Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Reruns & Thank You!

I've been so busy making things for my etsy shop that I didn't even have a chance to figure out what I was going to put on my blog today so I just grabbed some of my old photos so I could have something pretty to share with you. If you've been reading my blog for awhile you've probably already seen these...I apologize. These were taken on my trip to Martha's Vineyard in June 2006! I'm hoping that I can return there for a vacation in the summer of 2010! I just have to save my pennies or win the lottery.
Thanks to all of you who entered my giveaway! I read every single comment and I'm so touched! You really don't have to say all those nice things to be entered to win. Next time I have a giveaway I'm going to say "no compliments" because I find myself blushing as I'm reading them. You are all so sweet and nice and polite!
You still have time to enter the giveaway if you haven't already!


  1. Did you see how many comments you have? You are becoming way too popular! Do you think that HGTV has noticed how much you are admired? They ought to give you your own show and it should be on Cape Cod! Joanne ~~

  2. Hi Cindy,
    I just found out through Ruth that you have opened an Etsy store. How great to hear that! I'm off to take a look and see what you've been doing.
    Congratulations! I know it will be fantabulous.

  3. I understand why you love Martha's Vineyard.

    That last home is my favorite.


  4. Aren't those home just the prettiest...... looks like a movie ..... do you think real people live in those.... I can't imagine ....gosh....

  5. Thanks Cindy for making the world a better and more romantic place! Love your blog and your decor. Best of luck in your new Etsy venture. I may be a future customer.

  6. I never thought about going there on a vacation (no particular reason) but after seeing the pictures. I think I may have to put that on my 'one day...' list. I think I remember you posting other pictures of more cute cottages there. hmm.
    I hope you get to go there in 2010.
    Maybe someone special will send you there to write an article for them or something (?). Wouldn't that be neat?

  7. What beautiful photos!!
    Thank you for sharing!!

  8. Hey Cindy,

    Do you know if that second picture is Susan Branch's house? She's a cookbook author that lives on the vineyard and features pictures of her house in many of her books. It looks likes such a lovely place to visit.

  9. Hi Rachel,
    No, it's not Susan's home. This photo was taken in the town of Edgartown and she lives in another town called Vineyard Haven. There are so many homes on Martha's Vineyard that look so similar. If you walk through the streets of Edgartown almost all the homes are white with black shutters, it's sooooo beautiful...which is why I love it there so much!

  10. Cindy, We know your not fishing for compliments, we just want you to know how much you are appreciated!
    Love the homes, and I'd love to go there myself.

  11. Cindy, I totally agree with "fleurslady" DO make the world a better and more romantic place. We could use more "Cindys" in the world, but God just makes us "one of a kind." HE did a great job! :)

  12. Congrats on your 600 posts! We are certainly happy that you have 00 hundred posts!!! I was done in Cali to visit my parents and we went thrifting. We went to St. Vincent's in San Mateo. They had a beautiful blue/white floral soup turneen that was stunning and only $10., plus LOTS of furniture. Made me think of you! Check it out when you are next up there! Love, Esther

  13. Well reruns are always good. Especially for those of us that missed them the 1st time around. Hope you are doing well.

  14. hey momma...i think I'VE been reading since day one...i have those pictures o' yers saved in my "HOUSE FILE"...if you ever get down in the dumps, print of all those sweet comments, cut them into little strips and read them sitting in front of the bathroom mirror so you can watch yourself be down in the dumps and sorta happy at the same time! blessings!

  15. If only New England looked like that right now; I am yearning for some green grass!


  16. Hi Cindy. I just couldn't help myself. I got an award on my blog today and one of the things I need to do is passing it on. So I'm giving it to you. It is "A Creative Blogger" award and I find that's true when I see your blog. But you need to pop over to my blog to see what to do next. If you can find the time and if you want to :) See you!

  17. Don't be so modest! All of those wonderful comments are absolutely true. Pat yourself on the back for creating such a beautiful place for us to visit!

  18. Oh, thank you for the pretty pictures. I especially loved the pink roses! Can you imagine living there? It would be so lovely.

    No problem on any posting delays. As for the compliments...they are well deserved. Your blog is unique-there really isn't anything like it.

    I second the HGTV show. I think, "My Romantic Home" would be the right title. Romance is more than just a feeling for a day or an evening. It's a "lifestyle."

  19. Hi Cindy,
    Love the photos!
    Didn't know you had an etsy shop, I do too. Very cool!

  20. Hi there~
    What a cute blog! I would like to give you a Kreativ Blog Award~

    Come find out the details over at my blog!


  21. I've been to Nantucket, but never Martha's Vineyard. How beautiful! Best of luck with the etsy shop -- I know it will be a super success. :)

  22. Hi Cindy, I do remember these beautiful pictures, but when it's cold here it's always nice to see something beautiful and green. Thanks for sharing.. I'm not sure what give away you're having or the rules this time.. so if I may just have you stick my name in the hat? hugs ~lynne~

  23. Oh, I'm so glad I popped over here tonight! Right about now I needed to see all the lovely green in your pics and the beautiful pink flowers! Ahhhhhh! It's like a wonderful breath of fresh air!

    After snow, sleet and rain today, I really needed that!

    Have a lovely evening!
    Margie :)

  24. I think I need to go there. Or Carmel. But Martha's Vineyard is def. on my long list of places to go. Thanks for re running...the photos are awesome.
    xo Lidy

  25. Hey Cindy; I have not seen these photos before and even if I have, I love looking a beautiful Homes. They are just so gorgeous. I am sorta of new to you blog and I am loving it, you have such wonderful ideas and reading your post's are just fun.


  26. Hi Cindy:

    You never disappoint. I am always inspired when I check in to see what you are doing. The hearts are beautiful and since I am in the land of ice and snow your inspiration is definitely needed.

  27. How on earth do you find time for an Etsy shop! You put the rest of us to shame, Cindy.

  28. Hi Cindy,
    I found the land of blog this past Spring and you are the first blog I looked at because of looking up something on Google. I was amazed and so happy to find so many people just like me--Kindred Spirits! I told my husband that night "I found my people!" He said what are you talking about and I showed him my discovery. He had to agree, yes I had found my people. I check your blog everyday and love to see your junking finds! You do such a wonderful job of transforming them! Well, now I have started my own blog too and am trying to learn the ropes. I hope I can be as interesting as you one day. I would love to win your heart. Thank you for showing me the way. Blessings, Linda

  29. Cindy, It's me again, I thought the name of my blog would come up and it didn't. (see, I really am learning by doing) ha. Anyway, in case I win, which I hope I do, My blog is Thank you, Linda

  30. I know I didn't mind seeing them again!! Beautiful photos! So....what cha makin'??????

  31. Cindy,

    I love Martha's Vinyard, too. Once you arrive on the island, you enter a different world.

    I always enjoy your pictures!

  32. I love these pictures. I would love to go there one day. Can you just imagine living there? I've read several articles about Martha's. They all describe it so beautifully. I agree that you should have your own home show. I would record it every day and watch it over and over again!

  33. I check your blog every day and you always have new ideas. What a fun pass time for me to look at all your pretties. Debbie at

  34. Beautiful photos Cindy! It was nice to see photos of sunshine and flowers during this crazy winter! Have a terrific Thursday ~Smiles~Tam!

  35. Hi Cindy,ME Too and I live right out in Boston Harbor! Love the photo! Think Spring..Nice goal to have.Cannot wait for your etsy shop too!
    I would love to invite you to the One Heart One World Giveaway on my blog.Thank You Denise

  36. It has always been a dream of mine to travel to Martha's Vineyard. Thanks for sharing some amazing photos.

  37. I wish all re-runs were this good. I have not seen these pics so I immensely enjoyed this post. I'll take one of each, please. :-) I hope you get back there next summer. Hey....maybe we can all meet for a blogland convention. Can you imagine us swarming onto Martha's Vineyard? Lord help them. LOL Have a blessed day, Barb

  38. Sell a lot of Etsy stuff and you can go back!

  39. Hi Cindy: I couldnt find my original post, so here it goes again. If its a duplicate, sorry! I have been following your blog and love your style! I would love to win the Toile heart and give it to my Mom who is a breast cancer survivor. Pink and Heart goes along with the awarness slogan! Keep up the good work and style. Thanks.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy