Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Pin It Now!

It's been raining here so much that I haven't had a chance to do any yard work in my tiny little garden.  The weeds are starting to come up everywhere!  I'm usually able to keep them under control but with rain every weekend it's been a challenge this year! 

There are lots of things starting to bloom around here, including my lilac bush.  It's just starting so it may be a few weeks before I can pick bouquets.   The leaves on my hydrangea bushes are starting to come out and I can hardly wait until those bloom!  I LOVE Spring and it's on it's way!!!

Are any of you local bloggers going to the Sacramento Antique Faire this Sunday?  I'm planning on going!   Tracey from Notes from a Cottage Industry will have a booth there!  It will be so much fun to finally meet some other bloggers in person!  


Cathy Miller said...

Oh, Cindy! You are going to get to meet Tracey! How I'd love to witness two very favorite bloggers in one spot. So, so jealous!! Have a great time and think of me in Arkansas, pining away for a little roadtrip, but way out of the budget for right now! Have fun!!

Beverly said...

Hope you get to work in your garden soon. I spent last weekend pulling weeds. Can't wait of get some color in. My hydrengas are getting leaves too. My Chinese Magnolia was covered with "tulips" this year, but it rained last night and they are falling off.
I would love to go see Tracy's booth. Be sure to report back with pictures. I have a friend going to Reno this weekend and she is going to Junkee's for me. After seeing pictures of your home, I know you will enjoy seeing her booth and meeting her.
I commented on your cherubs, but can't figure out this comment thing so it just came up anonymous. I am trying again.

Wanda said...

Here we are still waiting for dry days to get out in the garden. I did weed a bit yesterday but the rain keeps us inside too.
I would love to go to the Antique Faire, but can't make it from here. So I will rely on you to show us your finds and more. Cheers

Margaret Cloud said...

Lilac's are my favorite, I love the smell of them and my favorite color is pastel purple, the light color is so pretty. Have a nice time at the Antique Faire and I like yor frame of flowers, thanks for sharing.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Cindy,
What beautful lilacs in your collage and the little bird too. Spring is coming but it's not coming here for a few weeks by the looks of the ice and snow around our Island. Enjoy your day.


Anonymous said...

Lucky you! You're enjoying lilacs already. They are one of my favourites but I won't enjoy any until sometime in May. I love being able to have a peek at the gardens of my southern friends ... it reminds me that spring really is coming!


The Willow Rose said...

Cindy, Your choice on flicker is stunning. Love all the purples. We still have snow on the ground, but it is suppose to be up in the 70's by the weekend. Blessings Regina

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,

It's so funny that you will soon be picking lilacs! Here in Wisconsin we have a good 2 months to wait for that joy!

Anonymous said...

I am jealous! We were snowed in here on the East Coast. I love lilacs and cannot wait to see mine bloom.

Sharon~heartsongs said...

I love the picture on this post! I am really looking forward to spring too. I think everyone is at this point. We just had our first snow on Sunday! I'm hoping that is the end to winter.

Tommie Jo said...

I love those pictures! Purple is one of my very favorite colors! Have fun at the fair!

Suzie said...

Good morning Cindy!
I met Cheryl from Cheryl's Fascinating Finds last weekend at French Garden Cottage Flea Market. Her and Debra had a booth there. It was really fun meeting bloggers.
I wish I could go to the Sacramento Antique Faire ,but I'm going to the Rose bowl Flea market this Sunday. It's a monthly thing with my friends. We have an additional person this month,my daughter!!Oh!boy!!I got her into this.:D
Have a great day, Cindy!!
Oh! You and your daughter's cakes are just.... speechless!!! Beautiful!
Suzie and Natasha(my daughter)

Tracy said...

Such a pretty mosaic, Cindy! :)

sandra/tx said...

Ooh, I love lilac bushes. I saw a few of them blooming around town the other day, but I'd love to have one of my own. :-)

Marilyn said...


AHHHHHH....lilacs! Wish we could grow them successfully here in Texas, but it's just too hot for them. Your mosaic is bringing back childhood memories of growing up in upstate NY and of their sweet fragrance wafting through my open bedroom window.

Enjoy them!


Lana said...

Beautiful pics of the lilacs, Cindy! As always, thank you for the eye-candy for those of us still under the wraps of late winter!

Becky Garrison said...

Lilacs are my all time favorite flower. I tell anyone who will listen that heaven will smell like lilacs. Most people just smile and nod and turn away thinking "What kind of a loonie bird is that?" But I don't care! I love lilacs!

Last year when ours were blooming you could smell them all over the yard - and we've got almost an acre! It'll be about 6 weeks probably before they are blooming. If, that is, we don't have a late hard freeze that will damage them. Please, NO!!

Thanks! Becky G.

Ginger said...

I love that flickr picture. Beautiful colors.
I wish I lived close by to go to the antique fair. Have fun.

Andrea said...

I love cottage gardens and have always wanted a lilac bush. I bet your garden is beautiful in the spring. Blessings!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Ahhhhhh....thoughts of spring and lilacs. Great photos.

Alas, no sign of lilacs around here yet, as we still have several feet of snow to melt, but I did see a magpie with a twig in her beak (so nests are happening), and I see snow piles melting into puddles under the warmth of the sun.

Anonymous said...

Love the photos of the lilacs! Oh boy, am I tired of winter and wish we had spring here in SE PA. We had a winter storm come through at the beginning of this week and it's 34 degrees out with snow on the ground right now. But the sun is shining today! I have been seeing more flock of birds so maybe that is a sign of spring coming.

This is off the topic but I would love to see some of your knitting. I don't knit but I do crochet. Hope you will share your love of knitting with us too.

Teacup Lady (Sandy)

Marilyn said...

How nice it would be to meet up with blogger friends. :) I wanna do that... Have a great time Cindy. You are coming into spring.. we are in the first few days of Autumn. Marilyn

Cass @ That Old House said...

Oh my lilac bushes are weeks away from being anything other than sticks! Lucky you.

Have a great time at the antiques fair. Lovely lilacs in your collage. Thanks!

Cass @ That Old House said...

Oh my lilac bushes are weeks away from being anything other than sticks! Lucky you.

Have a great time at the antiques fair. Lovely lilacs in your collage. Thanks!

debi said...

What a beautiful mosaic!! I love all the lilacs...I'm getting excited for spring.

Mary said...

That's it, I'm moving to CA! We get snow, you guys get lilacs -- no fair! ;) Have fun at the fair. Can't wait to see what you come home with.

xinex said...

Hi Cindy! I bet your garden will be so pretty in the spring. Your flowers in your collage are so pretty, love all the purple flowers...Christine

xinex said...

Hi Cindy! I bet your garden will be so pretty in the spring. Your flowers in your collage are so pretty, love all the purple flowers...Christine

Pam @ Frippery said...

Lilacs are my favorite. The sight and smell, yum. So glad you and Tracey are going to meet. You are two of my most often visited blogs. Can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it. Pam

Jojo said...

Cindy, Thank you!!! About 6 months ago after I had spent months stalking your website, I posted on your website. Miraculously you answered me back and even gave me tips as a new blogger to visit other bloggers and leave posts assuring me that people will post back on my site. I did it and guess what... people have answered back and on Monday a group of incredible Georgia bloggers met for lunch in the Atlanta area. It was incredible and I have you to thank for my new blogging friends!!! So again I thank you.

Cottage Rose said...

Hello Cindy; Sounds like this weekend will be a great one, how exciting that you will get to meet a fellow blogger. have fun


Brenda Pruitt said...

Love love the little bird in the middle!

Millie said...

I miss lilacs so much. There's nothing else like that smell. No lilacs here in the desert. Lucky you!

chris said...

Cindy, This is my first time "blogging". I hope you get it. I leave very near to your place and also love Vintage and Vogue in downtown Campbell. I have a lilac tree, that my parents moved from one home to another and then gave me a slip. Every spring when it blooms I think of them.

Anonymous said...

Oh, lucky you! Make sure and take some pictures, since Tracey might be too busy.

I can't believe everything that you grow in your tiny garden. How big is it? It looks like you make every inch count.


Pink Slippers said...

That is the prettiest bird I have ever seen.

Jade Creative said...

What a beautiful picture. Makes me yearn for Spring. It's still winter here in Toronto. I have a lilac in our back yard and it is definitely one of my favorite spring flowering bushes. Love the sweet fragrance. Darlene

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful mosaic Cindy! That bird is beautiful!! I've never seen a bird that color.

beckylynne said...

Cindy - I am so glad that others "stalk" your site as well. I would so love to go to Sacto, but I already have other plans. I should send some money with you. You have such a good eye!

Love the lilacs!

Lady Dorothy said...

Oh, I just love lilacs! Their beauty and their fragrance! However, I keep away from them to keep from sneezing! :o( So, I enjoyed your pictures!

Amber said...

I adore lilacs! I'm actually not a huge fan of the smell of lavendar, but lilac is the one I enjoy instead!
P.S. I'm a teeny bit jealous that you get to enjoy the Sacramento Antiques fair! You'll have to take some beautiful photos for us amidst your shopping!

Michele said...

The pictures you posted today are beautiful!! You're sure right about the weather, though. Did you see all the hail we got on Monday? WOW!!! My balcony was filled with it!! I LOVED it, LOL!!!
Can't wait to see your yard with everything blooming!!

Have fun in Sacramento on Sunday and meeting Tracy!! Can't wait to read all about it on your blog.

Michele R.(CA)

ittybittyandpretty said...

hydrangeas remind me of my childhood, before it went sour... lovely pics.

chris said...

This is my first time blogging. I am curious to see if I can figure this out.

I love your cherubs, I found a cherub birdbath, at a local garage sale, in Campbell, (it sound like I live very close to you), for $8!! It proudly sits in my front yard.

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

What fun to meet a fellow blogger.. We actually hear birds singing this morning.. no blooms yet; but hopefully, Spring is on it's way..hugs ~lynne~

Sarah said...

Gorgeous picture! I love lilacs!!! Spring is coming, it isn't here yet but occasionally I smell moisture in the air that reminds me of spring and I know to wait a little longer! :) Patience is a virtue!

Glenda said...

Maybe I can go. Sac isn't that far. You pass by my place on the way. Don't forget to shout out as you pass Hercules.

I'll have to get directions or an address. Hope it doesn't poor down rain on the way.

Maybe I'll see you there

Anonymous said...

Once you smell the Lilac's blooming, then you know it's spring :)

Julie said...

Have fun. I wish we could grow lilacs here...but it is too hot.

FrenchGardenHouse said...

Cindy, you can meet Tracey! How much fun will that be. Those photos are divine, LOVE the bird.
xo Lidy

Anne Fannie said...

I love those pictures you posted. So pretty and colorful!
You have fun this weekend at the Antique Faire. Wish I was there!

Joyce's Journey said...

When I was a little girl growing up in New Jersey, we had about six huge lilac bushes that were so very tall. My neighbor could see them easily from the sink at her kitchen window. She loved them too. I would always cut some for her and bring them to her so she could enjoy their beauty inside her home. I don't think I can grow lilacs here in south Florida. I need to check that out. You gave me some beautiful memories today. Thank you!

Fifi Flowers said...

LOVE your lillac collection of photos! There is a home in Sierra Madre, CA that has AMAZING lillac/wisteria growing it... I'm sure you could google it! In March everyone flocks to the house for a peek!

Anonymous said...

you are kidding. I didn't know we could actually grow Lilacs here! They are BY FAR my very favorite flower. Just thinking about them I can smell them! Can you give me any hints on what to get and where? Thanks!

Sassy said... of my favorites...these remind me of my grandma...she never came to visit without bringing a handful or armful of lilacs....THE BEST!!!

Andrea - Under a Blue Moon said...

I'm going I'm going! I can't believe I've been up here for eight years and have never gone.


This is my favorite mosaic that I've seen here to date. Breathtaking!

Anonymous said...

Oh the blue...purple... so yummy I just want to dive right into that pitcure.

No Spring here yet. We just got 10 more inches of snow last week. The sun is shining very brightly today, so its lovely anyway.

Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault

Nice and Easy Antiques said...

My hydranges are blooming too and I'm soooo excited!!!!

It needs to be in the 80's for me to start gardening though.

Enjoy your weekend!

Annabelle said...

Beautiful mosaic.Yes, Spring is in the air and time for Treasure Hunting.Guess what Cindy,last week after you spoke about cherubs and angels I found two gold ones at the Goodwill for $1.99 each.They come from England but I would like to paint them in a cream color...what are the proper steps to keep the new paint on and what paint would you use.
Hugs Annabelle
p.s. I also found a plastic wicker book shelf which someone had already put on hold on but failed to pick up and I was lucky enough to purchase it,at half price as well....only $ mom bought it for me for my birthday this week.It too needs a paint job...what do you suggest?

Hugs Annabelle

Elizabeth said...

Our lilacs don't bloom out here until May...Those pictures look lovely. I hope you are able to go to the Blog conference or whereever you are headed. Hope your rash heals.
