenias though, and mine are ready to burst into bloom & the orange blossoms just finished blooming. Spring is full of such wonderful smells and colors! Have a great weekend! Sue

  12. Wow, they really look pretty! In the Midwest, we are just happy to see green grass! We have sleet and snow predicted tomorrow so your lilacs are a welcome treat. I was just thinking about how good they must smell in your house when you wrote to take a whiff. LOL! There is nothing better than lilacs in the house!

    By the way, the third photo was just amazing. Great shot!

  13. Lilacs are my all time favorite flower. Yankee Candle has a White Lilac candle that is as close to the smell as I have ever been. Yours are gorgeous.

  14. Cindy,
    Lilacs are my most favorite flowers. I can almost smell them through the computer! At my old house, hubby planted a bush right by the back door so I could always smell them when they were in season. Now in my new home, he is going to plant some more bushes for me. They are just lovely! Amy

  15. Beautiful pictures of the beautiful lilacs.

  16. How pretty! Makes me want to go plant one in my backyard.

    Debbie V.

  17. Oh! I do love your lilacs Cindy.Beautiful photos of them too.I can almost smell them.
    Have a good weekend!

  18. Gee..our lilacs don't bloom until May here in Canada! They do look gorgeous; one of my favorites!

  19. Those are so beautiful! Purple is my favorite color and I bet those smell great. They go well in your home.

  20. It is so beautiful! I love Spring time.

  21. WOW! It's amazing!Such a gorgeous color and scent... LOVE lilac too!
    Hope you had my email.

  22. Hi Cindy,

    OMG! Your lilacs are so beautiful! I have 2 potted lilac bushes in pots and another in the ground; but mine don't want to bloom! I'm so miffed by it! Any secrets?
    Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend full of this amazing sunshine!


  23. Very pretty! I love your decor! Looking forward to warm days again in my area.

  24. They look amazing! It's going to be a while before we see any of those here in Atlantic Canada.


  25. I love how the smell overwhelms you!

  26. Your lilacs are fabulous! I need to plant a lilac tree. The color is so rich.

  27. Your lilacs are fabulous! I need to plant a lilac tree. The color is so rich.

  28. It must smell like heaven in your house! I so want a lilac but have so little sun to plant in. I may just have to find a spot. They're so lovely!

  29. Beautiful flowers! There is that beautiful birdcage in the background.

  30. Your lilacs are beautiful and if they smell as good as mine then your whole room must smell wonderful! When we left the family ranch several years ago I dug up great-grandma's lilac that she had planted many, many years ago. She had transplanted it herself from the original homestead site. So mine is very old and very much alive. Thanks for sharing!

  31. Oh it looks gorgeous, and I'm sure the smell is just wonderful. Beautiful pics. Hugs,Marty

  32. Your lilacs are absolute gorgeousness!! And you put them in a lovely vase to showcase them. Love it!

  33. Lilacs are my favorite flower. Unfortunately, we can't grow them here in Phoenix.
    Yours are beautiful.

  34. I love lilacs but they are very difficult to grow in our region. Once when visiting Cleveland I saw a bouquet of lilacs that were about 2 feet in diameter and it was one of the most memorable floral sites I had ever seen. Just gorgeous!!

  35. Beautiful! I am still waiting for mine to bloom-might be a while-but oh so worth it!Have a terrific weekend~Smiles~Tam!

  36. Cindy, I love your blog and study your photos and I've got what I think is a great idea for you! If some day you ever run out of things to post about, and I don't know how you find something new and fresh every day but you do...Anyhow, how about taking some questions or giving out suggestions to your readers who are trying to achieve your look. As I decorate at my house I always think to myself "what would Cindy do"... so if you are every open to an advice day for specific problem areas, I could use some.

  37. Your lilacs are beautiful! I have 2 bushes but they are no where near blooming yet....I can't wait!

  38. Beautiful lilacs ~ can't wait until ours bloom (Michigan), but they'll have to endure another snow/sleet storm first:(
    I still feel lucky, though, after some of your readers mentioned that lilacs don't grow in their areas due to the heat. I had no idea, so thanks for pointing that out so I don't feel like I'm constantly getting the short end of the stick in this chilly northern climate BRRRR.....

    Have a great weekend!!

  39. The Lilacs are simply beautiful and I miss mine so much! I grew them in Colorado. I wonder if I could grow them in AZ. tho... It does freeze during the winter and they need a good freeze to bloom. I can smell them now... MMmmmmmm Thanks for that post!

    Your photos are awesome... especially 5 and 6. I was wondering if I could have permission to print #5 and frame it for my meditation room?


  40. Ooooooooo!!! They're so pretty...I can almost smell them!

  41. Cindy, Your lilacs are so pretty! Just the perfect touch for Spring. I bet they smell wonderful.
    Lee Laurie

  42. Thank you for sharing your lilacs. We have about 8 inches of blowing snow on the ground and more to come throughout the night! So those were just what I needed!

  43. What lovely pics of a beautiful arrangement. I love being able to bring the outdoors inside.

  44. Indeed it does smell like spring!
    What a blessing to get blooms this early...snow is expected here this weekend! yikes!

  45. I think I could really smell them...I miss the Lilacs in Oregon,,,they don't have them here in Al. They are so wonderful. Thanks!
    Beautiful home too!

  46. You are going to make me go out and pick some of the native crabapple blossoms blooming in my woods! They smell heavenly and I really should cut some and bring them indoors to enjoy. I don't have lilacs here. Yours are gorgeous!

  47. MMMM, I can almost smell them!

  48. Those are gorgeous!! Don't you just love the smell of lilacs in bloom?! Thanks for sharing, I'm loving dreaming of Spring!! :)

  49. My lilacs have buds....can't wait to bring a big bouquet in the house! I love the "aroma"!~Patti

  50. Cindy,
    Your lilacs are lovely!!! What a beautiful arrangement!!!XOXO

  51. Oh, such beautiful lilacs, beautiful vignette of your living area. You just have such beautiful surroundings! Have a great weekend with all of that eye-candy!


  52. Hello Cindy; I love your photos; and the Lilac's are just beautiful. I am going to plant one this year. So I hope next spring I will have some to bring in.... I love the sent of them.


  53. Nothing says Spring like the fragrance of lilacs in the air. I wish I could get a whiff of these.

  54. Thank you Cindy! I'll send you a photo of your photo framed!


  55. Cindy, How blessed you are to have lilac blooms like this!! I could smell them through the monitor!! LOL My grandmother had one of the few lilac bushes that I have seen here in our area, but it only had small blooms. But the fragrance was so large! I could sit and sit just enjoying the wonderful smell!
    Thank you for reminding me of my wonderful grandmothers garden. It is even more special to me right now she is very sick and in the hospital quite a bit. So the good memories are good right now!
    Thank you,

  56. Beautiful!! I adore lilacs. I actually don't enjoy the scent of lavender, but I love the sweet scent of lilacs as a replacement!

  57. The Lilacs are so gorgeous but then your whole home is to die for :)
    have a super wonderful weekend, Cindy!

  58. Here in Oregon, most all of ours are still getting their leaves. I can't wait for mine to bloom. By the way I love your blog. Thanks for letting us in on a part of your life.

  59. Ohh Cindy, your lilac are stunning! They're my favourite flowers!!!
    have a marvellous week end!
    Warm hugs

  60. Cindy.. love the photos.. your house look stunning and with a smell of lilac.. it must be like heaven! moreover having all the angelic looking cherubs around.. am so sure, it is heaven! Wish I can have lilacs too! have a good weekend!

  61. What would springtime be like without the lilacs. I wish they grew in FL. I miss the smell.
    One grew outside my bedroom window and I remember the smell coming through my window.

  62. Lilacs are such wonderful flowers but here we can't find many.
    Yours are beautiful.


  63. Wow! These lilacs are gorgeous. What a tease you are! lol Not sure where you live, but in Minnesota our lilacs don't bloom until about the third week in May on a cool Spring like this one, or mid May if it's a warm Spring. I am so envious.
    My sign of Spring right now is out of my bay window we have a huge evergreen tree that a pair of Cardinals is working on building their nest and it is a site to behold.
    So glad to have found your blog. If you have time, stop by my blog, as I have a necklace giveaway going on thru March 31st.


  64. Lilacs are my all-time favorites, too! Outstanding pix....Your home just gets more and more beautiful every's really blossoming!!!
    sheri :O)

  65. Here we still have winter and your lilacs are in bloom! It's hard to believe LOL. Hopefully we don't get any more snow this year. We're really tired of it.
    Hope you have a nice weekend.
    Love Elzie

  66. Absolutely my favorite flower. When I had my daughter, instead of the usual flowers, my husband brought me a huge bouquet of lilacs. Heaven!

  67. Hi Cindy, Sometimes I see how many comments you have on your posts, and I feel like whatever I might have to offer is just insignificant. You must be overwhelmed at the amount of responses you get... but, I'm so happy for your blog world success.

    Anyhow, the lilacs are stunning. I especially love the photo you posted with the lilacs in the foreground and the focus in the background. Gorgeous!

    When we moved to our home when we got married (almost 12 years ago), my husband knew how much I loved lilacs (along with a few other things) and planted lilacs of many colors around our property. We've yet to obtain a white, and a pink one. Anywhere you go, you can smell the scent. I bring them indoors and put some in every room in the house. One true desire is that the blooming season were longer here.

    I inherited this craze from my dear Mama. When I was a young child, Mom had 3 or 4 huge lilacs. She would bring them in the house and put them in every single room. Even my sister's and my room. I remember falling asleep to the scent of lilacs. What a great memory you brought back of my childhood... and why I have such fondness for them now. Thank you Cindy. You're a sweetie!

    Penny Sue

  68. Hi Sandra.....

    Thanks so much for visiting my first Pink Saturday. This is sooooo much PINK fun!

    Oh, those lilacs. I'm telling you, as soon as I saw them the tears began to flow. My sweet Mummy went to heaven just a bit ago and lilacs were her very favorite flower. Thanks so sharing!


    PS......I've been to YOUR Romantic Home many times! :-)

  69. Oh my! I LOVE lilacs!! You're lucky, we still have weeks and weeks to go.

  70. I am so jealous. We still have snow here in Utah. Today should be warming up to about 50 fahrenheit.
    I hope the snow will be melted by the end of the day. The weather-man is predicting another storm this week. I'm thankful I can enjoy your beautiful spring flowers. Thanks for sharing!

  71. I really like all you pictures, thanks for sharing. Lilacs are my favorite, their smell is so nice.

  72. Oh, I wish I had lilac! I don't think you can get more romantic than lilac.

  73. Cindy, your lilac looks like "Lavender Lady". It blooms well here in Santa Clara Co. Hold on, Glenda...I had mine for SEVEN years before it bloomed!!!

  74. Oh how gorgeous, my lilac bush is getting there. I cannot wait for thr blooms of lilacs and pink roses. We got such dull and rainy weather here...Where is spring??

  75. They look lovely.One more sugestion,I'll shut up.What about putting the birds in that beautiful white cage?It doesn't look wide enough that they can get out and they cannot eat it...hmmmmmmmm...Ann

  76. Hi Cindy
    Oh how I wish we were even close to seeing those lilac buds on our trees....I'm afraid I will have to wait a while for mine! Enjoying yours (even if I can't smell their scent!)

  77. Becky from TennesseeMarch 28, 2009 8:58 PM

    Oh Cindy, the lilacs are just
    beautiful! I can just smell
    them now. I don't even know
    if I can grow lilacs here in
    middle Tennessee. Our summers
    are pretty hot and humid and
    our winters aren't very cold.
    The color is beautiful with
    your blue and white color
    palette. Did I catch a glimpse
    of your new white sofa?
    Hope you are having a great

  78. this room is beautiful. i love almost all white in a room. it has such a peaceful easy feeling. love the lilacs on the coffee table and in that vase. you have done very well living on a budget and being the single mom to two. great for you.

  79. I can almost smell them....this is my favorite scent. My bushes are still so small. I can't believe what you have already. Jealous!!!

  80. Oh Cindy those are beautiful and I think I could smell them(: I wonder if I could grow them here in S. FL??

  81. I have one lilac bush that doesn't give me a lot of blossoms, but I treasure each one of them. The scent is unbelievable. Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures - as always I want to crawl right into the photo.

  82. Those photos are beautiful Cindy!

  83. Those lilacs are absolutely lovely! I grew with a ton of lilac bushes in my back yard! So lovely in the Spring! I loved them all!

  84. I love the smell of lilacs!! We don't have anyhere in NC and I miss them so much!

  85. We live in North Central Alabama. Last year I planted two lilacs from Costco that came in big paper cups. I forgot to water them and when I thought about them a week or so later, they were crispy critters!



  86. I am so jealous! We have several bushes...but they don't bloom til MAY! In fact...I think it's snowing outside...sniff sniff...I'm LONGING for spring and your lilacs are a beautiful reminder that it WILL be here before too long.

  87. Beautiful flower pot..... I am jealous...... thanks for sharing..

  88. I love your lilacs, I had my wisteria on the other day and they are beautiful too, but nothing smells as sweet as lilacs. I had a bush outside my bedroom window when my kids were little and every morning the breeze pushed in that breath taking smell. Thanks for sharing.

  89. b e a u t i f u l

    love my trips by your place cindy...


  90. My oh my how lovely, it just makes me ache because I have probably 3 weeks before mine come on. Beautiful pictures!!!

  91. Hey Cindy. Those photos are gorgeous. Just wanted to say thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving your vote and opinion. I really appreciate it very much! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  92. The lilacs are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing...

  93. They're beautiful! I also love the pitcher. Very pretty.

  94. Hi Cindy,
    I have a question for you and your blogger's guests and this can be a long shot. I'm wondering if anyone knows the brand of the tea set that was in the movie "I've loved you for so long". It was the scene where Juliette and Lea were having tea in Lea's kitchen. I've searched all over the internet but couldnt find any information about it.

  95. I can smell them...right through the monitor and wow...they are heavenly! :-) They are gorgeous! Susan

  96. Mine are not quite ready. I can't wait till I can pick some for the desk.Kathy

  97. Hi Cindy, We just had some snowfall as of yesterday and coming over to see the beautiful lilacs was refreshing to see. I have two large lilac bushes and I can't wait to see them bloom. The smell is wonderful!

    Have a Great Day-

  98. Your lilacs are beautiful! I love the way you arranged them with the other items. I was pleasantly surprised to find several white blooms on our small young lilac bushes this year. You inspire me to cut them for a vase. Just yesterday, I posted photos of them and other new blooms I discovered in our yard this weekend. Stop by and take a look. Don't you just love Spring?!

    By the way, I love your blog!!!

  99. Beautiful! Are you planning to host another centerpiece party? It looks like you have another winner to share!

  100. Oh I just adore lilacs. They are heaven on a bush. :)

  101. One of my favorite flowers! they don't fare well out here.

  102. They are so lovely!!! I actually have overlooked them in my landscaping but now I want to add them I will have to do some more research on these lovely flowering bushes! (I love all bushes that give flowers that can be cut and put in vases!!) Thanks for sharing!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy