Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Beautiful Eden Rose

My all time favorite rose, hands down, is the "Eden" rose, also known as "Pierre de Ronsard". I'm really hoping mine takes off next year! I heard the 3rd year is when they really start to flourish. The photo in the middle of the mosaic is my "Eden" and the other photos are from other Flickr members. Aren't they gorgeous? I could just stare at that photo mosaic all day! If you click on the photo to enlarge it you get the full effect and you can almost smell them!

Do you have a favorite rose? Or a favorite color rose?

When I was in my 20s I hated roses and I dug a bunch of them out and replaced them with junipers...what in the world was I thinking? I'm older and wiser, and have much better taste now!


  1. Cindy - beautiful roses. I have some wild roses grown along the side of my garage. I don't do much with them.

    My favorite rose would be yellow. That is my favorite color.


  2. They almost have a translucent quality about them, don't they? So feminine, dainty and pretty, they almost don't look real. I can see why they're your favorite.

  3. I love my Fairy Rose. It blooms continually, has few pest problems and is easy care. It blooms in clusters and they look so pretty placed about the house in old bottles.

    My aunt has a Joseph's Coat climbing rose on a fence and it is spectacular when it blooms in spring. Three colors on each rose.


  4. Hi Cindy; I love your Rose Mosaic. They a beautiful Rose... I do love the Pink Rose's but Yellow has to be mine, My Mom and daughter they loved yellow roses, so when I see a yellow rose It reminds me of them....


  5. Beautiful! I did the same thing...dug them up and planted privets, of all things...but dug those up later and replanted roses...much better!


  6. Thank you for gracing my day with such beauty. I just may use this for a screen saver for awhile.

  7. How beautiful! My favorite roses are in the shades of peach, salmon and coral. I also like certain shades of yellow.

  8. I used to have Eden. It was beautiful. My two favorite now are Autumn sunset and ballerina, which by the way look fabulous planted together.
    ♥ Rebecca

  9. I didn't learn to appreciate them till I was older.
    I loved the smell of Jasmine, because it grew in our backyard. On warm days it would smell heavenly. Our neighbors down the street grew roses and I loved to smell them, but never had them for myself still I moved here.


  10. That is a gorgeous rose. It has so many layers of petals. I like a Talisman rose, shades of orange fading to pink. And any lavender rose.

  11. That is such a beautiful rose. I actually have something like 14 rose bushes in my yard. Yet, none of them are "Eden". We'll have to see if I have room for one more. ;-)

  12. I don't know much about roses but I do love them all. Your photo is so pretty and your own in the center are lovely.

  13. It is in my top ten as are all of the David Austin Romantica roses, but they don't thrive out here.
    Miss Debbie of Wisteria&Roses (who is a married lady that is a southern expression to call you Miss)has a multitude a regular plethora of all such beauties. You should pay her a visit. You would enjoy yourself to know end.

  14. I love all kinds and colors of roses. I enlarged your collage of roses so I could get a better look and oh my ...how beautiful!

    Do you know years ago (before AIDS) we nurses used to use the left over blood following transfusions to feed our roses? It was supposed to be great fertilizer. I know it sounds sick now but this was 30 years ago. Not today that is for sure.

  15. Oh Cindy the Eden Roses are beautiful & your mosiac is too. I had so many roses & then the dreaded Black Spot came. The roses went. No matter what I did I could not get rid of them. I still have one down by the street in a different flowerbed. It is a bright clear yellow rose with the most wonderful fragrance. I have no idea the name. I simply call it my "Yellow Rose of Texas". Thanks for sharing.

  16. Your roses are beautiful! I'm a pink rose person! I love all types
    but some of my favorites are Cecil Brunner They are such petite little flowers. First Prize which is a bright pink and Souvenir de Malmaison which is a pale pink with lots of petals similar to your Eden. When we lived in Arizona my Mom had almost 50 rose bushes in her yard and some roses as large saucers! She has a really great thumb. Her favorite rose is Just Joey. It's kind of a peach color. I'm like one of the other ladies I think I'll use it for a screen saver if it is ok with you.

  17. Oh my these might have to be my favorite!! I'm not really up enough on the roses to know which one I'd like but these are truly lovely!
    Hugs, Lisa

  18. Hi Cindy! Gorgeous rose I agree, but for me the name of the rose is the most beautiful for sure as that is our daughter name....Eden.
    Wishing you a wonderful day!
    Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

  19. That truly is *such* a beautiful rose!
    I featured my roses on my latest post as well.
    (I might have to add an "Eden" to them next year ;)

  20. I love pink roses.... even after all my years of the floral industry I love roses.... That is something that you purchased the same silver tray.... I will just use my as a start for creating vignettes....

  21. Hi Cindy,
    Have been by many times, just haven't left comments lately but
    couldn't pass this up. Your collage is Exquisite!! I love when you do those collages, they are truly a visual delight!!

    I love any kind of roses.
    I did have a wonderful rose topiary
    tree with small lavendar roses called "Angel lace" and they truly smelled heavenly. Something
    kept eating all the roses tho!!
    Thoroughly disappointing I might add!!
    Keep up the good work on all those beautiful collages. They are a joy to behold.......really!!
    Blessings, Nellie

  22. Eden is my favorite too, I have two over my arbor in front of my house and two more over my arched arbor in my backyard. By the 3rd year, they really do take off. Mine almost get too big now, with one amazing bloom in spring, then blooms throughout the season, but not quite as many as the that first spring bloom.

  23. Hello, so beautiful roses!!!!


  24. Your Eden is delicately beautiful and it's easy to see why you like it so much.

    My favorite is whichever rose is blooming at the time! I've always had a Peace, a Double Delight and an Iceberg. I've added a rosebush each year and am always scheming to find space for another. One can never have enough roses...or pictures of your roses!

  25. Totally love the rose mosaic. How refreshing.

    I love pink roses of all kinds. Period.

    Sorry I have been AWOL, been dealing with a bit of breast cancer. Can't live your life being afraid, so here I am back into the world of blogging!

  26. uh oh, now I may have to buy that rose too, as I drag out my Heirloom Roses catalog--I hope they carry it!
    I am a fan of David Austins, old garden and English roses! I love them all, but Abraham Darby and Mary Rose are my fave pinks--William Shakespeare is hands down the most fragrant even tho it is dark red-pink, it makes my whole house and garden smell of beautiful roses!
    Thanks for sharing the lovely rose mosaic!

  27. Oh,what gorgeous roses!!!
    Thanks for sharing the lovely rose mosaic, I can almost smell the lovely rose fragrance. My favorite rose is the Abraham Darby, a light pink English Rose. I have such a problem growing them in Florida with all the summer heat and humidity here but when they bloom the fragrance is wonderful.

  28. I love all roses! One of my favorites is the 'Peace' rose. They are huge! My mom had one when I was younger and the flowers were as big or bigger than my hand.

  29. Hi Cindy! GORGEOUS roses! And like you, I can sit and stare at them all day too! I also did a post this week about roses and the language of flowers and what your favorite color means. I am very partial to fluffy white roses with pink roses come in a close second. Thanks for sharing such beautiful roses with us ~ xo Joy

  30. Hello Cindy - oh my, what beautiful Eden roses! I have never seen such a breed as this one. Gorgeous. My all-time fave is the silver rose (it's actually a lavender shade). Love the yummy scent.


  31. When we lived in Florida I grew and showed hybrid tea roses. I won severl blue ribbons for my rose. When we moved to NC 13 yrs ago I swore I wouldn't ever grow them again because they are so time consuming. But lately I find myself missing my roses, I think it from hanging out on certian blogs (smile). I plan to plant several roses next year but not the hybrid teas. I'm going for the old garden variety like yours, they are a lot less work.

  32. Eden roses are on my list for next year!! I bought 7 different David Austin roses this year and all but one are doing beautifully!! They are all pink of course!!

    Sure hope all works out ok for you with your car- that can be so frustrating.

    I spent most of my day on the phone as our mortgage was sold and I received a notice from 2 companies that they now service my mortgage! After many phone calls and waiting- one of them is bogus!! so no the process of seeing if any identity theft has happened!! yikes~~


  33. Hi Cindy! What a beautiful rose! I'd have to say that I love all roses. I'm so passionate about roses. Love them all. I'm definitely going to add some David Austin roses to mine though. They are stunning!

  34. Those Hydranges are beautiful. A beautiful mosaic.. I also can't believe how beautiful your pictures are.. I loved the Peach jam.. Love the tutorial. You made everything so fun.. The Jam would be a cute gift.. Thank you for sharing..

  35. Oh, Cindy, your Eden roses are drop-dead-gorgeous! I'd never heard of Eden roses before - do they smell as lovely as they look? I agree with "just a little bit shabby" - Cecile Brunner is my fave (and one you might want to consider for your garden!) You can get it as a shrum or climber and it's tiny flowers are just as fragrant - sometimes more so! - than its big sisters'! I also have an Apothecary Rose just waiting to be planted - not the prettiest looking, but oh! the scent! And I've been looking for a Magic Lantern rose forever - any one know where i can find one?
    Blessings, ~Anam Cara

  36. I love Eden as well. You mosaic is so beautiful. My favorite rose is 'Colette', it is also a romantica rose. My second fave is a lovely one 'Guy de Maupassant'. I haven't met a rose that I don't like. But some are definitely more beautiful than others.

  37. Hi Cindy, yes Eden is one of my favorite roses too. It grows on my fence. It's big old flowers are so heavy! Only it doesn't like the hot weather, and it's hot in the gold country. Thanks for your lovely pix!

  38. I just found this post about Eden Roses. Today I bought one and am looking forward to gorgeous flowers for years to come!

    How is yours doing, Cindy?

  39. My Eden rose is doing great! It's already bloomed once this year and now it's full of new buds!

  40. I just tumbled upon photos of Eden roses online and they are by far the most beautiful I've seen. I've been looking everywhere for them but can't find them. Where did you get yours?

  41. I got my Eden rose at http://www.regannursery.com/
    I bought it at the nursery but you can buy them online too.

  42. I just discovered the Eden rose last weekend at a garden tour and I have fallen in LOVE with it. I've called several nurseries and have found one locally that carries it - I'm getting it tomorrow afternoon. It's just stunning.
    Beautiful blog!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy