Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Giveaway for October

Sorry I'm late for the giveaway this month. Lauren and I had the swine flu. Lauren had it worse than I did but we seem to be on the mend now. My son had it about a month ago so we've all gone through it now with no complications...thankfully!

My giveaway for this month is this cute little ceramic turkey that I picked up at Marshalls. It's smaller than it looks in this picture...it's about the size of a small teapot. If you would like to win this little guy just leave a comment below by midnight on Friday, October 16th. Due to shipping costs this is open to anyone in the U.S. or Canada. If you don't have a blog please be sure to leave your email address so I can contact you if you win!

You may have heard on the news, we're having a major storm here today! It's been pouring down rain for hours now. I just hope the roads aren't too flooded on my commute home from work tonight!


  1. By hook or by crook; I'm the first to write in this book! Please enter me -- I'd proudly put Mr Turkey away until next
    Canadian thanksgiving, but he'd get lots of love first!

  2. I would love to win the turkey...very cute.

  3. Hi Cindy, I'm sorry to hear you were all sick with the Swine! I'm glad you and Lauren are on the mend! Please enter me in the giveaway! Gooble, Gooble!

  4. I'd be happy to have that turkey at my house. You are going through a lot with the flu and the weather. Drive home safely!

  5. Thank you, Cindy. I love this gobbler. He would fit in perfectly with my whites.

    Thank you for this opportunity.

    I am glad you are all on the mend.

  6. Glad you are ALL feeling better...that is an ugly flu! I would love to add that turkey to my "white" collection.

  7. I'm so excited that Thanksgiving is almost here! Please enter me... he will sit so perfectly on my table... frsa85@aol.com

  8. Hi Cindy,
    Please enter my name into your giveaway for Oct.
    I live in Modesto and commute to Menlo Park every day for work. It started raining at 4:00am when I left the house this morning and by the time I arrived in Menlo Park it was pouring and its still pouring.The rain is just making all kinds of noise outside as runs down my office window. I kinda like it. Yes, but then there's the commute home and that will be another story.
    Take care and drive careful,

  9. Glad you are feeling better! christyennis95@aol.com

  10. Gobble, Gobble... count me in for the sweet turkey. Love it. Thank you. LindaSonia (baddabinda@yahoo.com)

  11. Hi Cindy~
    I love checking your blog everyday before I begin my work day. I can hardly concentrate because my head is spinning with all the creativity you have shown us.
    Gobble, gobble, gobble,

  12. Hi Cindy,glad you are over the flu....Mr Turkey would look wonderful in my Thanksgiving table!

  13. Hi Cindy!
    I'm glad to hear you are all feeling better! I just found out today that someone at my workplace has the swine flu. So you didn't need to be hospitalized?
    I would love to be entered in your giveaway ~ that turkey is beautiful!



  14. How pretty ~ and just in time for Thanksgiving!

  15. Oh no! The swine flu and a storm! You poor dear. I'm happy to hear you are feeling better though.

    I guess the storm will make it's way down to me soon. We had a bit of rain but the sun is starting to come out now though.

    What a darling turkey. I would love to win your giveaway. It's hard to find cute Thanksgiving things and this one is so cute.


  16. I love the turkey!!! The rain hasn't started here yet in SoCal, but it's suppose to hit here tonight. I hope it's after I get home from work. And I hope you make it home OK as well.

  17. Glad you are feeling better! That turkey is so cute!!!!

  18. I'm glad your home is feeling better, darned swine flu!
    Your turkey is lovely and I'd be delighted to have it grace my Thanksgiving table if my name is picked! Blessings! Suzie

  19. That turkey is adorable! Please enter me in your giveaway! Thanks--


  20. Hi Cindy,
    Glad to hear you and Lauren are feeling better. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you and have a wonderful week.


  21. I just love the white turkey and would love to have it with my fall decorations. I know he'd love my neck of the woods---they cancelled turkey season this year. ha

  22. I love Tom Turkey! Please enter me. BevAnneS@aol.com.

  23. Glad to hear you are all on the mend!!!I'll be ahving Thanksgiving dinner at my house this year and would love to display this beautiful turkey on my table!

  24. What a precious turkey. I love it. I would love to have this treasure for my decorations. I will also keep you in prayer for a safe commute today. Hugs, Marty

  25. Glad everyone is on the mend. It's tough when all the family is sick. And here you are thinking of all of us! Thanks for the giveaway! And the party.

  26. Oh Cindy, glad to know that you and your daughter are feeling much better. I don't know anyone who's had the swine flu, but it's in our area.

    I'd love to win that sweet little gobbler. Count me in please!


  27. Love the smell of RAIN !


  28. What a pretty little turkey! Perfect for the upcoming holiday. I would love to be its owner. I know I'd have the perfect home for it.

  29. Glad you and Cindy are feeling better!! I'd love to add the turkey to my collection.

  30. Oh I have a special place for Mr Turkey....so cute...I'm in So Calif and it rained here all last night...love the freshness in the morning...

  31. Mr Turkey is adorable & woulod be a lovely addition to my Thanksgiving trable next month. :)

    Glad you & Lauren are on the mend from the swine flu! Hope the storm isn't too bad.

  32. Sweet little turkey... keep feeling better!

  33. Glad to hear you are feeling better.

    Love the cute turkey!

    Irma :)

  34. How cute is he? I know he would feel very much at home around here!

    Glad you are feeling better!

  35. Oooh, love the turkey!

    I hope you feel better soon.

  36. Please enter me in the drawing - thanks for the chance and the great giveaway and please be careful driving home with the crazy weather.

  37. Lovin' that bird!!!! Please enter me!
    Sorry about tne swine! We went through it here in NY in the Spring-not fun!

  38. Oh, he would match my dishes. Keeping my fingers crossed....
    Marilyn in VA.

  39. oopps

    PS..sorry to hear you were sick. Glad it's all over and you are feeling better.

  40. Oh man! The swine flu? I am so sorry but happy that everyone is getting better!
    I love this turkey! It is too cute!

  41. yuk, poor thing, the only good thing is now you don't need to get a shot! super cute turkey, please enter me

  42. Such a cute little turkey! I would love to adopt him. It's pouring rain here in the valley too, plus super wind. And the fire alarm went off at the school where I teach. Ick!

  43. Glad you are feeling better --- swine flu is no fun! Please add me to the give-away list. Can't wait to see what fall decorations you will come up this year!


  44. Hi Cindy,
    I would love to be included in your
    "Turkey Giveaway".
    I'm so sorry you and Lauren have
    been sick. My youngest grandson
    just had the swine flu and now his
    older brother has it.
    I just saw about that storm in
    northern Calif. and thought of you.
    Sure hope things start looking up
    for you.

  45. Hi Cindy,
    I would love to be included in your
    "Turkey Giveaway".
    I'm so sorry you and Lauren have
    been sick. My youngest grandson
    just had the swine flu and now his
    older brother has it.
    I just saw about that storm in
    northern Calif. and thought of you.
    Sure hope things start looking up
    for you.

  46. Ooh, yes please count me in your drawing.

  47. Oh, my! I am so glad to hear that all of you are feeling better. At least it is behind you and you won't have to worry now. Rest up.


  48. How cute!! Just in time for the season. Please enter me in this giveaway.


  49. Cute little turkey! I think he'd like to live in TX:) popesx5@sbcglobal.net

  50. Hi Cindy - glad to hear you all are on the mend. You have a great blog... especially loved the Christmas tree with the china cups and neat things. Thanks again and feel better soon. Linda

  51. Oh Cindy I am so sorry to hear about you and Lauren..... I am so glad to hear that you are both feeling better!

    I am joining your give away party this month...stop by and enter my fun give away!

    Also I would love to give Mr. Turkey a good home! :-)

    Hugz, Dolly

  52. Cute turkey....sign me up!! Glad to hear you are all feeling better.

  53. Oh, how scary that you guys had the Swine Flu!!! I'm so glad that you're all doing better now.

    I'd love to be entered in your giveaway!! That turkey is so cute!!

    Thanks so much!!
    Michele R.(CA)
    Luvkittysgiveaways at Gmail dot com
    Butterfly Whispers

  54. the turkey is very cute. Thanks for offering it, if I win I will give it a good home!

  55. So glad you are feeling better! It seems many I know are sickly. 4 of my 5 student workers were out sick today from work! (I work at a Univ). The turkey is sooo sooo cute! I'd be honored to place him on my table for November and Thanksgiving. Thanks for a sweet giveaway. Keep shining!

  56. Lovely! I'd love to own the ceramic turkey. I host Thanksgiving dinner every year for my friends and family. It would fit in quite nicely.

  57. OH SO CUTE FOR TURKEY DAY! I absolutely love your blog. You inspire me to do more. HAPPY TRAILS, Georgia

  58. I hope you two are better soon!! :)

    Thank you for the entry in your lovely giveaway!

  59. Hi Cindy
    Sorry to hear you were sick. Hope you're all better now. Count me in for the giveaway. I have the perfect spot for the turkey!
    Hugs, Rhondi

  60. It's good to hear you are over that awful flu. Now you can enjoy the season in good health. I love this turkey! I sure hope he comes to live with my turkey collection. He'd fit right in. Gobble, gobble!

    Cathy ♥

  61. Hurry and send that cute little turkey to me in Texas before he gets the swine flu. hehe Love your blog & glad you're feeling better.

  62. Girl, you just keep bouncing back! From food poisening to swine flu you have run the gammut....so glad you are on the mend. Who wouldn't love that gobbler! Thanks for the fun of hoping for a win. God bless you and yours.

  63. Hi!
    I love this turkey and I love, love Marshalls! Please enter me in this giveaway!!



  64. Would love to win this neat turkey. Thanks for the chance.

  65. This turkey is terrifically beautiful... I wnat it.. I wish I could be the lucky one.... swine flu.. Yikes....here in Puerto Rico they're beginning with the vaccine...Take plenty of rest..and wishing you.. to end with this.. quickly(swine thing)

  66. Glad you and your daughter are
    the mend.
    Stay safe in the storm.
    Please enter me in the October

    Thank you,

  67. I'm so sorry you and your daughter are sick Cindy! I hope you both feel better soon. A storm outside? Maybe some chicken noodle soup, a black and white movie and snuggling on the couch with a cozy blanket will make you feel better??

    I would love to win Mr. Turkey!

    Oh and thank you for one of the sweetest comments I've ever gotten on my blog :)


  68. I'd love a chance to win! thank you!!

  69. Glad you are feeling better. Thanks for an opportunity to win the turkey! Veronica in Az.

  70. This turkey is a perfect decoration for Thanksgiving. I'd love to win it! I'm so sorry you had the swine flu. You two have had a run of sickness lately. I hope this was the last of it for awhile! Glad you are on the mend.

  71. Cindy That little turkey is so cute.Glad you and your daughter are feeling better.Stay safe in that storm.Hugs,Jen

  72. I am glad you are feeling better.
    I would love to put Mr. Tom Turkey on my table at Thanksgiving.
    I am trying to start a blog. I love yours!

  73. Cindy, So sorry to hear you and Lauren have been sick...hope you are on the mend...Please add my name to list for the darling turkey.


  74. Please sign me up for the turkey giveaway. Thanks Cindy!!!


  75. Cindy,

    Mr Turkey has my name all over him, sue sue sue sue pick SUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  76. Howdy from Texas! We are having a lot of rain as well this week. I would love to have that turkey sitting on my table, it would also make a great gift as friday the 16th is my......50th birthday! I am glad you are all feeling better.

  77. Glad to hear you are better... I would love to win this turkey. He is very nice.

  78. Oh, I love that cute little gobbler. And even though we've had Thanksgiving in Canada, he could sure hang around for next year. Love your blog, Cindy.

  79. very cute...would look graet sitting on my dining room table for Thanksgiving dinner...hint hint :)

  80. Hi what a cute giveaway...please sign me up....Pat H

  81. Cindy,

    I am so sorry to hear that you had the Swine Flu. OMGosh that must have been horrible. I am so glad you are feeling better.

    Take care of yourself the holidays are coming and we know how much you love decorating for the holidays.

    xo Cathy

  82. Love your blog Cindy~!
    I'm glad you and your family are feeling better!!!!

  83. Cindy
    So sorry to hear you & your daughter had the flu. Glad you are recovered.Also the rain has been heavy here also, I think In one day we had 5 inches. My vet vac was busy in my basement.
    Your little white turkey is so cute.
    Stay safe.

    Janice In Missouri


  84. How fun, count me in. What a cute little turkey.

  85. So glad you guys are feeling better, be careful out there, the news said is going to be bad out there. Please enter me in the giveaway!

  86. Hello Cindy,

    I am so glad to hear you and your family is on the mend! Nasty thing that swine flu.

    I love the white turkey and would love to add it to my fall decorations.

    ~ Tracy

  87. Glad you all are on the mend. Hard to believe that Thanksgiving is right around the corner.

  88. What a cute turkey! He would look right at home on my sideboard. Please count me in!

    ...and thank you for hosting such a nice giveaway.

  89. Mr. Turkey wanted to tell you that he wants to come and visit me at my house for Turkey Day!

  90. Swine Flu and giving away a turkey? Very cute. Sorry you were all ill; that's some nasty stuff. Glad you are on the mend!

  91. I really need this turkey! I was born on Thanksgiving Day 1957 and delivered by Dr. F. L. GOBBLE! (Honest! For Real!)


  92. Cute turkey I would love to win it! Please enter me.

  93. Please enter me in your Mr Turkey give away

  94. What a cute little Gobbler!

    I would give him a good home for sure;)

  95. Hi Cindy...

    Ohhh my goodness, Girl...I'm so glad that you are doing okay after having the swine flu...that's scary, my friend!

    Cindy, thank you so much for hosting your monthly blog giveaway! What a sweet thing to do for all of us bloggers!!! I love that little white turkey...he's sooo beautiful and I would just adore having him! Please sign me up! I'm crossin' my fingers...crossin' my toes...I'll even cross my eyes if it'll help me win! Hehe!

    Thanks, my friend! So glad to hear that you're feeling better!!!
    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  96. oh, it is so cute. I would love to have him grace my home. Please enter me. Hugs, Linda

  97. Cindy,
    Absolutely beautiful blog. I love everything you do. I have just started a blog for the first time so don't really know what I'm doing but am enjoying it so far. Love the turkey.


  98. Sorry to hear you had the flu, glad you are better. I was born on Thanksgiving many years ago, so I would love to win the Turkey. hollygrovecarole@yahoo.com

  99. Long story short, I'm newly widowed with an empty nest and am getting ready to redocrate my home (far too many memories). This adorable little turkey would be a nice start as I build my romantic refuge.

  100. Mr.Turkey needs to come on home to mama! I promise to give him a good home!

  101. I'm sure your turkey would be very happy at my house. Thanks for a chance at a great giveaway.

  102. Cindy, please enter me in your cute little turkey giveaway.
    Sorry to hear you had that awful flu. Glad you are all doing better now.

  103. Hi Cindy! I'm a follower and yours is the third giveaway I've entered, in just about as many days.
    Whenever I stop by your "home" I have to remind myself your name isn't Beatrix Potter. I'm quite certain there are bunnies, donned with ribbons, hiding behind your armoire, or maybe in your garden -- hiding in flowers behind your new yard conservatory.
    All in all, I love being a guest here. Thank you for the many tours -- I've yet to catch you dressed in a robe with curlers -- and yes, thanks for the entry!

  104. Please count me in. Turkey is sooo cute!

  105. That's the most handsome turkey around. Love him!


  106. I think he is so sweet. What a great give-away please enter me...m

  107. Great giveaway! Count me in please cause Turkeys are flying over head right now. ME LOVE TURKEYS

  108. Cute! It would be such a nice giveaway for thanksgiving.

  109. Poor Cindy!!! I hope you are feeling better!!! Hugs!

  110. Hi Cindy!
    I really enjoy your blog. I just started a collection of white glassware so he would be perfect for Thanksgiving. Please enter me in your drawing.

    Thanks so much!
    Mari Beth

  111. Happy Turkey Day coming soon to everyone's home!

  112. Cindy,

    I'm sorry to hear of your bout with the swine flu. I hope that you and your daughter are feeling better.

    I think Mr. Turkey is adorable and would love to be entered in your give-away!

    Marilyn (in Dallas)
    fammsimm at yahoo dot com

  113. Awww, he's adorable! I collect turkeys but they only get to make an appearance after November 1 so that I don't look like the crazy turkey collecting lady. :)

  114. Hi Cindy from central Vancouver Island, Canada. Everyone knows a turkey & what better fun to display this cutie. Put my name down pleeeeeze! Love your site, I'm a daily visitor.

  115. What a darling turkey. Thanks for such a cute giveaway. Please enter me.

  116. Hi Cindy, I love the turkey. But I love your blog even more. thanks so much, :) Lou

  117. OH! MY! Your turkey is delightful! And...I think he needs to come and live with all the other turkeys in my home!(My husband,daughter and son! LOL!) Please add my name to your draw.

  118. Dear Cindy....I LOVE your blog. It's one of my absolute FAVES. I'm in the middle of learning how to do a blog...attending workshops at the local library. In the meantime, I'm leaving my e-mail for the little white turkey. Keep up the FABULOUS job writing your beautiful blog. And thanks, so much, for making the world a more "beautiful" place. Sincerely, Susan perkunashoneycat@gmail.com

  119. I love love love your blog! I'd love to enter your giveaway. Thanks, Amy amydhay@gmail.com

  120. Thanks for the giveaway Cindy. I'd love to win the little turkey. He's cute and would look very nice on my table! :)

  121. Thanks for the giveaway Cindy. I'd love to win the little turkey. He's cute and would look very nice on my table! :)

  122. He would be so cute with all my fall decorations. I just have pumpkins and leaves, nothing that really looks like Thanksgiving, so he'd be so happy in my home.

  123. What a fabulous little white turkey! I used to have turkeys but they are *not* anymore!
    I would love to win this little fellow to replace mine!

  124. a turkey to honor by november birthday.. ooh now that would be special since I get to cook on my special day !!!! he's adorable, oh how i wish we had a Marshall's here.

    Love your blog it's so inspiring.

  125. a turkey to honor by november birthday.. ooh now that would be special since I get to cook on my special day !!!! he's adorable, oh how i wish we had a Marshall's here.

    Love your blog it's so inspiring.

  126. I love the little turkey...my nickname from babyhood was "Turkey Lurkey", so the crazy fowl are some of my favorites!

    I am jbmusik from yahoo :^)

  127. Glad you're all feeling better! I love that turkey--please enter me in the drawing! Have a great weekend! Patti

  128. Please add me in the drawing, Cindy. Thanks! Michelle, mnsvr68@gmail.com

  129. pe you enjoyed your rain, I know my friend in SoCal craves a rainy day on occasion. We are having very early snow flurries...they go well with your wish for Christmas decorating!

  130. Please enter me........I would love Mr. Turkey.

  131. Hello Cindy, I love that turkey! I'm hoping that I could win it. Sad To hear you were sick but happy to know you are recover.

  132. aw...so cute. Love your blog!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy