Sunday, July 12, 2009

Monthly Giveaway Party

It's time for my monthly giveaway party! If you have a blog and you have a giveaway on your blog please sign up with Mr. Linky below so others can visit you.

If you are here to enter my giveaway just scroll down to my previous post and leave a comment there if you want to be entered to win.

Update: If you want to see who's having a giveaway on their blog, you'll have to click on Mr. Linky below to see the list. I don't know why I've keep having this problem with it showing up on another page.


  1. Hi Cindy. This is the first time in a long while that I have been able to check in. Wow, now your blog page is so FULL of blog ads. Can you pull in alot of money everytime a reader clicks on your site? and if so, is this the reason for the give aways? You are clever. I should get a blog page too!

  2. All the ads turn me off.

  3. Hey Cindy - thanks for all your wonderful energy. I've decided to stay in the family home after my divorce, so now I'm really devoting myself to redoing the house to suit me. You've been a great inspiration!


  4. Hi Cindy,
    Please enter me into your giveaway!

    Oh, I bought me a bed frame the other day that I plan on painting like yours. I don't have any pictures yet, I have to pick it up in 2 weeks. I can't wait!

    Lee Laurie

  5. Cindy, please enter me in your teapot and garden angel giveaway.

  6. Hi, Cindy! Thanks for the idea of the giveaway...I need to get my blog going and join in! For now, I'd love to be entered in the teapot giveaway. Am just imagining myself in the yard swing, having tea with lemon in the shade! Thanks for all the inspiration you provide!

  7. Hi Cindy ; Please enter me in the teapot giveaway ...Have a Glorious Day !

  8. Please enter me in your giveaway! I'd love to have the teapot. I am a big Cath Kidston fan (and teapots, too, for that matter).

  9. I don't have a giveaway, but sounds like a great idea :-)

  10. Hi Cindy,
    A monthly giveaway, how fun.

    I am getting ready for a giveaway...I haven't heard of Mister Linky...I will have to check it out. Your blog is so great.

    Have a fabulous Day...

  11. Mad in MontanaJuly 13, 2009 9:34 AM

    All of the blogs ads on this site turn me off too and the give away gifts are cheap. ...Definetly not worth my time! I wont be back.

  12. Look! No Blog Ads and done beautifully with taste!!!

  13. Hi Cindy,
    I found your blog while look for information on painting furniture. I have enjoyed reading your blog everyday since. I painted a dresser that was found at my Aunts parent farm house. I also found a few other little treasures that I will be adding to my bedroom when it is completed. Would you enter me for the Garden Angel. She will look wonderfull with my knock-out roses. My email address is

  14. I love the tea pot! Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks so much!! Amy

  15. Hi Miss Cindy, You are so generous. Both gifts in your giveaway are very nice. I'm not entering the giveaway. I just wanted to say I love the tablecloth you're displaying the teapot on. I love vintage colorful tablecloths. Especially ones with floral patterns. I keep my eye out for them at auctions. Anyhow, have fun with your giveaway. Hugs, Penny Sue

  16. What a lovely blog! I had to go check it out after seeing some of my Pink Sisters' Romantic Home give away blog prizes from Make Mine Pink!

  17. Hi Cindy,

    Please enter me in your July drawing. You're always at the top of my list for inspring ideas!

    Kay, North Central Texas
    (yes, it's been scorching for 2 weeks!)

  18. Cindy, Please enter me in your give away. I also decided to join you in the give away and link in my site.


  19. Cindy I LOVE that you are never too old to play house !

    Thanks for Mr. Linky ... I put my name down and am giving away a faux cake.


  20. Hi Cindy! Please enter me in your teapot and angel giveaway-love them both.

  21. The teapot is so cute. You have the best second hand stores near you!!

  22. Cindy...I made the sea shell wreath according to your directions. Love it. Bought all my supplies at Dollar Tree for $3.00. Your tutorial is wonderful. Love your blog. Thanks !!!

    Hugs from N.C.

  23. Hi Cindy,
    I don't remember how I found your blog, but boy am I glad I did. Your home is just like the way I would want to decorate my home. I get so inspired. I have been having fun going back to the very beginning of your blog. I would love to win your lovely teapot or the garden angel. Thanks for letting me enter.

    My e-mail address is

  24. Hi Cindy,

    Would love the teapot in your give away this month!! So pretty!!
    Love your blog. Keep giving us those wonderful ideas. Antique Rose

  25. Love to be entered in your lovely giveaway!!

  26. Hi Cindy, I am still a faithful follower of your wonderful blog and I would love to be entered in both of your giveaways. I don't have a blog but my name is Karen and my e-maill address is

  27. sign me up! p.s. love love love your choice of blue walls.

  28. I adore the teapot. I have started collecting them it seems. My husband is scared witless - teapots aren't tiny & he's afraid if I have to start making room for them, I'm going to pack up stuff already in the house in totes and have him find room in the garage to store them. Ahhhh... the joys of decorating. :)

  29. What a sweet giveaway! I love Cath Kidston- her designs are so fresh and sweet. Don't let the haters get you down! Your blog is great- you have a great attitude and a generous spirit.

    Your Mr. Linky is not working, but I have a giveaway on my blog this week for a box of godiva chocolates! I hope you'll stop by!


  30. I stopped by to let you know it appears Mr. Linky is not working but it looks like someone beat me to it. The last visit I had on my blog via Mr. Linky was around 2:30 (your time) today. :(

  31. Cindy, you just never mind those snide comments, those of us who follow you faithfully know that this is the best site on the internet!! You are still my inspiration girl!! warm hugs from Vermont

  32. Oh my gosh. People are so RUDE, Cindy. Please don't take any of those comments to heart. I know you are sensitive and that they will bother you. People are just ignorant and dumb. Gosh, I'm so sorry they continue to post their idiocy.... why can't they just not say anything at all if they don't have anything nice to say. Your blog is well liked and well read and no one says you HAVE to do giveaways, so if people don't like it, they can just click exit and leave. :(

    Hugs, my dear friend....

  33. oh and no no no on the teapot. I have about 20 that I've collected and I'm kind of thinking I need to find them new homes.... :) September

  34. Hi Cindy,

    I would love to win your beautiful tea pot. Please add my name to the hat.

    I can't believe how rude some people can be. To tell you what to put or don't put on your blog and then to have the nerve to say your giveaway is cheap! Who do they think they are!!!

    Good for you for telling them to just not come by if they don't like it.

    Blogging takes a lot of time and if you can get a little bit of money by having the ads then good for you! Most people have ads. They don't take over the blog so it's no big deal.

    These people who write mean and hateful things really need to get a life. I think they get thier thrills out of being mean and trying to upset people. The truth is they are just jealous of your wonderful blog and that you are a super nice person who has a lot of tallent. Don't give them a 2nd thought.

    Big hugs,

  35. I think your blog is simply beautiful, and if you can make extra money on the ads, that's a plus! It's too bad some people are blind to the fact that your giveaways are terrific. Cath Kidson stuff has never been cheap and for you to give away something that great is amazing. You go girl! you're doing just fine.

  36. Cindy,
    As people grow, change and become more of who they are meant to be, homes change, blogs change, life is ever changing is it not? You were meant to do this blog and to follow your heart in the direction it leads. You have inspired me so much by your belief in presenting the best you have to offer in all the aspects of your life. Your sharing of your home, you life, your thoughts are a gift to those who truly understand what is important in life and what true beauty truly is. If you became the next "Martha" (and I do believe that could happen) I will be the first one to stand up and applaude long and loud. Have a beautiful day Cindy!

  37. Hi Cindy,

    Please enter me in your July drawing. I love your blog & appreciate the opportunity. Have a great day!


  38. Hello Cindy! Please enter me in the Giveaway to! Thanks have a nice day!
    Donna :)

  39. Hi Cindy,

    Love your site. I would like to enter you September -Amazon giveaway.

    Best Regards,


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy