Friday, June 13, 2014

Show and Tell Friday - Lots and lots of Cupcakes

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!  Sorry I'm so late getting my post up this week! It's just been one of those crazy weeks!  First some computer issues and then I had these photos on my iPhone and had trouble emailing them!  Finally I think I got all my issues resolved! 
Last weekend I made cupcakes to bring to a baby shower.  The colors were pink and brown so I decided to make some pink and chocolate roses on top of my cupcakes.  I made about 70 cupcakes and like usual I was running short on time so I had to decorate these at lighting speed!  I would have liked to have spent a little more time getting them just right but I was lucky that I got them done on time!  My hand was so sore from piping frosting on so many cupcakes!
I also used my "Giant" cupcake pan and made a giant cupcake because I was worried that there wouldn't be enough cupcakes! There were 75 people invited to this shower!  Luckily they all didn't show up!

I'll be making some more cupcakes Saturday for a BBQ I'm going to Saturday evening but I'm going to make mini-cupcakes this time. I'll probably still be rushed again this time because I'm meeting my niece and her family in Santa Cruz in the morning for brunch. They are here visiting from Arizona and Saturday is the last day they are in the SF Bay Area before driving to Southern California and then back to Arizona!  This will be the first time meeting my Great Niece and Nephew...and they aren't babies!  They are school-age!  I'm so looking forward to finally meeting them. I feel like I've seen them grow up through Facebook. 
I always seem to over-book myself. My life seems so rushed lately!  I guess that just means I'm filling my 24 hours a day with lots of life!
Again, I apologize for being late with Show and Tell Friday this week!


  1. Your cupcakes are beautiful! Thanks for hosting!

  2. Awe, Cindy!
    I understand how you feel. Glad to be joining you tonight. Enjoy your weekend. :)


  3. Oh no, the link up aren't showing up on my blog! It looks like you have to click on them to see them! Nothing seems to be going right for me this week! I'm not sure what I did to change that! Is anyone else seeing them below my post or is it just my computer?

  4. Hi Cindy! I am so impressed by your cupcakes! They are incredible. Do you have a special tool to make them look like flowers?
    Thank you dear lady for all you put into making this a great party.

  5. Yes, it's a rose tip that I put on a pastry bag. My daughter and I took a couple cake decorating classes. You can find lots of tutorials on how to make them on YouTube though!

  6. Pretty pink cupcakes!

    Thanks for hosting, Cindy!


  7. No apologies needed Cindy, I'm grateful that you host every week. Those cupcakes are beautiful,enjoy your visit with your family and thanks for hosting.

  8. Those cupcakes are over the top beautiful!!! I love you blog, and as usual it is well worth the wait. Thank you for sharing! Enjoy your weekend!!!

  9. Those bunch of gorgeous cupcakes are making me crave for just ONE!
    Thanks for sharing and for the fun party. Have a lovely Father's Day weekend.

  10. I love these decorating ideas. The designs are so vibrant and the view is so happy and cheerful.
    Interior Design Idea

  11. You cant go wrong with Cupcakes!! :) Yum!!

  12. Cindy, these cupcakes are so pretty! Enjoy your trip to see family!

  13. The cupcakes are gorgeous, thanks so much for hosting each week!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy