Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Not good...

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Lauren and I got food poising from eating at McDonald's on Sunday night. We're doing better now but we both still have fevers and body aches so we're staying home today. We were on our way back from Carmel when we decided to grab a hamburger around 7pm...big mistake!!!!

I took photos while in Carmel but I haven't felt well enough to upload them yet.



Linda's Blue Gate said...

Oh no Cindy ..... that is horrible...... poor girls. How missable you must be. I will keep you and Lauren in my prayers..

Pamela Zambenini said...

So sorry. Hope you both feel better soon. Lots of water and rest and prayers will be coming your way.

Pink Roses and Teacups said...

Oh my goodness! How aweful. Hope you and Lauren are feeling better.


Marilyn said...

Sending lots of Get Well wishes to both of you.

Marilyn (in Dallas)

Donna @ Party Wishes said...

That's terrible! I hope you are feeling better soon. Can't wait to see the photos...of course I can wait until you feel better. :)

"Blossom" said...

Hope you two are feeling better soon. WE ate at a place called pit stop in cincinnati over the week-end and both my hubby and I didn't feels so well afterwards.
We will not eat there again. Is it safe anywhere anymore?

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

Poor you! Food poisoning is so awful. Get well soon!

southernbelle said...

What a terrible thing to happen !!!
I hope you let the McDonalds know
about it. Hope you feel better real
soon. Drink lots of liquids.

The French Bear said...

Oh Dear!!!!! I do hope you feel better soon,that is not nice!!! I'll send a big hug (not too tight) and a little prayer!!!
((((((((Big Hug))))))
Margaret B

Carolyn said...

Yuk! Hope you and Lauren feel better soon.
Take care,

just a little bit shabby said...

What Bummer! Hope you are feeling better real soon! Hope the rest of your trip was good!

Love the Decor! said...

I am so sorry you have to go through that. hope you'll be on the mend soon .

LindaSonia said...

Yikes, sorry to hear that. Feel better soon.. LindaSonia

Carousel222 said...

Sorry to hear about your food poisoning. I hope you both get to feeling better fast.

Debbie Petras said...

Oh Cindy, so sorry to hear this. McDonald's - big mistake! LOL but not really.

I can't wait to see your Carmel photos though. My friends who rent a house in Carmel each summer phoned me this morning. They spent two months in Carmel and now are driving along the Oregon coast. Terri called me from the Hallmark Resort in Cannon Beach as she described her view from the room. As I'm in triple digit heat in Phoenix, she was experiencing the sound of the ocean with a cool breeze. Go figure! But I even enjoyed looking this place up on the internet and seeing the photos. I could use my imagination and pretend I was there.

I pray that you and your daughter feel better very soon.


María Cecilia said...

How sad!.. hope you both get well soon... sending good energy to you.
María Cecilia

violetlady said...

I hope you feel better very soon. I think you should report this to the McDonalds manager and also the health department.

Anonymous said...

Poor girls! It's horrible when everyone is sick at once! I like to keep charcoal capsules on hand. They asorb poisions pronto but sometimes, it's just too late!

Hope you both feel better soon! ♥

Glenda said...

Did you call the McDonalds you ate at ? if not call the Health Department. There is a reason you got it, and others will suffer the same.

On the other side. Take it easy. Nothing is so important that it can't wait till tomorrow.


A Southern Rose said...

I hate to hear that you both got sick. Hope that you both are feeling better soon!

Elsie said...

Cindy and Lauren-I sure hope you get to feeling better real soon.
Sorry to hear your trip finished
with food poison. I will say a
little pray for yall.:)

Roeshel said...

I'm new to your blog and just wanted to say "feel better soon".

Amber said...

Oh no! That's the worst. Hope you are feeling better VERY soon!

BellaRosa said...

My stars, that's not good, I hope your both feeling better real quick. I am like everyone else looking forward to seeing your pictures...but that can wait till your feeling much better. Rose

Karen Deborah said...

I'm so sorry Cindy, take care of yourself. There is a lot of swine fly hitting areas now too so be careful.

Barnyard Country Gifts said...

Hope you feel better soon.


FrenchGardenHouse said...

I'm so very sorry. Just when I was all ready to be totally jealous about your going to Carmel, too. I hope you both feel much much better soon. I know it's horrible.

Monica said...

Hope you'll both feel better soon, Cindy!

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

Oh no! That's awful! Hugs to you both and hope you feel better soon!

Terri Steffes said...

Feel better soon! I cannot imagine what food poisoning from McD's looks like....

Cherished Treasures said...

Poor thing. Drink lots of fluid if you can to keep from getting dehydrated. Hope you are up and better soon. I have had it twice in the past 5 years and it can really knock the wind out of your sales. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Carol

Dawn said...

Hope you're both feeling better soon Cindy. We've got the flu here today. Hope all the guests we had for labor day don't get it! Carmel sounds wonderful...and cool!

Shari @ My Cottage of Bliss said...

Cindy, I feel bad for you and Lauren. I've never had food poisoning (thank goodness!) but I'm sure you are miserable. Please take care!

I do hope you will report this ASAP to the local health dept. (or whatever agency follows up on "dirty dining" in your area) so they can investigate this McDonald's food handling practices. Surely others are bound to become ill if they don't correct the problem.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh my! There is not much worse than experiencing food poising. It took me a week to get back to normal after my last. MIL turkey....I only thought she loved me. Get to feeling better and may God Bless ya'll.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Oh my, I am sorry to hear of your horrid experience. Wishing you prayers for total recovery!

And I'd add that your experience should be shared with the proper food handling authorities, in case there is a bigger problem that needs sorting out. I know, my hubby used to be a public health inspector.

Rhondi said...

So sorry to hear you got food poisoning. It's pretty nasty isn't it? Hope you're felling better today.

September said...

Glad you guys are feeling better, hope you will both be completely recovered very soon!

Ms. Bake-it said...

I am sorry to hear you and Lauren suffered from food poisoning. Glad to hear you are on the mend. I certainly hope you called the McDonald's you ate at and/or the health department and filed a complaint.

I am looking forward to seeing your pictures of Carmel when you are feeling well enough to post them.

~ Tracy

Susimac said...

Hope you both feel real better soon. Take care food poisoning is so horrid.

Julie said...

I have not been able to sit and enjoy blogs for a long time...because of my sugery and the meds. I am playing catch up now!

Hope you guys feel better soon too.

Cindy said...

Cindy, I am so sorry to hear that, I hope you and your sweet daughter will be feeling well very soon. Hugs, Cindy S.

Diva Kreszl said...

Be sure to let McDonald's know asap...there are probably other people sick and the center for disease control likes to keep track of these things. I was so sick with food poisoning 3 years ago and ended up in the hospital for four days so be careful and watch for signs of dehydration! Get well soon!

Pamela said...

Cindy, I knew something was wrong. You've never been away for so long without explanation. So sorry to hear you are sick. I'm just glad to hear that you are both on the mend.

Take your time, get well, we'll all be here when you're feeling up sharing again.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Oh no, hope you are feeling better soon!

Cottage Rose said...

Cindy; I am so sorry too hear that you and your daughter are so sick... I hope you get well soon. I have had food poison before and it is awful. My Prayers are with you both.

Get well soon....


Esther Sunday said...

Been there. Very unpleasant. Hope you both feel better realy soon!

Charlene said...

Oh Bummer! I had that on August 30th. Went to a BDay party for one of the Grands & YUCK! We called it food posioning but, it could have been "the disease of the week" from one of MANY children at the party. HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON!

TinaTx said...

Been there, done that - not fun at all. (although I still don't know where mine came from and I was the only one in the family that got sick!)
Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh Cindy I am soooo sorry, please feel better soon.


Lisa said...

I am so sorry! Feel better soon!
Hugs, Lisa

Donna said...

Yuk... Hope you're both feeling better soon... no fun at all.

Carmel is one of my favorite places. Whenever my mom would come out to CA we'd drive down to Carmel and Monterey, do the 17 mile drive, go to Clint Eastwood's Hog's Breath Inn... All the stuff my mom loved... Just that one word - Carmel - brings back so many lovely memories. Looking forward to your photos! ...Donna

Queen Bee said...

Wishing you well and hope you are better soon. I have just started following your blog and checked in to see what was new...so sorry that you are ill. On a bright note...I love your blog! I have added you on my list of beautiful things on my blog so others can see how lovely it is...take care

decorator to the stars said...


Anonymous said...

Cindy, I have never heard of running a temp with food poisoning, maybe you have the flu!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Oh Cindy,
I know exactly how you feel! My three boys and I got food poisoning at McDonald's years ago and were we ever sick! I haven't eaten there since! That was about 25 years ago now. Hope you're both feeling better soon.


Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Food poisoning can be so violent! Hope you're feeling better really quickly.

Neabear said...

Oh dear! Cindy, I do hope that you and Lauren are feeling better soon. No fun to be that sick. You take care now.

Sherry Williams said...

You poor dears! I hope you both feel better very soon.

Charmaine said...

oh my! I wish you both well.

Ginger said...

Sorry to hear you are both sick and I sure hope you recuperate quickly. Having food poisoning is the worst!!

Sandra said...

Oh no, Cindy. I hope you get to feeling better. Try and rest and drink plenty of fluids.

Anonymous said...

My son just had food poisioning from McDonalds about a week ago. Only we live in Vacaville. He was SO sick.

Unknown said...

WOW, your blog is GORGEOUS!!! I'm so sorry to hear about the food poisoning...that is the worst! Hope you feel better soon! I'm off to check out more of your lovely posts...

:) T

Melissa Miller said...

Cindy I'm truly so sorry. I know food poisoning is the WORST.

Please take care and I hope you both feel better soon.

~Blessings, Melissa

rozetta said...

Oh, my, gosh! You should let them know. I wonder how many other people got sick.


Becky from Tennessee said...

Oh Cindy, that is awful. Hope
you and Lauren are feeling much
better! I agree with the others
that you should let McDonalds
know....also, maybe the health
department. Food poisoning is
absolutely the pits. Did you
both eat the same?? It's pretty
scary when you can't even eat
at a McDonalds without getting

Feel better soon.


Anonymous said...

i'm a little behind here - just saw your predicament. here's a great ELECTROLYTE DRINK for rehydrating, in the condition you're in. tho' maybe you're now out of the woods...
1 quart boiled water
1 tablespoon honey
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda

1. Mix ingredients.
(i use less honey; add some cloves and ginger...)

Patty said...

Hope you feel better soon!

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

Poor girls!
Many get well wishes being sent your way...feel better.

Musings From A French Cottage said...

Oh no, how awful! I hope you feel better soon.

Just found your blog through Joy at Savvy City Farmer - love it!! Stop by my place if you get a chance. I'm having a giveaway!!!

Have a wonderful day and get well soon.


Cheryl said...

You need to report it to the Health department... the location/time, what you ate etc. They take that information and depending on how many people get sick and report it...sometimes they put it on the news to notify the community-- and obviously, they do an inspection of the place.

Trisha said...

Dear Cindy,
I hope( by now) you both are doing much better! Wishing you rest and hoping that tomorrow finds you both back on your feet again!
Trisha Evans

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Oh, I just had lunch at McDonald's. Not a good time to read this. :)

Hope you are feeling better.

Cottagecheap said...

Hate to be the 'nag' here, but fevers don't accompany food poisoning, instead stomach flu....Sadly I have had both.

Lisa said...

Lovely! Thanks for sharing!
Hugs, Lisa

DreamgirlLisa said...

Oh what a bummer to a nice day. I had not seen this post when I first looked at your Carmel pictures. Oh well, at least it happened on the way home and not on the way there!! Hope you are feeling better :)