Thursday, July 02, 2009

Book Alert!

Have you seen the new book that is coming out by Barbara Jacksier? I can hardly wait to get my copy!!! Barbara has shared some sneak previews of it on her blog the last few weeks. You can order autographed copies from her website Waterside Cottage Styles. I've already ordered mine!

Barbara, for those of you that aren't aware, was the former editor of Romantic Country Magazine so you know this book is going to be great!


  1. Thanks for the heads-up ~ that book looks wonderful and will definitely get the ideas going (speaking for myself ~ you don't have a problem in that dept.)

  2. There just doesn't seem to be enough books about cottage living nowadays. Even though the principle is the same, designing your life in a cottage is very different. You want to go for a chic feeling in a smaller room, and make it cozy. Would love to see this book for inspiration.


  3. I have to get this for sure. I love your root beer float and have one every summer. We would call them black cows in NY when I was a kid too many moons ago to mention:) Have a safe and fun 4th of July.

  4. I love this book. So much too dream over until I own that beach cottage somewhere warm.
    Thanks Cindy.

  5. hola pasaba de nuevo por aqui, me gusta mucho tu blog, ya hace un tiempo te conté que me lo visité completo, un agrado ver lo bello que haces y todas las ideas que publicas.

  6. That last link is faulty somehow....:D

    Also, hi, I feel I haven't commented in forever, but still reading EVERY day! HUGS!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I know, I've been waiting ages for it and it's almost here!! The photos will make me envious though.


  9. The cover alone is quite enticing!

    m ^..^

  10. Thanks so much for sharing...I can hardly wait as I loved that mag. Leave it to you to keep us in the romantic loop.
    Hugs, Nerina :)

  11. Hello Cindy; The books sounds like my kind of book, I did not know she was an Editor of the mag. I am on my way to her blog... thanks for sharing... Happy 4th July


  12. Thanks for the heads up on this!!

  13. Definitely going to check out that book. The cover alone intriques me!

    Cindy, have you ever considered writing a book? I love your vision and creativity. You have inspired me many, many times. I'd buy your book!

    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  14. Cindy,
    I started looking at the book last night, so far I love it (as if I wouldn't love anything related to cottages and the ocean)!! I agree with Marilyn, you need to write a book - it would be a best seller for sure!!

  15. Hi there, Karen at Fresh Fixins told me to come and see you as she thought that I would like your blog and I love it.That book looks amazing. I have just ordered a similar one for my sister for her birthday,Happy 4th of July from the U.K. Enjoy your celebrations. XXXX

  16. You enabler, you!!! I'll check out this book!!

  17. I have just added a few dozen antique books to my collection recently but I think I could easily fit this one in....Thanks for the heads up.

  18. Oh you know what turns our heads don't you!

    Though those chocolate cupcakes looked pretty tempting too!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy