Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Market Umbrella Cover

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(Click on photo to enlarge)
Last Saturday I thought I would just whip out a little cover for my patio umbrella. That's what I told myself..."I'll just whip it out in no time at all." I don't know why but when it comes to sewing I always think it's going to take about half the time that it actually does. I guess that's a good thing because if I really knew how much time something like this would take, I would probably never pull out my sewing machine!  
To make it, I used a queen size flat sheet that I bought on sale at Marshalls.  I cut it in a circle about the same size as the umbrella. (I know it doesn't look like a circle but it is) I then used the fitted sheet which I cut in strips to make the ruffle.  It sounds so quick and easy, doesn't it?  Well, not for me.  Hours were spent on this!
I have it draped over the other umbrella cover because I don't plan on keeping this one out there all the time. I think the sun would destroy it rather quickly.  I'll just use it on the weekends or if I'm entertaining. 

I think it looks a lot cuter than the plain beige one!  Don't you?  


Anonymous said...

I love your umbrella! A no-sew option would be to look for a round tablecloth - I see them up to 90 inches round at TJ Maxx and Marshalls fairly often. Thanks for the inspiration on your blog - your home is gorgeous!
Monica in PA

Bumble Bee Cottage said...

Hi Cindy, your umbrella cover looks lovely. It gives the courtyard a more romantic feel. Your delphiniums are gorgeous. I have planted some a similar colour in my newly established cottage garden but I am still awaiting their arrival, so I will have to make do with admiring yours. Have a lovely day.

Marilyn said...

What a nice morning view. I'm ready to have my breakfast under your umbrella! I agree with you on the amount of time it takes to sew. Most likely the reason I do so little of it anymore!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely cover you made for your umbrella!
Projects with the sewingmachine involved are usually very time-consuming for me too. All sorts of things seem to be going wrong when I bring out my machine (finished thread is one of them)!
Love your garden.
Ciao, Helena

Terri Steffes said...

It is adorable and I love Monica's idea of looking for a round tablecloth.. think of the decorating possibilities!

Lindsay @ Makely said...

Very nice! I'm always amazed at how long it takes me to pull ruffles.

Melanie@TheOldWhiteCottage said...


What are those plants in your yard? Delphinium? I didn't realize they got so tall!

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

You are certainly an amazement! This is so pretty.

sandra said...

Your garden looks so pretty...I love the flowers and especially the little chandelier hanging from your umbrella!

Carousel222 said...

What an adorable idea! I have an umbrella that's looking very faded. Maybe I'll do something like this. Certainly looks like a cozy place to sit and relax.

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

It looks great! Very inventive!

Kimberly said...

So cute and romantic!

Betty Jo said...

It's awesome! Well worth the time you spent making it. Now you have a romantic slip-cover for your umbrella. ♥

Cathy said...

You've turned it into an parasol! I think it looks lovely and so in keeping with your style.

becky up the hill said...

Its really sweet. It looks flouncy and flirty!

Nice and Easy Antiques said...

Totally worth it!

I love it!!!!! So unique and romantic!


~CC Catherine said...

Great idea Cindy! I love the ruffle on it too! ;) ~CC Catherine from "Catherine de th`e Cup"

~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ said...

Hi Cindy~ ~ ~
Very nice job on the umbrella. It looks so romantic~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

pammiejo said...

Yep, it's cute and don't leave it out or the weather will destroy it. Very cute for a garden party! PAM

Suzie said...

It looks so romantic!!

Charlene said...

VERY CUTE! And I am so glad I am not the only one that thinks "whip something up" means I'll be done in a snap! I have piles of "whip ups" sitting around. You did a great job! I agree that it would not hold up to daily use. Mr Sun can really wreck things quickly. Thanks for sharing.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

The umbrella cover is just too pretty. So much nicer than the ones we find at the store. What a fabulous idea. Love it. Hugs, Marty

Marilyn said...

I love it, particularly the ruffle. You always add just the right touches to make it perfect!

Marilyn (in Dallas)

A Southern Rose said...

Thanks for another great idea! I love how romantic yours looks. It made a huge difference! My old umbrella is looking terrible. I think I will work on that soon but I will probably look for a round table cloth to use. I'm not very good when it comes to sewing. I love your flowers and the chandelier. I bet it feels so nice to sit out there and have your breakfast.

Pink Slippers said...


Lisa @ On Cloud Pink said...

What a great idea. I just bought two grassy looking umbrellas for my bistro sets. This would have been better. Once again, thank you for the inspiration!


Kay said...

yes, it is beautiful.... you are so brave to take on a project such as that. I can't imagine the time you spent on those ruffles! Great job!

Its So Very Cheri said...

I love your blog and have been doing a family blog for our family and friends to keep up with our family but I just started a new one today. I noticed in one of your posts you mentioned you would help with any questions about blogging. If you would like to post to me off line you can. cheri.peoples@live.com
I have noticed on some blogs people have at the bottom of a post "you might like these stories" with a little picture of that post-how do you get that to the bottom of your posts?
How do you go about getting companies to do give away merchandise. I would love to do something like this as well.

Linda's Blue Gate said...

Oh I do ....I love the way the circle hangs down and the ruffles...... it is just enchanting...... I know anytime there are ruffles involved it adds a lot of time but the ruffles are so worth it...... lovely....

Mrs Peeks Farmhouse said...

Wow! the umbrella looks great! Your Delphiniums are huge. The garden looks very relaxing.

Gabrielle Mader said...

I think that is adorable Cindy...you patterns can be limitliess...I can see one done in burlap too or a shabby chic pattern from the goodwill. you could hang cute lights from it too! great job.

Cottage Lifestyle said...

Absolutely stunning. Such a romantic look. You are so clever. I want one. Maybe this is something you could offer via your ETSY store.

You could make several and dye them different colors for different occasions.


Anonymous said...

Oh, it's lovely Cindy and you did a beautiful job!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Anne Marie said...


sippping iced tea under that umbrella - or dining al fresco-


just a little bit shabby said...

Adorable. If you do many ruffles it is worth investing in a ruffler. I bought one on e-bay for about 30.00 and it is well worth it just in the time alone. You just have to know if you have a straight or slanted needle. When I was in Alabama in March I found a battenburg coverlet that I am thinking about using to cover my umbrella.I have a bright blue one so it would really show up. I like the idea of the sheet or tablecloth cause you could really coordinate your umbrella with your outdoor pillows, etc. You have such a great knack!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

That's adorable! Great job.

Arleen @ Seasons for All at Home said...

Hi Cindy. How beautiful and what a perfect finishing touch to your charming garden! ~Arleen

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

It many have taken a while to do, but it looks rather nice :0)

debi said...

Oh, what a pretty touch that adds to your beautiful garden! Love it!

Donna @ Party Wishes said...

Just adorable! I've been trying to talk myself into making a slipcover for my office chair but I KNOW how long it will take!

Rochelle said...

Simply adorable!

Shaam said...

Very cute. Too bad it can't stay out all the time. But it is much nicer!

All the best,

Four Paws and Co said...

Beautiful job & I can't imagine how long it took to ruffle & sew! ☺ Diane

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

OH~~~ That is so pretty! What a great idea.

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

It turned out darling!!! And you definitely don't want to keep it out there all the time. I've learned from experience. And I'm the same way when it comes to sewing (or doing anything for that matter), takes me twice as long as I think it will.

Mary said...

Oh Cindy, your garden looks so beautiful! You did a terrific job on the umbrella cover -- so soft and feminine, so romantic. :)

Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day.

sylvia tuinengeltje said...


only one word for the umbrella!

Hugs, Sylvia
www.Tuinengeltje.nl Amsterdam

Esther Sunday said...

Lovely! Your yard is so pretty too! How nice to look out your sliding doors and see it!

Sandi said...

I LOVE IT!!! It looks wonderful and you did a great job!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your umbrella is soooo cute! And it does look like a circle. Just have to look at it right.

Anonymous said...

Love your cover and your idea! I have been checking out umbrellas everywhere, hoping to find a cute, pretty one that is somewhat my romantic style. I am the sewing queen and never thought of this idea. That's why you are the pro--you always have such great imaginative ideas. Also your delphiniums are gorgeous. Here in Michigan we are just glad it didn't frost as predicted last night. It's great to see a summer garden in full bloom!

Anonymous said...

Cindy, You are such a talented decorator and artist. I love your home and all of your treasures. N.C. does not offer the Flea Markets that you have in Ca. It seems that you make opportunities happen. Love, Love your blog.
Gerry, North Carolina

Unknown said...

Leave it to you to come up with such a thrifty and clever idea for an umbrella cover! I love coming here to your blog because I am always in awe of your energy and cleverness. I can't wait to see what your business is...and I wonder how it will be named!

Karin said...

That is just the cutest umbrella EVER!! Great job! I had no idea delphiniums could get so big ~ I imagine that California sun doesn't hurt either:) Beautiful post ~ you just keep surprising us ~ even though we already know you're mega-talented:)


Cindy said...

Laurel, Haha! I'm not that creative, I just copy other people's ideas. I saw one similar to this on flickr!

Glimpse of My World said...


Nancy Wyatt said...

Adorable! I just saw you at JcPenny's online! OK, so it wasn't you but when I saw this bedroom set I thought hey, that is so Cindy!


Michele said...

I think you did a great job on the umbrella cover!! You're so creative, and I'm always inspired by reading your blog!!

Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
Butterfly Whispers

From the Old InkWell said...

What a wonderful idea! It is lovely! I just love your ideas!

Michele said...

Hi Cindy....again! I just left a comment on your umbrella cover, but then I clicked on one of your reader's comments to see her blog, and I wanted to tell you about the first post I read. It's Bumble Bee Cottage, and she did a makeover that you HAVE to see!! It's your favorite....blue and white, and she did a fabulous job!! Here's the link:


Be sure to scroll down, and you'll see the part I'm talking about!

Michele R.(CA)
Butterfly Whispers

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Now that is adorable! What a great job you did on that. Very summery! Yes..the sun would probably make quick work of it.
I did something similar...but I was too lazy to sew. My old lawn swing which I love, simply rotted away. The awning on top of it..and the cover on the swing itself. I ripped off the awning and threaded on two sets of lace curtains I had laying around. Worked like a charm. Then I took a twin quilt had bought some time ago at Target from the Shabby Chic collection "Jolie" and folded the ends up and slipped them over the padding on the swing. Perfect! But..before I did that I laid an old crocheted tablecloth on the swing then put the pads back in place. It works..and I didn't sew. I am like you except it would have taken me even longer!!
Isn't it wonderful when we find ways to make things looked better with sheets and things we already have? Your yard is beautiful, by the way!
Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Anita said...

Yes, it definitivly looks better than before (we have the same - boring - umbrella). And your corner over there looks so lovely and cozy!

There are lots of garden pictures on my blog, too. You are more than welcome to pass by if you have time (and I am happy you liked my lavender heart on flickr).

Best wishes from Germany,

chez sheri said...


Unknown said...

Its official Cindy... YOU are the most creative person I have ever met!


~Really Rainey~

Pink Princess said...

SWEET!! And I am going to do this too. My umbrella is a boring dark blue, YIKES!! BLUE for this PINK lover, lol.

LOVE your blog and am here every single day :)

Hugs from the Netherlands

Beneath the Eaves said...

I just love it. It was worth your time and effort!

Mila said...

Very pretty your umbrella :) and your garden!
'tin next time,
Mila :)

Gail McCormack said...

Hi Cindy
How lovely your Umbrella Cover is - I can well imagine how long it took you to make - WOW!! Fantastic effort and well worth the time put in ~ very creative and A beautiful One Of A Kind creation to be proud of!!

Judi said...

Hi Cindy
Your umbrella looks soooo pretty! I love it. No wonder it took some time to make...so feminine. Great job.

Can you help me with something...a paint job. I have a gold coloured chandalier with prisms etc. (I finally found one while thrifting). I would like to paint it a white colour but not WHITE but a maybe creamyish white. Can you give me a suggestion and method of how to do this? You are so good at all of this!

thank you

Sharon said...

You did a great job! I know what you mean about "quick" sewing projects! What a gorgeous spot to sit and have a cup of coffee in the morning! Love it!

Angie said...

Brilliant, Cindy! I love how feminine it is...it makes me want my own sewing machine! I can't wait to more flowers start blooming here..we still have had some rather chilly days.

Joyce's Journey said...

The things you think of! It looks great, Cindy!

Leave a Legacy said...

I love this idea, and I love your whole site. The pictures, your home and your garden are beautiful.
Also thought the little chandelier hanging from the umbrella was so adorable.

Nice and Easy Antiques said...

My sister sent me to check this one out...guess what I'll be trying to make now....

Anonymous said...


I want to update my rose garden and I am wondering what roses your would recommend.

Your little garden is so charming!


Melissa Lester said...

What a great idea! That would be so pretty monogrammed or put together with cutwork lace!

Mo..."Mo's Cottage" said...

Hi Cindy.....I think it was well worth the effort...it looks beautiful....and I agree about pulling out the sewing machine.....an hour project takes 4hours....
Mo :-)

Patti's Artful Design said...

It is beautiful.....great job! You've got my creative juices flowing with this one.....But I'm lazier than you....I plan on looking for a large round table cloth with a ruffle! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh how cute. I love your backyard too. Very inviting. When am I coming over again?

Cathy Miller said...

You are so clever. I never would have thought of doing that!

A Romantic Porch said...

It may have taken hours, but oh my it is beautiful! xo rachel

Amber said...

Super cute, Cindy! I agree. Definitely don't leave it out all the time. Save and treasure it for when you want to enjoy it so it will last for longer! You worked so hard on it!

teacupsandpoodles said...

I have been looking on line for months for a lacy pretty outdoor umbrella I saw in a romantic decorating garden book once. I still can't find it but you have given me the courage to try to make my own! Thanks Cindy and I really do love your style of decorating and your beautiful blog!

RobinfromCA said...

Oh, my! I could never do that! Refer to my "never-again-after-the-Easter-dress-incident" conversation on Saturday. Now, if somebody would just make a super jumbo tablecloth I could cut a hole in I would be just fine! I don't think 90" is big enough and that's the largest round there is. Those are hard to find - says the round table owner who knows all too well.


Anonymous said...

Nice article you got here. I'd like to read a bit more about this topic. Thanx for sharing this info.

Tony Destroni said...

Cindy interesting garden umbrella pretty set up too. i hope you will love some garden accessories like garden wind spinners and chimes amazing little things!

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