Friday, June 19, 2009

Cloche Party!

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I'm joining in on Marty~A Stroll Through Life's Cloche Party today. Everyone joining in will be showing how they have their apothecary jars and cloches decorated. I still have my Spring decor in mine! I had planned to update them with a more summery theme this week but I haven't been feeling well all week. By the time I get home from work each day I'm drained!

The apothecary jar above just has some reindeer moss and a nest with faux robin eggs.
Here are some more I have on my birdhouse table in my living room.

Here's a closeup...I have a nest and some vintage postcards in this jar above.
It's a little hard to see inside this etched cloche, which I bought on sale at Marshalls last year but I have a miniature iron birdbath with some more faux eggs.
The one above has vintage lace trim and buttons. Please stop by Marty's blog and check out the other great ideas!
Have a good weekend! I sure hope I start feeling better soon. I hate being a couch potato!


Glenda/MidSouth said...

They are all so pretty - great ideas. Congratulations to your son.

Beverly said...

They are each beautiful, Cindy.

I hope you are feeling better soon. Enjoy your weekend.

Michele said...

I love all your ideas, Cindy, as usual! :-)

I'm so sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well this week. We're supposed to have a mini heatwave this weekend, too (at least that's the last weather report I heard, but you know how quickly those can change, lol.) Hopefully you can stay cool, rest, and feel better for next week.

Get Well Hugs,
Michele R.(CA)
Butterfly Whispers

Barb @ The Everyday Home said...

Cindy - sorry you are not feeling well. I know what you mean about feeling drained. I have so many projects to finish (including yours) and when I get home I just crash. A friend of mine on another message board told me about Salba Seeds. Have you heard of them? I just ordered them from She said the energy boost is amazing. I am gonna try it.

Your etched cloche is one of the prettiest I have ever seen. I love all your nests and eggs and vintage postcards. I have got to get me some more apothecary jars. Yours have inspired me.

Hope you feel better soon and can have a restful weekend. Hugs, Barb

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Every time I visit your blog I am so inspired. I love the way you create such beautiful vignettes and your displays under your cloches and in your apothecary jars are all just stunning. I have also seen several other you've shown in the past. Always such great inspiration. Love them all. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

Julie said...

Those are really pretty Cindy. My heart is sick right I am on that couch too.

Shari @ My Cottage of Bliss said...

Cindy, you have to have one of the most beautiful collections of cloches and apothecary jars I've ever seen. That etched one is a work of art on it's own!

Hope you're feeling better soon but take full advantage of this opportunity to rest, relax and just "be". You deserve it.

Sue said...

I love the one with the eggs and the vintage postcards. Thanks for giving me the idea to use the cards. As usual, everything looks beautiful. Sue

Unknown said...

Oh Lovely! The one with the cut glass is gorgeous! Your apartment looks so pretty in the reflection of your window mirror.

I hope you feel better!


lorhen82 said...

Cindy, they're beautiful! My favorites are the apothocary jars. I've always wanted to buy some. Maybe when the pay cuts are over...

Feel better and have a great weekend! ~Lori

The Stylish House said...

All of your vignettes are so lovely and what a beauty that etched glass one is! Feel better soon.

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

They are all very pretty! I can't pick a favorite! I hope you are feeling better soon. The heat is getting to me... it has been near 100 degrees this week and will be for the rest of the weekend,,, in June.. good grief.. I dread August!!!!!

RachelD said...

Would that I had the know-how to post pictures, though I have but two "cloches" to my name---one with the big cheese-plate, and the other a cover over a cakestand. Inside cakestand is a tiny oval rug, for the floor of the tiny kitchen made by the triangle of my childhood white-plastic dollhouse furniture---stove, fridge and sink.

There's an infinitesimal rubber duckie on the rug, a small spatter-blue saucepan on the stove, and, true to form, all the rest of the dishes, pots and pans are piled in the sink.

I don't think I belong here.

Terri Steffes said...

Wow, those are gorgeous.

LuLu Kellogg said...

These are all so lovely.

I hope you feel better soon.


Melissa Miller said...

~Absolutely beautiful and elegant Cindy. I love the etched design.

~Happy Cloche Party! ;)

Charlotte said...

Just beautiful. Everything always is in your home.

Karen said...

Feeling lousy stinks. But your cloches and apothecary jars are wonderful.
I'd love to see you host a soup tureen party!!!! (hint hint) LOL
Have a good weekend. Karen

Tammy said...

You have an amazing decorating sense. Loved all your cloches...Can't wait to see how you do holiday ones later on.

Four Paws and Co said...

Beautiful ideas Cindy! Hope you feeling better soon. ☺ Diane

Unknown said...

GREAT WORK! love them all! love ribbon tied around them, and the vintage postcards with eggs, thanks for the ideas!

savvycityfarmer said...

I'd say you've got the cloche covered!!!!

Ginger said...

I love how you used your cloches especially the one with the nest and the post card in it. The ribbon around it really adds to the look.
I hope you feel better soon. Sure no fun to be sick.

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Now Cindy: I wondered when I heard about this cloche party what gorgeousness you would bestow upon me when I checked out your cloches and...You did not dissapoint!!

I love them!! I love the one with the pictures and the one with lace and buttons!! So pretty!

I hope you are feeling better and have a good weekend!

Lou Cinda :)

southernbelle said...

All are fav/the
vintage postcards. Congrats to Vince!!!! I can understand how
proud you must be. You're right
about the greatest gift you can give your children.Thanks for
sharing the look great
as well as the extended family. It
looks like happy times were shared
by all. Feel better soon and have a
good weekend. Mimi

Marlis said...

love that etched cloche....gorgeous

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Love them all! It's still officially spring until Sunday. I still have spring stuff in mine too. My favorite is the one with the post cards.

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

As always, breath taking and stunning! Love your cloches Cathy!


Esther Sunday said...

They are very sweet, I especially like the pics nestled in there. Feel better soon!

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Cindy, they are beautiful. Wasn't this just the most fun? Sure hope you get to feeling better.
hugs ~lynne~

bj said...

These are just beautiful...
Hope you are feeling better and have a good weekend/.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy! I'm so glad you joined Marty's party! Your cloches are so beautiful and the way you've dressed them - gorgeous! I wouldn't expect anything but gorgeousness from you! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :0

Skoots1moM said...

love the blue eggs

Kim said...

Your home is so beautiful Cindy. I always get such great inspiration from your blog. I love how you've incorporated an old picture in one of your apothecary jars. I may use that one too!

Gayla said...

Take care of you!!!! Hugs.. I always love your cloches!!!!

Rhondi said...

Hi Cindy
I love the etched cloche even though it's hard to see what's inside. Hope you're felling better soon. Take it easy this weekend.
((hugs))) Rhondi

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Cindy...

Ohhh my...I have admired your beautiful cloches and apothecary jars for sometime now! You have such a beautiful collection! I was going to try and pick a favorite but they're all so beautiful! hehe! I love the shape and the etched lines of the first pretty with the moss and nest inside! I love the apothecary jar with the nest and vintage postcards...the shape of it is so french and fabulous! And ohhh...that etched cloche...sooo beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing these beauties with us!

Sure hope you feel better soon! So sorry to hear that you've been sick!

Warmest wishes,

Brenda Pruitt said...

Of course you have stunners, as usual, Cindy! Sick or not! Where did you get that blue and white emblem thing on that last photo? I love it! Hope you feel better soon.

RobinfromCA said...

I still love that buttons and lace cloche - which I think I commented on before! The etched cloche from Marshall's is beautiful!

Sorry you're under the weather. Me too - caught some virus from the hubby and it's starting to get too warm outside - I hope they're wrong about our weather this weekend!


Lisa said...

Super Cloches I loved them all! Well done you!
Hugs, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your lovely collection. I love the first one on the post - the layered look.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Fleur de Bee said...

Hi Cindy!

That handcut Cloche from Marshall's is AMAZING! How beautiful! I LOVE cloches! I actually store lots in mine as well as my crepe paper in my studio. I will have to post more photos of mine.

Nice to see you!

xo Molly

Barbara said...

Cindy, I am a little late, but your post is wonderful as usual, but I sure hope you are not coming down with something and after a restful weekend, will be your self again.


Nancy said...

Love your cloches. Hope you're feeling better soon! :)Nancy

Alison said...

So very pretty!

Crystal said...

Wow, what beautiful cloches you have. I love the cut glass/crystal one, but they are all great. Great idea with the vintage postcards.
I pray are feeling better.

Have a great weekend!

Shabbee Chick said...

Some of my favorite things are cloches with birds nests in them! Lovely!

Shabbee Chick said...

P.S. Feel better soon!

RachelD said...

I did it!! I posted a picture, thanks to RobinfromCA.

It's a milestone for me, after seven months of just words, so Thank You, Robin, and thank you, Cindy, for the inspiration. My little vignette is nothing like any of yours, but guests always look in and laugh.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I know you hear it ALL THE TIME, but I love your blog! I use so many ideas of yours in my home, but always give you credit.:) The lace on the toilet tank was a wonderful idea. I use lace EVERYWHERE in my home but never have I thought of hanging it on the edge of the tank.

Please keep giving us these wonderful ideas. I wish we were neighbors!

KAY :)

Monica said...

Looove all your jars!!!!! I spotted some pretty postcards ;))!
Hope you'll feel well soon!
Monica x.

FrenchGardenHouse said...

I can't decide if I love the ones with the nests more, or that one with the Lace?? okay, we'll call it a draw. Always you inspire with your ideas and writing, sweet girl.
xo Lidy

Chris said...

I only have two. One is empty and the other one is still in my spring set up.

guess I have something to do now today.

The French Bear said...

Lovely cloches!!! You have some real beauties!!!
Get better soon..... maybe some rest will help!!
Margaret B

Unknown said...

AS always, beautiful!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
abeachcottage said...

great cloche candy Cindy

love the one by the mirror

hope you are feeling better, rest up..


Linda Q said...

Great cloches Cindy, I like them all. I have a couple of the etched ones too, aren't they pretty!
Linda Q

Mrs. Limestone said...

Love it! So pretty. I wish I could have these all over my house.

I did a similar thing in my kitchen display.