Thursday, April 23, 2009


Pin It Now!

Inspiration can come from anywhere. I've been thinking a lot lately about my tiny downstairs bathroom. I originally was going to wallpaper it with a beautiful toile wallpaper but I keep putting that project off because it intimidates me. I've decided now to just paint it, although I may still wallpaper it later or I may use that wallpaper in my kitchen. I was trying to think of the look that I wanted in that powder room and then it hit me...the packaging of Crabtree & Evelyn's Nantucket Briar fragrance line is just what I want! I've always loved this packaging! The first time I bought this product, I think it was in the 80s, I didn't even have any blue and white in my home but I was drawn to the packaging. I didn't even care for the scent back then but I loved the boxes! The scent has grown on me and I like it now! It's a blend of briar roses, bergamot, fresh greens, amber and vanilla.

This weekend I will be painting my bathroom blue and these products will be on a beautiful shelf I found at Home Goods awhile back. Who would think you could find inspiration from a fragrance box!
Have you or would you ever buy something because of the packaging? I have a feeling that if you are a visual person, like me, you have!


Carousel222 said...

Very pretty for your bathroom. I actually did do a bathroom based on the packaging of a perfume I liked. It was back in the 80s. And I have definitely purchased an item more for the packaging that the item itself. Look forward to seeing your bathroom when it's all done.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see your bathroom project when it's done. I love your tray that the products are sitting on!

Debbie V.

Esther Sunday said...

Oh, lovely! Can't wait for the results of the bathroom... I have been looking forward to that makeover! Before & after pics? Have fun!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Yes, I am guilty. :-)

Anonymous said...

When packaging is very appealing I end up purchasing, displaying it for a while and then if the product doesn't work for me I pass it on...
I bet your bathroom will look beautiful as all your projects do :)

Shaam said...

Neat. I would do my bathroom in blue toile too!

All the best,

Debbie said...

I have definitely bought because of the packaging. Its like eye candy, and I can't resist. I love this for a bathroom, I can't wait to see it finished. Debbie

Terri Steffes said...

Packaging is a huge influence on me! I have to be very careful or I buy things that I don't need because the packaging speaks to me. By the way, I love Nantucket!

Sandi said...

I am definitely ALL about the packaging! I have always loved the "little details" that make things special. Your bathroom will be gorgeous! Happy painting!

Charlene said...

I have always thought that was pretty too. Most all their packaging is so pretty. But, the blue & white will be stunning in there. Can't wait to see the photos. And, I loved the post on the bedspread!!! Beautiful!!!! You were so lucky to get it at that price!

Betty Jo said...

Cindy you can find inspiration anywhere - you have a gift. Yes, I would definitely buy something just for the beautiful packaging, and have. Can't wait to see your new bathroom-do. It will be beautiful. ♥

Linda's Blue Gate said...

Oh that will be perfect ...... can't wait to see...

BethB said...

Cindy---Every Spring, I get a small shaker of this Nantucket fragrance to have all Spring & Summer. It is so light & feminine and reminds me of my grandmother! Thanks for this reminder! XO!

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Cindy,
Don't be intimidate by the wallpaper. I know you could do it. You could just wallpaper the bottom half of your longest wall and then use some molding to cap it off.This way you are avoiding all the small cuts that may be worrying you.
Any extra paper you have you can use it to make a picture by cutting out one of the scenes and frame it out with a white frame. Anything you decide to do will look fabulous. I love the toile too.
You can also sew a strip of toile fabric on the bottom of white or blue bath towels to carry the toile into your room if you don't wallpaper. I have done this before and it turns out really nice.
I can't wait to see your finished bathroom!
Enjoy your day,

desiree said...

I think packaging is so important. I know if I a well designed package, I'll buy it over another.

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

I love anything never goes out of style and it is so pleasing to the eye. Your downstairs bath is going to look beautiful!

MissKarenAshley said...

I always buy stuff based on packaging. :-) How can you not when it's so cute and pretty.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Can't wait to see your powder room!
I love pretty boxes and tins and often get inspiration from them. I find anything like that very appealing! Love the tray nderneath your boxes too. Have a wonderful day, Cindy.


Anonymous said...

I saw something on a blog that I thought would be of interest to you. Someone had decided to recycle lovely old saucers with scalloped edges by putting round mirrors on the center of them and hanging them on a wall.

Brenda Kula said...

Absolutely I have! And you know I adore the blue and white idea. Have you seen the blue and white dishes I got the other day at the consignment store? I don't even recall if I told you I've added a decorating blog...

Nice and Easy Antiques said...

The best of inspiration is that you never know when it's going to hit you and what's going to hit you with!!

sandra said...

I know the bathroom will be beautiful, as is the rest of your home...can't wait to see it when it's done. Speaking of inspiration...something on your blog inspired me...actually alot of things on your blog inspires me...this is a start...check out my blog.

sashagirl said...

Oh yes, I am guilty of buying for the beautiful packaging only, also! They know how to get us, don't they! Your bathroom is going to be gorgeous and I can't wait to see how you decorate it!

paperjunk-lc said...

Crabtree and Evelyn has always had the most beautiful packaging. Nantucket Briar is my favorite drawer liner. So fresh it totaly mirrors your home.

Cass @ That Old House said...

I love that packaging; the blue and white will look just perfect in a powder room -- it's even a "powdery" blue!
Love it.

twinkle said...

Yes, ma'am. Thomas Kinkade tins with cookies in the tins. And then I display and use the tins.
International coffee tins, too. I've recycled them by painting and decorating them. Then I would add homemade coffee toffee mix in the tin and give it away.

Love your inspiration. So peaceful and relaxing. The toile would look gorgeous on the walls but I trust your taste on this one!

Anonymous said...

That will be very pretty.

I, too, am very visual and buy things for the packaging/ lettering, etc..


Kathi said...

Tea. If tea comes in a pretty container I'll snatch it right up!
I also save those little tins that things like Altoids come in. I use one in my purse for "meds" like Tylenol, Advil etc.
Can't wait to see your Crabtree inspired bathroom!

Debbie from NJ said...

Hi Cindy,

Oh, I love Nantucket Briar! I have bought this in the past and have just loved it. The packaging is so pretty! Yes, I have bought things for just the packaging too!

I just arrrived home today from Shari's!
We had an awesome time!

Debbie from NJ

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Guilty. I've purchased a few things, strictly based on the packaging.

I'm sure your bathroom will be lovely.

Karin said...

Your powder room is going to be gorgeous, Cindy! How exciting! I have no doubts whatsoever that you are more than qualified to hang wallpaper, however if humidity is a problem, paint is probably a better choice.


A Southern Rose said...

Your bathroom is going to be gorgeous. I have been guilty of buying things just because of the pretty packaging also. I've even bought perfume because of the pretty bottles! Can't wait to see it!
Lee Laurie


That's so funny, Cindy! I also have loved both the fragrance and the packaging for Nantucket Briar for many many years.

What about some yummy white towels with a little embellished band of fabric in the pretty blue and white toile? I think it would look lovely with your blue walls. But don't be intimidated by wallpaper if you still want to do it. Its easy-even I can do it! :-)

Have a great weekend, whatever you decide!


Michelle Wood said...

When I was in college, 1988, a roommate's mom brought all of us girls Valentines baskets (feeling sorry for us, because we had no boyfriends I'm supposing)and mine was filled with Nantucket Briar things galore...I've loved it ever since, and have my dresser drawers lined with the sachet paper. I think it's a gorgeous inspiration pattern, good choice Cindy.

abeachcottage said...

oh good luck with the project cindy, you seem to be on a roll with the painting!

love the packaging, but then I think I love everything in that shop, just not the prices haha

have a happy weekend


joyh82 said...

Very pretty accessories for your new bathroom. Love the color and can't wait to see it all in your new bathroom.

Sharing with Sherri said...

Hi Cindy, Love your blog! Hope we can get to know each other!

Please come over to my blog okay, I'm offering you an attitude of gratitude award!


Mimi Sue said...

Once I bought a little stitchery kit (that I didn't even like)because it came in a red and white checked Chinese food container. How pathetic is that? Mimi

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

I know the trials of a small bathroom, or in my case three small bathrooms. I have to tell you a funny story, well the kind of funny that if I don't laugh I'll cry story. At the time of my sons wedding and preparing for company we decided to hire the professionals (using this term as loose as possible) to paint our home (inside). Long story short they were the painters from....! My hubs had wallpapered the guest bedroom with just one piece left to apply. Well, you guessed it, they got paint over spray A-L-L over the wallpaper. I wished I could say it was they only disaster...but it was just the beginning. The happy ending (and there was a great one).
I found an AWESOME fellow to redo that wallpaper. He actually was a professional. He hung wallpaper
for Hotels. I gave him my sad story and he did the job (in what would have taken us a few days to accomplish) in a couple hours.

I love beautiful packaging and buy it accordingly. Most times the contents matches.

Sweet wishes,

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

P.S. So much for a short story!;D

Sweet wishes,

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I absolutely would buy something for the packaging and I do it often.
I can see why you were attracted to the packaging of these particular home scents. I once had wall paper in my bedroom like that with pure white woodwork and deep red carpet. I loved it! I don't blame you one bit!
Your blog is stunning!

Mona said...

I always buy stuff for the packaging! My family won't open anything because they don't know if it's to eat or just sit on a shelf to look at. Mona

Monica said...

They are fabulous, Cindy! The Nantucket theme is sooo appealing to me!;)))
And YES! I am guilty too!!! I often buy something I don't need for it is 'pretty' or lovely to be displayed somewhere at home... Now I am trying to restrain myself from doing that, as I am trying to 'simplify'... but boy if it is difficult! I need to stay focused:(
Have fun painting the bathroom!

Unknown said...

How pretty! It's been a long time since I've seen that collection, but you're right-it's great inspiration. (Now I want to smell it!)

D'Rimba said...

So lovely.

Pearl Maple said...

Beautiful combination.
Isn't it funny, that these things find you even before you are ready to acknowledge them and keep coming back till you are ready.

Enjoy finding the space to make them shine.

Becky from Tennessee said...

Cindy, I have the same wallpaper
but mine is the red (it actually
looks pink, though). I love it!
I am planning on putting it in
my breakfast is so cute
with the birds, birdhouse, and
arbor. I decorate with birds
and birdhouses so it really
suits me. I love the display
for your powder room. I always
liked the packaging of that
particular is so
you! Where did you get the
beautiful white platter?? It is
soooo pretty!!
Hope you have a great weekend
painting. I do think the
wallpaper would be pretty though.

Unknown said...

Just goes to show ya inspiration can come from anywhere! Yes, I'm that visual too Cindy! Hehehehe
Can't wait to see your powder room! I'm working on a playroom for my Grandkids this week... And probably next week too! Its so much fun! Lots of work tho!
~Really Rainey~

Chris said...

I cant wait to see the final project! That fragrance actually sounds really nice. I love anything with Vanilla

Alicia said...

Cindy just make sure its bathroom safe wallpaper...a friends curled up in the humid conditions. Ah the glory of showers.

Cindy said...

To those that asked: I bought the white platter at Marshalls awhile ago.

Also, I don't have to worry about humidity in this room because it's just a powder shower or bathtub.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog today. Very beautiful and inspiring!!! I certainly will be coming back to visit you soon!

Linda C.

debbie said...


Mrs Peeks Farmhouse said...

Your roses are gorgeous! I have about about 15 rose bushes but they are only just starting to bloom. I love the bedspread, wow what a deal!. Have a great weekend.

Amber said...

Those are beautiful boxes & bottles! I can see why you were drawn to them. Your bathroom will be beautiful.

Linda said...

Hi Cindy,...I have your blog button on my blog and I click on it when I need to take a visual vacation from the blahs! (:>)

You can go to my blog and take a tour of our new home. You will see a mixture of decorating. I don't have any shabby chic, but my daughter Lynnette does. I love it. I am an ecclectic person, so I like lots of different styles.

Yes, I have bought things just because I like the patteren on the box. I think your bathroom will be lovely, just like your other rooms. I love your bed. It is so inviting. Everything is peaceful and beautiful.

I am so glad I found your blog.
By the number of viewers you have had, I can see that everyone else loves your style too.

May God always provide for your needs, and may He continue to give you special blessings as you go thrifting.

Love in Christ,
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

Karen said...

Definitely I am a packaging kind of girl!

Sue said...

Our cottage up north was decorated around the packaging of Crabtree & Evelyn's Summer Hill. The one with the pale yellow stripe background with a wreath. Like you, my intention was to wallpaper with a Ralph Lauren shirting stripe wallpaper in yellow and white but we ended up painting the main areas with Benjamin Moore 316.
Love the way your pretty bathroom is turning out. Your shelf is so beautiful.

Lori said...

Cindy, The bath is beautiful! Yes, I too love the Nantucket and it has been a long time! Also use the Savannah Gardens one! You were the very first blog I ever seen and you were the first to leave me a comment and help me figure out how to place photos, that was two years ago my dear! Thank you bunches!! Lori