Monday, April 20, 2009

Old Books

I recently purchased some old books from Jo-Anne Coletti's website, Vintage Rose Collection. They are titled Heidi, Heidi Grows Up, and Jack and Jill. I fell in love with the aged blue color of these books and even though the covers have some water damage, I think it really adds to their charm. I just tied them up with a satin ribbon and added a paper rose.
This weekend when I was at Move It Elsewhere with Glenda I found some more old books. I was looking for some with pretty blue covers and I laughed so hard when I pulled out a book titled "Forty Plus and Fancy Free". What a perfect book for me!!! It's about a woman who lives in an apartment and she's going on a trip to Italy! Hmmm...Is this a sign? Is a trip to Italy in my future??? First I receive a gift from Italy and now this book. Weird huh?

Here are the books displayed on a shelf in my living room. See that bowl with the cherubs on the left...that was a gift from Charleen, one of my readers! (Thank you Charleen!).

When I went into Move it Elsewhere on Saturday morning, the owner, Suzanne told me that she had 15 visitors (that she knows about) that came because of my blog! That was just Friday and Saturday morning (before 10:00) I hope those of you that went enjoyed it! I sure did! I had also stopped by there on my lunch hour on Friday with a coworker and met a fellow blogger... Mo from Mo's Cottage was there and I also met a couple of my readers, Fran and Esther. It was so much fun! To those of you that are local, if you ever see me, please stop me and say hello, I would love to meet you!!!


  1. Gorgeous your home a totally different look! How do you do it?! And I hope a nice Italian vacation is in your future!!!

  2. Several years ago my daughter and I purchased the complete set of Five Little Pepper books from e-bay. We bought them one at a time as some are harder to find than others. I enjoyed them as a child and so did she. I'll have to get into the stash and see if any of them are blue so I can make a pretty dispay like yours.
    Sounds like you had a good time at the sale. It is always fun to put faces with names. Like when you were on HGTV we got to see the real you and hear your voice. What did you buy?????

  3. The books look beautiful, Cindy! I love using old books for decorating. I was lucky enough to find some of my old books in my parent's basement a few years ago (none a pretty blue though)... I apparently had a fear of losing my books when I was young because my name is written in about 5 different places throughout the books!! Have a wonderful week!... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

  4. My Mom had those same books with blue covers when she was a child. Heidi, Heidi Grows Up and Jack and Jill. They sat on my bookshelf when I was a young girl and eventually, my sister held on to them. Great memories.

  5. Love the books and I sure hope you do get to go on a trip to Italy, wouldn't that be a dream! If I ever saw you in person you can be sure I would say hello, but I think the chances of that aren't so good since we live so far away from each other, LOL, but if I do you'll know it!!

  6. What a wonderful idea! I have some very old books that belonged to my grandmother that I've been trying to display somehow. You've solved my problem. Thanks!

  7. Hi Cindy,
    Love the books ...just the right touch as are so sweet to mention me on your blog....I will keep a look out for that mirror for you...
    Mo :-)

  8. What a wonderful idea. I love how the books look.
    You always have wonderful ideas. :)
    Have a lovely day,

  9. I, too, love the pale blues, though my Mom and I used to laugh at a neighbor who arranged all her BOMC by color, tossing out the jackets and using the book's own cover in her decorating scheme.

    Now, my own childhood books serve as supports for photos, pretty compotes, vases, or "just becauses." I love the old Nancy Drews stacked a foot high, with their slightly shabby rag binding, and the pale pearly blue of the Maida series is a quiet note in a Summery room.

    And I love the idea of tying them with ribbon---the way they may have been carried by children of another age.

  10. Ah, yes - the Heidi books in blue - don't you just love old books?!

  11. The books add a nice touch in your lovely home.
    Great promotion for the shop too.

  12. Hello Cindy! Just me stopping by to say hello!
    Love your books !

  13. Oh, that book title is wonderful!

    I recently found a beautiful book at Goodwill. I'm sure the only reason it as still there is a child had scribbled on the vintage picture on the book which would reduce the value.

    I thought it pretty, regardless (as the scribbles weren't evident from afar).

    Old books make a home look so warm and cozy. :)

    You always give me great ideas.


  15. You have such a lovely home! I'm in love with your photographs - I think if I were ever to visit you in person -- I would just be standing there, jaw dropped, mouth wide open - in total utter amazement - unable to speak! You're certainly in a class all by yourself when it come to decorating!

  16. Life is perfect in my shabby beach cottage by the sea. Come and visit with me.

  17. Lovely beribboned books. :o)

  18. Love the blue books...they're nicely aged...and the colors match your home perfectly.

  19. Well ya know, Mo works for the airlines so many Italy could be in your future lol.
    Isn't she a doll? I hope to meet her someday too. She is my blogland cheerleader and a sweet friend!
    Love your old books. They are charming.

  20. What beautiful books, and the perfect color for you!
    Margaret B

  21. Looks great Cindy! The covers are the perfect shade of blue for your place.

  22. I am so lucky to be a librarian. Through the years I have been able to pick up all sorts of old texts and how odd but today I came home with some old leather-bounds from the mid-1850s. Unfortunately, the old leather-bounds come in one color.

  23. Love these shades of blue. Funny, I "almost" purchased those books from Jo and then didn't! They look fabulous in your home! ~Stacy~

  24. Hi Cindy. I love that you wrapped a beautiful clean white ribbon around old blue books. How stunning! The perfect combination of vintage, softness, and elegance ~ and blue and white! Thanks for sharing this great idea! ~Arleen

  25. I love old books like you do. I have spent the past few days wallpapering my powder room with pages torn from old dictionaries, a literature book and some novels. I'm an English teacher, so it kind of fits, but I felt a little like a crazed person in this tiny room pasting torn pieces of paper everywhere. I'm almost finished. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing all the pretty things you do.

  26. I love old books too. I love the smell of them. Weird huh? YOu always take the simpliest things and make them so loverly!



  27. I love the idea of the vintage books with ribbon tied around them! Gives me an idea to go and check out my antique store and see if I can find some great books! Love the color of the books and they look so sweet with the ribbon... Enjoy your site very much.. You have a beautiful home..

  28. Hey Sherry.. I love old book s and I see an Italian Holdiay in my crystal ball for you ( Ha Ha).. AN enjoyable blog.

  29. They look great together.


  30. How funny. I've been meaning to get to that store, "Move it Elsewhere." When I was perusing a store in downtown Campbell, (shabby chic type, but forget the name), the store owner recommended it.

  31. Cindy, I never met anyone who collected blue books. Now I know I am not the only one. I collect blue dictionaries, all vintages and then blue books with titles that I use to decorate along with my family pictures. So nice to meet kindred spirits. Lori

  32. Hi Cindy
    I went on a trip over easter & on our way home I decided to pop into a second hand /antique store and buy some books too, I thought I would display them around my home.
    I chose blue and pink ones, with titles like Happy Family, The Innocent Bride and How Green Was My Valley. I have actually started reading Happy Family and can't put it down.It's proven to be a very interesting read about a rather determined young lady.I'm going to display my books and other finds on one of my other blogs called
    By the way, i love your blog and your home it's given me a lot of inspiration and it's gorgeous!!

  33. Give it to me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.........amazing.

  34. oh how wonderful they look, I am SO looking out for white vintage books, or actually bluey/aqua for that matter...

    how funny that book title was, I wonder just what is in store? oooh imagine a little trip to Italy, the treasure you would find...


  35. I love the way you displayed your old books. Just beautiful! I collect old books also. I hope that you get to go to Italy one day! That would be awesome!

  36. Muito lindo como tudo o que vocĂȘ coloca aqui....beijos....Su

  37. Hi Cindy, I am from Missouri and love reading your blog. I was interested in your Heidi books as a child I love reading them and my grandma gave me one titled Heidi's Children and it was very old. After I was married it accidently was damaged I have never been able to find it I have looked on line and in antique stores I was hoping you might see it when you are shopping. Thanks for your time and take care.

  38. I like the ribbon. Adds a romantic touch. I'm never that lucky to find pretty blues like that. I usually find ugly browns.

  39. i, too, adore old books...and these are so beautiful.

  40. The more I see of your home the more I LOVE it!!! YOu just do such a fabulous job with definitely have an eye for it!!

    Wish I could've gone to that sale, but I was on my home from Reno with my family, but hopefully I'll make the next one. And...who knows, maybe I'll even see YOU there, LOL!!!

    Love how you tied the ribbon around the books, too, by the way. Oh, and I'm sure you've mentioned this before, but where did you find the lamp and bird statue? If I'm not mistaken, the bird was a fairly new purchase??? I can't remember the lamp, though.

    Well, let's enjoy the cooler weather the next few days because it's been WAY too hot for me lately!! Happy Wednesday!!


  41. This is the first visit to your blog and it is wonderful!! I own a small crafts and antiques country store in rural Illinois, so this is my "thing" I loved the tour of Vintage and Vogue. I'll be back often. Blessings, Celene

  42. I love to use books in my decorating vignette's. The wondrous blues of your great finds are lovely.

  43. I love how you presented the books wrapped in the ribbon.

  44. Oh my, even your old books are the perfect vintage blue! Love it!

  45. Your photography is so beautiful. Makes me want to go to the used book store and fine blue covered books too!

    Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy