Thursday, November 29, 2012

Heirloom Ornaments - Show and Tell Friday

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!

Disclaimer: I apologize in advance...this is a very wordy and sentimental post!

I hope all of you that celebrated Thanksgiving had a wonderful day!  I did!  I went up to visit my dad in the Gold Country in California.  He lives in the area in California where gold was discovered in 1849! 

I feel like I struck gold too! My dad told me to feel free to take anything that belonged to my dear mom. I asked if I could have her Christmas ornaments...ok, just typing that made me burst into tears! Hopefully I can get through this post...

He said yes and brought out boxes of ornaments! There are so many memories here! Memories of my childhood Christmases and also memories of buying some of these with my mom as an adult.  My mom and I both love the same type of ornaments; the shaped-glass variety and she sure had a lot of them!

My mom had so many beautiful things and as much as I would have loved to take so much more I had to remind myself that I live in an apartment that is less than 1,000 square feet! I did ask if I could have this apothecary jar below. I filled it with some of her pastel-colored ornaments.

I remember this reindeer above from my childhood. I think I'm going to re-glitter him soon!

I didn't plan on unpacking these ornaments until I got my Christmas tree but I unwrapped a few and next thing I knew I had a pile of tissue paper on the floor and all the ornaments spread out on my dining room table!  

I have them displayed in bowls and in my tiered dish (another beautiful piece passed down from my mom) for now but they will go on my tree as soon as I can get it up! My new floors go in next week and then I can finally decorate for Christmas! I see a lot of late nights in my future!

I want to thank my dad for passing these down to me. I know my mom would be so happy that I have them. Out of the three children she had, I'm the only one that shares her love of vintage things.

I will also be sharing some of these with my niece Erin in Arizona, who is such a sentimental sweet young woman!  I hope to pass the remainder down to my kids some day and I think my mom would be very happy that these will become family heirlooms! 

I also took a beautiful lace tablecloth that I hope to share with you soon! It needs a good soak in some OxiClean first though!

Thank you again Dad! I love you so much! No one in this world has taught me how to not just be a good person but how to have a positive attitude and be a happy person more than you have! I know I've told you that before but I just wanted everyone to know how special you are and how lucky I am to have you as my dad!  Thank you again for the have no idea how special these are to me!

If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden.  If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog.



  1. Thanks for hosting cindy. Loving the colourful ornaments.

  2. Cindy, your Mother's ornaments are beautiful! I am so glad you have brought them home to enjoy! Many blessings to you!

  3. Love the ornaments and the sentiment. I think it's so important to have connections to our loved ones who came before us. Thanks for hosting the party!

  4. Those ornaments are beautiful Cindy, It's so wonderful that your dad shared them with you. This is my first holiday season without my mom and I'm finding it very difficult-so I understand your feelings. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend.

  5. Cindy, what a lovely post! The ornaments are just beautiful!

  6. Cindy,
    What a sweet post...I love all your pretty and special as they belong to your Mom! Merry Christmas!
    Miss Bloomers

  7. I guess I am just a bawling fool tonight because I read this with tears in my eyes. What a special thing to have to remember your Mom with- all those sweet glass memories. A blessing for you and I bet she is smiling down at you right now- xo Diana

  8. I love your ornaments! Thanks for hosting!

  9. Beautiful post, Cindy. I love all those ornaments, and what a special meaning they have. Thanks for hosting.

  10. Cindy, I think it is wonderful that these ornaments are now in your home where you can enjoy them for years to come. I know they will look lovely on your tree, but I absolutely love the way you have displayed them in the three tiered stand. Beautiful, beautiful!
    Thanks for hosting each week.........Sarah

  11. Hi Cindy, Thanks for hosting. Love the ornaments. It was sweet of your Dad to let you have them...Connie

  12. What a beautiful collection! I remember the vintage ornaments on our family tree growing up, but don't know what happened to them over the years. :/ Thanks for hosting again - You are appreciated.

  13. Your oniments are beautiful! And what lovely memories of your mom : )

    Danielle xo

  14. Such beautiful and meaningful ornaments! Thanks for sharing : ) Great party this week Cindy!

    Love Always,

  15. what a sweet and precious post. so glad you were able to have these wonderful reminders of your mom. they're just beautiful!

  16. Cindy my tree has a HUGE ornament crush right now! Swoonworthy, thank you for sharing and thank you for hosting too

    xoxo, Tanya

  17. Thanks so much for hosting, such beautiful ornaments!

  18. What a special way to honor your Mom and your common love of vintage things by passing them along to your children and your niece. Such a beautiful collection!

  19. So beautiful. What a treasure of memories.

  20. With six cats I really have to admire these from afar! LOL!
    I never had a family. You are truly blessed. I hope and pray that I can give my daughter memories like those you have of your mother.



  21. What a lovely post! Both my Mom & Dad are gone and to bring out the boxes of decorations from Christmasses gone by can be painful and wonderful at the same time. I love the way you displayed them in the tiered dish - I am sure your Mom would approve. Chin up and be grateful how lucky you are to have had such a wonderul Mom and still have a Dad who sounds like a fabulous person. Merry Christmas!

  22. What a lovely post. The ornaments are beautiful, but your sweet words about your parents are the best part of this post.

  23. Wow, Cindy, what an amazing collection of gorgeous vintage ornaments those are, and how nice that they also come with sweet memories of your mother. I thank you for hosting the party today, and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend!

  24. Those ornaments are soo beautiful! Thank so much for hosting Cindy!

  25. Gorgeous! Thanks for the party! XO, Aimee

  26. what beautiful ornaments Cindy and what a lovely way to remember your mother and wonderful memories when you pick up each one and place it on the tree every year.

    bee blessed

  27. If you had tears writing your post, I had too reading you. Due to the language barrier (I'm French) I can't really express what touched me so much in your words. May be you, your love and your sincerity. May be also that we didn't made Christmas tree when I was a little girl ?
    Love also all your inherited ornaments.
    thank you for hosting my blog from FRANCE again !
    xoxo from PARIS

  28. This is a beautiful post, Cindy. When you have had a loving and wonderful mom it is such a special situation to have beautiful momentos to cherish along with the memories. Your tree will be very special this year..Happy Friday and thanks for hosting...Judy

  29. What beautiful ornaments,such a lovely post. I'm sure your mum would be so touched to know how much they will be treasured.xx

  30. Hi Cindy! Thanks for hosting, I love the ornaments. They are truly a treasure. I'm having a, "It's a Social Hop like Crazy" party. I'd love for you to hop on over, grab a button and link up your blog.

    Have a crazy beautiful weekend!

  31. I am lucky too, to have many many antique baubles.
    My grandfather - in the 1880's was bought a feather tree and a lot of beautiful glass baubles to go on it. I have them now and also all those from my Mother's childhood and my own. Even my brother who was born in 1967 has given me the ones he had. In all I suppose there are about 40 if them.
    If you want to see some of them go here....

    It's nice to think we are still using them 100 years or so later!

  32. beautiful vintage ornaments. I remember having some of these on our tree when I was young ( I guess I am vintage too). Thank you for hosting xo

  33. Such gorgeous family heirlooms... thank you for hosting!

  34. Beautiful post and lovely ornaments!

  35. Love all the vintage ornaments, they have such a soft glow. Thanks for hosting, Laura

  36. What a beautiful gift to have those beautiful ornaments from your Mother! I am sure you will cherish those always.Thank you so much for hosting! Have a great weekend!

  37. Oh wow, your displays are just so pretty! Stunning!

  38. Cindy, Thank you so much for hosting another great party.
    Your ornaments are so beautiful and I know each one carries a memory for you. Thank you for sharing them with us.
    We would love it if you would visit the French Hen's Nest and consider joining us.

    Linda and Jeannie

  39. Cindy,you have a beautiful collection of ornaments...thank you for hosting. Have a wonderful weekend!

  40. Oh my gosh, Cindy. Now I'M crying!! This is a beautiful post, so heartfelt. I too, had a Mother who indulged my love for all those "old-fashioned" things, and I'm so lucky to have some of her ornaments to treasure. Yours are lovely, and I know your Mom would be very happy that you have them.

  41. I enjoyed your sweet and sentimental post. The ornaments are beautiful. They remind me of our childhood ornaments. Thank you so much for hosting the linkup.

  42. Hi Cindy
    Thanks for hosting,,,and just LOVLEY post :)
    and do not miss.....




    it is FUN :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  43. Hello Cindy! Wonderful ornaments!
    Lovely post, I understand what you feel, I'm just going to my mom's home one of this days to bring vintage ornaments, great memories of my childhood, because my mother doesn't use them anymore.
    Besos from Argentina! Silvina

  44. Hello Cindy, Your ornaments are beautiful, and as always you have them displayed beautifully. So many good memories, know you will enjoy, and what a sweet Dad. Thank you for hosting. Jeannie

  45. Thank you for sharing your memories and your beautiful ornaments!

  46. No Apology necessary for wordy and/or Sentimental Posts... I Love them in fact as they not only touch my Heart and Spirit... but also cultivate a deeper connection to Blog Friends who are Sharing such Intimate details of their Lives and Passions. Your Vintage Ornament Collection is Priceless... along with the Sentiments attached to them. I too decided to break out the Antique, Vintage and Hand-Made Ornaments for this Year's Tree and I had a bit of a Nostalgic Sobfest and Storytelling to the G-Kids about each and every piece as they asked about the History of them. Memories are after all what makes the Season even more Precious.

    A Big Hug and Christmas Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  47. Cindy, your post made me choke up. What a lovely gift to have from your mom, all those beautiful and unique ornaments. How blessed to have such wonderful parents and memories of your childhood. I totally relate, because I'm very sentimental myself and my family heirlooms mean the world to me. Thanks for sharing. I'm sure your mom is watching over you and smiling. All the best to you this holiday season.

  48. Lovely Christmas decor of your place. I really like putting ornaments in my Christmas Tree. Thanks for sharing, you gave me some great ideas to put a decor like that in my Bonifacio Global City condo for rent. :)

  49. Awwwwwwwwwww, what a sweet post. I loved hearing the story about your mom's ornaments. It's very very touching. They are so pretty tucked in the tiered centerpiece. Wow... what a moment, huh? Isn't life so strange and interesting and puzzling and heartbreaking and and totally wondrous... I'm sure your mom would be tickled to death to know you have and appreciate those ornaments... so darn cool



Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy