Thursday, April 30, 2009

My up and down relationship with eBay!

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I know I've said it before...I have a love-hate relationship with eBay! I find it so frustrating to find something that I love at a great price and then have it snatched away from me at the last minute!!! So awhile back I ended my relationship with eBay but I couldn't stay away for long and boy am I glad I didn't give up on it all together! See that chintz cup above? It's an old James Kent cup and saucer and the pattern is called Du Barry. I got an amazing deal on this. It was less than $3.00!!! The shipping was $10.00 because it came from Scotland but still $13.00 for a vintage chintz cup, that's unheard of! Back in the 90s when everyone was collecting chintz this would have probably cost over $100! The prices have come down since then but you really can't find one anywhere around here for $13.00!

That was a good deal but this was the icing on the cake!!! I got 6 Cambridge water glasses in the Portia pattern for $34.00. I've seen one of these glasses selling for close to this price and I got 6! I told this seller that I feel like I stole these and that I would give them a little free advertising so click here to see their eBay store.
I'll be using these glasses for a Sunday brunch I'm having at my place this weekend! I think they will add a lot of elegance to my table!
See the beautiful shells in the photo above? (you can click on the photo to enlarge it) Those were the gift that Shari and Debbie sent me from Florida. They also sent a beautiful embroidered tea towel.


Shari R. said...

I think it is unbelievably ironic that you have mentioned your love/hate relationship with eBay again in the same post you show the shells Debbie and I sent you because, believe it or not, it was a past post about your frustration with eBay where Debbie and I first connected!

In my comment on that post about 1 1/2 years ago, I mentioned I had figured out some bidding strategies that seemed to be decreasing the number of items I lost during the last seconds of bidding on eBay and Debbie wrote to ask me if I would share what I had learned.

Love the beautiful tea cup and the water glasses are just exquisite! Congrats!

Carousel222 said...

The glasses are beautiful and you did get a great deal on them. Seriously, I need to get out that box of Cambridge stemware I have packed away. I should either use it, or get rid of it. Hope you have a wonderful time with your Sunday brunch. You'll have to share pictures.

Melissa said...

OH OH You got a Kent for $13!!!!! I only dream! I've seen them for around $100 still! I did recently get a good deal on a Shelly and was thrilled with that!

Shaam said...

How awesome. My most favorite thing about shopping is getting a steal on something you know is worth a lot more. :) I love that chintz cup and those water glasses. They will look fabulous for your brunch.

All the best,

Esther Sunday said...

How nice that you wanted to advertise for them as a result! I recently won several wonderful vintage crochet potholders for $.99I felt bad that the seller wasn't making any money off the deal and sent them more money! Probably a first for a seller! I laughed about your frustration - it drives me bananas too, I start breaking a sweat just before the end of the auction and any budget I imposed myself is out the window, all in the name of revenge! ;) Lovely items you have there!

Melanie@TheOldWhiteCottage said...

I have the same feeling about ebay, but I learned that the best thing to do was to really think about what I wanted to bid and not worry about it. If I didn't win, it was not meant to be. I don't have time to be sitting around waiting for auctions to end to bid at the last minute like a lot of people do.

Ebay is sometimes impossible and sometimes great as we can see from your deals!

Glenda said...

I know that feeling you have with EBAY, I too have had things snatched away at the last second. I get mad and then get over it.

I was able to find the Rose pattern in the glasses on ebay a month ago and got 12 of them, they are so pretty.

Love the Chintz.


Four Paws and Co said...

Wow, fantastic scores! Okay, you've lit that chintz fire back up & I'll have to start searching again!

The shells & tea towel are beautiful & so sweet of the ladies to send them to you!

I'm off to ebay now & it's all your fault Cindy! ☺

Donna said...

Those glasses are gorgeous, and I love the shell that you received as a gift!... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

Jan's Blog said...

I feel the exact same way about EBay, sometimes I love it, and sometimes I hate it. I want to introduce myself. I visit your blog every morning, along with some other favorites, though I'm not too good at leaving comments. However, I did want to invite you to stop by my blog, if you have a chance, and look at my giveaway.
Thanks, Jan

Marilyn said...

What a great deal on the teacup. Congratulations!

There is something so elegant about drinking coffee or tea from such an exquisite cup.

The Cambridge water glasses are equally exquisite. The guests at your brunch will love them as well, I'm sure. :-)

Karin said...

The chintz cup is absolutely gorgeous! And only $3 ~ WOW! I'm just starting to get interested in teacups, etc. My mother-in-law had some lovely sets.
Oh and thank-you for the quick reply on how to antique spraypainted shelves!!
I'm glad you mentioned the swine flu in yesterday's blog because a lot of the comments were so helpful in putting the whole thing into perspective.


Jan's Blog said...

Cindy...thanks so much for stopping by. I entered 2 tickets for you. Oh how I do know about miracles. It's a miracle I'm still alive. Heavenly Father is truly watching out for me. Hugs, Jan

Sue @ Not the Good Scissors! said...

Don't you just love a great bargain? There are bragging rights with those bargains.

P.S. I know about the love-hate relationship with Ebay :)
Take care. Susan

debi said...

What wonderful finds! The teacup is so pretty...and the stemware...WOW! They will definitely add a touch of elegance to any meal.

Alison Gibbs said...

Wow what great buys from Ebay. Sometimes you can get a bargain.

Sarah said...

I don't know if this actually works or not, but I met a lady who swears by it. It helps you avoid those last seconds of getting outbid!

Let me know if you try it!

desiree said...

I have been very frustrated with ebay. I understand the thrill of "winning" but the agony of defeat is just too much for me. I don't shop a lot so when I see something and the price is right I'm ready to buy not bid....but I LOVE to hear the stories of others victories! It's just not good for my blood pressure...Love your treasures Cindy. I should hire you to shop and deal for ME!

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Hi Cindy,
You got a couple of great deals. I especially love the glasses you'll be using for your brunch, they are gorgeous. Off to check out the ebay seller's link you've supplied - thank you by the way!

A Southern Rose said...

I love your glasses and the cup and saucer. The shells are beautiful too. I have bought a few things off of ebay and have gotten some really good deals. I want to try and sell a few things on there too but I haven't checked that out yet.
Hope you have a nice brunch!
Lee Laurie

Nice and Easy Antiques said...

Cindy, you scored BIG time! I have to admit I haven't been in eBayland for a long, long time...maybe it's time to come back!

Mary said...

Oh Cindy, LOVE those glasses, and t he cup, too! You rock!

Angela @ Cottage Magpie said...

Beautiful cup and I *adore* those water glasses. I've seen them around before but didn't know what they were--I'm glad to finally know! You are the best.
~Angela :-)

tam said...

Hello Cindy!
How exciting-you found some great deals! I feel the same way about eBay. Enjoyed your post-have a good day~Smiles~Tam!

Donna @ Party Wishes said...

The glasses are just stunning! I'm sure your guests will feel as though they are visiting an aristocrat!

I used to be an ebay addict. Once I start, it's hard for me to stop!

Beautiful shells!

D'Rimba said...

So flowerist............

Stacy's Shabby Shoppe said...

$3.00 for a Du Barry chintz teacup is unheard of! Way to go! ~Stacy~

Anna said...

Cambridge water glasses are amazing!
All the best,
Anna from Italy

Sandy~Romantique Inspirations~ said...

Hi Cindy, The first thing that got me started on the computer was Ebay, because I love to shop. Now I don't go there much. I may have to get back on it, because WowWeee- Those water Goblets are BEAUTIFUL!! I want some-you lucky girl.

Ronda C. said...

I am so jealous. That is a gorgeous cup/saucer.

LillyB said...

Absolutely beautiful finds!! I know how you feel about ebay. That last minute can make a huge difference!
I used to go to alot of antique auctions and it was frustrating to want something so bad but you knew what your limit was!
It is definately worth looking at ebay to see if you find treasures such as these! Great finds!!

seanymph said...

I feel the same way about Ebay....till I found a sniping site. Sorry those that dont like that but I had to. What I have found is, especially Ebay newbies must have the highest bid no matter what anyone bids. So they bid things up to ridiculous levels. I got tired of that. Now I use AuctionStealer. You get 3 free bids a week and for me thats enough.

I only use it on things I really want to have and I must say Ive won about 98% thru using this. When I first started I got tired of snipers. But now I understand why people use it.

Too many do not have a clue how to really do an auction and they ruin it for others. Thats also how they end up paying so much more than they planned.

Unknown said...

I used to own an Ebay store and now I'm so burnt out on it--even though I still have stuff here I need to get rid of LOL.
Anyhow, I agree about the sniping service. I found that works great for me. And the good thing is you put the highest price you are willing to bid. You do however, need to make sure you are registered properly and follow all the necessary steps. Once I thought it would auto snipe but I forgot a step.

Anonymous said...

Your blog always brightens my day with the pretty photos and creative or cheerful message. Have a good weekend. - one of the lurkers :)

{oc cottage} said...

I think you might have to forgive all where Ebay is concerned! A Du Barry c/s for that price! It's a great shape too! Boy, is your collection growing!!!

m ^..^

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Hi Cindy!

I collect chintz too...not as much as I used to, however......I have the DuBarry chintz bowl....I've never seen another one like's very plain, but quite large and has chintz inside and's my favorite piece. I brought it home on the plane from a vacation in Hawaii, terrified that I would break it before I got it safely home......

I love blogging to!
