Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Trip to Vintage & Vogue

I went to my favorite store again! Vintage and Vogue in downtown Campbell, California. It's all decorated for Spring! Look who greeted me at the door...
Aren't they adorable! Let's walk around and look at all the beautiful things (you can click on any photo to enlarge it)....

I am so tempted to buy this apothecary jar below...

I saw a lot of things I wanted to buy but I just don't have any room left! I did buy 6 vintage sterling silver salt cellars. I forgot to take photos of them though. I'll have to do a table setting post and use them.

If you are in the Silicon Valley area this is a must-visit shop!!! You won't be disappointed

Vintage & Vogue
241 E Campbell Ave Ste A
Campbell, CA 95008
(408) 378-6483


  1. These pictures are wonderful! I felt like I was right there with you. I wish I had a place like that in my neck of the woods.

  2. :::sigh:::
    absolutely lovely

  3. What beautiful pictures, Cindy!! The pugs are so ADORABLE....I would love to visit this shop!
    Thank you for sharing!

  4. Oh, Cindy, thanks for all the eye candy! I love it all, but especially the pugs! I have a fawn pug named Lucy and she rules our house. LOL! That looks like such a neat shop.

  5. The pictures are wonderful. WIsh I lived there so I could visit such a grand store. Have a great week.

  6. Forgot to add that I've got that same huge white bunny!

  7. I am so tempted to dive down there. 6 kiddos and all but--
    I live to far.

  8. Next best thing other than being
    there. So many pretty things.I'm
    getting Spring fever just looking.
    Thanks for sharing...Mimi

  9. Cindy what a fabulous store. Thank goodness I don't live anywhere near there or we would never have any money!!

  10. Oh goodness. It looks like some serious financial damage could be done there. Maybe they will give you a discount on the apothecary jar. You are great advertisement!

  11. Thank you, Cindy!
    I'm on my lunch hour and enjoying the pictures. I would love to visit this store!!
    2 pugs are sooo cute!!

  12. I don't have time to look at those closely now, but I can't wait to do it alone later!!

    It's going to take some serious looking....thanks so much for sharing...really!!

  13. Beautiful photos. I would so love to be shopping in that store right now. I see so many things I would love to buy, especially that lovely pink rose teaset. Any idea who the make of the teaset is? Would love to be able to search online for one just like it.

  14. Oh I love this store!! If I lived colose I would never leave. kathy

  15. OH thank you so much for sharing with us! I live in a very small town and so I live for blogs like yours filled with eye candy. What a wonderful store!

  16. Thanks for the tour -- I wonder if the tea set has been snapped up yet!


  17. Yummy store...I so wish I lived closer to California. Missouri is quite a drive away!

    Yes, I can see why it is one of your favorite stores!

    Gosh, don't ya just hate running out of room. You need to have a virtual garage sale!


  18. Well, I see about 25,000 things that I want LOL!!! Good thing I don't live nearby!!!



  19. I don't think I would have a dime in my pocket when I left that store. It almost tempts me to take a cross country trip!

  20. OMG, Cindy!! You have no idea how much your lovely post made my day today!! I have never seen so many beautiful things in one place ~ WOW! I just love the bunnies, the white-speckled rooster, the exquisite pink teaset...
    Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to go wipe the drool off my computer now...
    I'm so thankful that Vintage & Vogue allows you to take photographs and I'm very thankful that you took the time to share with us! THANK-YOU Cindy:)


  21. I can't even imagine how dangerous it would be if I lived anywhere near this place! How can you not go in there every day?!?! Joanne

  22. Oh that is my kind of store!!!!! If only we still lived in the bay area I would have driven down there right now!!!!!! BTW, I just LOVE my new tassel from you!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks fantastic and I will have to send you a photo soon!!! Love from Colorado, Denise :-)

  23. Ciinnddyy! I have got to go to V & V this weekend!!!! I just celebrated my 51st Bday yesterday and I have been wanting to go visit this shop ever since you took the first pics months ago! Do you know if they have two of the Apothocary jars? I want it also, but wouldn't want to sneak it out from under you! lol Lovely! My mom is visiting from out of town and I know she would love to go also. Thanks for the beautiful pics!

    Take care
    Romancing the Bling

  24. WHY does it seem that all the
    wonderful stores are in CA???
    We have some pretty gift/antique
    stores here but they don't com-
    pare to pictures of ones I've
    seen in CA!! I guess middle TN
    is just slow to catch on. The
    store looks wonderful....I saw
    several things I would like to
    buy.....hmmmm, wonder if they
    ship????!!!!! Thanks for
    sharing, Cindy!

  25. I love the top of the apothocary jar you like. So unusual. That shop looks amazing.

  26. Oh how I wish she sold online, too!!!!! I'd be shopping for hours at her website... Great pictures & beautiful things.

  27. Thank you for showing us your fav shop.I have a shop in Australia and it is so inspiring to see what you guys are up to on the other side of the world!

  28. Hah, I remembered the store from your last post; when the saw the title, I knew there would be things I would like.

    I loved the emerald jewel candle holder(?); it sits beneath the green water goblets. I loved the pink teapot, cup and saucer. I was squinting to read the price of that.

    Great job on the pictures. I saw a lot of things I would like there. I have been thinking for a while now of painting my armoire a pastel color so it was nice to see such pretty pastel furniture pics in there.

    I thought those blue canisters on top of that china cabinet would look nice in your house.

    Thanks for the pictures!

  29. what's a girl to do...I'm in a quandry now....I can't even get my eyes to focus they are so excited.

  30. That's a beautiful store too bad it's not in my neighborhood.

  31. Wow, I could spend a couple of hours in that store and still not see everything! Lots and lots to take in....I love it all and wish I could go there. :o) Sue

  32. Ooh, would love to shop there. thanks for the tour.. mishelle

  33. Cindy, First I need to say that it is so nice to see that a shop like that is still open. My heart goes out to so many shop owners. My favorite shop went out of business about 6 months, ago I miss it. So I think that you should buy the apothecary jar to help the owner, what a nice thing for you to do to help another business person stay in business these days. I hope to see a picture of the apothecary jar in your home soon.
    Take care,
    P.S Of course I had to click on each picture and look at everything in detail, it is a beautiful shop.

  34. HOLY SMOKES CINDY! I LOVE the items that you have shown us! Makes me sad that I can't go and shop there!

  35. Hello Cindy; Wow, what eye candy, so many beautiful things to gaze upon. Those two pugs are just the cutest little babies....


  36. I'll take one of everything! (hee! hee!)Seriously, I wish I lived closer! I especially loved the big glittery bee hanging on the blue antique dresser! I just love all your photos! You are great advertising for those shops! I haven't been brave enough to take photos inside any shops yet! Patti

  37. Wow, thats just the sort of shop I'd love to have and have dreamed of having. Maybe one day....Cheers, Irene :)

  38. cindy,
    Can you give me the web site you use to make your mosiacs that you use in your posts. I would appreciate your help. I loved looking at all the wonderful pictures from your shopping trip. blessings...sherry

  39. It's probably a good thing I don't live close to that store, because I would want to buy everything. I love the first picture with the Easter vignette.
    The little pug dogs are adorable.
    Gee, if shipping wasn't so darn expensive, you could be our personal take the pics. we tell you what we want, and you buy and ship for

  40. That apothecary jar is absolutly incredible! What an adorable shop and such super adorable little greeters.

  41. Great find, that shop! I particularly like the black and white display.

  42. What gorgeous photos!!! I definitely need to check out that store!!! It would be very, very difficult to leave without making a purchase or two......or three, LOL!!!

    Thanks so much!!
    Michele R.(CA)
    Butterfly Whispers

  43. Thanks Cindy, what a fun shop, one of those places that is hard to get out of without something, so many fun things!
    They have my print, the Boutique one, mine different back ground but same otherwise.
    Lovely, thanks for taking us with!

  44. F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S, Cindy!!!!!! Thank you for sharing! Looove those bunnies!
    Please come and see my blue and white yesterday's finds, if you have time!I was lucky too, in the end!

  45. Bunnies! You can never have too many bunnies (big grin).

  46. Oh my goodness what a beuatiful shop and beautiful pictures too. Makes me want to go there.

  47. Oh, I love that little white fur jacket in the last post. May just have to give them a call....

  48. Hi Cindy,
    I have a shop in Italy and sell the gift articol, you have some beautiful things, I wanted to ask if you can give me some names of companies that sell rabbits, you are very beautiful. I hope you do not regret, if you do want to see pictures of my shop! Congratulations again and if you want you can contact me at

  49. Hello Cindy,

    thank you so much for this walk between all the really beautiful things! You are wonderful!
    Kind regards and a nice weekend,

  50. OH! I would LOVE tha tea set for two... the white one wiht the pink roses... *sigh*... and only 28.99... I wonder if they deliver internationally? :)

  51. Don't you just love shops like that! Thank you for the visit!

  52. Cindy you are so lucky to have such a beautiful shop near you. I wish they sold items on line for those of us who are so far away. Their lamps with crystals look lovely......

  53. Cindy you are so lucky to have such a beautiful shop near you. I wish they sold items on line for those of us who are so far away. Their lamps with crystals look lovely......

  54. So many wonderful things in that shop but that the pale blue vanity is to die for! I would love to have something like that.

  55. I will take one of each. Love stores like that. Know what you mean about no more room.

  56. Hi Cindy! Wow what a fantastic store!!!! I love that room with all the black/cream/white things! I'll bet you could duplicate that apothecary with a chandelier crystal!!!?? Are you sure you couldn't find a spot for one more thing???! A store like this would make me find one!!!lol Love shopping this way; I don't spend anything! Have a great weekend - Sincerely, Jeannette

  57. It's a good thing I don't live near that pretty shop, I could so go crazy in there.

  58. I wish they had a website. I see a few things that I would order. I love the chandelier picture & the Believe word hanging.

  59. I'm fighting off a cold & in my jammies all day today & this was just the best "trip" ever! I can see why you love this shop! And yes, I think you definitely need the apothecary jar ~ you'll never find another with such an exquisite lid!!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  60. wowzer that is one gorgeous store. thanks for that.
    %*_*% rosey

  61. I enlarged every photo -- gorgeous store. Too bad it's on the other side of the country from me!

    Loved the tour, thanks!

  62. Thanks for the tour. I just love going shopping with you.
    Have a lovely weekend Cindy.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  63. I so want one of those real life looking chocolate bunnies! :)
    cant wait for easter to come!
    and i cant wait to see what you do to decorate for it!

  64. I have been back to look at this post many times!!! It is beyond "full" of pretties!!!

  65. OMGosh, I'm in absolute heaven!!! What a beautiful store! Thanks for taking me window shopping with you!!! If I am ever down that way I will have to make a point to stop there. :)

  66. Oh Cindy,I have even spent all my virtual money.wowow.That was so much fun.thanks for taking me with you...Ann

  67. This Boutique would have left my credit card with skid marks. I wished we had shops like these and flea markets as well! Thanks for letting me play make believe through your photos.

    My computers been on the fritz for several days. I've got a lot of catching up to do.

    Sweet Wishes,

  68. What a beauiful store Cindy! I can certainly see why it's your favorite! I love it all!

    Recently I went into a somewhat similar store and took some pictures. Afterwards they told me no cameras or pictures were allowed. When I told them it was for my blog they reluctantly said okay. Not sure what the big secret is!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy