Thursday, October 11, 2012

Rosemary Focaccia - Show and Tell Friday!

Welcome to  Show and Tell Friday! 

It's been a busy week!  I've been busy at work and I've also been busy shopping and putting together an outfit to wear to a 1980s party I'm going to this weekend.  I'm doing sort of a Cindy Lauper/Early Madonna look!  It's hilarious!  I sure didn't dress like that in the 80s!  I'll have to share photos with you next week!  It's been a blast putting it all together!

This week I'm re-sharing one of my favorite recipes. Rosemary focaccia!  I love this stuff but I haven't made it in awhile because I try not to eat too many carbs these days!  The recipe can be found here.  

I'm also hosting a giveaway so scroll down to see how to enter.  Also, if you missed my post earlier this week, I was very honored to be featured in an online magazine!  Three posts in one week...I haven't done that in awhile!  For many years I did 5 posts a week! Whew! Looking back I don't know how I did that!

 If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden.  If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog.



  1. Yummy bread recipe! Thanks for hosting.

    Susan and Bentley

  2. Congrats on the feature Cindy! Well deserved. Thank you for hosting!

  3. Cindy, that looks delicious! Thanks so much for hosting each week!

  4. Oh, MY! My mouth started watering the moment I opened your post! Thank you for hosting!

  5. I am not a big fan of breads, but artisan breads such as that sound and look wonderful. Rosemary is one of my favorite herbs. Thanks for sharing and Thanks for hosting again this week.

  6. I want to see pictures from the 80s party!! I bake most of our bread these days, but haven't made foccacia in a while--yours looks delicious. And well done on your feature in the online magazine--that's fantastic. Thank you so much for hosting the party for us tonight, and have a wonderful weekend! We are supposed to get rain for a week, so I've been running around all day trying to get things done and tomatoes picked and brought inside before it gets all wet again--welcome to the Pacific Northwest!

  7. Mmmm, that looks so yummy! I went to an 80s party not so long ago, the best part was the BIG hair and the shiny black and hot pink jacket I wore!
    Okay off to link up my fabric pumpkins:-)

  8. Mmmm, that looks so yummy! I went to an 80s party not so long ago, the best part was the BIG hair and the shiny black and hot pink jacket I wore!
    Okay off to link up my fabric pumpkins:-)

  9. Looks wonderful Cindy! Thanks so much for hosting and have a fabulous day : )

    Love Always,

  10. Oh! That bread looks so yummy!
    Thank you very much for hosting, Cindy, and have fun in your '80s party.
    Besos, Silvina

  11. Thanks for hosting! I have to try that bread! Xo, Aimee

  12. Thanks for hosting, Cindy! Looking forward to see photos from the 80s party :) Have a fab rest of the week!

  13. Thanks so much for hosting. <3 Christina at I Gotta Create!

  14. Thank you for hosting! Have a lovely weekend :)


  15. Hi, Cindy! I'm so very glad to be joining you this week! Thank you!

  16. Thank you for hosting Cindy. The bread looks divine..Happy Thursday..Judy

  17. I'm so pleased to be able to share with you from PARIS !
    Thank you so much

  18. This focaccia looks delicious. And if tell you this an italian , you can believe it!

  19. Happy Friday! I love that the weather is changing and thoughts are of pumpkins, spices and hot teas. Usually, I make Ginger Snaps this time of year. I love those dang cookies, but hate the calories, the sugar and the shortening. I came up with a recipe for Skinny Ginger Puff Cookies (# 189 ) that I've linked up today. I hope you enjoy-they are delicious, without the guilt!
    Rebekah ~

  20. Thanks for hosting! Have a wonderful weekend!

  21. That looks delicious! Thanks so much for hosting and have a great weekend.

  22. Looks good Cindy. Hope you have fun at your party.

  23. Cindy,
    Thanks so much for hosting every week.
    Have a great weekend.
    Debi @ Adorned From Above

  24. Thanks for hosting, the bread looks so good!

  25. Some great features! Thanks for hosting!

  26. Thank you so much for hosting Cindy! Have a great weekend!

  27. Hi Cindy,
    A 1980s party sounds like such fun! It was a fun decade for me!
    Thanks for hosting.

  28. Thanks so much for hosting such a great party every week. I love visiting people who link up - I learn so much from them. I usually end up pinning a bunch of projects to contemplate later. Thanks again!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy