Thursday, May 28, 2009

Plans for the weekend?

I really don't have any thing planned for my blog today...ya know sometimes it's really hard to come up with something 5 days a week.
Luckily Beau likes to do some modeling and he was more than happy to help me out with a little photo shoot. He's a really good model...look how natural he looks!
...and then he said modeling is hard work, and fell asleep! So what are your plans for the weekend?


  1. GM Cindy! He is the cutest little guy :)
    We had a huge surprise 80th bday party here last Saturday and while most everything has been cleaned up, there are few things still out and about waiting to be stashed. I need to finish the cleaning and then start on sprucing up the patio area so that we can really enjoy the wonderful weather we're having.
    Enjoy your day!

  2. Geeez, I give you huge kuddos for coming up with great posts 5 days a week. That was probably my biggest fear about starting a blog...running out of something to post about. I'm such a homebody that I hardly leave the house unless I have to. "Puttering" around my little house certainly makes me really happy but hardly makes for interesting reading material for others.

  3. He looks so sweet! It is really hard to come up with something all the time especially when the economy has been so bad I've been trying to behave myself and not shop which is soooo boring but shopping is usually what inspires me to do something new, so I have been struggling with new posts too! I should be painting my guest house, I bought the paint already but keep finding reasons not to paint, LOL.

  4. Hi Cindy! I applaud your stamina!!! With a full-time job, a teen daughter at home, a son at college and your enormous following and now advertisers counting on you, how you don't run out of ideas is what I admire most!!!lol I guess knowing your style and sticking with it has helped with that!!lol something I am striving for!lol I think everyone will understand if you just relax for a bit with that cute pooch!! Have a peaceful weekend - Sincerely, Jeannette

  5. Beau is such a cute little guy. I get a kick out of him.
    I don't know how you find time to post as much as you do. It's like a full time job. I have a hard time coming up with something once a week!!

  6. Clean house .... Play house! Home all weekend!!! YAY!

    Sweet puppy!


  7. Beau certainly has starlike charisma. So adorable. Your posts are always so beautiful. We'll forgive you is you take an occasional break.

    I'll be helping my brother paint this weekend. It's a good thing he's a fireman because I'm not climbing to cut in around his 20 ft. ceilings!

  8. He is so cute! You can see it in his eyes that he loves his romantic home! I always love your posts and I look forward to reading them everyday and getting inspired! Come by my blog and look at the house tour that I did on my last post. I could just see you decorating this house. I wish I could win the lottery and buy it. It is only $219,000.00. I bet it would be triple that where you live.
    Lee Laurie

  9. Your little model is so sweet.

    We have no big plans for the weekend, but we will be busy running all of those errands you can't get to when you work all week.


  10. Hi Cindy,

    your little boy is very cute. I have two biewer yorkies and love them so much.
    This weekend we have lots of work because we move with our furnitures from the first etage into the second. Luckily I must not packing my glassware and can it bring on tablets into our new living rooms. But no room is really finished - you can see it on my blog. Lots of work, uh.

    Best regards,

  11. Hey, you're close. We're in the Central Valley, just a few hours away. We don't get the lightening that much either, especially with no rain, but it happened again last night. I missed it though.
    Thanks for the nice comments. I still have a lot to learn but am really enjoying this.

  12. Hi Cindy,
    What a wonderful blog you have. Your dog is a wonderful model and looks like such a natural.
    I will be back to visit soon.
    Thanks for sharing!

  13. Our weekend includes finishing a couple of projects, a soccer day with the kids, a little work at the store and worrying about my Son who is going to Vegas...yikes! I'm tired already!!!
    Have a good one!

  14. Humm - well - I have my second sidesaddle riding lesson and I am going to try NOT to think of my upcoming surgery!

    Your pup is adorable!

  15. Hi again,

    I´m very happy about your comment in my blog because I´m a great fan of your romantic home! In one of my posts you can see more chandeliers, the title is "es funkelt und glitzert", because I love chandeliers as much as you.

    lovely greetings from germany and I wish you a nice weekend,

  16. Your little guy is a good model. Love anything you have time to post.
    A recital for two of my grandaughters and a birthday party for one of my grandsons. Then it might be time to take a nap.
    Worked in my garden a little everyday this week and cleaned house yesterday.
    Time to sew....

  17. Thanks for the visit! You're right, there aren't many Kihn's out there. The only one's I know are my hubby's relatives. My Father-in-Law and his family spent time in CA when they were younger, so maybe you're a distant cousin?

    Hope you enjoy the weekend, whatever you decide to do.

  18. What a cutie pie Beau is! I think you could hire him out professionally!

    My weekend will be spend agonizing over whether or not to take a job that I have been offered or stay where I am!! I'm SCARED!

    Hope you have a good one!

    Lou Cinda :)

  19. He's such a sweetie. Loved the pictures, they touched my heart. I know my standard poodle and kitty cat are a real part of our family. Sometimes I think they are little angels here to capture our hearts.

  20. Beau has so much charater. He looks so sweet! I was sick last weekend so I am looking forward to going out this weekend. Your photos of Filoli makes me want to go again.....

  21. What a doll! My kids want a dog so bad. What kind of dog is he? He looks like a real mellow doggie.

    This weekend? We'll probably hit the beach! Have a great weekend.

  22. I'm hoping to take Beau's lead and take some naps! That probably won't really happen, but it's nice to dream isn't it?

  23. Hi Cindy,
    Beau makes a great model! You do so well to keep coming up with such inspiring posts.
    Have a good weekend!

  24. Cindy, he is SOOOO cute!!!! What an awesome model he is, too, and you're right, he looks like a natural!!

    This weekend is going to be a super busy one getting a ton of stuff organized and priced for the DeAnza Flea Market on the 6th. I've never been there before, but I had so many clothes and shoes that I decided to try it out. I'm selling some other things, too, but it's a lot of work. I have a 10x10 storage unit that is literally packed wall-to-wall that I've been trying to go through. Anyway, that's all I have planned. I hope you enjoy your weekend, Cindy!!

    Michele R.(CA)
    Butterfly Whispers

  25. Well, you could tell us about your first refinishing projects. I know we would all love to hear about how you learned to do all of the wonderful things you do with inexpensive items. I am always amazed at how you can see the treasure hidden inside something that is old, or inexpensive, or a castoff. When did you begin creating treasures? Did you have any spectacular failures?

  26. Beau is such a cute dog...and a great model.
    xo bj

  27. I just LOVE Beau! He's perfect for those few and far between days when you can't think of anything ~ I think you're an absolute genius at coming up with posts on a daily basis!

    Have a great weekend!

  28. Hi Cindy
    I love your dog. He is so cute. My plans are to relax. I have someone coming over on Saturday to help me with reorginization. My computer room is such a mess. Hopefully i can get that organized. That is about it in my end of the world in Ottawa Canada


  29. Beautiful dog! I enjoyed the photos. I am spending the weekend with my 2 grandsons. Moses just turned 1 yesterday, and Tyson will be 3 the end of July. (Our grand-daughter,Layla, will be 2 the end of June.) After their parents pick up the boys, I'm hoping to paint my kitchen ceiling and transplant some plants.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Thank you for continuing your blog. Even when you think you don't have anything you come up with something great. Ivy

  30. Hi Cindy, I look forward each day to your new and creative ideas, field trips, or just plain fun questions. I want to go garage sailing to look for some things for my son's new house. And there's a home decor store that is only open one week a month that I heard about, I'm anxious to check them out! Have a great weekend, whatever you decide to do.

  31. Hi Cindy...your little guy is so cute! I will have to do a post with my chihuahuas modeling too...because sometimes it is hard to think of things to blog about.

  32. Well my plans are a little pathetic. Since I work full-time (as you can relate) I have a looong to-do list of little annoying errands. Yes, there were so many that I had to make a list BUT I am going to a yard sale first thing tomorrow morning. It is advertised as shabby chic. AND she is selling quilting fabric. After I saw that, my annoying to-do list didn't seem so bad. I have high hopes for this yard sale. So much so, that if I hit the shabby chic and fabric mother lode I will post it on my blog tomorrow. Wish me luck! I hope the yard sale gods are with me.

  33. That dog is chillin!! Ocean Grove New Jersey has a huge flea market on Sat from 9am-4pm, there's usually a ton of garage sales on flea market day too. Something cool to do in the garden state.

  34. I tired the 5 days a week, but ran out of gas. So, I do it when I can.

    You should go to the Winchester House, you would truly enjoy it, and it's great exercise.


  35. What a handsome boy! I bet he enjoys the sweet life living with you.

    I have a graduation party to go to but that's about it. The weather is supposed to be nice, finally. it's been cold and rainy all week!

  36. Hi Cindy,

    My parents celebrate 60 years of marriage this week. Supposed to have a family dinner Saturday evening. Then, hubby and I plan to hop on Cloud Nine (our pet name for our motorhome) bright and early Sunday morning and head towards Boston. The Baseball Stadium Tour of Summer has begun!

    Always enjoy your blog. I don't see how anybody blogs five days a week though. I have three blogs and do good to post to any of them once a week. ;)

    Have a great weekend!

  37. Beau is a terrific model! My fur babies are very uncooperative! ☺ Diane

  38. This is just too funny! I was over at the Yardshare site or whatever it is called, and saw this 'apartment garden' and I thought, that looks a lot like Cindy's garden...and to my huge surprise!

  39. Hey Cindy,

    Why don't you show us the lovely lamp you were sent many months ago. You promised once you made the shade you would post the picture of the generous gift that was sent to you. We would love to see it!

  40. He is adorable. My Terri would love him. She does the same thing lounge on every comfortable seat and sofa in the house and store.

  41. Awww, he's a doll!!!

  42. Come on Cindy, You have done it for quite some time now and you just keep on going. Give yourself a break once in awhile you deserve it. By putting Beau up for your post.., well lets just say I can never get enough of that good looking stud.. and if thats your way of not thinking of anything thats all right with me. He's the cutest thing ever!

    Enjoy your Evening-

  43. My pug, Lucy, says, "Woof, woof!" which translates into hubba, hubba. LOL! You've got a handsome little guy there that is a perfect model!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy