Monday, July 27, 2009

Red Velvet Cupcakes

Can you believe that I've never once had Red Velvet Cake until last night? The thought of all that red food coloring just never sounded appetizing to me. I would have probably gone my whole life without eating it but it happens to be a favorite of one of my co-workers and she put in a special request with me for her birthday. It's her favorite!
When I went grocery shopping on Sunday afternoon I realized I forgot to write down the items I needed to make these. I knew I needed red food coloring, cake flour, cocoa powder and cream cheese so I picked those up. Last night at 8pm when I sat down to read the recipe before making these I realized I needed buttermilk. I know you can make buttermilk with lemons and milk but I didn't have any lemons either. So back to the grocery store I went to buy buttermilk. I started making the cupcakes and realized that my baking powder was really old...I'm embarrassed to say that it expired in 2006! Yep 3 years ago! I know for a fact that it wasn't that long ago that I bought it! I really need to start checking those dates before I purchase! So back to the grocery store I went....good thing it's just right around the corner. I come back home and start where I left off and then I see that I need TWO BOTTLES of red food coloring!!! Yep...back to the grocery store for the 4th time in one day! I've learned my lesson...S L O W D O W N, read the directions all the way through, make a list...
Well, I must say that it was worth it because they are so good! I found the recipe by doing a google search and at the same time found a really good food blog "Pinch my Salt".


  1. The cupcakes look delicious!! Red Velvet is my husbands favorite. Thanks for sharing. Connie

  2. Very pretty Cindy. I've never seen them that red! But 2 bottles of food coloring is alot. LOL.

    I LOVE creme cheese icing.


  3. just had luch, now I need some dessert...

    it's hard to balance summer and blogging, but I'm out to change all that today

  4. p.s.
    I think you'll n-JOY my newest post

  5. I never saw them before! Looks yummo though :)

  6. So, how did they taste? I've never tasted them either and have always wanted to. And I agree ... I've never seen them that red! Usually, they look darker, don't they?

  7. Looks Delicious!!!!
    I will have to give them a try!

  8. I have had good and bad Red Velvet cake. The last time I ate it, it was so sweet I could not eat but a few bites. Shudder! Don't think I have ever seen it that bright of a red.

  9. Your co-worker is a very lucky person to have you as a friend. And I do hope your grocery store is close by! Mine would be 14 miles round trip, but I do forget things all the time. The frosting looks so professional and the red sprinkles top it off to perfection.

  10. Your post is funny to read but I know you had to be getting flustered.... They have a red velvet cake mix now that is not too bad... I know your friend had to love them....

  11. That sounds like something I'd do. I write a list and then forget the list at home sometimes.

    However, those cupcakes look delish. I'm really hungry now too so that doesn't help. I think I'll check that blog for the recipe. Yummy!

  12. They look absolutely delicious!!! I'm suddening craving a cupcake:)

  13. Those turned out beautiful! Your coworkers are so fortunate to have someone so thoughtful and talented baking goodies for them.

  14. Your cupcakes look great! I have played the missing ingredient game before... I thought I knew a recipe's ingredients, go to the store get the ingredients I thought were needed, only to get home and realize I was missing an ingredient or grabbed the wrong thing. Very frustrating!

  15. Red Velvet cupcakes.....yum. They look great:) The icing is to die for!

  16. It sure does take a whole lot of red food color to make the cake or cupcakes that deep red color. I am laughing as I thought one little bottle would do the trick so now I keep a huge bottle in my pantry of just the red color for when I make this.

  17. They look wonderfuland are my daughter's favorite as well......did you know you can also substitute buttermilk with regular milk and a tablespoon of white vinegar? Also, the cupcakes have the exact same taste without all the red food coloring....I haven't used it in years just because it is unnatural. :) jana

  18. Those cupcakes look so delicious, Cindy! You are such a talent! Truth be told, I've never had Red Velvet cake either; same reason, scared of the red food coloring! ha!

    You were sweet to make them for your co-worker!

    Did you save me one? ha!


  19. I also have never had these. After seeing yours and reading your hilarious post, I think I just may give these a try!!
    You did a fabulous job, looks almost as though I could reach into my monitor and grab one, I really like the icing and sprinkles.
    Bet you were a big hit at the office today!!

  20. Oh wow, those babies are red! They sure look good though, is that cream cheese frosting?

  21. I like the way they look, but all of that food coloring sort of makes me frightened. Hmmm, maybe if I gave up other artificial chemicals, I would try one. It would be like a trade off. Just being silly...they look yummy.

  22. They look delicious and since I just finished eating dinner I am ready for dessert! Wish I could reach in my monitor and sample one!

  23. I've never had Red Velvet cake or cupcakes either! But they look yummy.

  24. I recently sub'ed to your blog and I'm really enjoying it. Such beautiful photos ~ very inspiring! I love that plate that the first cupcake is on!

  25. I just realized that what I thought was "red velvet cake" was actually "tomato soup cake". When Cindy's recipe said it took two bottles of red food coloring, I realized I never had the "real" red velvet. The soup gives it a "reddish" brown color and the associate who makes it does call it "red velvet" but there is no food coloring. Cindy you are always so thoughtful of others. Bless your heart.

  26. Red velvet cupcakes are the best.

  27. I've never had Red Velvet cake either. You sure do persevere!! I would of given up after the second trip back to the store. lol. But they turned out so pretty, I think it must of been worth it.

  28. Wow I think the cupcakes are beautiful...Never thought of making red velvet cupcakes instead a would be so pretty for a bridal shower I think!

  29. I love red velvet cupcakes but I have to admit I've never seen any as red as the ones you made. Wow! Two bottles of red dye! That is a lot. I made some and used almost a whole bottle and I thought that was a lot.

    But they sure do look pretty!


  30. I had red velvet cake for the first time last winter. I had attended a charity auction and was the high bidder on the beautiful red velvet cake. It was delicious. And red is my favorite color!

  31. that's some good southern cooking.

  32. Oh yeah, we eat alot of red velvet cake around Valentine's Day. That story sounds like something I would do. But I would not have persisted and I would have ended up buying them.

    Yours look great! Hope the coworker was pleased.

  33. Originally red velvet cake was dyed with beets! :) Also the buttermilk can be substituted with vinegar and least my momma always did. hehe.

    Red Velvet cake is a southern thing I think. I didn't know a thing about it until we moved to Texas when I was 12 yrs old. It's sooo tasty though!!

    GORGEOUS pic., Cindy. Just lovely.

  34. I had to chuckle when I read your title because just today, my son requested Red Velvet cake for his birthday next month. Then I had to LAUGH at your trips to the store!
    I actually forgot to put the "COCOA" in one that I made. It still turned out tasting really good. :0}

  35. They look awesome! I make red velvet for my PEO group. They ask for it every year!

  36. LOL that's a lot of trip to the grocery store for just one recipe :-) Well, it was all worth it. They look real lovely and so yummy - though I never tried red velvet cake :-)

  37. Beautiful cupcakes! SO RED!

    Stopping by to give a little blog ♥

  38. They look really pretty, and I know they are a lot of people's favorites... I have had good and I have had pretty dry ones... but that IS a lot of red coloring... haha.. I love your food pictures... Amazing... I always want to come over for coffee and a dose of blue romance!!! Hugs...

  39. Those are gorgeous! You can also make buttermilk with milk and a little vinegar...I'm sure she was thrilled! karen...

  40. Oh I LOVE Red Velvet!! I first had it as a child at a community covered dish supper my family went to. I was hooked ever since. My hubby loves it too, and I have one daughter who requests it for it chocolatey goodness and cream cheese frosting. These look really red :) I got a kick out of the story of the 4 trips to the store. I've totally done that. I've mentioned to my husband I could never live out in the country. I have to have my grocery store around the corner LOL. Your cupcakes look great! I hope your friend enjoys them.

  41. Your cupcake looks great. You are such an energetic person!

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I love the look of those cupcakes, you did so well with the icing and they look so mois. But I am a bit scared of the red food colouring. I wonder if beet's juice can substitute the food colouring?

  44. Nel mio blog c'รจ un premio per te.

  45. Wonderful red! I wanna try it!

  46. I dieing to try that Red Velvet receipt.The Farmers market looks yummy also.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy