Monday, July 20, 2009

A Blue Mosaic Monday

I'm joining in on Mary's Mosaic Monday today! Also, since my mosaic is all blues I thought I would join in on Smiling Sally's Blue Monday.

It's getting harder and harder to come up with new things for my blog. I'm not going to give up though. I've had this blogger's-block before and I was able to get through it! I think part of the problem is the weather. It's too hot to do any new projects. I have things I want to do but not in 90 degree weather! Instead of shopping for my home, I've been shopping for clothes which I desperately needed and I've been getting up early and walking 2 1/2 miles every day. So I feel like I'm spending more time on me and less on my apartment. I think that's a good thing though...I had sort of let myself go.

Did you all have a good weekend?


  1. I did have a good weekend. Thanks for asking.

    How long have you been blogging? How do you get unstuck?

    I am having a blue giveaway so stop over to my blog.

  2. Cindy,
    Walking is very good! I recently started too. Not doing so hot though. ugh.
    Love your blog!Blue is one of my very favorite colors! Powder blue... ahhh makes my heart sing!

  3. Cindy you are such an INSPIRATION!
    While I think a lot about doing things you actually do them. I did get up early a few times to go walking but I am just not consistent enough. The hot weather really zaps me...
    -Mrs Peeks Farmhouse

  4. Hi Cindy, yes our weekend was nice and relaxed, hope yours was.

    I like your mosaic, what do you use to make them? I'm heard that you can make them in flickr but I can't figure out how.

  5. Pamela, I made mine on Big Huge Labs Then choose "mosaic maker". You can use your flickr photos. Mary has a tutorial on making mosaics on her blog so click over to that!

  6. Hi Cindy, I understand how you feel. It is way to hot in Florida to think about doing anything....the heat is really draining. I think I am also hitting a bit of blogger's block...first time for me.

    Have a lovely and cool day.

  7. hello, bello tu mosaico, invita a la tranquilidad, sentimiento que me inunda cuando paseo por tu blog.
    me encanta cada detalle.
    bueno que lata lo de tu paseo por san francisco pero al final del camino lo que importa es el tiempo que pasastes con tu hija.
    cariños mil.

  8. Great that you are walking every morning!!

    Did I miss who won the teapot & angel giveaway?


  9. MJ, I'll be posting the giveaway winner tomorrow! I just haven't had a chance to draw the names yet.

  10. You're so funny, Cindy ~ I highly doubt you let yourself go:-)
    I do understand about concentrating more on your own health, etc. and less on the apartment ~ I go through those phases myself, we probably all do. Besides your apartment is total PERFECTION!! In 90 degree heat all you can do is survive.

  11. Well, you have so many beautiful blue things that you can keep going on Mondays for quite a long while! Happy 1st Blue Monday.

  12. Oh Cindy, you must always find the time to take care of yourself. I learned it the hard way. It is amazing the difference it makes in your life.

    I work on the weekends but still had a nice one. I managed to get my son's room completed. Although his color scheme is completely different from the rest of the house, I felt it important to let him make his own choice. The color he selected for his walls is a light gray and actually looks quite nice with his black and grey bedroom linens. The room is not dark or depressing like I thought it would end up.

    As Wendy stated, you really are an inspiration. It has been my time spent here on your blog that has finally gotten me motivated and out of my funk. I finally started my remodeling projects and hope to complete them by the end of summer. By then, it will have cooled off enough to start working on the "remodeling" of the yard.

  13. It's a good think to spend time on yourself....

    Your blog is so wonderful that even if you only came up with something once a week, I'd follow faithfully!

  14. I am so glad you haven't given up! I know I am a infrequent visitor because life is crazy, but I so enjoy your blog when I visit.
    Grab that camera and take us on your early morning walk! I'd love that. You blue mosiac is beautiful.


  15. Cindy, good for you - walking I mean. 2 1/2 miles! That's great! YOU GO GIRL! You are inspiring in so many ways!

  16. I walk every morning, noon and night with my adopted doggie!!! Nothing like a dog to get you out!! Thankfully we don't have very,very hot weather over here..if we do it only lasts a day or so and then evryone Brits are good at that!!.... it must be really hard to come up with something different to say very day..but hey we're not that demanding..your pages are great to look at anyway..don't make it a task..we'll always love stopping

  17. Cindy,
    I made the tray! It is pretty seldom that I make anything, but you totally inspired me to make this one. I couldn't find the right color for Rub n'Buff, so had to use a little gold. It turned out pretty well, although after the whole thing was put together, I found a speck under the glass. One of these days I will take it apart and remove it, but for now it is staying. I plan to make another tray - what a great gift to give someone. I frequently get bloggers blog and I don't have hundreds of people waiting for your post as you do. I can't imagine the pressure. But we all love you and your blog and will wait for you to continue with your great ideas and advice. Meanwhile, take care of YOURSELF.

  18. BellaBlushCottageJuly 20, 2009 12:21 PM

    Hi Cindy...maybe you should blog 2-3 times a week..I don't know how you bloggers do it..I would be mentally exhausted! HAHA I hope you get unstuck though..Linda ;)

  19. Pretty pictures, I had to learn to do those groupings like that!
    Had a busy but profitable weekend.
    We had some extra bills this month, so I did some cleaning out and a garage sale for 2 days and took care of those with my earnings.
    Now I have to recoop though, alot of work.

  20. Our weekend was busy, your mosaics in blue are just beautiful..

  21. Hi Cindy,
    You are such a sweetheart and I hope you take some time to care for yourself.
    During your walks your mind can relax. It will be a double bonus for you. We will all still be here, what ever the schedule.
    Take care,

  22. Love the mosaic it is so pretty. I think taking care of you is more important than new things for the house. We all need to stop every once in a while and take care of ourselves. Hugs, Marty

  23. I love the mosaic! Isn't it cool that you inspired someone to make that tray??? I think that is awesome!

  24. Cindy... Taking time for yourself is excellant... I will be going golfing within the hour and that is good for me... I find somedays I can't think of a thing to post and other days I just flow... I have 2 posts written today to place on the next couple days... I also find since I have shut myself down from buying you find less to share cause your not spending so I also will have to be more creative.... I think it is a fact.... You always have lovely posts and many followers that you feel you have to please but pleasing yourself is also "a very good thing..."

  25. Cindy, love the pictures in your mosaic!!
    We had a great weekend it just didn't last long enough... but then they never do.

    We are having a Christmas in July giveaway so hope you stop by our blog and take a peek.

  26. Love it! Robin's egg blue is one of my favorite colors!

  27. Cindy, for someone who has blogger's block, you have a wonderful post here! All of your pictures are lovely. What a perfect mosaic. I'm partial to birds' eggs and posted some today in my blue post, too. :-)

    Here's wishing you a Happy Blue Monday and miles of blue skies and happy block-free days. Your blog is lovely!


    Sheila :-)

  28. a topic I would love is more pics of great apartment decor. it is so much more difficult than decorating a place you own.

  29. Spending time on yourself is far more important. I haven't been doing as much with mine lately either. I am with you on the walking thing too. Need to loose some serious pounds.

    Love the weather when it cooler.....


  30. Thank yon for the info on your couch. I was one of the ones that was asking about it.

    Next week is my 49th birthday and I was was thinking I need to take better care of me. I want to lose 50 lbs before my next birthday the BIG 50. Thanks so much for setting the example for myself and others.

    Also, it's always nice just to read what you have been up to, even small things. I LOVE it when you share your recipes too.

    Thanks for all your help!

    KAY from the OR Coast:)

  31. I am proud of you Cindy. I got to thinking about how I am always on the look out for something to do for my blog and how those purchases add up and it's me that I stop working on. I need some new frills too. So just strut your stuff in front of a camera showing us your new clothes and we will love it because we all love your blog and you .

  32. I love your "blueness". It is always so calming. Good for you for walking every day. That a great habit to form. Have a wonderful week.


  33. some more tutorials would be fun! :) :) :)

  34. I'm a little blog blocked too. It isn't so hot here but the lazy days of summer have me relaxing and not doing much so there isn't that much to say or share. Good for you for walking, I'm trying to ride my bike enough to get a little healthier (and a little skinnier!)

  35. Cindy the mosaic is lovely! Good for you walking!! I think that may help with your writers block- somehow after a week or 2 of starting to exercise or walk- I just seem to think clearer and be more creative- more oxygen getting to my brain maybe!!!!!!!

    This weekend was lovely!! Got to get outside for the first time in 3 weeks!!! My fresh air and sunshine never felt better !! Over did and paid for it yesterday and today but it was worth it!!


  36. Hi Cindy,
    I spent the afternoon walking on the beach! It's my favourite place to walk. I just love walking in ankle deep water on a hot day. Your blues are gorgeous, as usual. Happy first Blue Monday.


  37. I do the same thing, Cindy. Spend way too much time on the house and things for it than I do on myself. My daughter will grab me by the hand every now and then and we go clothes shopping..which I hate but hate going naked more so ....I go.
    We can get too wrapped up in our dwelling, I think.

  38. Cindy, I need to get out and start walking again too. I have fibromyalgia and a little exercise helps out. Going out and walking is what will give you time to dream up details for all those incredible fall projects. I can't even explain how you've inspired me to love on my home and enjoy what I have here and add to the important collections that get used for family dinners and start having people over for fellowships. You've reminded me of the gifts God has instilled within me. Blessings, DeniseMarie-Bloomin'

  39. My weekend was very nice. And good for you walking that much! I know when I finally gear myself up to do it I feel just wonderful after. Hope you realize that your blog is one of my top five favorites on a long list! Have a great day!~

  40. Cindy
    As i was reading all the coments on your blog, i felt that who would have thought however long ago that you have started this blog that people love you and want you to take care of yourself. I too have been truly inspired by your creativity (as i don't have any)and have been purchasing things to work on but still don't have the confidence to get started but you do inspire me. Thanks for your wonderful blog. take care of yourself and we will all be waiting for you.


  41. Blogg blocks happens to us all once in a while. My garden blogg goes from time to time mysterious silent in the winter, my interior blogg I cant really say much about yet, I just started it. Fabulous the blue mosais pisture. Makes me happy to look at.
    So there you go even though you think you dont have much to say in your blog just your pictures makes my day because they are always so beautiful.
    And oh yes the new clothes, dont we all need that? =))

  42. Only 90? Come south to Fresno where we had 112 yesterday!!! Of course we didn't stick around. We high tailed it over to the coast and enjoyed the cool weather...sadly only for the day. It's even too hot to walk in the morning here! I too have projects lined up to work on.

  43. g'day cindy

    enjoyed all your blues, the pile of books and the shell too


  44. Beautiful blue
    Have a nice day


  45. Very pretty mosaic. Good for you to take some time out for yourself!


  46. I hear ya Cindy! We have "cooled off" to 90 degrees (from 103-105) & it is too hot to do much. But, today we got rain. YEAH! Now as for taking/spending on us... Yes, that is so very important. I have been either swimming or riding my bike every day & trying to eat healthier. I don't think diets work but, changing what & when we eat & upping the movement is a winning comibination. Now, I'm not telling you I am getting skinny but, my jeans zip a little easier. Good luck with your new project YOU!!!!!

  47. What a lovely blue mosaic, Cindy. It's a good thing to spend time on yourself, you deserve it. As a single mom I'm sure you don't tend to take alot of time for self, but exercise is good for you and your kids. Hugs ~cindy s~

  48. You've been such a great inspiration for us blogger's ~ I started because of you! Please don't stop! Retail therapy will do you good!

    Take care,

  49. Hi Cindy
    thats such a sweet mosaic. I love all the pretty blues in it.

    Well sometimes the heat will do that and sometimes we get into other things and the blogging gets put aside...its during those times it ends up you have all these things you want to share and blog aboutbecause you were doing other things...
    Good for you for doing the walking thats great....
    have a lovely day
    My weekend was nice and we didn't have rain for a change...

  50. Hi Miss Cindy, My left hand is wrapped in an ace bandage to try to imobilize my left hand thumb. I went to grab a bath towel from the linen closet shelf, shook it out, and immediately had this shooting paint go from my wrist to the tip of my thumb. That was 6 hours ago, two Tylenol, and the ace bandage applied. I don't know what I've done to myself, other than I know it's painful. My thumb is sore from my wrist to the first joint down from the tip of the finger. And this is without moving it at all. It hurts worse when I move it. I'm so bummed. Does anyone out there know what this could be? I'm hoping that it goes away on its own. My hubby thinks I may have strained/sprained it somehow when I shook out the towel. But in the snap of a finger, I've had pain, non-stop in my left hand. Even with the Tylenol.

    OK, enough boo-hooing. I was worried about you since you didn't post anything on your blog on Friday, expecially after such an adventurous Thursday. I was glad to see you had posted today.

    Don't you worry honey, you could talk about the grass growing, watching paint dry, or dust bunnies and make it sound good. Just follow your heart... not what you think us boobs out there in blogland want to hear about. Throw us a bone, we'll bite! You're the greatest!

    Hugs to you,
    Penny Sue

  51. PS - That was supposed to be shooting pain, not paint! :)

  52. I'm so glad that you are taking care of yourself and "decorating" your body :)

    I had an incredibly busy weekend. I'm pooped!

  53. What a nice mosaic of things in blue! Have a nice week!/

  54. Hi Cindy - knowing you, once the weather cools down and Autumn gives us that boost of energy, you'll be back, paint brush in hand, working on more wonderful projects! Meanwhile, it's good you are out enjoying the Summertime - like many mention, it's just too hot to do much outside here - so humid and so many mosquitoes!

    I'm leaving for your coast this Fri. to SF then head North followed by a tour of Utah, Wyoming, Montana etc. to show our granddaughter more beauty of this vast country. Hopefully we'll be in cooler places.

    Hang in there - and enjoy your shopping sprees for now.

  55. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing what clothes you buy or see when shopping!

  56. Good for you to exercise and share your thoughts about that.
    I have seen so many great blogs including yours. Look for inspiration on magazine covers of home decor and re-create one thing from a magazine. I agree it is too hot to get out there and do a project. You cannot paint a piece on a wood floor even with a drop cloth, I don't want to do that.
    I think it is fun to see what the bloggers store in their china cabinets or vintage linen closet.
    I am trying to get away from blue in my house but your blog photos are so calming and fun to look at.
    Thanks, JolieAnne

  57. Hey Cindy!
    Please come and see my new patio table. I need your advice on painting the legs and base, do you think white or black?
    Have a beautiful day!

  58. Hi Cindy, your blues are beautiful, as always! I know what you mean about the heat - it was over 100 here in the bay area, and I couldn't do much of anything, even with the a/c on. But this week is cooler, so we're all waiting for that blogger's block to subside, and see more creation from Cindy!

  59. oooohhhhhhhhh blue eggs :-) I've never seen a real one. But I've seen it on some blogs and I think it's really interesting.

    hhmmmmm maybe a more "me" time is what you needed and then when you're refreshed everything will start flowing again. You seem to never ran out of ideas. Posting everyday is very hard. And you always come up with interesting and wonderful projects. :-)

  60. I just found your blog through econobusters link to your mirror project. I think I'm in love! What a great blog, with wonderful projects and pictures! Thanks so much for sharing!

  61. Love your blue mosaic! I always love seeing your pictures and have added you to my blogroll.

    I've posted some new inspiration boards you might like and hope you'll take a look and add me to your blogroll.

  62. That is a beautiful collection....
    well done

  63. Hi Cindy, I am new on your site and I find it great and very interesting. Well, I think its fine to have good time for yourself to unwind sometimes from your work. As for me here, I did have a very good weekend.

  64. Cindy - thanks for that perspective of your mother-daughter day. That was the funniest thing I listened too in awhile. I understand completely!!!!!! Only your's is probebly worse then mine. I came froma quiet mountain community to the city of South Jordan, Utah.

    I just found your blog, I love the header. The powder blue and white are so soft and inviting. I'll keep looking and I'll be backagain.

    cindy g.

  65. This one is for Penny For Your Thoughts...I have something called basal joint arthritis and it is much like what you are describing. It is easily fixed by wearing a brace that is made for you and prevents you from moving your thumb a certain way. When I wear the brace regularly I don't have problems...when I don't, and spend a lot of time typing I get symptoms exactly as you've described. Orthopedic doctors have pamphlets on this condition in their office because it is quite common.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy