Thursday, October 25, 2012

Autumn Centerpiece - Show and Tell Friday

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!  I was at the grocery store today and decided to pick up some mini pumpkins and preserved leaves. I wasn't really sure what I was going to do with them but I put them on my silver platter that I picked up at a flea market a few years ago and added some tea lights and my crystal candlesticks. I think I only paid $10-$15 for this tray and I use it for so many things!  Shells in the summer, pumpkins in the fall and ornaments during the holidays!  If you have the chance to buy a large silver tray, do so! You won't regret it!

My apartment is so summery I really struggle with Autumn decor. It doesn't help that I live in California and the summer weather seems to stay here far after Autumn arrives.  We've had a cold rainy week here so it's sort of put me in the mood.  By cold, I mean the highs are only in the 60s!  It's amazing how cold I've been and really that is not that cold! We've already been running the heater! 

I'm going to Lake Tahoe in a week and a half and they already have snow!  I can't wait!

Oh, and I have to say (since I'm a native of the San Francisco Bay Area)....GO GIANTS!!!

Note: I've had to adjust my blog settings to not allow "Anonymous" comments.  For years I've been getting hit with so much SPAM that I previously adjusted it so that comments left on posts older than 10 days had to be approved by me.  Even that wasn't working. Every day I was probably getting over 50 SPAM messages that I had to review.  I really don't get that many legitimate Anonymous comments so I just disabled it.  

If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden.  If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog.



  1. Cindy, thank you for hosting this great party!

  2. Pretty centerpiece Cindy. I have a love affair with silver trays and trays of all kinds.Thanks for hosting Cindy and have a great weekend.

  3. I know what you mean Cindy! I struggle with fall decor too. I am fine with it on my front porch, but inside does not work so well with my color scheme. I ended up putting a big grapevine basket filled with those really bog pine cones on my white dining room table. I do really like your fall centerpiece though! Have a great weekend.

    Susan and Bentley

  4. Hello Cindy: I love your romantic autumn centerpiece--the pumpkins, crystal candleholders and silver platter go together beautifully! I appreciate you hosting the party tonight--thank you!

  5. Very elegant table setting Cindy. Thank you for hosting this party!:)

  6. Simple and elegant.......the best! I love to use a long silver tray as the base for my dining room table centerpiece. Thanks for sharing this idea.

  7. Hi Cindy! Love your centerpiece, I found a metal one at a church rummage sale for $2.00 but it's not as pretty as yours. Thanks for hosting!

  8. Love the centerpiece, pretty! Thanks for hosting!...hugs...Debbie

  9. Hello Cindy! Wonderful centerpiece!
    Thank you for hosting!
    Besos, Silvina

  10. Cindy, Love your centerpiece! Thanks so much for hosting a great party!


  11. Okay Cindy, where are your mother's victorian boots or dad's crow with the apple? You used to know how to decorate for fall, silly! When I put "Autumn" in your search bar, it brings up 9 pages of autumn themed post from your blog. I'm reading back through some of your old post and I'm finding lots of clever decorating ideas. I think I'm going to adopt your Halloween shoe idea. It was a good one! XO Happy Fall!

  12. Boho Chick, I forgot about that Victorian boots! I'll have to figure out where I put those!!! Maybe I'll repost them for Halloween! I've lost my touch I guess! My life is a lot busier than it used to be! I used to just live at home when my daughter was younger but now that she's all grown up I'm always out having fun and not so obsessed with decorating! If only I had more time to do both...

  13. Beautiful. I would love for you to stop by My Dream Canvas. thanks Anu

  14. Your silver tray with the pumpkins and leaves and crystals is so so pretty... I have a few silver trays and i use them all over the place too... and, i'm with you, i'm a whimp with the cold, when it hits 60 degrees, the heat is coming on!


  15. Nice centerpiece so simple yet elegant. I have been using my silver to make arrangements also, I cleaned silver trays and tea pot today.
    Yours always look so shinny

  16. I love your centerpiece even if orange is not my colour, its looks so nice and poetic with the crystals... To day I'm sharing thanks to you my French shabby painted stairs : painted them white with roses. Thank you so so much for hosting, so nice, to share with the USA that I love so much (I crossed over from San Francisco to New York in a Grey hound bus years ago it was so so great !)
    Xoxo from Paris where we have a wonderful Indian Fall

  17. Cindy,your centrepiece is lovely.I love silver trays too,and pick them up for a song here. Noone seems to want them but me. :) x

  18. Thanks for hostessing this lovely party. Your Centerpiece is simply lovely.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  19. Cindy
    We were thinking in the same direction today... Your pretty centerpiece fits your style perfectly! I think I'll have to get some of those fall leaves to add to mine!

  20. Your centerpiece is lovely! Let us see your Marylin pics next week. Have fun in Tahoe!

  21. Beautiful silver tray Cindy! Love your crystal candle sticks too!Thank you so much for hosting have a great weekend!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Your centerpiece is so elegant, Cindy -- I love it! Thanks for hosting this party!

  24. Thanks for the party and a good morning to you! I mad a bit of a departure from cooking, sewing and crafting to repair one of our rental property's toilets. I thought this might be helpful info for other ladies. I've linked up a tutorial on Glamorous Toilet Repair (#215) with step by step instructions. I hope it's helpful and a little fun!
    Rebekah -

  25. I love your tray with all the pumpkings for fall! Have fun on your trip, its so much fun to read about your adventures! Thank you for hosting your lovely party each week and have a wonderful weekend!

  26. We're expecting to get our first taste of winter next week here in Ohio. Now, I am a dyed in the wool Cleveland Indians fan, but I do have to say: Yay, S.F. Giants! Boy, they are on a HOT streak! What a fun party you host every week, Cindy. Even though I don't have a blog, yet, I love looking at everyone's (or as many as I can possibly visit) sites. Oh, I really have to get going on a blog!

  27. Thank you, Cindy, for hosting this wonderful party for the "oh so creative" bloggers out there!

  28. Hi Cindy,

    Thanks for hosting your lovely party! Love your fall center piece. Have a nice weekend.


  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Cindy;
    Thank you for hosting. You have a beautiful blog. Thank you for sharing. You really have excellent taste.
    Thanks again,
    Chloe & Kinzie

  31. Hi Cindy!

    Your white mini pumpkins look so elegant on that silver tray with the crystal candle holders.

    Thanks for hosting this fun party!

    xoxo Bunny Jean

  32. Beautiful autumn decor! Thanks so much for hosting!

  33. Thanks, Cindy for the party again this week. Hope you have a fun weekend with your friends. Linda

  34. I love your centerpiece, what a great silver tray! Thanks for hosting such a fun party each week!

  35. Thanks for hosting such a great party each week, Cindy. You look beautiful as Marilyn, too!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy