Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What is it?

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Isn't this beautiful? I bought this on my all-day shopping spree with Glenda last Saturday. I think we hit about 10 stores at least. It was a shop-til-you-drop kind of day! I bought this at one of my favorite stores, Vintage and Vogue in downtown Campbell. I'm not really sure what it was used for but I'm serving up some rose buds right now! Haha! I'll be using it for preserves, cranberry sauce, condiments...just about anything that you could put in a small bowl and serve with a spoon! It was too pretty to leave behind! 

We've been having a heat wave here for the last few days.  It was 94 degrees yesterday and it's supposed to be hot again today.  It feels more like August than April!!!  Luckily they are forecasting it to be 30 degrees cooler by Friday!  Yay!


Jackie said...

This could be used for so many things! I love it with the rosebuds. What a fab find~~

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure it's a sugar bowl and not a relish tray. I would personally use it as a relish tray though.
It is very pretty :)

Sandra said...

Very pretty! Great find! It sure looks like it was used as a sugar bowl maybe? I like it with the rosebuds. :)

linda t said...

Oooh, I could see that in your bathroom, filled with bath salts. A spoonful per bath... lovely.

Dream Mom said...

I would guess it's a sugar bowl of sorts. If it were a salt cellar, the spoon would be smaller. The stand of sorts, would allow it to be passed around the table.

I love the idea of using it for bath salts though.

Very pretty! I love that Vintage and Vogue shop. I think you should make that a regular feature. And she needs to have an on-line store!

The Tattered Cottage said...

Ooooh, how romantic and lovely. I agree, I could see it filled with bath salts also. What a great way to pamper yourself. Lucky you to find such a lovely piece.

Martha said...

It's a jam server -- our forefathers knew how to serve everything with style! The rosebuds, however, are perfect in it!

Joyous said...

A lot o fabulous things in here! Love it~?! It's pretty.

Erin <3

Charlene said...

Love your little treasure! I would say it was made for jams. But, as you say use it for everything. Great find! I did a Flea market Sunday & got some vintage lace, buttons, & jewelry. Have a great week & thanks for sharing your finds

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Whatever it is, it's very pretty! Great find!

Pam @ Frippery said...

I like the way you put it to use, so pretty. In regard to your comment on my blog about photo booth, it's all in the lighting baby, haha. I will send you some of our cool breezes from southwest Ohio.

KarenB said...

I agree with Charlene and Martha that it is a jam server. Weren't things done with such beauty "back when"? It's beautiful!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

GM Cindy, I love your Jam and Jellie dish...Very pretty..I would use it for sugar with Ice tea..how great that would look..May you have a great day..and We also have been in the 90's here in the Calif mountains...And also I will tell you Don't use it for bath Salts..I did that with mine and the salt will pit the silver and ruin it..Been there done that..May you have a great day...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Betty Jo said...

I don't know what it is either, except that it's gorgeous! Your uses for it sound good to me.

Gosh! I can't imagine it being that hot yet. Weather is really getting crazy these days. ♥

Melissa Lester said...

I love seeing all your pretties! I'm glad you had a good shopping day!

Julie said...

It is a jam server. I know this for a fact because my Grandmother had one and sadly I broke the crystal bowl..about broke my heart too...

Just a thought...I would not use it for bath salts...not that it is not a cute idea - but the humidity in the bathroom would cause the salts to expand and get sticky since they would not be enclosed.

The Painted Nest said...

It is a jam server!!! But it sure is pretty with rose buds in it.Love it!!! Blessings, Deborah

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

I agree, I really think it is a jam server. My grandmother had a similar one. Wish I knew where it was. It is absolutely gorgeous. Great find. Hugs, Marty

Lori said...

I recieved something almost identical for a wedding gift 30 years ago and have never used it for food just potpourri. I have never seen anything like it until now on your post.

Karen said...

Hi Cindy! Could it be a berry bowl. The spoon looks like a berry spoon-wide and round so berries aren't squished and you get a good dollop to put on a dish or over a pudding or ice cream or some type of dessert. It is lovely. It is a marvelous purchase.

Shirley said...

It's beautiful. I can think of lots of ways to use it...sugar, mints, jams, relishes, bath salts, but I love your using rosebuds.

Anonymous said...

WHATEVER it is, it's GORGEOUS! LOL! Enjoy!

Sweet Old Vintage said...

Hi Cindy. It is a jam server... With this day of repurpose it can be anything you would like it to be. Especially pretty for the eye.... Nice find....

Anonymous said...

Cindy I think it was used for nuts and mints at weddings or showers. It's beautiful.

Anonymous said...

That is soo pretty! You always find the most unique things!


Debby - Romancing the Bling said...

Hi Cindy,
I love it!!! I have got to go to V & V...i'm afraid that I will want to buy everythng I see!!! lol
OMG! It has been so HOT!!!! It was 94 degrees in San Francisco yesterday. I'm waiting for our 'natural' air conditioning! lol

Have a great day!


Amy said...

How pretty for a spring tea party! I'm envisioning lemon curd, scones and tea!

Bonnie said...

We have one almost exactly like that one, inherited from my grandmother. I was told it's a jam/jelly server... I love reading all of the uses here, though. I might have to take mine out of the china cupboard and actually use it!!!

Linda Q said...

Well the spoon on it is a sugar spoon so I assume an open sugar bowl. Pretty!! But you could use it for anything really. Looks nice with the rose buds just for decore.
Sounds like a fun all day shopping trip, I love those.

Rose said...

Oh my goodness Cindy I LOVE IT! I would use it when I have a tea party! What you wanted to use it for would be perfect to! Don't blame you, I couldn't have left it either! Great find and I love it to! I also love the rosebuds you have in it! lol

Glenda said...

Well is has so many uses. But most of all it's Pretty.


Unknown said...

Cindy - What memories come with this! I received one of these for a wedding gift from a 9-year old student of mine. I was teaching 4th grade and most of my students came to the wedding all dressed up in their finest! This is a relish/condinment dish, but I really like the way you think out of the box! I still have mine! These were popular in the 60's.

Anonymous said...

I usually know my antiques, but this one has me stumped. But I would it could be used for many many things.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

I would have guessed a jam/preserve server. What ever it is, it is pretty. Sounds like you and Glenda had a fun day.

Joanne Kennedy said...

Oh very pretty! I would have bought that too. It is a jam dish. No doubts. It would be darilng if you ever have a tea party or a breakfast/brunch.

I do like the little roses in there. Very sweet.

You two must of have a blast. Wish I could have gone with you two.

It's been hot down here in So Cal too. It was 100 yesterday. Not as hot today but still in the high 90's. YUCK! I hate it this hot. Sure hope it's not a sign of a long hot summer ahead.

Maybe we will get the hot days overwith and then have a nice mild summer.


Ginger said...

It's really pretty. I bought one years ago at Knotts Berry Farm and they were showing it used for jelly and jam. What a great find it is and how fun to go shopping till you drop.

Nice and Easy Antiques said...

Yeap! Jam Server it is!!!! However, the best part of this style we love so much is that today it can be anything you want it to be...even a "potpourri server"...LOL

artis1111 said...

I would love to find one of these. I think anything would look good, it is so lovely. Kathy

Carousel222 said...

I'm not sure what it is, but I want one. Great find. I love finding unusual items, or using vintage items in an unusual way.

Laura said...

Hi Cindy,
Great find!! It's a Victorian Relish dish from the early 1900's.
Such a pretty piece!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree, it is a jam server. Couldn't you just see fresh strawberry jam in there? How lovely? I love your blog and thank you for sharing.

Marilyn said...

Yep Cindy, its a jam server...very commonly used in Australia.. used to be that every table set put out bread and jam to fill up after meals, as often the meals were small and families were large. These days things have changed and its not the norm.. but I love some of the ideas your friends have come up with for its use. :) Marilyn (yes and I have one too lol)

debi said...

It's beautiful!! My guess is that it's a jam/jelly dish.

Kathleen Grace said...

I dont know what it is, but it sure is pretty! I love your ideas for using it, so no matter what ity realaly is, it will have a new life of usefulness:>)

Picket said...

Hey girl...I don't know what it is but it sure is pretty! You can find the prettiest things! Thanks so much for coming by sweetie...I love coming by here and just ohhhhing and ahhhing at your pretties! I hope you are having a great week!

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful!
Funny you're talking about a heat wave and we want some warm weather up here.

Brenda Pruitt said...

Ah, pretty things to take home! Gotta love that. I did the same thing this week. At the antique mall and the consignment store. Gotta stay home awhile now I guess if I want to eat.

Rosemary said...

That is such a pretty piece!!
We have been having a heatwave here too.
Enjoy it while it lasts.

cedwards55 said...

My mother had a jam server very much like this. I'd totally forgotten about it. I'll have to question my sister to see if she knows where it is. I'll bet it's in her china cabinet!:-) I can remember using it at Thanksgiving for Cranberry relish. Yours is really pretty. Great find!

Essential Oil Premier University said...

I HAVE THIS!!! It's for relish, like cranberry, current, etc. and can also be used for jams with scones.



Melly said...

Oh Cindy, you have fantastic taste, it's gorgeous!!

Anne Marie said...

Is this a trick question??

maybe it is for mint jelly?

but I like it the way you have it :)

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Cindy, I am sure you know this already, but it is a Jam dish. Very pretty! I love that you put the potpourri in it!!

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Hi Cindy, my mom has one of those pretty dishes and spoon. She uses hers for jelly most of the time.

And oh ! that's ok you can keep the heat out there ! *wink *

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

I have one from my wedding 38 years ago. I was told it was for jelly/jam but have used it for many things! Love your idea Cindy!


Kathi said...

This is beautiful! Perfect for you! Good thing you found it before Eddie Ross did!


That's an interesting and lovely piece.

Becky from Tennessee said...

Oh Cindy, this little cutie is
wonderful. It is so YOU!! I
wouldn't have been able to leave
it behind either. I love the
flowers on it. It looks really
sweet with the rosebuds, too.

Mary said...

I couln't leave that behind either! So pretty and you can use it for so many things.

Margaret Cloud said...

I really like the dish with the spoon attached, it is so pretty. Wishing you a Happy Earth Day.

Anonymous said...

It is a jam caddy... Very Lovely...