Thursday, May 22, 2014

Back on the diet - Show and Tell Friday

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!
I had planned to post something different today but as usual I procrastinated until the last day and then, even though I left early, I got home late because the traffic was so bad. 
 Since I didn't have time to take the photos I wanted I'm resharing some of my "diet" food from the past.  As many of you know I lost quite a bit of weight a few years ago and I've pretty much kept it off but now a few pounds...okay a little more that "a few"...more like 20 lbs have returned! Ugh!  I'm grateful that it all hasn't come back but I'm not even liking the 20 extra pounds so I'm back to eating better and working out more again. 
I usually eat two scrambled eggs for breakfast every morning but sometimes I just want a change so I either have Greek yogurt and fresh berries, like above or I also like to make pumpkin muffins...

For these muffins I just use a box of spice cake mix and stir in one small can of canned pumpkin (do not add any other ingredients, just the box of cake mix and the pumpkin) and bake them until they are done!  Really simple and fairly healthy!  I usually try to stay away from processed carbs but I do allow myself a treat once in awhile!

Thanks to all of you that join in on Show and Tell Friday every week and thanks to all of you who leave such nice comments! 

If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog.


  1. those muffins look scrumptious! Thanks for hosting us Cindy!

  2. Thanks for hosting Cindy. I make those same muffins, but I add a few chocolate might want to try that. I am trying to lose 20 lbs. too.


  3. I seriously need to make some changes in my eating habits. :(
    Thanks for hosting again this week - appreciate what you do.

  4. Cindy, I need to lose weight, too. We're about the same age I think, and I've been so inspired by you and your weight loss. It's really hard to do and you've made it look so easy! I only managed to lose 10 pounds and have gained it all back in the past two months. So hard to lose and so easy to gain back. I need to lose more than 20 but I'd be happy with that for a start! Thanks for the tips and recipes!!!

  5. The berries look delicious! Thanks for hosting Cindy!

  6. OMG I thought that I was the only one that made pumpkin muffins that way!!! My kids love them!! Thanks for hosting another great party!!

  7. Thanks for hosting! I’m sharing my light and easy Kitchen Sink Salad.

  8. Hi Cindy! Oh, your diet food looks very yummy and I know you'll loose your weight because you're so disciplined. Wish I could be. :) Thanks again for hosting your party as we're making a big change in our life right now and I wanted to share it with you.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Oh How I need to loose some weight its getting harder to carry this weight around
    I can do the scrambled eggs and fruit however like you said I try to stay away from processed foods

  10. I fight my weight all the time and seem to have finally found that tracking my calories, and calories burned, on line really helps. I'm using the LiveStrong site but there are probably others. I'm with you!

  11. Ok
    You have motivated me to eat something healthy and put it in a cute dish. ( of which I have many that are languishing in the cabinet)

    Why can those pounds sneak on but not sneak off?!?!



  12. Hi Cindy, I'm currently on a weight release program too. What helps me is to try not to eat after 8. I love sweets! I do my best to eat any sweets in the afternoon, so my body will burn it off.
    I have more weight to release than you. I do my best to celebrate all the milestones I've hit so far.
    Wishing you a Happy Memorial Day weekend and smooth weight release journey.

  13. I'm loving your party. Thanks for hosting. Please come and party with us! We would love to have you!
    Happy Friday! Lou Lou Girls

  14. Cindy,
    Your weight-loss successes that you have chronicled on your blogs have inspired me so much. I wish it weren't possible for the pounds to creep back when we are busy with Life. You've shaped up before and you will do it again. I've missed seeing photos of your beautiful self! Last year, I discovered Tone It Up with Katrina Hodgson and Karena Dawn. Although they and most of their followers are much younger than I am, I have had a blast trying to follow their workouts and program. From April to October last year I lost 13 pounds. I gained a lot back over the holidays by eating rich food and sweets and not exercising much. I've been more dedicated to consistency lately and am seeing weight come off again and feeling more energized. You might want to check them out as a variation on what you usually do for fitness. Right now they are in the midst of their "Bikini Series" which prepares for summer. I don't care about bikinis, but I want to feel better. Makes me feel young again!
    I love how elegant you make the simplest meals look. Love the berry/yogurt photo.
    Best to you. I'm so glad you check in once a week. I know you are super busy,but I so enjoy your blog.


  15. Thanks for hosting Cindy, I quit smoking a year ago March 8th and gained 18 lbs, now I'm on a 1600 calorie plan and drinking a lot of water, the weight just sneaks up on
    you doesn't it!

  16. I hear ya! I haven't been on a diet for 7 years; I actually spent a long time trying to gain weight, but since I started weight lifting I have to get some of the weight off because I'm just too bulky! Just looking at the dessert cup makes me hungry! I have been doing the low carb thing and I am 3 weeks in! I never lasted more than a couple of days doing low carb! I swear today I just want a whole pot of rice...I could just swallow it I want carbs so badly! LOL Thanks for a great party! Good luck on your diet!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. ...funny, I just ate 3 marshmallow cookies before I logged on here!!! No.38 Miss Maggie's Side Table Redo!! ADORABLE!!!
    thanks for your beautiful blog.....lots to be inspired by.
    Susanne Talbot

  19. Cindy, I feel your pain with the weight gain..........I had lost about 20 lbs and had to go back on Predinsone. The predinsone is a horrible med, it me to death and then I start eating everything in site.Because of my health problems I do not have the energy to excercise. Its hard to get the weight off.....Good luck


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy