Thursday, June 11, 2009

Garden Flowers

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I've always wanted to have a "cutting garden" know, an area to grow flowers just for bouquets. There's no room for that in my tiny yard so I'm always struggling with whether I want the blooms in the garden or inside my apartment. The apartment usually always wins!

Last weekend I cut almost every rose I had blooming to bring indoors. Luckily our weather has been cooler than usual (low-mid 70s) so I still have pansies blooming...I cut some of those too!

I now have flowers in my bedroom, living room, bathroom and dining room! I LOVE it!!!

There's something so rich about flowers in every room...and I don't mean rich in the monetary sense, more like rich in the sense of celebrating every day and making it special. And I prefer garden flowers over florist flowers any day! Which do you prefer?


pink: Climbing Eden

peach: Nancy Reagan

white: French Lace

I'm very thankful for having a small area to grow flowers for my home. Please stop by Rhondi's Blog to see more bloggers that are thankful! It's Thankful Thursday today!
I had to move my "followers" to the bottom of my blog. Someone told me that should help with the "abort" messages you may have been getting when you try to open my blog. I sure hope this takes care of that problem!


Karin said...

Oh Cindy, I love all your pretty flower arrangements! The pansies just pop and the peach roses in your bedroom are my absolute favorite! I might just have to start planting some rose bushes ~ they always seem to get buggy, though. I know what you mean about that great feeling of bringing flowers inside that grow in your own yard and enjoying them whenever you walk by or happen to be in the same room.

just a little bit shabby said...

BEAUTIFUL! enough said!

Rhondi said...

Hi Cindy
When I put fresh flowers in every room I feel rich too.
((hugs)) Rhondi

stefanie said...

your roses are beautiful. today i am painting my little shop a beautiful blue, inspired by you. wish me luck

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Hi Cindy,
They are beautiful!!
I, too, dream of having a cutting garden. We DO have room; I just have not done so yet..... sigh
We did just plant five David Austin roses by the fence, and I think next year I will use some of them for cutting and bringing indoors.

Cheryl B. said...

" When I write or share something about one of my friends in a posting, I always make sure I send them a copy of it, so they know what was said about them. Today I included information about you and your blog site in my posting, so I thought I should let you know about it as well."

The above paragraph is the first paragraph in an email I sent out today, to all of the owners of blogs whom host "theme days", that I could find email addresses for. But the email I sent to you got returned. The rest of the email is what I posted today on our blog. Go to: to read it for yourself.

Hopefully, it will then clarify of all of this for you ;-}

Cheryl B.

Sharon~heartsongs said...

Love the roses!

June said...

Hi Cindt,
That French Lace is so dreamy. I too love flowers in my house summer and winter. In winter I get the ones at the grocery store. They are lovely and inexpensive.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Beautiful - especially the roses.

Rhondi said...

Thanks for joining in on thankful Thursday. I'm thankful for friends like you who inspire me to write a better blog!

Julie said...

My 'cutting' garden is the area that runs the length of the barn along a very long sidewalk. I had a hard time cutting my flowers too. It got even harder when I caught my best friend inhaling deeply as she walked down the sidewalk and I heard her say to herself I love the way it smells here!

In my last home, I had a huge variety of flowers that bloomed every single month of the year - enough that I could bring in a bouquet to whomever was having a birthday at my office. I loved doing that.


Cindy they look so beautiful and I like fresh from the garden but I have to settle for store bought cause I can't garden ); The pic's of the store look so pretty, how did you make yourself leave. If you would like to stop by I'm having my first giveaway, it's a little something I made.

Mary said...

Cindy, your flowers are so pretty! I've been cutting my peonies and bringing them in because it's been so rainy here that they all had their heads in the dirt. And yes, I do so prefer garden flowers over florist's blooms. :)

Nice and Easy Antiques said...

Wow,those flowers are stunning....soooo jeaulous!

I'm a horrible gardener!


Carolyn said...

Hi Cindy,
I love your bouquets and you did a great job photographing them too.
I love bouquets indoors.


NicNacManiac said...

Flowers are a natural high... fragrance and beauty....
Nerina :)

Miss Laura Lu/RMS4291960 said...

I should've known you'd be an expert rose gardener too! They are absolutely gorgeous! The blooms are so big! I love that Nancy Reagan one! I just don't have good luck with roses...sometimes I think I try to hard! I wanted to know what you decided about your table top? If you posted it I missed it. God Bless! Lauralu :)

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Having fresh cut flowers in the house does the soul good! Yours are beautiful!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Gorgeous photos. I absolutely loved your pansy arrangement. I just love pansies.

Brenda Pruitt said...

Oh, I prefer the garden flowers every time! Your photos are so pretty and romantic. As usual!

Linda's Blue Gate said...

Oh yes there is something so opulent about strolling in the yard and cutting flowers for the house...... maybe its all those old movies...... I am the same way I cut them even my hydrangeas...... gasp..... gasp...

Susie Homemaker said...

Homegrown all the way...your roses are the beautiful color!


Lisa said...

Love your flowers! That tip about the followers is good. I've been getting a lot of those messages on several blogs, Good to know!

Elaine said...

I prefer garden flowers but I don't have a garden since I share the yard at my condo. Once I'm here awhile, I'll ask the others if they mind if I plant a garden.

I try to buy flowers once a week and I scatter them around my condo.
Lately I am partial to peonies.

Klaudia said...

Maravilloso tu blog, las imagenes y fotografias están hermosas!


savvycityfarmer said...

So you now have a cutting garden.

I'm jealous.

I just linked to your "linked in" stories ...found my blogs on your furniture makeover awards.
Thank you dear friend.

Karen Deborah said...

love flowers from the garden and getting very excited to have some vegetables soon! I have a ton of dead heading to do. I like to make mixed bouquets with herbs and greens and the flowers, yours are lovely!

Shaam said...

How pretty :) I wish I had a garden period LOL.

All the best,

Cottage Rose said...

Good Evening Cindy; Oh My what lovely Roses you have. And the Pansies are so pretty. I have two plants of them, I never thought to cut them, I have to find some cute small vases for them.. They are really blooming.... I have to replace my Rose bush, boo, can't wait to find a one...


Cindy said...

Oh Cindy, I love garden flowers over florist flowers any day. I have a boquet of lilacs and some flowers that I don't even know the names of that are in my yard, sitting in my living room. If it flowers, I love it and will cut it and put it in my house! (Except dandelions, hate them!) Hugs ~CINDY S~

Darlene said...

Hi Cindy
I love flowers from the garden but I have a small shady yard and each bloom I get is special. I bring in flowers that some how accidentally get cut off.
When I have time I buy myself flowers from the floweriest, usually for special occasions. I like to put a little vase in each room.
I loved your pictures, your little vases of pansies are very pretty, they inspire me to clip a few more blooms from the garden!

BittersweetPunkin said...

Cindy, your flowers are very lovely!!Have a wonderful weekend!!


{Bellamere Cottage} said...

The top photo looks EXACTLY like a magazine cover......or even a BOOK cover! Sooo beautiful. I love all your bouquets. One of these days I just may get a bloom to post!


Patti's Artful Design said...

Flowers make a home come alive...and they just make you happy! Thank you for sharing your beautiful floral bouquets, Cindy!

Suze said...

They are just beautiful. The bouquet in your bathroom in the sliver teapot is stunning. I love that you too use small bottles for vases. It's my favorite way to display small flowers, especially a tiny bouque of Johnny Jump ups. I also love to put my roses in old bluegreen mason jars. xoxo Suze

debbie said...

Dear Cindy,
I will take garden flowers over florist flowers any roses last longer and they open up all the way...nothing more elegant than cutting your own roses and placing them in an old enamel teapot or a crystal vase.
This was a very
blessings to you and your beautiful blog

Anonymous said...

Lovely - wish I lived in CA! I am amazed that you can work full-time and still have time to do all this stuff!

Sue said...

Your flowers are beautiful...Roses and pansys are my favorites! The shop photos below are BLISS! Thank you so much for sharing!!

Debbie said...


Your flowers look so pretty! My roses grew so beautiful this year, and I should have brought some in.
I prefer the garden flowers too. I have even put little creamers with flowers in them in my fridge, so when I open the door it greets me with pretty blooms. Love your new picture on your sidebar!

Debbie from NJ

Kay said...

A girl after my own my house there flowers everywhere but no food on the table...oops!!

Rita's Recipes said...

Cindy, your roses are lovely. I just returned from a trip to Napa, CA. I was amazed at all the beautiful roses everywhere. I wish I could grow roses here in south FL. I would have a yard full. Do you have any growing secrets that I can use here?
Cheers! Rita

Charlene said...

Love all the flowers & the wonderful vignettes you have created. Where did you get your shells? Especially the one in the first photo. Love it!!!!! Thanks for sharing. getting closer all the time to our trip out west. Can't wait!!

Janet said...

I think flowers from the garden or the side of the road are much more romantic than florist flowers. I am always picking something to bring inside to enjoy and so far I have never been challenged while foraging from the side of the road, lol.


Sandra said...

I love your flowers! I always enjoy reading your blog. :)

Unknown said...

Very pretty! :)

Amber said...

I agree! I adore having fresh flowers sprinkled throughout the house. It just makes me happy. Growing up, my mom grew a lot of flowers so I always had flowers to cut and bring into my room. I don't have any cutting flowers at our house now, but after we move, I'm looking forward to having a cutting garden so I can fill my house with blooms too! All of your flowers are so beautiful!

Shabbee Chick said...

I love roses in silver vases! Beautiful!!!!

Penny Sue said...

Dear Miss Cindy,

Inside or outside, the blooms are all beautiful. We are having an unusual soggy spring and tomorrow is the first day of summer. Over the months or May and into June, we've been informed that we've only had three complete days of sunshine without any rain. The rest of it... well, yep, you guessed it. Rain, at some point in the day or all day or night. It's so depressing.

Penny Sue