Monday, August 03, 2009

Memories of Martha's Vineyard

Three years ago I took my dream vacation! I had been to Martha's Vineyard once before back in 1987 but just for a day. I knew then that I would be back to spend more time there.
Lauren and I went for a week in June of 2006. I used all of my yearly bonus from work for that vacation and it was so worth it. The memories are still with me. I think I remember every single detail of that trip which is saying a lot since I have a horrible memory!
I can't explain why I feel such a connection to that place but I do. I knew I was going to love it there even before I had stepped off the ferry!
I would love to go back again soon but I don't think Lauren is that excited to return. She would rather go to Hawaii but not me, Martha's Vineyard is calling my name! It's just too bad California is so far a way. If I lived on the east coast I would be going there every summer!

I think it would be a lot of fun to have a huge blogging meet-up there! Maybe someday we should do that!
Sorry, I know if you've been following my blog awhile that I've already shared these photos and the memories. I hope you didn't mind hearing about it again.


  1. Hi Cindy. I've never been to Martha's Vineyard, but I'd sure like to visit some day. And what a great idea to have a blogging meet-up there! I have a feeling you've just started something . . .


  2. Cindy.. you absolutely, positively NEED to go back to MV. One time is never enough, especially if you hear it calling you and you feel that strong a connection.
    Believe me, I KNOW :)

  3. That is so cool that you feel such a strong connection. That's funny we all yearn to visit California and you wish you were closer to the East. I've never been to Martha's Vineyard, so I'm glad you shared your lovely pictures, it sure is pretty and it looks so peaceful.

  4. Ive never been there but I have been to Cape Cod. I love it there in the summer too. Perhaps reposting these photos tho means you really need a vacation :)

  5. I have always wanted to go to Martha's Vineyard and have not had the chance. It looks beautiful.


  6. Can we ever have too much Martha's Vineyard? Nah!

    I went to MV once with a friend many years ago. I ended up with a terrible migraine and failed to enjoy myself. Someday I hope to replace that memory with a good one, like you had Cindy. There's no place like New England!


  7. Like you, I love love love Martha's Vineyard. I've only been there for a day trip myself, but it's a visit I will never forget. I actually wanted to move there and live there forever. Same for Nantucket. LindaSonia

  8. I too loved Martha's Vinyard when we visited. It is a beautiful place. We are lucky we can drive there. I can certainly understand your kinship with the beautiful architecture and surroundings. And many homes are the "Romantic type of home". I hope your dreams do come true and you will have another extended visit.

  9. I've never been there but after seeing your photos, I want to go now. I too live in California so I won't be going for a long, long time. If ever.

  10. I'm dying to go to Martha's Vineyard! My husband and I are trying to figure out where to go next May for our vacation and MV has been on my list for quite a few years. Thanks for sharing these gorgeous photos!

  11. Gorgeous pics, Cindy! I've never seen them so I appreciate your posting them. I believe I was there at one time when I was a kid, so, of course, I couldn't fully appreciate it.

  12. I have always wanted to go to Martha's Vineyard (Cape Cod, Nantucket)so your pictures are always a welcomed sight! I love the homes and gardens and of course the ocean. I am always so drawn to the ocean and here I am in land-locked Kansas!!!

  13. Hi Cindy,
    I loved seeing your pics again. I went there with my sister several years ago and then again with my husband a few years ago.
    I smiled at your pics because I walked down that same street taking the same pics as you!


  14. I loved the Cape. We were on Martha's Vineyard in 1988, just missed you!

  15. We can never have too many beautiful pictures of MV. Since it is calling you, wouldn't it be interesting if you met a tall dark handsome stranger visiting CA who just happened to live in MV. Usually when something is calling, there is a reason, so you never know Cindy.
    Hugs, Lynn

  16. For all of the newbies, not having seen your dream vacation before, I'm glad you shared. Your pictures are always a treat for me! Thanks for thinking we'd love to see Martha's Vineyard!

  17. I've been to Bar Harbor, ME, which was an absolutely fabulous vacation - would love to go to MV.

  18. I've been to Martha's Vineyard also...about 6 years ago...loved it.
    Your photos are great!!

  19. What is there fun to do there?! it is beautiful! wow! I love the first house the BEST! gorgeous!

  20. Allie, shopping is one fun thing to do! You can also rent bikes or mopeds and ride around the island. There is now a bus that goes around the island. We had fun riding that and looking at the island. There are also beaches and lots of restaurants. There's not a lot of night life there though and some of the towns don't even serve alcohol (not even wine). There is also the "campground" which is full of the "gingerbread cottages" you can walk around there to see them all.

  21. Cindy what a very special place. We have a group meet up every year in Australia. Four of us die hard shabby/french/beachey girls hook up and spend some time at an exclusive spot and just shop,talk,drink and exchange decorating ideas. Martha's Vineyard would be an ideal destination for a girls trip away. Sandy x

  22. Cindy, Thanks for sharing your pictures and your memories of MV. I would truly love to go there someday before too long.

    I keep telling my husband that I want to go to the New England states in the Autumn before I leave this world! ((smile))

    I liked the comment about the tall, dark and handsome stranger you might find there! Who knows? God works in mysterious ways!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  23. I would love to see MV....I am not too far, I guess...Southeastern Oh. I need to put it on my list of places to visit.

  24. Hi Cindy,
    I am from the East Coast and moved to Florida. I love, love, love MV and you just made me realize how much I miss it. We are moving back and will definately make it a priority to go back!


  25. Hey Cindy, really enjoyed the pictures of the vineyard. My dad was born there in 1927 but I haven't been back in almost 15 years. It was a lovely walk down memory lane - I share your love of the island...but I really love Block Island, RI. It's a smaller version of MV - maybe next time you come east you'll hop the ferry over for a quick look. Thanks again, loved the pictures!

  26. My husband and I had our honeymoon in Martha's Vineyard nine years ago. Some people thought it was odd, since most people go to exotic islands, but I wanted to just relax at a cottage for a week, and that is just what we did. I loved being able to explore every inch of the island and we had a great time on our trip. Of course, I live in New England, so it's not that far away for us, but we've actually never been back since then! We do spend a lot of time in Cape Cod because my family has a place there, but we just don't take the trip on the ferry!

  27. I would be all over a Blogging Party in MV! What a great time would be had by all! What is that blue building that looks like a B&B? Would love to stay there!

  28. Martha's Vineyard is an enchanted place. We visited last September -- and I fell in love with it. It reminded me very much of the North Fork of Long Island, where my family has a beach house, only the Vineyard is so insulated -- it is so pristine because of its location.

    And those houses .. and gardens .. and beaches .. Love it all!

  29. Hi Cindy,

    I live in Connecticut so if there is ever a meeting of bloggers in Martha's Vineyard let me be the first to sign up for it. I would love to meet other crafters and bloggers from the east coast, especially any who live in CT.

    I love when people post their beautiful photos of places they visit. I love being able to see the places others get to see. Martha's Vineyard looks like a story-book/fairy tale village. Very pretty.

    I'm sure that those who have been reading your blog for a while don't mind seeing the pictures again.


  30. Cindy, I certainly don't mind hearing about and seeing photos of such a charming place again. I would love to visit Martha's Vineyard some day. Hugs, Cindy S

  31. Never tire of images or memories from teh Vineyard, it holds a special place in my heart too.

    One time is never enough, or two or three even. Off season can be particularly pretty.

    Why not entertain us all a little bit more with a few more photos and memories, it will be like a blogging virtual vacation.

  32. Dear Miss Cindy, No matter how many times you "repost" your pics or anything you have already taken pics of and share with us... usually, there is enough time in between how often you might show them, that they are, as always, most enjoyable. I wish I could go on a vacation. My last vacation was our honeymoon after we were married in 1997. We went to Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire. I thrive on those memories.
    Hope all is well. Hugs, Penny Sue

  33. I love seeing your pics of Martha's Vineyard. What a beautiful place. My dream vacation has always been to visit the New England states in the fall.

  34. Hi...I love these Martha's Vinyard the name of the town? or perhaps a holiday retreat? Whichever, it sounds just wonderfull. Marilyn xoxo

  35. Hi Cindy,
    Those pictures are gorgeous!!!

    I just put up a NEW POST on my Blog! If you have a chance, come by and say hi!

    Have a great week,

  36. Hi Cindy,
    I was there once too and it was around 1987. We only went for the day but oh what a magical place. A very similar place is much closer to me and that's Mackinac Island on the UP of Michigan. If you ever get a chance, go there. It's magical too! Cindy

  37. Oh I can see why. It looks like a very beautiful place to be. The houses are so dreamy and so sweet. I don't think I'll ever be able to visit an so thanks for sharing pictures :-)


  38. Love that house with the pink window - looks good enough to eat ! Thank you so much for sharing

  39. I'm with you. I have never been there but I have read so much about it I feel as if I have.
    When is the blog party?

  40. ~ Ahhhh ~ Sigh ~ ♥

  41. Well, I live on the East Coast and I have never been to Martha's Vineyard, nor Nantucket, nor Cape Cod. My daughter lives near Boston. However, I do live a few miles from the ferry to Cape May, NJ which is very quaint and I haven't been there for years. Thank you for sharing your pictures. Save your bonus and let me know -- I will go to MV!!

  42. Another fan of Martha's Vinyard, here! I've always thought that once you board the ferry, you leave all your worries behind. Once you get to MV, the serenity and peace surrounds you and you can completely relax.

    Really, such a magical place!

    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  43. Just gorgeous! I would love to visit one day!

  44. Don't forget to give me a call when you set up that Blogging meet-up at Martha's Vineyard...I'll be there in a second!!

  45. Thank you for sharing the pictures with us, they are quite lovely. I am originally from New England and have been to MV, but it has been quite a while. The only time I get to New England now is when I visit family in Maine and Connecticut during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Although I love Florida, I sometimes miss the summers at Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Bar Harbor.

  46. What a scenic place. ~Lovely. :)

  47. Martha's Vineyard looks wonderful..I understand about developing a connection to a place. I found the same thing when I went to visit Savannah, GA....

  48. Loved looking at your Vineyard photos.
    It is so magical there. I know I went there last year but I want to go back!

    It's kind of expensive to stay there. Perhaps I need to start a Send Elaine to the Vineyard fund.

    Let me know about the blogging meetup. I'll join you for sure.

  49. I've never been here but I think I'd better go. These photos are just gorgeous!

  50. Hi Cindy,

    That looks like such a beautiful place! I've seen it in movies and read about it in books. I've always wanted to go there. Maybe one day. It looks so peaceful.

    Lee Laurie

  51. OH my Cindy; What lovely photos of those homes... I have always wanted to visit there and Nantucket, now that we live in N.C. it is closer, I hope to be able to go next summer, and a blog party would be so much fun..... I know I would be there...

    thanks for sharing them, my first time seeing them, but if it were not, I would have loved to see them again....


  52. It is one of the prettiest places in the US! I loved it there and would love to return again soon...
    You have a commection to this do need to return. It is in your blood.

  53. I LOVE these houses! My dream house is a Cape Cod style house. I recently posted New England inspired homes that included your Martha's Vineyard house as well as pictures from the Equinox Resort in Vermont that is absolutely gorgeous.

  54. My family and I are going to the Vineyard next weekend. I live in New England and this is my first time going...One of the reasons we are going is because of your beautiful pictures. I wish we could take you with us!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy