Wednesday, September 23, 2009

White Wednesday

Kathleen at Faded Charm is hosting White Wednesday once again so I'm joining in. There is a lot of white in my home...


  1. Nobody does whites like you, Cindy... You know I love them so much, too! If you're looking to add some New England colors into your color scheme for the fall, please stop by... I'm having an AUTUMN HOME giveaway and there are a few things that I think you'd really like!... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

  2. HI Cindy, I tried to email you but my Computer does not do AOL for some reason...but here is the link to my white mirror and shutters! You will be surprised at the picture how similar it is to yours!!
    Just copy and paste this address and it will take you there!
    Debbie@ Ribbonwood

  3. All white, romantic and charming!
    You have great taste!

  4. Hi Cindy,
    As usual your whites are beautiful!

    Hope you have a good weekend,


  5. Very nice Cindy,with all that
    beautiful white you have you
    could have a lot of "White Wednesdays".
    Have a nice day!!:^)

  6. You have so many beautiful whites. Really love those teapots and pitchers. Have a great day.


  7. Oh, Cindy your home is always so pretty. I love all your white treasures. So very pretty.
    ♥ Rebecca

  8. Hi Cindy,
    I drool evertime!!! Your white treasures are always so beautifully displayed and presented. I love your seashell wreath. I remember your post on how to make it...I still want to give it a try. Anyways, everthing looks simply Mahvelous!


  9. Beautiful pictures and displays as always. Thanks for sharing them with us!

  10. Lovely post, lovely white things too :o)

  11. Hi Cindy...I just added you to my blogroll with your button. I love all your whites and shells. Beautiful. I see you also got the Ikea couch...I have one too and I LOVE it but I wanted to warn you..i washed mine in hot water with bleach and I think the hot water "broke" my zippers. so be careful. I wash mine a lot because I have 9 and 11 year old girls and the neighbor hood kids hang out at our house so my couch gets a lot of use. Your home is gorgeous and you are an inspiration.

  12. What a beautiful white post! So very soothing and pretty.

  13. Hi Cindy, I'm a day late to comment on your shutters - YOU GO GIRL! So gorgeous! You've got quite the eye. Your place is a dream. And I love all the whites and pale colors.

  14. love all the white, especially the bird houses.


    barbara jean

  15. So beautiful! I love all of the white!

  16. my what beautiful whites you have :) Rose

  17. I LOVE EVERY PICTURE! Especially love the shells....thanks for the post on my blog...I understand about the forwarding..thanks for being sweet about it...I do admire your blog...thanks for the inspiration!

  18. Love the Tea Pot in the first photo. And that shell wreath you did is DIVINE!!!!!!!!!!!! It turned out so well. Pretty post!

  19. HI Cindy,
    You do have a lot of whites, and they are all gorgeous! I love the bird cage, and the wreath, and the garden statue, well, guess I love everything!
    Hope you can come by for a visit sometime soon. Happy White Wednesday!
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  20. Ok, so are you having a hard time finding white in your house to show for ww? lol. Beautiful as always, your camera takes great close up shots. I saw the matching platter to your water pitcher at an antique store here in town for $76. (The water pitcher that you have on the coffee table with the cherubs, in the shot of your new shutters). So pretty! Michelle

  21. Why it's white Wednesday and every other day of the week too at your house! Just lovely too!

  22. HI Cindy! You have the most beautiful whiteness than any one in Blogland!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  23. Oh Cindy, everything looks gorgeous!!! The sconce and the bird cages are my favorite.

    If you get a chance stop by my Blog and say hi! I just put up a new post...
    Have a great day,

  24. Mmmmm....mmmmmmm....good!!;)

    m ^..^

  25. Hi, stopping by your blog for the first time. You have so many beautiful things.

    I love your shutters and mirror and the plates look great above it. Don't change it.

  26. Hi Cindy,
    Your whites are beautiful! Your home truly is romantic. Please stop by and check out my whites too, won't you? BTW, I love the shutters on each side of the mirror; very pretty. Have a nice day and a belated lovely White Wednesday to you.


  27. Hi Cindy; I so agree with most every comment... Cindy no body dose white like you... You have the most gorgeous collection of white pretties I have ever seen.... did you make that beautiful shell wreath???? thanks for sharing... have a great day


  28. Ahhhhhh.... all that white and it is not too sterile and bland!
    Two thumbs up girl!
    I love visiting your home!

    I had to look twice...your birdcage is empty?
    Why not a huge candle with white pumpkins scattered about or, china dishes, a tea set.....oh gosh I could go on and on!

    Have a fun weekend,


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy