Thursday, January 29, 2009

An Amazing Day!

Every morning when I wake up, I tell myself "something amazing is going to happen today!" Then on my drive to work I say it to myself again. Throughout the day whenever I think about it I say it again and again. I don't just say it, but I really feel it! I really believe in the power of positive thinking and living in a positive way. Any way, to get to the point, something amazing happened to me yesterday but I have to go back and tell the story from the beginning...A couple months ago I found some cute little soup bowls (pictured above) at Marshalls. I thought it would be nice to have a soup tureen to match them so I did a Google search and found the perfect tureen at Williams Sonoma. The only problem... it was really expensive and there was no way I would spend that much on a soup tureen. So last night I stopped in the Salvation Army on my way home from work and you are not going to believe this....there on the shelf, were TWO of the Williams Sonoma's soup tureens!!! TWO!!!! The price....$7.50 each!!! I couldn't wait to get home and look them up on the Williams Sonoma website because I couldn't remember how much they were. I did my little happy dance when I saw they sell for $139 each!!! The suggested retail is $166.00! HAPPY! HAPPY! HAPPY!!!! I bought one for me and one for my mom!

My theory is that someone must have bought these for their holiday dinner and then didn't want to store them. One of them still has the paper sticker on the bottom! I'm glad I live among these rich Silicon Valley people that like to donate their expensive things to the thrift stores for me to find!!!


  1. You must have the best Salvation Army in the US! The things you find there are amazing. Lucky you!
    Cheers! Rita

  2. I want to go to your Salvation Army. Beautiful tureen.

  3. Cindy,
    You are truly blessed. You can get such a great feeling when you get a really great find!! Enjoy!

  4. Wow, positive thinking really works for you! I'm going to try it! Congrats on TWO great finds!!! - Sheri

  5. Yes, your lucky. I am heading in your direction today. Starting in Fremont, and may make my way down further. With those deals I may have to force myself.


  6. Well honey your using the law of putting what you want out to the universe you pull it in. I have completely re-trained my way of shopping for "stuff" by staying home and shopping in my mind for what I like and want to find then let it go and forget about it. Then when I actually step foot out of the house to run errands I'll pop into shops near my target places and shaaazammmm there it is, just what I was looking for. The trick is to resist the urge to seek it out...I let it come to me and 100% of the time I find it. Sometimes it might take a few weeks or even months but my need to have it right this very second or I'll die has been removed from the way I think.
    There is no reality, only perception

  7. That was truly amazing, what a score! I can totally relate love love the thrift stores. And love the way you think too!

  8. I love little moments like this! thanks for sharing! keep those positive thoughts flowing, who knows what will come your way!

  9. Anonymous,

    I agree with you completly!!!

  10. Well I have heard that if you think positive then you attract positive things to you. You are proof that works!

    Great finds! Plus you got two! How fun was that!

    I'm having a giveaway on my blog I think you would like so stop by when you get a chance.


  11. I live among poor country folks so i rarely find such treasures at the thrift stores around here. Nevertheless, i still love to go to them and poke around. Great find!

  12. Ah, a double score! I believe in the power of positive thinking, as well as keeping an open mind and heart.

    Congrats on a really great find!

  13. That's an amazing find. And I completely agree with you on the positive thinking. There's enough negative stuff in the world and a little positive affirmation goes along way. You're the proof!

  14. Isn't that wonderful?

    The good thing is, you become knowledgeable about brands and know what is a great buy.

    A few weeks ago, I was looking at a (much needed) roasting pan at Goodwill that was brand new. I knew it was an expensive brand and I looked it up online... $169.00!

    Now, I hope I can find great soup tureens, too. :)

  15. Nothing like positive thinking! Of course, it helps to be able to identify quality goods when you come across them. Good for you!


  16. Ka-Ching!
    Don't you love the rush? It's like winning your own little lottery. I can't wait to see how you fit them into your decorating.

  17. How cool is that!! Ok I want your salvation army. :-)

  18. Boy, you were in the right place at the right time ! That never happens to me. I'm gonna have to start more positive thinking, like you !

  19. Something amazing did happen to you yesterday - awesome find. They are adorable!


  20. Are you kidding me!!! How in the world could someone give those up! I actually wish I could work in that store and see all those things as they came in...of course, I wouldn't have a paycheck left because I would buy everything up. was your lucky day and I am happy that YOU got them because you had the little matching bowls! Good Deal!

  21. Aren't those just the best finds!!! That would make my day. Blessings...Sherry

  22. I love finding those kind of deals at thrift stores, you are indeed fortunate to live in such a nice area, I am happy for you and I think you have such a great attitude about life! Yeah!

  23. What an awesome find Cindy! So glad you now have your "matching set". It's amazing what we can find in thrift stores. I can't even begin to tell you how many things I find that are still tagged or brand new. I remember before the school year began I needed to get a few school uniform shirts for my little guys. I don't like to buy brand new if I don't have to since they kids grow so quickly and as you know boys are so rough on their clothes. I walked into our community thrift store and found 5 school shirts, 2 of which still had their originial tags...get this IZOD, LANDS END, and Ralph Lauren. The most I paid for one of the shirts was $1.50! I love thrifting :0)
    Oh! Am I still able to enter your give a way?

  24. That really is amazing! I'm going to have to try your mantra.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Cindy what a fabulous find. I am sure your Mom was happy too!! It is always fun to share great finds

  27. Gosh I got excited just reading about it!! Don't ya just love when you find something like that!! I'm going to have to try this.

  28. Oh my gosh! Things like that just completely make your day, don't they?

  29. I love it when stuff like that happens!...
    You were blown a kiss from heaven!! ...
    May you have many more amazing days!

    Beautiful Blessings~Kelly Maria

  30. My heart literally stopped when I saw the photo! I didn't even need to read, I knew what these were, b/c I am on the same hunt! I found the small bowl at target on clearance for $2.84. I (just about) go to the WS website everyday just to stare at that tureen! I am SOOOO Thrilled for you! Congrats!!!!

  31. What a perfect find - I love the little soup bowls too.

  32. This is so cool! Target came out with the lion's head themed tureens and bowls as well. Just like, or maybe even exactly like the WS one's. I bought the small votive bowls for $.99 each and the bowls for $2 at clearance section of Target, true not WS but no one will notice when they're concentrating on a warm soup or chowder :)

  33. What a fantastic find - it was truly amazing. I like to go to Goodwill and the Habitat Restore, but haven't been recently. I'm putting it on my to-do list.

  34. Such a nice steal with a positive thinking..I wish i live near your area to get all the great find too:p

  35. You are one lucky girl. That is amazing.

  36. I too believe strongly in the power of positive thinking (or negative thinking...whatever the energy is). I always say "positivity breeds positivity...negativity breeds negativity"

    You really scored on those tureens!

  37. Cindy,
    That is awesome. What a blessing.

  38. Bless your heart.And WHO deserves it more...Ann

  39. Wow, Cindy, you find the best things! Our thrift stores just have junk in them! These were definitely a lucky find, and it's like you were meant to have them. I love the little bowls. I've got a couple of Villeroy & Bach bowls in that same shape.

  40. Wow, Cindy, what a fortunate find those are!! I'm green with envy. I'd love to have one more big tureen to go with my one and only. They are SO pretty. I stopped in our thrift stores last week & there was nothing exciting. I hardly ever find anything at ours. I do so much better at yardsales & estate sales.

  41. OMG! What a great find! Whenever that happens my heart starts pounding while I am calmly trying to take it down off the shelf without dropping "the treasure",or acting too excited, and then proceeding quickly to the check out!! I hope you are using all of that positive thinking for the HGTV home that you are going to win this year!

  42. You just have really excellent thrift shop karma. :) Terrific tureens!!!

  43. I'm so happy for you, Cindy! I love stories like this! It's amazing how quickly the Law of Attraction works sometimes! Love it when that happens!


  44. What a wonderful find - Williams Sonoma! The power of positive thinking worked for you x 2! Doing the happy dance for you in Texas!

    xo ~ Donna

  45. That's not only a find - that's a SCORE!!! Two Points! LOL I am so happy for you. I like to see and read when "good things happen to good people." That sounds like one awesome SA. Unlike mine....sigh! Glad you had a great day!

  46. Aren't you thrilled when that happens? I missed my Thrift Store Thursday because I was snowed in today. Darn it! I can't wait to go shop hopping as soon as it clears.

  47. What a blessing and a fabulous find. I have been on the hunt for white dishes and would love a soup tureen, but alas so far I'm like you, just not one to be had. Congratulations on your wonderful finds. I know you will really enjoy yours and your will will treasure hers also. Hugs, Marty

  48. I am so happy for you. You and your beautiful home are such an inspiration. We are big thrifters and my husband and I do the happy dance a lot with all of our great treasures.



  49. That is so fabulous!!!!! I am also a positive person and my husband is a pessimist. I always feel I have to do double duty!!

  50. Don't you just LOVE that???? I'm so tickled for you.

    Have an "amazing" day,

  51. wow Cindy that is so awesome when that happens, God really blesses us, thanks for sharing really made my day ..warm loving hugs from Vermont!

  52. Wow, you find such AWESOME thrifting treasures! Congratulations!

  53. Oh Cindy...congrats on your amazing find...I wish my Goodwill was as fabulous....I will have to live through you on this one!

  54. Cindy,
    OMG! You have amazing thrift store powers! lol I'm in of these weekends I am going to visit some of your "haunts". I love your soup bowls and tureen's from Williams Sonoma. I'm sure your mom is going to love the second one! BTW, thanks for visiting my Etsy shop and replying to my blog. The large heart wreath sold! I'm so excited as I am new to Etsy. I'm so happy you are doing well, also.
    Take care,

  55. I'm dancing for ya cindy, gawd I know that feeling, do you know what I found some villeroy glasses the other day for a dollar each, there were only two and I didn't buy them, duh, I don't know why...

    I love it when you have a mental list of things to thrift for cos one way or another they come up, funny that isn't it?

    Sooo sooooo good when you see that it costs well over a 100 dollars more than the few bucks you paid for it

    I reckon you get a thrifting gold star for that *smile


  56. You have the most amazing luck and are blessed to have such finds to recycle and reuse...... your thriftyness and beauty is an awesome combination.

  57. Oh Cindy! All I can say is...
    I love,love,love a great find...
    and you certainly did!!

  58. Hi Cindy, 600! Wow, I know exactly why! Your blog is an inspiration! It feels like home everytime I doubleclick. I tried leaving a comment under your give away, but I couldnt find the "leave a comment" button, it disappeared, could it be youve filled up your comment box?
    You truely have inspired me go thrifting and junking!!! I cant wait till you post more pictures!

  59. No way! That is unbelievable! Oh yes, I believe you - it's just amazing! Wow!

  60. Cindy,
    I too believe in the power of positive thinking. I love your hutch and I found myself a hutch to paint for $150.00! It is beautiful but brown. I printed off your painting techniques and can't wait to get started. It is sooo cold here and I will be painting in my garage so as soon as the tempature warms up I will start.

  61. I think there's really something to that positive thinking the law of attraction if you have read any of that.

    I think those soup tureens were just meant for you and I know how much you will enjoy and appreciate them knowing how you discovered them.


  62. OMG - do you realize how lucky you were to find them! Ok, I'm happy for you, but I'm still a little green with envy here! ☺ Diane

  63. That is awesome! I am trying to be more positive. Thanks for being a great example of its power.

  64. Cindy, that is terrific! Great things happen to great people!!!! Way to go & so sweet of you to share with your mother.

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  65. Wow how cool is that! I saw some of these little lion soup bowls at our Safeway store in town, marked down to like $1.25 each and didn't buy any. Probably should have but by the time I got over the flu and went back they were gone.
    Glad you had a fun find day!

  66. Cindy, Simply Amazing!!! They are gorgeous and I'm so happy you bought both, your Mom must be thrilled.

  67. What great finds! Not one but TWO tureens. Lucky you!

    I have the soup bowls (bought one at a time from WS -- they are pricey as well) and I love them -- they are the BEST!


  68. WOW~~ I love hearing stories like that.

  69. You lucky girl! I love these! I can feel how excited you were to find them! Keep on thinking positive! It works!

  70. Wow Cindy! I'm gonna click my sneakers together today and repeat "something amazing..." Hope I find as great a deal and as pretty an item! Really really nice! Hope today is another amazing one! Sincerely, Jeannette

  71. Isn't it a great feeling to find such a good deal! Good job!

  72. What a find! We have a thrift store in our little town, but I have never found anything like that there. And it's amazing that you found not one, but two!

  73. WOW!!! That's so exciting!!! I'm very happy for you, and I'd definitely be doing the happy dance, too if I found that amazing deal!!! You definitely have the magic touch at finding great things at even greater prices!!! YAY!!! I hope you have a happy and fun weekend, Cindy!!!

    Michele R.(CA)
    Butterfly Whispers

  74. You are the living embodiment of the Law of Attraction - have you read The Secret?
    I was visualizing deep green drapes for my son's room and voila, there they were at Goodwill yesterday!
    The Thrift Goddess strikes again.

  75. Oh my make me want to run right out and go to thrift stores....oh wait....I ALWAYS want to do that!!

    What a great bargain!


  76. Your Salvation Army is better than ours. But I do find things in the thrift shops and our garage sales are great. When we have them. Right now you can't find any, but just wait till spring.

    Sweetie you are living the Secret, the law of attraction. And it works every time. So you go girl.


  77. If you need more small bowls, I got some on clearance today at Target for $.74. I wish I had your luck on finding the big tureen.

  78. Oh, you are a lucky girl. thaose are beautimus!!! They look lovely in you blue cabinet!!! I better get my boddy out to the thrift store and quick!!!! I love the thrift can sometimes find some cool stuff...

  79. Wow, what a lucky find! You sure have a great talent for finding things for cheap. Those are beautiful tureens.


  80. Cindy I too love my Salvation Army, although you must have the Rodeo Drive Salvation Army......And your positive words are bringing positive actions,
    we are all truly blessed aren't we :-)
    xoxo Cindy in Oklahoma

  81. You must be very lucky. Of course, I believe you make your own luck many TIMES by taking the TIME to stop and look. Good for you! I am going to have to seek out a Salvation Army in my area.

  82. What an amazing find. Someone must have just brought that in! We had to park by the road near Goodwill the other day. The parking lot was full!

  83. WOW! That was QUITE a find! And a definitely *ginormous* steal! ;) I have never found a treasure quite like that at my local thrift store!

  84. This may be bad for your wallet, but do you know about the BIA Cordon Bleu warehouse sales in Galt(near Stockton)? They supply companies including Williams Sonoma, Pottery Barn and Crate and Barrel. I've been going to their sales since they were in Belmont (probably 20 years ago) And just last November I picked up the identical tureen for 20dollars. I also got 8 of the matching bowls for a couple of dollars each. Just FYI :)

  85. Suzanne, thank you! I didn't know about that place! I'll have to check it out sometime!

    I tried to leave a comment on your blog but there wasn't a comments section!

  86. WoW Cindy that is a terrific find! You lucky girl you! :D Tam

  87. wow Im totally with you on this!!! and I am the secret convert!!!
    well done.. keep me posted on anything else you attract!!!
    Vic xxx

  88. This is amazing!! Three cheers for positive thinking!!
    I love your blog, I'm hooked!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy