Thursday, July 16, 2009

What a night! The good and the bad!

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Yesterday I took the day off work for a mother-daughter day. It was a fun day of shopping and then off to lunch at Lauren's favorite restaurant, The Fish Market and then a little more shopping! Then about 4:45 we headed to San Francisco to see Wicked which started at 8:00 pm!
I mentioned yesterday that I really don't like driving in San Francisco and yet again I had another bad experience! First off, I should say that I live in Silicon Valley and I'm used to traffic, crazy drivers, etc. but it's nothing like driving in San Francisco! When you come up to the traffic lights there are lanes just for taxis and buses and another lane for the automobiles, with an island area in between them. Sometimes the taxi/bus lanes are on the right and sometimes they are on the left so you're always having to look at the signs while watching to see if the light is green, yellow or red. At the same time there are masses of people walking and riding bikes so you have to look out for them. These people walking and riding bikes must not see cars because they will step out directly in your must somehow predict that they are about to do this! I need to get better at that! Also, you can't make left turns on most of the streets so if you want to turn left you have to turn right and then left and go around the block and make a big loop. The only problem is a lot of the streets are ONE-WAY streets. So not only are you looking out for people and bikes that suddenly jump out at you, you have to make sure you don't turn down the wrong way on a ONE-WAY street. Ummm...a trip to SF wouldn't be complete without me turning down a ONE-WAY street and seeing cars coming towards me in all the lanes! Luckily I had Lauren screaming at directing me not to turn down that ONE-WAY street!!!

We finally found the Theatre. Yay...but where is the stinkin' parking lot? Now, in Silicon Valley all the theatres have their own parking lots but not in San Francisco! You have to drive around to find a place to park! Again...we go through all the above steps with the taxi/bus lanes, people, bikes, ONE-WAY streets to find parking! Finally about 45 minutes later I found a garage close enough that I would feel somewhat safe (not really though) walking to after the show in the dark of the night. It's about 2 long blocks away. I drive in and park, and then I couldn't find my way to get back on the street so I ask the attendant. He asks me how long I'm going to be parked there which I thought was a really odd question since I'm paying $3 for every 20 minutes...what difference should it make! When I tell him he informs me that his STINKIN' garage closes at 8:00pm! At this point I was ready to just go home. I ask the guy where should I park if I were going to a show at the Orpheum Theatre and he told me there are two places down the street. I find them and they are right across from each other so I choose the one on the left, go to pay and it's only $5...Yay! But they only take cash and the machine doesn't give change and I only have $20 bills on me but luckily the lot across the street takes credit cards so back in the car and across the street we go! Finally we are parked and ready to eat. I figured there would be lots of places to eat around there but there wasn't and we were running out of time so we ended up at a BURGER KING surrounded by homeless people. As we were eating our meal at a bar that looks out onto the sidewalk there were homeless people watching us eat! It was horrible! It's funny how things work out though...we peeled back the little tag that came on our drinks and Lauren won a free milk shake and I won a free Whopper so we went up and got them and gave it to a very scary-looking but very grateful man that was digging through the garbage. That made it all worth it! He said this would be a lot better than garbage food. I walked away with tears in my eyes!

Oh, I almost forgot...Wicked was GREAT!


Arleen @ Seasons for All said...

Hi Cindy. Oh, I know what you mean about driving in San Francisco! Those lanes that belong to vehicles other than cars can get pretty confusing. How lovely you were able to spend the whole day with Lauren, and I hope seeing Wicked was worth the ordeal you experienced to get there! ~Arleen

The Fajdich Times said...

What a crazy time you had with your parking and all. My daughter Lauren took me to see Wicked 2 years ago after Christmas in Chicago. I loved it:)

Denise Marie said...

Cindy, I love your blog..I've been all around here stalking with no acct to comment. :0) I just am getting my blog going. I took my almost 12 year old son to see Phantom of the Opera last week here in Houston. We valet parked for a splurge of $15 because of my fibromyalgia. We also got to go out to a fancy restaurant after the 2pm showing. you have inspired me to remember how much I love my dishes and collecting them out thrifting.

Michelle said...

Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who can't drive in the city!

chez sheri said...

Cindy, today's blog was as entertaining as a Broadway Show!!! I laughed, I cried, I recommended it to friends!

Nice and Easy Antiques said...

San Francisco is a little crazy but beautiful city. You are lucky to live so close to it. My son is looking at schools in the area, maybe UC Santa Cruz, if he decides to go we'll be spending time there. Yeah!!...but we will not be driving!!!

rosenresli said...

Hi Cindy,

you have a great heart for poor people and you can see it if someone needs help. Thank you for this.

lots of greetings,

Pink Slippers said...

I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry. You ended up with such a great outlook. Glad wicked was great!

Ms. Bake-it said...

Okay, let's look at it this way... you saved money by eating dinner at BK, you were able to help out a genuinely homeless person and managed to see a fantastic Broadway production. Sounds like a perfect evening to me! I do empathize with you regarding all the one way streets. I am used to them because both the downtown areas I work in are all one way streets and it does tend to get quite aggravating when you are looking for parking.

stefanie said...

wow, what an adventure, now i know why i live in the country, too scary for me. glad you had fun

Sunnysidesue said...

oh wow Cindy, do I ever sympathize with you! I hate driving in cities & ALWAYS get lost or end up in a 'turn only' lane when I want to go straight. I also have NO sense of direction. When I was living in Seattle, I thought that was the worst place to drive, but it sure does sound like SFO is worse. I'm going there in a few weeks to visit my son & will NOT be renting a car! I have to say that the public transportation there is great however. My son lives right down the street from the SFO Opera, so it's right in the heart of things. I've heard that 'Wicked' is really good, so maybe we'll take it in while I"m there. We'll take a cab though!! Loved this post & the pics of you & Lauren are so good. ~Sue in FL~

Terri Steffes said...

What an experience!

I saw Wicked at the Orpheum Theatre in Memphis... how about that?

Glenda said...

Yes, SF is a different place to be. You just have to be aware of your surroundings. I thought that theater had a garage behind it, maybe I am thinking of the Curran Theater, anywho, I know what you mean. I just drive like the rest of the fools there and never had a problem, when in Rome.......

And yes, you have to expect the homeless, there more aggressive there, and they expect you to do something for them. SF has laws just for the homeless behavior.

Glad Wicked was good.


Kathleen Grace said...

Oh my, I grew up in a town without a stop light, that kind of driving and traffic sounds like a nightmare! You will look back on the day though and laugh at the crazy driving experiences and smile about the good time you had with your beautiful daughter though. Sometimes the most difficult expereinces make the best memories:>)

Debra@CommonGround said...

YIKES, I'm glad you survived, and how sweet of you to think of others...would love to see it. When does it come to cable??! LOL

Unknown said...

I do love San Francisco, but I too loathe the traffic, especially the parking! I used to commute there, from Campbell to San Francisco for my job. I could probably do okay with working in South San Francisco but not in the heart of downtown. No idea how I did it back then LOL.

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Hi Cindy....Well, your evening eventually turned out to be pretty you can look back on it and laugh. Downtown cities can be so stressful! Hey, I finished my hutch. I would love for you to visit and see what you think. Alot of your advice got me through it!
Hugs, Patti

~Allie~ said...

Bless your hearts! I know it all paid off when you got to the show! I am so happy you got your good deed for the day!

Pauline said...

God bless you for not ignoring the homeless people in your path. You may have entertained an angel unaware!!

Sue @ Not the Good Scissors! said...

I am worn out just readng about your driving experience. Having to drive in that city on a daily basis could make anyone go insane! We will do our SF day trips early in the morning and get the heck out of dodge before things get too bad. But all in all I do love that city. There is no other place like it in the world.

Ana~A Petite Cottage said...

Hi Cindy,
I'm sorry your day-off started off on such a hectic note. At least you enjoyed the show. My favorite part of your post was reading that even after all you went through your heart was still full of kindness for the homeless...

God Bless,

Four Paws and Co said...

You're so brave! I've lived in the bay area my entire life & HAVE NEVER driven in SF! I've taken BART, but that's it for me!

You guys were so sweet to give the poor man something to eat. ☺ Diane

LindaSonia said...

Great story!!! lol


Sounds to nerve wracking to me but I'm glad yo enjoyed the show(;

violetlady said...

Wow. That sounds like something that would happen to me. Glad it turned out in the end - especially being able to feed a poor soul. BTW, I found a frame at the thrift store today and plan to make the tray you posted about.

Tea Time Consultants said...

Cindy, sorry about your experience with San Francisco. My son lives in the Silicone Valley and my husband wants to move to California.

We just recently were in Chicago. check out:

From the Old InkWell said...

What a sweet ending. The Lord does work in mysterious ways. :=)

Elaine said...

What an adventure! Glad the show was worth it! I go crazy driving in the city (Boston) and avoid it at all costs.

Sounds like the rest of the day was lovely and I am sure your daughter enjoyed it too.

Nice of the two of you to help the homeless man.

violetlady said...

Cindy, just thought I would mention that I wrote about your blog in my little blog today.

passion4pink said...

What an experience you had to endure. I am so glad I live in country new south wales, australia. It sounds like you enjoyed Wicked so it was worth the drama??
I have been rugged up in a warm bed all night and hearing about homeless people on the streets is going to give me the 'kick up the bum' I need to get moving on this chilly morning.Thankyou Have a great weekend.Can't wait to see 'Wicked'......

Cindy said...

Aww, I'm sorry it was such a harrowing day. I hate driving in cities. You are a whole lot more brave than I would have been. Glad your movie was good, that did make it all worth while, I guess. Hugs ~cindy s~

Karin said...

Wow, you sure had an exciting day, didn't you? That's great that you and Lauren could help brighten a homeless person's day. Driving in big cities is very confusing to me.

Lynn said...

You did all this with a "stick shift"? Oh my gosh, bless your heart. I don't even know how to drive one and even with an automatic I would have freaked out. In months and especially years to come, you and Lauren will look back on this day with such memories, a day of sharing adventure and kindness. You two are beautiful.

Marilyn said...

Loved your traffic/parking tale, too bad it was a true story...but I disagree about going right to get left. We've been there and we couldn't even find the street again. I think it just disappeared. Drove around, came past the same buildings, thought they were familiar, and decided we weren't going to get to our destination! But we had FUN! Glad you did, too.

Linda Q said...

Wow, what an adventure, glad you were ok and got to and from ok. I feel the same about driving in Seattle etc. I let the hubs drive! But also an enlightenment moment , as I like to call them! Sometimes God I think puts us through things, even if it is driving in San Fran or parking issues to get us stirred up. Then he brings you the reason you were really there, to help someone who has it worse. Brings life into perspective at times.
Glad you gals had sometime together and I bet the show was fun! I would like to see a broadway show!

KarenB said...

Thanks for the warning. I will NEVER drive in SF. I glad you found a silver lining to your parking/food difficulties. That was generous. Wasn't WICKED fantastic? We saw it last Fall in London, which made it even better. So, glad you got some girl time together!

Gayla said...

Remind me to NEVER drive in San Francisco. I get a bit wired just in Columbia... I was never there, but I thought LA was terrible... Was there on a motorcycle in another lifetime. Hugs. Wicked sounds so wonderful, plus a day with your daughter. You both look beautiful!!!!

Unknown said...

Im exhausted reading this, I hope the show made up for it! What a wonderful thing for you to do, so sad they have to dig through the bins!

Sandi (Meme) said...

Thanks for sharing. I'm thinking my trip to see Wicked won't be quite so traumatic! That's because my daughter will be driving! Have a wonderful weekend.

Debbie Petras said...

Cindy, when I read your blog post title, I immediately thought oh no, she didn't like Wicked. But no, I'm glad you enjoyed the play. It sounds like you had quite the aggravating circumstances leading up to that though. I don't live in CA but I've spent much time in San Francisco and I know what you're talking about. And it's horrible if you're driving a stick shift! But I'm so glad you made it home safe and sound.

Neabear said...

Oh boy, driving in SF! With a stick! Been there, dong that! I remember one day driving a stick, stuck at a light facing up hill, wearing out who knows what trying to keep the car from rolling back to get going once the light turns green. That is stuff for nightmares. Oh, and my clutch foot is going to sleep from constantly pushing in the clutch. Crazy! So glad I have automatic now.

We have gone to the city on the ferry from Vallejo. That is such a leisurely way to go. We need to do that again soon. That ferry takes you to Pier 39 area. Been awhile since we have done that.

That is so cool you were able to get the winning food for the homeless guy. Bless your heart!

Ginger said...

I'm glad you enjoyed Wicked after going through all that. I would of probably given up, or been in a bad mood.
My son was in SF last month and said there are tons of homeless people all over the streets there and most people were just ignoring them. Worked out great that you got a free burger and shake.

bj said...

Oh, Cindy...I love how God uses you so much for his people. You are so very blessed to be so often in this position to help other. HE does that, you know. Blessed you are!
hugs, bj

Junkstylediva said...

I feel you girl! I lived in SF for 12 yrs and I sold my car the 1st yr because of all the parking tickets. You are right people step out in traffic all the time! It's a miracle there aren't more fatalities! I left the city because of all the chaos and riding the buses are no better! The theater district is in the sketchier part of town which puzzles me! Glad you had fun though. SF is a great place to visit, I recommend riding the train to SF next time then you can relax! Inge

Janel said...

lol That's how I feel about driving in Boston!

Glad to hear you had a great time.

Cottage Rose said...

Hello Cindy;;; Oh my what a trip you two had... you did better then I would have, I would have been in a huge wreck by; I am glad you finally were able to see that show, and what a very kind heart you and your daughter have to help, it is amazing how God works.


Anonymous said...

What a scary time! I saw Wicked in St. Louis and it was worth all of the effort. Take care.


Lisa said...

It's funny how things happen! It was so great you got free food! And it is hard to think we have so much and our neighbors are starving. Sad but true! I'm glad the show was worth it!
Hugs, Lisa

Sandi said...

Oh my goodness!I would be in a panic for sure and would have given up long before you did. Kudos to you for sticking with it until it all worked out.

So sad about the homeless people...probably a lot more out there then we have any clue.

Penny Sue said...

Hi Miss Cindy, Once again, I must commend you on taking what would probably have done most other people in, and turning it into a great opportunity. I laughed out loud at some of the points in your story, but when I came to the end, I too had tears in my eyes. What a completely selfless act, by both you and your daughter. God bless you both. You're Awesome!

Sharla said...

I'm scared now! Taking daughter to USF in three weeks and will be driving. Yikes.

I'm glad you enjoyed the show! Your story brought back memories of me circling the block to pick daughter up when she saw it here.
Pretty gals in the pictures too!

Anonymous said...

just a question- would you have given anything to the homeless man if you hadn't won the free stuff?
just curious :)

Cindy said...

Anonymous, Yes I planned on it! I actually gave him all our french fries that we didn't eat too. Why throw food away when someone right outside the door would be thrilled to get it. I saw a young girl come into the Burger King and reach in the garbage and grab a half full soda cup. Before she could get to the door the security guard ran up and ripped it from her hands. I told Lauren that I was going to go buy her a meal. When we won the food I went to find her and she was gone. That's why I gave it to the man. I told Lauren on the way home that I would love to go back and buy $20 worth of hamburgers and pass them out.

I give money to homeless people all the time if they look like they aren't drunk or on drugs.

I sometimes wish I was the type of person that could walk right by and not give it a second thought but i can't. Those people's faces are embedded in me after I see them. I have a terrible memory but for some reason I can't forget these people in need that I see. It disturbs me so much!

Unknown said...

I can't believe that Wicked was at the Orpheum! I saw Phantom of the Oprah there about a million years ago. It was such a beautiful theater
back then. Is it still? They had just refurbished it.


Cindy said...

Liz, Yes it's GORGEOUS! It was built in 1926! It's amazing! It has Lion statues all the way around the edge of the ceiling! They sure don't make places like that any more!

RobinfromCA said...

Oh, Cindy, I'm so sorry. Being a true SF theatre rat (or former as I've not been so much in the past 5 or so years) I wish I'd have known you were on your way. I know all the secrets to getting in and out and where to park for each theatre. And, I could have shared with you that there is NO place to eat near The Orpheum - my least favorite of "the big three" in SF. (Really, who puts an aisle right down the middle where all the best seats should be?) I haven't been up to see Wicked yet but really wish it was at The Curren. Glad you enjoyed it though - despite your troubles. And, at least you were able to make an unfortunate soul's day a little brighter! Next time you need to drive in SF let me know. It's one of the things I actually do quite well! In SF it's always best to remember that three rights make a left and that (in most cases) every other street goes the other direction.

LivingTheLife said...

The greatness came from you and your daughter....isn't it wonderful how God works...he gave you something...and you gratefully gave it to someone who needed it more. God Bless you both!! I think that had to make the hassle of driving, parking and dodging people well worth it!

You Rock, Miss Cindy and I'm glad the show didn't disappoint!


Becky from Tennessee said...

Hi Cindy! First of all, I
hope you and Lauren enjoyed
your day together and Wicked
was worth all your traffic
woes. Secondly, the RUDE
person must not have been
taught good manners. My
Mama always told me to con-
sider the source and, also,
if I didn't have anything
nice to say, then don't say
anything. You bring such
joy and beauty to me and so
many others. Remember how
many people visit and enjoy
your blog each day! I wonder
if Mad in Montana has given
food to a homeless person???

Mary said...

I think my BP just went up 10 points! Can you take public transportation next time?
I drive in NYC alot and think that is stressful, sounds like a peice of cake compared to SF.
Sorry about BK dinner but it worked out for a reason, you made a hungry man happy!

Anonymous said...

Cindy: The Orpheum has a website with parking information and special deals if you present your ticket stub. You can Mapblast the locations for proximity. The other suggestion is go to a 2:00 showing and have an early dinner afterwards. Wicked was outstanding!

Marilyn said...

I can't even imagine driving a stick shift in SF! For that matter, I can't fathom how people are able to ride bikes there, either. My jaw dropped in amazement, and envy at how physically fit they were, whenever I saw one.

But, SF is one of my favorite places in the world. How lucky you are to live so close!

Marilyn (in Dallas)

Marilyn said...

I can't even imagine driving a stick shift in SF! For that matter, I can't fathom how people are able to ride bikes there, either. My jaw dropped in amazement, and envy at how physically fit they were, whenever I saw one.

But, SF is one of my favorite places in the world. How lucky you are to live so close!

Marilyn (in Dallas)

Melissa Lester said...

Sounds like it was a wicked trip and great show!

Beneath the Eaves said...

The drive there sounds like your own production of"Wicked". LOL
So glad you made it safely to enjoy the performance. You certainly deserved it.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

OH my! You are braver than I am. I would never have attempted to drive in SF. Never been there, but have heard what it is like.Glad to hear you and your daughter enjoyed Wicked.

heartartz said...

I love SF!
But yes getting around is horrible.
Years ago, we went to a musical at the Orpheum, it is in a seedy area. We found that BART is not only the best way to get to the city but the best way to get around the city. It runs down Market street. So, you can get to nice restaurants, shopping and more. Then hop back on BART and get out right outside the theater. Best part when the musical is over you find Bart at "the nearest hole in the ground entrance"!!! and ride quietly back to Milbrae (it runs down the Bay till 12:30am).
Best part no traffic and costs less than the parking.
Glad you enjoyed Wicked.
I saw it and LOVED it!!!

LillyB said...

Cindy you have a beautiful heart as well as a beautiful home. God will bless you even more for feeding that homeless man! I am so glad you had a great outting with your daughter too!!
Love Lilly

Judi said...

Cindy...that was a great post. I literally sat here by myself chuckling out loud reading about your driving and parking trip...I think I would have need Lauren to help "navigate too". How can one person see everything right?

That was nice that you both won and were able to help that person out. I'm sure he was very appreciative of that.

And last but not least you attended a good show! I know I've heard other good reviews about it.
Nice to be driving at home eh?

have a great weekend

Charlene said...

What a great story! The last part with the homeless guy was wonderful. Scarry but happy ending.

TRAFFIC IN San Francisco STINKS!!!!!!!

When we were in CA for vacation (so sad we could not get together) we drove up HWY 1 to San Francisco & came in way far away from downtown & the pier area we needed to be at for Alcatraz. We missed one turn off the GPS told us about so we took Mission street all the way across. OMG!!!!! Everything you said about the traffic, people, everything we saw it! I can tell you there were 2 Texans with a rent car & BIG EYES trying to take it all in & not kill or be killed. You are a brave woman! I soooooo want to see Wicked. But, it had to be Wicked getting there. Glad you got home safe & had so much fun.

Alison Gibbs said...

OMG what an adventure. Glad you girls got home in one piece

Donna said...

Back in the late 70's/early 80's when I lived in CA I would head to SF whenever I could. It sounds a lot more complicated now!

Whenever my mom would fly out to visit me we'd head straight to Fisherman's Wharf since her favorite restaurant was The Franciscan, overlooking Alcatraz. I guess I always found SF easier to drive in than Boston because (as my hubby says) there's no rhyme nor reason to Boston. Whereas most city streets are set up in grids, he swears Boston just paved over the old cow paths!

And like you, I used to drive a standard back in those days and, man, those hills were tough with a clutch!


Anonymous said...

Hey Girl. I'm glad you got to see this play. While my hubby and I were in Memphis visiting the play was at the Orpheum there. Had we known about it in time we would have purchased tickets. Oh well. Love the photos. Have a great weekend!

Lana Manis said...

Oh my goodness Cindy! I'm glad everything turned out ok and you got to park, eat & feed someone), see the play, and spend time with your daughter.
Life in certainly different in your neck of the woods!

Karli @ RockyBella said...

I'm reading that book right now! I'm so jealous, I wanna see it LIVE!

Lori said...

Boy Cindy, I thought those things only happen to me! I'm sorry that people are so darn rude! I have had a week of meanie bloggers too! Lori

Elenka said...

I've always heard that Wicked is great. I'd like to see it sometime....not in San Francisco, tho. Or maybe, now that I think about it, maybe San Francisco would be cool, a gazillion miles away....

Tea Time With Melody said...

I used to work in SF and I am with you, NEVER drive in that city. Always take bart. Next time take bart because it drops you off right outside the theater door. As much as I LOVE the city I would rather stay home then drvie in it unless I can get there by bart or another experienced driver. lol My last two trips were by limo. haha

Lori said...

About the paisley flip flops, the site is I believe its England. If you go to Google and click on images then type in paisley flip flops there are plenty. Vera Bradley makes them to and are on Ebay! Happy shoe shopping! Lori

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

Wow Cindy, what a day. I hope when you got home you soaked in the tub then had a bottle of wine. Your life isnt boring! Its amazing how you can experience so many emotions in one day.whew!!!!

Karin said...

I love the picture of you in front of the "Wicked" sign ~ and Lauren is gorgeous, as always.

akawest said...

As someone who has major driving anxiety, just reading your story was enough for me to feel your pain. I am glad Wicked was good.

My daughter has started saving seashells, in hopes of me making your beautiful wreath. Thanks for always providing us with such pretty ideas.

Secondhandrose said...

I was in San Fran this week myself......all the way from Ohio to find an apartment for my daughter who is moving there. But she doesn't own a car. Good thing I guess! LOL And at one point, on the bus, we passed the Orpheus theatre! Small world.


Dreams and Decor said...

Wow, I totally sympathize with you on those streets and parking---how stressful that must have been! I think when I travel there, I will plan on taking taxis to get around! I'm glad the show was great! And that was really sweet of you & Lauren to feed that homeless man! And this was probably a mother-daughter outing you will probably never forget! Patti

My Casa Bella said...

It sounds like you're driving in NYC which is where I was born and raised, its amazing what side of you comes out when you drive in that type of city traffic. But I love SF and when we were there, my girl friends husband drove, thank goodness, because driving in NYC is enough for

Kay said...

Cindy, You never cease to amaze me with your abilities and now I can add fearless city driver to the list! I love the sound track from Wicked and would love to see the show some day.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh I do understand, I have driven in San Francisco many, many times. It is really frustrating and the roads are really confusing. Glad you enjoy the show though. I also wanted to let you know the next "Cloche Party" has been scheduled for Sept. 11th for the Fall season. Grab the button on my sidebar to remind you and to let your friends know. See you there. Hugs, Marty

Beverly said...

It certainly puts life into perspective, doesn't it?!

I am glad the two of you had a special day together.

Unknown said...

Cindy, many thanks for taking me back to San Fran and the Orpheum Theater! After I retired from teaching I joined a home party plan for a company now called "Signatures" I believe. It was "Homemaker's Idea Company". Anyway I earned this trip because I was one of the top recruiters or sales person. I love San Fran and can visual the streets with the buses, etc. I forget what we saw, but it was a delightful comedy. I'm no longer with the company, but you should check it out...great products at affordable prices!
Hugs, Winnie

Linecas have said...

Hello for the very first time. Wawing all the way from Norway. =)
I have followed your blog for some time,and enjoy it very much. How in the world could you not go insane withthat driving/ parking experience beats me. Some say driving here is crazy, its a piece of cake compared to your experience for shure.
Omg I almost got exhausted by reading it.
I'm finished with my silence in here now. I'l be back. =))

abeachcottage said...

oh it sounds a bit scary Cindy, I cannot stand driving in the city, makes me really antsy.

just popping by here to catch up


rozetta said...

Wow, sounds like quite an adventure!

I cold never drive in San Fran.


Donna @ Party Wishes said...

Oh Cindy! I can't believe what you went through just to have a lovely evening with your daughter! WOW! What a trooper you are.

But isn't Wicked worth it? I've seen it 3 times in LA.

A Southern Rose said...

I'm so glad that you and your daughter were able to have a mother-daughter day together. That traffic sounded terrible. I would have been so stressed out! That was so kind of y'all to feed that homeless man. It made my heart smile! I think that y'all will remember that day for a long time.
Lee Laurie

Bonnie said...

I thought you were incredibly brave when I read that you were going to drive to San Francisco and after reading that post, I am almost sorry to see I was proven right. What an ordeal. I would have quit and gone home - way to go with the perseverance!!!!! Also, I sure hope this doesn't come across as patronizing but way to go in offering that gentleman dinner. So many people treat the homeless as if they just don't exist and that hurts so many of them on levels we can't even imagine. After so much time working with them, that is their one "major hurt" which is amazing considering what they go through. They just want acknowlegment they exist. You did more for that guy than feed him dinner. You reminded him he's human and matters. Thank you for that and I pray so many others read this post and use it as encouragement to offer food to those they see homeless. What a blessing to our day you are!!!!

Kelly said...

Oh my gosh I swear I could have wrote that same post, I live in Chicago and the driving to the theatre downtown would be the SAME thing, its like you are so stressed by the time you actually get to your destination!! the good point is you were brave enough to do it, and I bet your daughter appreciated it!


Cindy@Cutepinkstuff said...

Loved Wicked, too. My sister met me in NY and we saw it on Broadway. Fantastic!