Thursday, November 13, 2014

A little more Autumn Decor and our upcoming move - Show and Tell Friday

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!

I originally had some faux Autumn leaves in this centerpiece and I just wasn't feeling it.  They were very orange and although I love orange...I wear orange a lot, I just don't like how it looks in my home...

So I took out all those faux leaves and added white pumpkins and now I love it! 

Sometimes I just have to fiddle with things a little bit until I like it. 

Good news...we are moving next week but not far! We are just moving to another building in the same complex.  I live in a huge complex with over 800 units. The new building hasn't had any of the numerous issues I've had with this building.  The floor plan is just like we have now except it's a mirror image of ours and we will have a gas fireplace! We're on the ground floor now and only the units on the 2nd and 3rd floor have the fireplaces! Perfect timing...I'll have a mantle to decorate for Christmas!

Thanks to all of you that join in on Show and Tell Friday every week and thanks to all of you who leave such nice comments! 

 If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog


  1. I am looking forward to some fabulous mantel displays! Having a fireplace at this time of year will be joyous for you and your daughter too. Thanks for the party Cindy!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  2. Oh congratulations Cindy - I'm so happy for you !
    And many thanks for hosting a party - happy packing ( or as happy as that act can be - I'm still traumatized from moving last winter lol )
    Hugs from Montreal

  3. Hi Cinsy! I don't have anything to share in your party but I'm so thrilled for you to find another place and a mantel! Sorry the rents are so over the top in California. I'll pray for an easy and fast move for you!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  4. Hi Cindy, I hope you and your daughter are feeling much better this week. Great news about the move...I know how excited you are about having a fireplace for the Holidays!!! I can't wait to see your new place all done up! Wishing you a smooth move and peaceful bliss in the new building!

  5. Wishing you a smooth move :) Thanks for the party Cindy!

  6. We are enjoying a fire in our fireplace this evening. It's cold here!
    Glad you have the move worked out. Sounds like the new apartment will be much better. A mantel in your future is an added bonus. '-)

  7. Good luck Cindy with the move. It will be so nice to have the fireplace. I cannot wait to see how you decorate the mantel.

  8. Dear Cindy - I am SO happy that you get to move to a newer apartment and knowing you, your new mantel will be over-the-top gorgeous! Happy moving to you and your daughter dear lady.

  9. danke für die vielen wunderschönen inspirationen!!! einen schönen freitag wünscht angie aus deutschland!!!!

  10. Hello cute lady! What a fun party. Thank you for hosting. Please stop by our party. We would really appreciate it.
    Happy Friday! Lou Lou Girls

  11. Good news about the move..Sounds like a good thing..Love that arrangement..very fallish

  12. Thanks for hosting this party Cindy! I like your blog!

  13. I'm so happy to hear you are moving Cindy. Wishing you a much happier outcome this time around.
    Take care

  14. Hi Cindy and Congratulations! I'm so excited for you. Thanks so much for the party, Gal! Have a wonderful weekend :/
    Don't over do it!
    Hugs and Blessings to you,

  15. So glad that you found a great apartment in the same complex. I have been going on line and looking at places up there and they are really expensive. I think it would be cheaper to stay in my own home.
    Thanks so much for hosting your great party. Good luck moving.
    PS If I come up for the holidays maybe we can met up. Would love to meet you in person.

  16. Congrats Cindy and thanks for this party too!

  17. Hi Cindy,

    I'm so excited for you and all the fun you will have decorating your new place and for the holidays!
    Also grateful to have something to share today.
    Thank you for hosting!

  18. I'm so glad that you are finally moving & to a better apartment! Good luck with the move. I look forward to your pictures of your new apartment with the fireplace.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy