Monday, September 21, 2009

Through the streets of Willow Glen

Last week on my way home from "Move it Elsewhere" I drove through the streets of Willow Glen to look at the homes. Willow Glen is an area in San Jose, California and it's full of older, very quaint homes. To add to the charm, most of the streets are lined with huge trees. I used to live there many years ago and I wish I still did! It's only about 5-10 minutes from where I live now so at least I can easily visit. At Christmas time it's especially beautiful. There are many blocks where everyone puts out a small lighted Christmas tree on their front lawn. I try to drive through every year to look at the lights, it's so beautiful!

I mentioned last week that I found something on the curb that I was going to work on this weekend. I actually found it in Willow Glen. I finished it this weekend and I'm really happy with how it turned out. I hope to share it with you tomorrow!!!


  1. What a beautiful area! I love homes with some character and streets with trees.

  2. oooh I wish I lived there too... great houses... great colors and gardens

  3. That was a beautiful tour. Thanks!
    This is the only way I will ever
    see Calif. My legs get shorter as
    I get older.LOLOL.
    I can't wait until tomorrow to see
    what your find is.
    Have a nice day.;^)

  4. Can't wait to see it! I'm sure it will be stunning!
    Lovely tour and gorgeous homes!
    I wish I lived in one of them!;)

  5. I have neighborhoods like that that I like to drive through at times. Pretty! I like how many have updated their outsides with a darker house body color, they look great!
    Look forward to see what you found and redid.

  6. Oh Cindy, these are gorgeous!
    The second to last looks like it could be my dream home, thank you for sharing these beautiful places.

  7. I love driving around the older parts of San Jose & Los Gatos. The homes have so much character. ♥ Diane

  8. Charming neighborhood. I can't wait to see your project!
    Cheers! Rita

  9. Oh how quaint! One of favorite past times is drive around towns (mine and others) and look at homes. How they decorate, the architecture, the landscape etc. Willow Glen looks picture perfect!

  10. Love this!! I am especially drawn to the tree lined streets. It is almost desert like where I live and tress are a bit of a rare thing. Certainly none that are centuries old in our commuity

  11. My Grandparents lived on Roycott Way in Willow Glen. We would all meet Sunday morning and walk to Stone Church. After my Grandmother always had warm cake and coffee. Great memories with all my cousins and family. Thanks for the walk down memory lane !

  12. THANK YOU for taking us along with you on such a beautiful drive. The houses are so pretty.


  13. That's my kinda neighborhood. Are any of the pictures of the home you lived in ?

    Another roadside treasure, can't wait.


  14. This is such a beautiful neighborhood. I bet it is gorgeous at Christmas time. I can't wait to see what you picked up and re- done!

  15. All so beautiful Cindy.

    I'd be green with envy, except i am learning to be content. =0)

    barbara jean

  16. What a great neighborhood! Thanks for the tour...Tami E.

  17. I love Willow Glen, if we could afford to live there, we would. Thanks for sharing these beautiful homes.

  18. Willow Glen is beautiful! All the homes are so well-cared for and the yards so nicely planted with colorful flowers.

  19. Wonderful area. The first house looks like the house from 'Father of the Bride" I think... Those wide tree lined streets are great.

  20. Love all the houses and I agree, the first house does look a lot like the house in father of the bride. The flowers are beautiful and I LOVE picket fences!
    Anxious to see your "project."

  21. I love Willow Glen. One of my closest friends lives just off Lincoln and I recognize those houses! Great photos!


  22. All of the homes are so pretty. What a wonderful neighborhood. It is lovely with the petty trees also. What a beautiful place to live. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Marty

  23. Hi Cindy,
    Thanks for the lovely tour. I fell in love with the second to the last house. I could move right in. What range in price would you say those houses would sell for? I have no idea how much homes sell for elsewhere. People say that California is very expensive. I would say the average home price in this area is around $350k. Can't wait to see what you trash to treasured!

  24. Well, I can't wait to see what you found on the curb in this neighborhood....what a beautiful fairytale place!!! Thanks for sharing it....pat

  25. Hi Cindy
    thank you for taking us through Willow Glen. I adore older homes they have such character and so do their yards.
    Nice that its not too far from you and you can still visit..

  26. What a beautiful area with some truly charming homes! Seems like my kind of place.

  27. Anxious to see what you found. I never find anything worth keeping on a curb. I am always on the lookout.
    Loved the neighboorhood you showed us. The first house was my favorite.

  28. Hey Cindy; What a beautiful street, I can see why you miss living there.. It is like something out of a movie.. the homes are just gorgeous..

    Have a great week.


  29. I rarely post but really enjoy your decorating style.

    This was a fun post for me as many of those homes were on my old street and in my old neighborhood so I know most of the people of the houses you chose. It really is a great neighborhood with lots of outgoing families and the row of sycamores are just beautiful when you drive down the street. Made me a little homesick. Still in WG just in a house with a bigger yard and incidentally on another street your posted about in the past.

    Thanks for picking my old hood. It really is a fun area. Reminds me I need to go over and catch up with my neighbors.

  30. Lovely neighborhood. The houses are so charming and I love tree lined streets. Pretty shots.

  31. I LOVE those houses, just my style! Can't wait to see what you made!! You're always doing the funnest stuff! I'm jealous, I've been a little bummed since I took my daughter to UCSD this past weekend. My younger daughter has been sick too, so it hasn't been real fun around my house.

  32. You are a woman after my own heart! I do the exact same thing, drive around beautiful neighborhoods, admiring the houses... lovely!

  33. I love driving through "those" neighborhoods--the gardens, the extra homey touches, the sense of individuality each home possesses, yet the feeling that everyone does a little extra because they care.

    I can't wait to see your curbside treasure soon.

  34. Oh Cindy!

    Thanks so much for the stroll through my old neighborhood in WG! We have been in Washington a little over a year now and I do love it here, but will always have a special place in my heart for that VERY special neighborhood. I love your blog because, #1 -it's just plain great and #2 you take me to familiar places that I miss. Keep up the inspiration.

  35. Makes me want to move into the neighborhood. Just beautiful! Thank you for always sharing your beautiful pictures and all your adventures.

  36. Oh, we all would like to live there. I like your movie in the last post. I have iMovie. I'll have to do something like this. It's very nice.

  37. What a pretty little area.. The homes are really pretty and I love the name of the road "Willow Glen"..

  38. Such a beautiful area! California really does have beautiful scenes! Thanks for sharing!

  39. Lovely place. I think I'd like to live there.

  40. It really looks like a beautiful neighborhood to live in. Love those tall trees on either side of the road :-)

  41. Oooooh I want to live there it looks perfect!!I bet IT IS beautiful at Christmas (; Can't wait to see what you picked up on the curb!

  42. Willow Glen is beautiful! Each house is charming & different. So much better than the cookie cutter neighborhoods of today! I can only imagine all these homes with little trees out front. WOW! Hope you share some photos of that with us. Have a great week.

  43. i love these. its hard finding houses with character in southern caifornia!

  44. Willow Glen is indeed a feast for the eyes, tummy and creative soul. My g/f and I were on a road trip, got lost (even with a GPS guess we were gabbing and laughing too much) and ended up in this charming area of San Jose. Love the old fashioned candy store - Powells. Oh and Gussied Up Dog boutique! for some bling for the girls.

    We've also been to Move It Elsewhere (another road trip due in part to your recommendation of this shop)and found some great bargains. My g/f loves unique monogrammed silverware. Jackpot that day!

    Absolutely love your blog.

  45. Which house is your favorite Cindy?

  46. Isn't Willow Glen where your first home was when you first married? I beieve you did a blog on that street and showed us the home. I remember because it was such a charming area and the name just makes me smile, "Willow Glen", seems serene and lovely just like the charming homes you have shown us. I will say this again, your blog should be made into a coffee table book, I would love it for my coffee table. Blessings,

  47. I used to live in Willow Glen many years ago....I loved it! I now live in So. Cal....thanks for the memories!

  48. A such beautiful area. I love so much the American homes'style


  49. Reminds me of Palo Alto, near where I grew up. I love the uniqueness of each home. How fun it would be to live in a fairytale house!

  50. Wow! Willow Glen looks very much like the "Fabulous Forties" in East Sacramento...I apologize if someone has already told you this! But if you didn't know, and you have not yet been, it's story-book-home-magical ~ ESPECIALLY at Christmas! If you're ever up this way, drop me a line ~ I'm happy to be your tour guide!
    ~Anam Cara


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy