Monday, March 30, 2009

A busy weekend!

I was so busy this weekend that I didn't get a chance to take any photos for my blog so you'll have to settle with a photo I took of Beau about a week ago. I walked into the living room and found him sitting in the chair with his leg up on the arm just cracked me up so I quickly grabbed the camera! He really thinks he's a little man, I'm sure of it!

Saturday morning my phone rang at 7:00 am. I knew right away it must be my friend Nelson, he's the only one that ever calls me that early! He was on his way to the Santa Cruz Flea Market and wanted to see if I wanted to go with him. Of course I did! It didn't even matter that I just woke up 15 minutes earlier, hadn't showered or had any coffee! I threw on some clothes and we were on our way with only a brief stop at Starbucks because I don't function without my morning coffee!!! I'm so glad I went because I found something wonderful and that is why my weekend became so busy! It needed some work so I spent most of the day on Sunday working on it and painting it white. It's just about done and I hopefully will have photos tomorrow!!!


  1. Hi Cindy. What a great picture of Beau. I can't wait to see what you found at the flea market! ~Arleen

  2. He looks so cute there enjoying the sun! Can't wait to see your newest find.

    Debbie V.

  3. Awwww, how sweet Cindy! He's adorable!

    I loved the post before this too! Stunning photographs of your beautiful Lilacs, those are absolutely my favorite flowers and the scent is beyond amazing!

    Happy Spring!

    Hugs, Cynthia

  4. So cute of Beau!!! He's talking to
    you with his eyes.....(I found my
    spot in the sun and I'm soooo
    comfortable.) I'm excited about your latest find and looking forward to seeing it. Mimi

  5. Beau is such a cutie pie. Makes me want to reach out and give him a kiss and hug. Our pets are family members as well. Can't wait to see your latest find. Wish I had your energy to do all this painting.

  6. Beau is too cute!

    Ohhh ... I can't wait to see the big reveal!

  7. Beau is so cute~~~
    Can't wait to see your newest project! Heavy sigh, will have to wait til tomorrow~~
    Have a great week

  8. Awwww, he's such a cutie! I can't wait to see what you got. Do you have any room left in your apartment? lol

  9. Luv surprises and Beau is just too precious! Have a great day
    Hugs Annabelle

  10. Oh how sweet. I'm betting dogs know much more that we think and who ever thinks they don't have personalities, well all I can say is they don't have a dog. Great lilacs - beautiful.
    Happy Twirls

  11. Becky from TennesseeMarch 30, 2009 11:58 AM

    Hello Cindy and Beau. He looks so
    cute with his leg on the sofa arm.
    It is amazing how human-like our
    pets seem at times.
    Can't wait to see your new project!
    Here in middle Tennessee we don't
    have a lot of flea markets. We only have one at the Nashville
    fairgrounds once a month. Also, it
    is pretty hard to find a bargain
    anymore because most of the vendors
    know their merchandise better than
    they did years ago.
    Hope you have a great week!

  12. Look at that sweet baby!

    I was catching up on your blog and want to know where you get your will power??? If I had been in that shop with you, I would have wrecked my financial status! ha ha..

  13. Love the shot of Beau. He is a little man, isn't he, heehee! You have us all in suspense now....I can't wait to see what you found and redid!!
    Blessings- LillySue

  14. Hi,Cindy!!
    Your Beau looks like my dog, Flower..Sooo CUTE!!

  15. LOVING the photo of the pup. Adorable. Totally eager to see what you are working on!

  16. I can't wait to see what it is!!!!

  17. He is adorable! Can't wait to see what you found! When you have a chance stop by mine and see my find from my flea market shopping this past weekend! It's painted white so I know you will heart it!
    hugs from nancy of conroe, tx!

  18. What a cute little doggie! I'm looking forward to seeing what you discovered at the flea market. I'm sure whatever it is you had turned it into a beauty.

    Teacup Lady (Sandy)

  19. Can't wait to see what you made over!! Beau is a handsome little man for sure.

  20. Do you seriously have any more room in your apartment to put another thing. Silly me, of course you do. Can't wait til you show us what it is. Your little "man" looks so poised and comfortable in that chair.Have a great week.

  21. No fair teasing us like that Cindy - I can't wait to see your new treasure!!!

  22. Ok, now I'm so curious. I can't wait to see the new find. Hugs, Marty

  23. I bet whatever it is you found is going to be beautiful! I'm excited! Your little doggie is precious!!

  24. Love seeing a pic of Beau. He's adorable just casually hanging out, lol.

  25. Hi Cindy,
    Beau is a real cutie and so at home I see!!
    Looking forward to the BIG reveal tomorrow...woo hoo, bet it's beautiful!!
    Your Lilacs are gorgeous! We have Autumn here in New Zealand so I will have to wait awhile to see my Lilacs!

    NZ Carla

  26. Beau is so cute and yes,I think he looks like a little man or maybe the master of the house :o)

  27. Beau is very handsome! I am going to post some pics of my 2 chihuahuas soon. They are very "girly girly"! Can't wait to see what you found at the flea market!
    Hugs, Patti

  28. HI Cindy,Love the picture of Beau how cute!! Can;t wait to see what you found at the flea market!!!!

  29. Mmmm those lilacs look so wonderful. Can't wait to see the mystery project!!

  30. Ahh Cindy he is adorable. And quite the little man. That picture is hilarious.
    You sure stay busy. I wish I could get half as much done as you do. Looking forward to seeing your find.

  31. He is the little king on his throne. He almost has that look of , Hey, you go fetch me something."
    Can't wait to see your new find.

  32. If he is just not the cutest, he grabbed my heart right from me!! Many Blessings, Janna

  33. What a funny picture of your little guy. Mine is the same way, he sleeps under the covers of the bed with just his head poking out.

    I can't wait to see what you bought and how you revamped it.

  34. Beau is so cute and tiny! Can't wait to see what you have been working on..

  35. Love the pic of Beau. I have a horse named "Little Man". He has always been such a gentleman since he was a colt, the named seemed so fitting. I chuckled when I read this about Beau. He is a handsome little fella. Can't wait to see your surprise of what you bought and how you fixed it all up.
    Love the Lilacs also. They are one of my all time fav's. Avon makes a bubble bath the smells just like them and Bath and Body works makes a room fragrance that is a dead ringer also.

  36. I would have gone too!

  37. Hi Cindy; Oh what a darling photo, he is so cute... I can't wait to see the new old treasure you found.


  38. Oh now that is too cute! LOL
    Oh and I just can not wait to see what you got! You sure have my curosity up, that's for sure!

  39. Cindy, that is an adorable photo of were smart to grab the camera!

    LOVE your lilacs, they are my favorite.

  40. Cindy,
    Beau is such a handsome little man. You should post more picture's of him. I have two little papillon's that think they are human. We love our furry family members.
    Can't wait to see your latest treasure!
    See you soon,

  41. Beau is so cute! Looks like a king on his throne.

  42. Hi Cindy, you take the sweetest photos. Beau looks like a little cutie.

  43. How fun to have a friend call on the spur of the moment.

    I can't wait to see your latest treasure.

    Beau is adorable!


  44. Oh Cindy, I love this picture of Beau, what a darling he is. SOOOO darn cute!

  45. That is an awesome picture. He's just hanging out in the beautiful room. Love it


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy